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Felix had met up with Lena, they met at a small cafe that was somewhat hidden from the Main Street. Felix didn't know why they were meeting up but he was already here and soon he'll find out.
He went up to table where Lena was sitting and drinking a latte "Sit, Lixie" she said as she put down her cup. Felix hesitantly sat down "why did you call me here, Lena" he asked. He watched as she took slow slips of her beverage, waiting for an answer.
Lena put the cup down once again, "Lixie I know we got off on the wrong foot and I apologize for that, I have seen you blossom from a burlesque dancer to one of the baddest bosses I know" she smiled.
Felix was a little surprised "well thank you but I'm sure that's not the only reason you brought me out here" he said. She chuckled "such a wise one, well because I consider you a friend, it's my job as your friend to inform you of such things"
Felix was confused but he motioned her to go on, she brought out a file from her bag and placed it in front of him. He reached for the folder slowly as she motioned him to open it, inside the file was information that Felix couldn't understand.
"What does it mean ?" He asked.
She began to reply "Lix.. the man who kidnapped you was a member of a rival mafia, it's not a big mafia or anything but with enough organization and strategy. You are looking at some very tough competition. They want the profit and your tactics more then anyone" she exclaimed.
The blonde grew concerned "I have to tell Hyunjin" he whispered as he began to look through the folder again. She continued to speak "Felix, I don't know what their tactics are or what they plan to do but you must be on your toes from now on. Do not trust anyone outside your circle and be observant" she said sternly. Felix nodded his head in agreement, he's never had to do this before, he's never had to run before or look over his shoulders.
Felix knew he had to find his husband quick, he would stay and talk to Lena but he had to do this.

Felix called Han as he ran to his car and quickly drove off, the phone rang for a while before it got picked up.

"Hello ?"

Hannie have the boys came home yet ?

"Yeah they've been here for like an hour now where are you"

"Wait Hyunjin is already there ? Why didn't - ok I'm on my way over there"

He hung up the phone and sped up the driving, why didn't his husband call him ? Why wasn't he the first to know of his arrival ? He put the thoughts in the back of his head as he continued to drive, that feeling, that awful feeling arising in his stomach once again. But why ?

Felix got to the club quickly and entered seeing it crowded and lively but that's not what he cares about right now. He needs to find his husband, if there's a threat to their safety he has to let him know. He looked in the crowd and saw the usual customers and that's when he spotted his husband's body guards, he quickly pushed through the crowd and to the table "Mr. H-Hwang there you are ! Boss has been looking all over for y-you" the guard said, he was really drunk but he still was aware.
"Where did my husband go ?" The blonde asked.
The guard got up from the table and pointed towards the bar "he went to the b-bar for *hiccup* water"

Felix ran through the crowd and went to the bar "Hey have you seen Hyunjin" he asked the bartender, fear in his voice. The bartender shook his head "no sir, not since earlier I served him a drink but when I came back he was gone" the bartender replied. Felix looked around hoping to see him but he couldn't in the crowd, the lights from the stage making it hard for him to see clearly.
"L-lixie" a customer said as he came to him and bowed, "it's nice to see you here again" the man exclaimed. He was a loyal customer, since Hongjoong was the owner, Felix smiled "it's nice to see you all too, hey by any chance have you seen my husband ?" He asked. The man's face became confused "I thought he was with you ?" The man questioned, the look of confusion grew on Felix face "what do you mean with me ?" He asked with a nervous tone, his heart beating fast and his stomach hurting. The man could tell something was off "well I thought I saw him go down to the basement with you ? I saw the Blonde hair" he said hesitantly.

Felix stomach fell to the floor, he didn't think but he turned on his heel and ran towards the basement door, he could feel his body running down the stairs and looking in all the rooms, he didn't find anyone that was until the last room was closed shut. His heart beating so loud he couldn't even hear, his stomach dropping low to his knees as he turned the Knob. He opened it slowly and his heart fell and shattered into a million pieces, a sight he always had nightmares of, there his husband was in bed with another woman.

The woman asleep laying on his chest and Hyunjin passed out. Felix quickly turned on the lights and headed towards them, He pulled the girls hair and yanked her off the bed throwing her to the ground and slapped Hyunjin straight across the face.
Hyunjin woke up instantly his head in pain "ugh my head, what the fuck happened" he groaned. He noticed he wasn't wearing a shirt and he was in a bed ? He looked over to see his husband standing there Tears rolling down his face and his fists balled up, his lips quivering. "B-baby what's wrong" Hyunjin got up and almost lost his balance again, he figured he was half naked because he did something with the blonde but then why was he crying ?

He took a step towards the blonde who immediately backed away "don't FUCKING touch me" Felix snapped. Hyunjin was taken back by this comment and that's when he noticed, the young woman sitting on the ground with his dress shirt on.
He felt a huge slap to the face "HOW THE FUCK COULD YOU DO THIS TO ME" he yelled !
Hyunjin couldn't process it in the moment but when it hit him, his heart broke into a million pieces
"Baby .. I - I" he stuttered.
Felix shook his head "I knew it ! I knew it ! That's why you were so distant ! You were fucking cheating on me !" He screamed as he hit the man in the chest. The sobs from the blonde so loud that the body guards ran downstairs including Han and Minho who were just as shocked at the scene.
Hyunjin grabbed his pants and put them on quickly "b-baby listen to me ! I would never cheat on you .. please please believe m-me" the man began to panic as he knew deep inside he did not do anything or at least he doesn't remember.
The woman got up and began to get dressed as well,
Han went up to her "what the fuck did you do Crystal" he shouted. She smirked "i only fulfilled what Mr. Hwang and me were meant to do" she began to walk over the bed and towards the door before Felix pulled her back "no you can keep him, that's what you wanted right ! From the day you came" he said as tears streamed down his face.

Hyunjin shook his head "My love please ! I swear I didn't touch her, I know what it looks like but I would never do anything please believe me" he pulled his arm from leaving but it didn't work.
Felix yanked his arm away and ran up the stairs, the music was still going on and the club was alive but the blonde felt he was dying inside.
His heart stopped beating, his eyes producing tears that could fill an ocean. He heard people calling his name but he couldn't stop, his body wanting to leave this place. He ran outside where it was raining hard, he wanted to just fall on the ground and curl into a ball. That's when he was pulled again by the same man "Mi ALMA please believe me, I would never cheat on you. Please" Hyunjin cried as he fell to his knees holding on to the man's legs. "Hyunjin let go NOW" Felix needed to leave "I said get the fuck off me" he kicked the man in his balls and quickly got in the car and drove away leaving the man on the floor in pain, crying but not from physical pain but the pain in his heart.

The Boss and The Burlesque: ENCORE Where stories live. Discover now