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"Sweetheart can you tell me what's wrong ?" Hyunjin asked as they drove home, Felix was just staring out the window most likely to avoid confrontation.
"Nothing" Felix sighed as he kept his eyes at the window, staring into nothing. Hyunjin began to grow frustrated, the lack of communication drove him crazy. From the beginning Felix wouldn't communicate which would always cause hiccups in their marriage. Why couldn't Felix just tell him what was wrong so he could fix it and they can go back to being a happy normal couple.

Hyunjin sighed "My love can we please just talk, you know I HATE when you don't talk to me" he said with an irritated tone. Felix did not reply .. he wanted to but how could he explain to his husband that he is scared of a hypothetical situation of him cheating and leaving him. Felix was never the type to be insecure in a relationship but the amount of people Hyunjin attracts and the horror story Mrs. Kang just told him and Crystal ... ugh that bitch who showcased herself in front of his husband. How could he not ? He knows Hyunjin loves him but how long until Hyunjin looks for a younger tease ?

Felix snapped out of his thoughts as he felt the car swerve and park in their driveway. He must have been so deep in thought he didn't even realize how quick they came home, Hyunjin parked but neither one of them got out. Both sitting in the car with nothing but silence engulfing them both.
Felix was a little nervous as he saw his husband grip the steering wheel, veins popping out of his hand and his jaw clenched. He knows he was pissed but tried not taking it out on the blonde, it was silent for a few seconds more.
"I don't know what's wrong with you but I can't help you, if you don't tell me." Hyunjin stated.
Felix could tell the lack of words was angering the man and Felix knew deep inside he should be able to tell his husband everything but this was something his pride wouldn't confess.

"You know what fine ! If you don't want to say anything. Alright." Hyunjin snarled as he got out of the car and slammed the door. Entering the home and leaving the blonde in the car.

Felix began to sob as soon as he left, why must he do the dramatics instead of just being open? This is the man he's spending his life with, why is he making him pay for something that hasn't even happened.
Without much else Felix got out of the car and headed into the house where he heard his husband somewhere upstairs. He could hear him pacing and rummaging through something, Felix went into the living room and began to take off his shoes and anything that made him uncomfortable.
He sat for a few minutes before he heard Hyunjin come down the stairs with a suitcase and a bag, it didn't hit Felix at first but when it did, it confused the hell out of him.
"W-where are you going ?" Felix asked.
Hyunjin sighed "I'm going to Minho's for the night" he said as he put the suitcase by the door and went to the kitchen. Felix immediately followed him and walked in on him pouring himself a drink,
"Why are you leaving ?" Asked Lix with tears brimming his eyes. Hyunjin sighed "I'm tired of this Felix... I am tired of me trying to do what I can for our marriage and it's just ME." Before Felix could reply, Hyunjin continued "I do everything I can to make you happy, I buy you whatever you want and need, I support you in anything you want to do and you can't even talk to me. You can't even tell me what's wrong so I can fix it or help you. Instead you keep me out of the loop"
Felix didn't even know what to say.
"Why must you shut me out all the time ?" Hyunjin sighed.
Like a knee jerk reaction Felix could only reply "I don't want to put my problems on you" he sighed.

Hyunjin couldn't hide the annoyance in his face "Felix I am your fucking husband ! What don't you get ! Why is it so hard for you to let me in ?" Hyunjin shouted,tears escaping from his eyes.
"I put my walls down and I let you completely into my heart and you can't do the same ? Why ! We are married and you .. you ..." Hyunjin completely broke down in tears. It might be from the drinking he's done or it could be because he's truly hurt but it was very serious because Hyunjin wasn't the type to cry.

Hyunjin sniffled "I'm leaving and if you let me walk out that door, then I know where you stand" he sighed as he grabbed his suitcase and headed to the door. He reached the door and began to turn the knob, his heart breaking as he realized the blonde might be too prideful to stop him.

"Jinnie... please don't leave me" Felix sniffled.

Hyunjin let go of the handle, as he waited for another word to be said. "I - I am sorry ... okay .. I just have .. had this worry in m-my heart that you're going to leave me" he whispered as he full on broke down. Dropping to his knees.

Hyunjin ran to the blonde "oh my darling .." he fell on the floor with him and hugged him tightly in his arms "shh .. shhh ... it's ok my love.. I'm here" he rubbed Felix's head and rocked him back and forth as the blonde sobbed into his chest. Felix couldn't stop once he started, it seemed like lots of time passed as Hyunjin sat on the ground with Felix holding him and stroking his hair.
"My love please tell me more ..." Hyunjin asked, he doesn't know why this particular subject kept coming up but all Hyunjin wanted to do at this moment was to reassure his husband. Show him and Tell him that there's nothing in the world that could separate them.
Felix looked up at Hyunjin with his eyes swollen and red "I just ... get scared .. what if one day you find someone else or you are not attracted to me anymore, Jinnie .. I know it sounds silly but I don't want to end up like Mr and Mrs. Kang" he sighed.
Hyunjin started to realize why after the conversation with Mrs. Kang, the blonde was upset.
"Let's go to our bedroom and we'll talk" Hyunjin said as he picked up the younger and carried him up the stairs. They soon entered the bedroom and quickly changed into more comfortable clothing.

Felix freshened up a little and so did Hyunjin, when Felix was done he went back to bed where his husband waited for him. Hyunjin opened up the blanket to welcome the blonde "Come to your husband, my doll" he smiled. Felix immediately jumped into bed and cuddled with his husband, "So listen ... about what you said earlier, baby when you feel that way please tell me so I can give you reassurance. I don't mind telling you or showing you and if I have to scream it from the rooftops and plaster it on billboards i will" Hyunjin insisted.
Felix smiled "I'm sorry my sweetheart.. I know I should have told you but, I just was embarrassed. Im not usually like this you know" he chuckled.
Hyunjin smiled "you don't need to be embarrassed, lots of people get jealous but as long as I'm telling and showing you I only want you, that should help you"
Felix felt some relief, he doesn't know why he shuts down when it comes to talking about his feelings, childhood trauma I guess ?
He laid in his husbands arms "You know baby ... we need to work on our communication, I am your husband.. I want you to trust me and for you to tell me everything" before Felix could reply Hyunjin continued "especially if we're going to have babies, our children need to see their parents be a unit"
Felix heart fluttered at the comment, he can't wait to have children running around here and calling them mom and dad or dad and dad ? He doesn't know but he just can't wait. "I'm sorry my love .. can you ever forgive me" Felix sighed.
Hyunjin chuckled "there's nothing to forgive, my angel"
They kissed each other passionately, Felix caressed his husbands face "you are only mine, Hwang Hyunjin" Felix whispered. Hyunjin couldn't help but nod "yes my love, all yours"

The Boss and The Burlesque: ENCORE حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن