Junoon | Obsession

By barnes_dornan

8.2K 498 58

A RishBala fanfic, taking inspiration from the show but with my flare =D More



166 17 2
By barnes_dornan

Having been to the studio many times now for work purposes, Madhu had seen several times how it would get crazy with the media and fans all trying to get a glimpse of RK. It truly could get quite annoying, especially when she was trying to get through the gate to get to work. Other times she just found it laughable, especially seeing the ways the girls would shriek for RK. One time she had arrived when RK had, and she had seen him blow a kiss to his fans, making them all shriek even louder, some even fainting! It was absolutely ridiculous to Madhu, her not getting it at all!

However, with the release of the teaser of his upcoming movie, Wednesday, people got even wilder! His fans had gotten even more excited, pining and screaming for him! They all wanted a photo of him or get his autograph, while the media just wanted a bite, thrusting their cameras and microphones towards him. Madhu found it all to be maddening!

Seriously, how does he deal with this stuff? The constant screaming and camera flashes going off - I mean it's insane! Have some boundaries, the man is here to work! This is not the time and place for this!


Madhu blinked out of her thoughts and looked at Navisa. Their little crew was waiting on set.

"You good? You look like you could punch someone."

"Or choke," Neha said. "Look at how you're gripping that makeup brush."

Madhu looked down and realized that as a matter of fact, she did have a tight drip on a makeup brush.

"Who pissed you off?"

Madhu loosened her grip. "Those stupid reporters, that's who."

"Reporters," Navisa frowned. "From this morning?"

"Yeah! They were all in the way, I could hardly get to the gate! I get that it's their job but seriously, some of us have other jobs! And they were blocking me from getting to mine all just get a few words or pictures of RK! The world wouldn't end if they didn't," she scowled.

"No, but it is their job."

"I'd like to see where in their job description it says to lack common decency and cause other people to be late to their jobs."

"I think it's in the fine print," Neha giggled.

"Not funny," Madhu frowned. "Seriously, it's truly annoying! I don't understand how RK deals with their nonsense."

Both Navisa and Neha gasped, making Madhu frown.

"What," she asked.

"I think this is the first time you've ever shown any concern towards RK," Navisa gaped.

"You're finally mellowing out," Neha sighed, placing her hand over her heart.

"Oh please," Madhu said with a roll of her eyes. "I don't mean it just for him, I mean it for all celebrities. It's annoying!"

"No! No, you specifically said that you don't understand how RK deals with it, so it's only RK. You are mellowing out towards him," Neha beamed.


"Nuh uh, I won't hear it!"

"But-! Navisa, tell her-"

"Nope, I won't hear it either," Navisa sang, shaking her head. "You were being nice towards RK, this is a first!"

"I wasn't being nice."

"Yes you were, and you were being concerned over him - him! RK the Superstar! Who you're not a fan of at all!"

"I wasn't and you're correct, I'm not a fan! He's a spoiled, arrogant asshole and that's that!"

Navisa and Neha snorted, breaking into laughter.

"Arrogant asshole," Neha questioned.

"I don't believe it," Navisa chuckled.

"Well believe it because that's what he is," Madhu said, as a matter of fact.

"Is that so?"

All 3 paused for a second, their eyes widening with shock, then looked up to see RK, who was looking at Madhu.

"Shit, you're done for," Neha squealed, and Navisa lightly slapped her hand.

Madhu crossed her arms, looking at RK with her head tilted. RK mimicked her, mirroring the same pose.

"I appreciate the concern you have for me, but RK knows how to handle the press very well," he smirked lightly, looking sure of himself. "Besides, the press wouldn't have any news if there was no RK because RK is the news."

Madhu let out a scoff, his arrogance irking her.

RK simply smirked at her with a wink, then walked away, heading to his chair. While Madhu glared at his back, both Navisa and Neha gaped like fishes out of water.

"Madhu h-how... how are you still here," Neha said.

"I thought you were a goner," Navisa said.

The two looked at her but Madhu only looked at RK.

