The Boss and The Burlesque: E...

By bflooo3

30.9K 1.1K 658

After many attempts, The Notorious Mafia Boss has finally won the heart of the Burlesque dancer he so despera... More

You're the BOSS
The Office.
The Gala
Set up.
My Love.
Get back.
Pretty Dancer.
Truth comes out.
Take me back.
To that Night.
You are MINE.
Fall out
Fall Out pt 2
After Math.
Broken Heart.
Love and War.
The Finale.
The Blonde is the Boss
Bonus Chapter.
Bonus Chapter 2: Lily
Authors Note

La Fama.

597 30 21
By bflooo3

The event took place at a hotel and casino, the upcoming mafia rented out the whole place for their event, which would be an auction. The sell of women and children, money going to the mafia who needed funds for their plans. A sick twisted form of charity.

When Felix heard this, he was disgusted. Yes what him and husband do is considered terrible but he and Hyunjin or their mafia would never hurt the innocent. That's what set them apart from all the rest, that's what made them the most respected.
"We're here" Han exclaimed, pulling up to the building. They dropped Felix off at the back of the building where the employees would enter, Felix got off the car and looked at Han and Kassy.
"Get to your positions and wait for me there, if I don't show up 30 minutes from the scheduled time then you call Minho. Got it ?" He said sternly.
The two nodded and wished him good luck as they drove off. Felix standing there before he took a deep breath. "Let's do this"

The event hall was huge and extravagant, Hyunjin and his crew were able to get in with no issue. It was hard to recognize people because it was a masquerade event but never the less Hyunjin was confident in him and his team to carry out this plan.
"Boss there's a table right there for us" chan guided hyunjin and the rest to the table by the stage.
They sat down and waited for an announcement, the stage was prepared elegantly.. most likely a show will be taking place. Hyunjin and his crew were observant, watching as people came in and paid attention at all the exits, they didn't want to let anything go unnoticed.

"So you must be -?"
"Lily, my name is Lily" Felix smiled as he introduced himself. "Okay Lily well you'll be our opening act and I hope you can get a crowd excited" the man said which the blonde nodded eagerly "Yes, no doubt about it". The man gave a look at the blonde and directed him to the stage.


Felix got himself in position as he heard the announcer, he was more nervous then anything. Not because he couldn't perform well but because of why he was performing there and what his plan was. He put on the masquerade mask he was given and got on the stage waiting for the music. He hopes he can pull this off.

"Now everyone, tonight we have a sweet treat, performing tonight and tonight only we have someone beautiful like a flower the one and only Lily." The announcer shouted, nothing but clapping being heard around the venue.

Hyunjin and his crew weren't at all interested in the show, they weren't there to take in entertainment, they were there to get shit done.
Changbin was looking around at all the exits and entrances when he saw the lights dim and the music began to play, but then like a lightening bolt it hit him when he saw the dancer come on stage. "No fucking way" he whispered to himself, chan and Minho immediately turned their heads to him.
"What happened ?" Minho asked concerned.
Changbin was speechless, "I don't ... want to j-jump to conclusions b-but I think that's" he started to say when Chan intervened "oh my God, it's lixie" he said surprised. The three boys knew it was their boss husband and it was only a matter of time until Hyunjin noticed. So in order to protect Felix from Hyunjin's wrath and to save their plan before the man murdered everyone in the building.
Hyunjin was looking up at the higher level balcony's to scope out the area, "hey boss, do you want to come with me to the bathroom ?" Minho asked.
Hyunjin gave him a confused look "do you need me to wipe you or something ? Take Chan" he said.
Changbin immediately intervened "Sir how about a drink, are you thirsty ?" he said happily.
"Look I don't know what's wrong with you two but get your heads out of your ass, we're here to do a job" he said with a strict tone.
The 3 men faltered immediately and went back to doing their jobs, Hyunjin was looking everywhere but the stage which gave the three boys relief.
If Felix could finish the dance without Hyunjin recognizing him, that would be great.

Felix was doing his usual dancing, getting peoples attention and applause, he decided to walk off the stage and into the crowd. It was a pretty big venue so there was lots of walking to do, he was passing a table when he heard something interesting.

"Yeah I heard Mr.Hwang is here, I just haven't seen him yet, if all goes well we can take him out right after the show" the man said to the other man, he probably thought because the music was loud no one can hear him but Felix did. "Not on my watch" The blonde made a split second decision and he walked back to the man's table "hi sweetheart .. how about a lap dance on stage" Felix asked enthusiastically. The man at first was reluctant "oh come on handsome .. I don't bite" Felix assured him with a seductive tone.
The man along with his friend got excited "alright"
Felix grabbed the man by his tie and led him to the stage, "ok honey .. you just sit here and I will make you feel soooo good" Felix said with a siren tone.

Internally he was gagging and throwing up, this man was nothing compared to his husband but in order to save his husband he had to do it. He sat the man down and did his thing, getting a great reaction from the crowd as he danced like no one was watching.
Minho, Chan, and Changbin we're left with their mouths opened.. "Boss is going to lose it" Changbin said to the two to which they both nodded.


Hyunjin was looking around him at the other guests trying to scope out who could potentially be a threat, the loud cheers snapping him out of focus and like anyone would he looked to where everyone was looking. Following everyone's eyes to the stage and on the dancer, his heart almost exploded and not in a good way. His jaw clenching and his teeth grinding, the inside of his palms slightly bleeding from his nails digging into them. His blood rushing at a fast rate as his veins began to pop.
The other three men, quickly noticed. "Shit, I think he knows" Minho exclaimed.
"Hey boss maybe we should get in position" Chan tried to suggest, immediately getting a sharp look from the man "or .. we can do it when you want.. yeah" he said as he sunk back in his seat.

"You are such a sexy dancer baby" the man exclaimed as he watched the blonde dance around him, "Thanks Darling, my husband says the same thing" Felix smirked.
The man a little surprised "you're married .. ?" the man asked slightly disappointed.
"Yes hon.. 6 years now.. come to think of it, you actually might know him" the blonde admitted. The man was curious now "oh really who is it ?"
Felix began to grab a dagger out of his dress, and used it as a prop as he danced for the crowd, spinning and moving fluidly around the stage. People were fascinated by the dancer and his knife dance, Felix danced and went back to the man.

"Oh so back to your question, my husband .. he might actually be here tonight" the blonde whispered into the man's ear. Felix's voice sending a radiating sensation through the man's body, causing his eyes to shut "ohhh baby .. who is he ?" He moaned.
"The man you were supposed to kill ... who is he ?"
Felix asked as he got the dagger ready in his hand.
"Wait .. Hwang Hyunjin ? That's your h-husband ?" The man let out, Felix pulling the man's neck back "BINGO" as he pushed the dagger into the man's neck. The man began gasping for air as he felt the dagger pierce his neck, he looked at the blonde who was smiling at him.

Felix pulling the knife out and letting the man slump over in the chair as he did a couple more turns and posed with the knife in his hand. Getting nothing but cheers from the crowd, as they all were convinced the stabbing was part of the show.

The crowd was cheering, clapping and hollering.
Felix bowed and walked off the stage with his held high.

"Give around of applause to the fabulous Lily"

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