Fall out

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Felix was walking around the said building, he had no idea what he was looking for. "How do you infiltrate ?" He asked himself, he decided to go down a couple hallways thinking maybe he'd stumble upon something interesting.


He heard the sound of Gun shots and machine gun sounds coming from all over the place, he had no idea where they were coming from or by who.
"Shit" he said to himself as he tried to hide in a random room down the hallway.

He opened the door and went inside as he was met by a room, it must be a control room he thought as he was inside looking at all the pictures hung up, he glanced at all the pictures of targets plastered on the wall. Locations, addresses, names.

There was a computer and CTV screens showing every inch of the place, he could see people running around the hotel, scrambling.
His heart sank, he hopes his husband and the team are alright but he had to stay focused.
He needed to find out who the mafia was, who their leader was, what their plans were and with clicks of the computer he was able to see everything.
He knew he didn't have much time, so he began  scanning through the computer syncing everything on a flash drive. "Oh come on hurry up hurry up" he said to himself.


"Yes !" Felix exclaimed as he grabbed the USB and headed out the door, he knew it was crawling with mafia heads so he needed to be discreet.
He was walking down the stairs instead of the elevator to avoid any people. He took off his heels because he knew that would be a dead gave away.

He was almost out the door of the last stair case when he felt his arm be pulled back into a door along the way. Felix looked up only to see the man who was sitting with the man he just killed.
"Where do you think you're going you bitch" he gritted as he pulled Felix's arms down the hallway.
"Let me fucking GO" he shouted as he was being dragged. The man pulled him down the hallway into an empty room.
Felix trying to fight back as much as he could.
"I said get the FUCK off me" he yelled as he socked the man across the jaw.
The man stumbled back at the force of his punch, Felix tried to make a run for the door but was pulled back to face the man who socked him right in the face. Felix fell to the ground as the man got on top of him, the blonde couldn't help as his hands were being held by the man so he spit right in his face.
The man smirked an evil smirk as he wiped the saliva off his face.
"I'm going to show you real pain, Pretty Boy" as he smacked the blonde right across his cheeks and a huge yelp was heard from him.
Felix blood went cold and the fear took over his body, the man started unbuckling his belt and discarding his pants.
"I heard you're a good fuck for Mr. Hwang, let's see if it's true" the man hissed.
Felix turned his face as the man came closer,
"Get - off - of m-me" he said as he tried to push the man, the man inches from a kiss.

Felix just closed his eyes as he heard the door kicked in and *GUNSHOT*
He opened his eyes to see the man's face blown off as he got a gunshot to the head. His blood splattered all over Felix's costume and some on his face, the blonde pushed the man off of him and turned to the door to only see the one and only Hyunjin standing there with his gun raised.

Felix didn't know what to do, he knew he was going to have to suffer the wrath of his husband soon, but then he heard people running and so without much Hyunjin grabbed Felix and tossed him over his shoulder like he didn't weigh a thing and started running down the hallway. Hyunjin's main thing was to get his lover out of the building in one piece, Felix could see men running after them and he could hear Hyunjin panting and his heart racing as he ran down the emergency stairs. Hyunjin was shooting people on the way and dodging bullets all while the blonde was in his arms.

Hyunjin came to a dead end where only a window was, He couldn't jump, it was too high and he had Felix, Felix looked around and that's when he got an idea "Do you trust me ?" He asked the man who looked at him with a scary gaze.
Felix grabbed his heel and smashed the window completely, pulling the man out on the window ledge   where he instructed Hyunjin to hold his hand and walk on the narrow ledge. They were so high up on the building but Felix had to follow through in order to save them both.
He and Hyunjin were standing on the ledge, grabbing on to the wall and not exhaling as they heard the men run in the direction of the window.
"Looks there's broken glass" he heard a man say.
"They probably jumped .. go check" the other person said. The two men stuck their heads out and looked down only to be met with a gunshot to their heads from the side.
Hyunjin took them both out with one shot.

The dead bodies falling to hit pavement.

Felix took a deep breath "be careful and walk back into the window" Felix whispered.
Hyunjin went first and then Felix who made it in safely, the two boys dropped to the floor, both heavy breathing as they realized they just beat death.
Felix was exhaling hard, he can't believe he just did that. He looked at the man who was also panting, Felix couldn't help it so he pulled the man and began kissing him passionately, grateful that they both are alive and safe.

He pulled back as he felt the man not kissing him back, only to be met with a face full of anger. He was about to ask before he heard a voice.

"Boss! lixie you're alright !" As the group of men, han and Kassy all ran up to the two lovers.

Han immediately noticing Felix's costume and face "oh my god lix are you-" the blonde answering before he could finish "the bloods not mine hannie" Felix replied as he raised his arms to show he's not hurt.
"Oh thank God" Han and Kassy replied together.
"Boss we got it all clear, we can go" Minho exclaimed. The group was expecting for the boss to same something but Hyunjin didn't say a word, he just walked towards the stairs. The group following him.

"Is he mad at you ?" Han whispered to Felix who then nodded "I .. hope not"

The Boss and The Burlesque: ENCORE Where stories live. Discover now