"What- I mean what even was that?"

"Nothing," Madhu said. "Just him being the prick that he is."

"He's fired people for less, though," Neha squealed. "But instead with you... he was just entertained?"

RK glanced up from his script and looked at Madhu.

"What's the deal Madhu," Navisa asked.

"There is none," Madhu said, still looking at him. "Nothing at all."

But Navisa and Neha refused to believe her. After all, like Neha had said, RK had fired people for much less, not to mention ruined peoples' lives for much less. Yet here she was - Madhubala Shamsher Malik - who had called RK the Superstar an arrogant asshole pretty much to his face... and all he did was smirk at her? And he even winked at her?

The two looked at Madhu, and seeing that she was looking elsewhere, they followed her line of sight to look at RK, who was also looking back at her.

Neha leaned down to Navisa. "Something has to be up, right," she muttered loud enough for only them to hear.

But Navisa didn't answer, watching as the smirk on RK's face grew. She glanced up at Madhu, seeing her look irritated as she looked away to the side, squeezing onto the makeup brush she had been holding, once more. When her eyes trailed back to RK, so did Navisa's, and she caught him winking at Madhu again.

"I'll be right back, I need water," Madhu said, and she left.

Navisa glanced back at RK, who had shifted his focus to the script in hands. However, that smirk of his was ever so present.

What's the deal, she wondered to herself.


Madhu was more than happy when the day came to an end, ready to get the heck out of there so that she wouldn't have to look at a certain egoistic superstar's face anymore. However, when she got closer to the gate, she saw that the media were still there, going absolutely crazy for said egoistic superstar, not to mention his fans as well.

Do these people not have anything better to do, Madhu gaped.

"RK! RK! RK," some fans chanted.

"We love you RK," another group of fans cried out.

Oh my-!

"RK I love you, please marry me," a woman shrieked out.

Madhu's eyes widened at the display before her. His fans are absolutely insane for him!

Security tried to keep them from blocking the way so that the workers could go in and out with ease, but the crowd was making it quite difficult.

Where is he even? Did he not leave yet? At least if he were gone the crowd would be gone as well and people could work in peace.

"...right this minute, I want a car at the studio right now!"

Madhu looked up at the sound of Bittuji's voice. She saw the man covering one ear with his finger while having his phone on the other, speaking into it. She had never noticed it before, but Bittuji had a total of three phones, two of which he was currently holding while he spoke into the third. He had some gold chains around his neck, as well as a gold bracelet and gold ring on his right hand. Other than that, the plump man with short black hair and brown eyes had no other accessories on him.

Except his biggest accessory is missing - his chief.

"How many times have I told you to check on all of his cars and make sure they're running well," he barked into the phone. "Chief has an important dinner tonight and if he's late to it then mark my words I'll have you fired immediately!"

Madhu was shocked by his words but quickly got distracted by the whooping and cheering of RK's fans.

"Of course, of all the days there had to be an issue with the car, there's a crowd in front. How will the car even get through?!"

He had a point; with the thickness of the crowd and all the cameras everywhere, there was no way they'd get a car through. How could they when people couldn't even get through?

"I don't want to hear anything else," Bittuji said, bringing Madhu's attention back. "Get the car here asap, I'm calling in more security so that chief doesn't get trampled by this mob! Now hang up!"

Bittuji placed the phone on top of the others and walked away, no doubt back to his chief.

Well that solves the issue for them. As for the rest of us? It has nothing to do with us but we have to deal with the craziness that's sourced from him. Bappa, please let me get through this crowd with ease and not get trampled by his crazy fans, she mentally prayed.

Madhu started heading towards the gate and the security of the studio helped her to get out without letting anyone from the mob in. However, as soon as Madhu got outside, she got swallowed by the swarm and it was almost impossible to move!

"Ex- excuse me-! Excuse me, I-!"

Madhu tried to move through the crowd but everyone kept pushing towards the studio gate, making her step back three steps for every step she took forward.

Hai Ganpati Bappa, please help!! Please help get this crowd under control!

As soon as she prayed for it, it happened, the crowd suddenly starting to move away from the gates. Madhu was shocked, looking over peoples' heads to see what was making the crowd move away. She immediately spotted many men dressed in all black trying to get the crowd under control and away from the gate. They lined up and barred the way so that they could make way for workers to easily be able to get in and out of the studio without the media and fans getting in the way.

So Bittuji got his security people.

Now that the crowd was a little more under control, it was easier for Madhu to move around. Unfortunately while it was hectic, the crowd had swayed her to the opposite side of where she needed to be, so she tried to make her way through. It was a bit tricky, Madhu having to use some force, but she managed to get towards the security.

"Excuse me," she called out to one of the men in black, "I have to get to the other side!"

"I'm sorry ma'am, only studio workers are allowed through."

"But I am," and she quickly pulled out her ID from her purse and showed it to him.

The man looked it over, then nodded. "You may go through ma'am."

He made way for Madhu to get through, some people behind her trying to take their chance and squeeze through as well, but security held them back.

"Oh my gosh it's RK," someone screamed.

As RK walked through the studio gates, he waved out to his fans. The crowd and media went into an immediate uproar and pushed forward, catching the security off guard. The force of them pushed every single one of them and the bars back. So much so, that the security member who had allowed Madhu to go through got shoved back and he bumped into Madhu. Him bumping into her prevented him from falling back, however Madhu got bumped into so harshly, that she went tripping forward.

Oh no!

Madhu expected herself to be hitting the ground but she felt no pain of any sort.

Wait, I didn't get hurt... just like last time.

And how right she was. Just like last time when she went tripping forward, she hadn't ended up falling face forward and had felt no pain at all.


And just like last time...

"Oh my gosh!"

Madhu got caught before she fell...

"He's also a real-life hero!"

By none other than RK the Superstar.

Madhu slowly opened her eyes to find brown ones looking down at her. It quickly dawned upon her that yes, as a matter of fact, she had once again been caught and prevented from falling by none other than RK the Superstar. And just like last time, when he had caught her, he had pulled her into his chest, meshing her body against his. She could only look up at him in shock, surprised by their position.

"Are you okay?"

For a split second, Madhu thought she had heard wrong. RK, asking her if she was okay? Him, the embodiment of selfishness? There was most certainly no way! And yet here he was, looking at her with concern.

How is this the same person who just moments ago was so full himself? Who said he was the news like it was all about him? That the only thing in the world that mattered was him? Mr. Selfish Snob... is concerned about me?


Madhu blinked back into reality. "Um, yeah, I'm fine."

She quickly fixed herself so that she was standing properly on her feet and quickly fixed her dupatta to make sure she was decent.

"Um, thanks."


Madhu looked up at him and was instantly confused by the look in his eyes. She simply couldn't read them.

What is he thinking?

"Chief," Bittuji said, stepping forward, "we need to get going or you'll be late for dinner, the car is waiting."

RK nodded then looked back at Madhu. She looked away at the ground, feeling a bit awkward, especially when her ears started catching what the reporters were saying.

"RK, who is she to you?"

"RK, is she your new girlfriend?"

"RK, are you no longer on the market?"

"RK, do you love this girl?"

Madhu couldn't believe the things she was hearing, so she quickly dashed away. She managed to quickly get an auto and left, grateful to have escaped from the crowd. As for RK, he simply looked in the direction she had left.


RK snapped out of his thoughts and glanced at Bittuji before stepping forward to his waiting car. He waved back at his fans once more before blowing a kiss to them. Everyone let out a scream, trying to move towards him, but security held them back, trying not to let a repeat of what just happened, happen again. RK and Bittuji got in the car and the driver pulled away. When they were a distance away, security began to step away and some of RK's crazy fans began running after his car, even some of the paparazzi. However, there were many people who stayed in place, looking over the photos and videos they had taken, especially the media members.

Although they had been here to try and get a bite from RK about his upcoming film, what they got instead, was so much juicier.


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