Dhruva Nakshathra - The Game...

By DevaDDK

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A man who has been falsely promised for a throne forms an alliance with someone who could be his shield to pr... More

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TWO - a
TWO - b
T W E N T Y - T W O
T W E N T Y - T H R E E
T W E N T Y - F O U R
T W E N T Y - F I V E
T W E N T Y - S I X
T W E N T Y - S E V E N
T W E N T Y - E I G H T


39 5 0
By DevaDDK

Sikva, Kavish

The entire palace stirred with another wave of shock when they learnt Nakshathra had long left Durja and should have reached Sikva ten day ago. The queen of Kavish threw fits of rage as she demanded to have her daughter be brought back. The king was no less worried than his spouse. If one look closer, the king's eyes glistened behind the stern gaze.

Guards on duty were dispatched to search for the princess while Nakul sent a smaller batch to check on Nathan in Vajnir. When Dhruva insisted to join the guards to find Nakshathra, the king stopped him.

"You are my guest and it is only right for you to stay here in the palace. Your safety is our priority given our countries relationship; I don't want any mishaps to happen. Not even the smallest." The king said as he led Dhruva to his office. "And as for the princess, the guards will find her. She is a brave girl, good with sword. She must be doing fine so, ...." The king left his words hanging, the lump in his throat forced him to stop.

The king was more than worried for his daughter. Dhruva found the scene endearing to simply witness the love of a father.

The king gestured him to round the corner and unlike most of exterior of the palace filled with brass sculptures, the office was sparsely decorated. Maroon velvet curtains drawn to let the morning sun illuminate the room offering an opulence visual, highlighting the sandstone sculptures on the walls around. On the wall behind the king's desk, proudly sculpted the Kavish crest. A symbol of artistic and vigilant country, their crest had two valari intersecting at its handle, bracketing a stem with two Madhupusp flowers. The country's revered flower known to bloom with no more or no less than nine petals, each petal varies in length, it starts from shortest and ends with a long petal. Locals said it to be a flower of luck.

The crown prince of Kavish entered shortly after a knock. Barely dragging himself into the chamber, Nakul curtsy the king and dropped on a seat next to him with a soft grunt. He held a hand at the side of his stomach where he had a cut during the battle the day before.

"You alright?" Dhruva asked in a hush.

Nakul gave a weak smile with a short nod. "I'll be fine once I see both my brother and sister alive," he snorted at his own respond.

But Dhruva's heart skipped a beat. See them alive? Why, did something happen?

"Any updates on the youngest two?" The king asked as he read through the petitions from the northern part of Kavish.

"Those travelled to Durja with Nakshathra had all returned except for her. Her guards frantically came to chief general a while ago to enquire about her. They had apparently headed to Sikva yesterday morning when they spotted Vajnir in fire. There was where they lost her. It means both of them are in Vajnir."

"Vajnir?" the king bellowed. "Why did she stop at Vajnir and why did the guards leave her side? Aren't they supposed to be with her at all times?" Bavaneswaran turned away from the manuscript he was going through, his face clouded with anger.

"The fire wasn't an accident. We all know that. The Shoolin came in through Vajnir, it was under her orders they went to defend the village and the people. And she is not one who would stay afar and wait, you know that," the prince replied, stressing the emergency of the situation.

"That doesn't give her the rights to barge into the field."

"Why not?" Nakul retorted while keeping his tone in check.

Dhruva felt uncomfortable to be in the discussion between the king and the crown prince. The conversation grew to be more and more personal than he initially thought.

"A princess should not get herself involved in battleground. She is not meant to take the sword and fight against blood hungry men. Not when she has death lurking around her like a leech."

The king's muffled last part caught Dhruva's attention, death lurking around her. What does it mean?

"I hope this doesn't fall into Nakshathra's ears. She won't be too happy to hear this." Nakul pushed himself up on his feet. "I am heading to Vajnir to find them. I take your leave, Your Majesty." He bowed and marched to the door. Nakul was evidently frustrated as the door shut with a thud behind him.

The king crossed his arms and rested them on the table. He gazed far out the window for a long while before he snapped out of his reverie of sort. "I am sorry to have you in the not-so-nice conversation. I am not against her taking the sword, it's just I am way too worried to know she is out there putting herself in danger," said the troubled father.

Bavaneswaran leaned back against his chair, hands clasped together. A long while of silence passed in the room. "Anyway." He relaxed; his demeanour was back to normal. "I know I have accepted this proposal for the sake of my people and I have been convinced for the same by a few in the palace but I want to know how did you and Nakshathra pull this off. How did Maharaja Yogathepan and Maharani Kumudhavalli agreed to send a marriage alliance proposal?" He asked as he pulled out a rolled silk script with a parchment pasted on it from a drawer next to him.

Dhruva clamped his palms tight, nervous as to how much of information should he let the king know and what he should keep to himself. "I found out about the abduction of Kavishians recently and it did not sit well with me. I had some people look into the matter and there is when I met the princess. She came with—"

A knock interrupted Dhruva. A guard marched in, bowed and relayed a message from the second prince.

"Your Majesty, Rajakumar Nathan has been brought back to Sikva. He is being treated in the royal arogyalaya as we speak, Your Majesty."

"What about Nakshathra?" The king asked as Dhruva hurriedly got on his feet to ask the same.


An entire night went by anxiously, both the brother and sister underwent severe treatments while the other two Heramba brothers waited outside the arogyalaya. They learnt that, Nathan and Nakshathra together had defeated about twenty Shoolins on their own and barely managed to keep themselves alive. The physicians stunned by Nakshathra's first aid; it was what that had helped them both survive the night before. While the physician briefed their conditions, the report sent everyone in a terrible anxiety.

Dhruva sat with hands tightly clasped together and legs shaking vigorously, he partly felt responsible. Had he not let her leave on her own, he would have brought her safely to Sikva with him. Then again, had she not been there with Nathan, ... Dhruva shook his head, not wanting to even complete his own thought. He couldn't imagine the pain Nakshathra had gone through, trying to treat her wounded brother all the while keeping herself alive. They both have had multiple slashed on their bodies some deep while some shallow.

Hang in there.


She smelled blood and its metallic taste stayed in her mouth for as long as she remembered. She was covered in blood.

Her brother leaned onto her as she dragged them both to a safer place. The pain inflicted by the numerous cuts, stung and blood continued to ooze out from each gash. She plopped herself onto a pile of dry hay after what seemed like aeon of finding needed supplies and treat their wounds. That night she fell into a deep sleep, shivering in cold next to her brother.

When she opened her eyes, Nakshathra searched for her brother whom she had last seen covered in blood barely breathing but he wasn't there. Next to her, a familiar woman sat by her bedside squeezing a small cloth from a bowl on the nightstand.


Umayal turned in a jiff, water dripping from her hand and onto her lap, damping her saree. "Nakshathra," she gasped with a laugh of relief and leaned in to kiss her on the brow. "Gracious, ma Durga. Thank you." Umayal joined her palms and brought them to her forehead and to her chest, back and forth a several time. Tears spilling from her eyes like that of a waterfall.

"Nathu?" Nakshathra rasped.

"He is fine, still hasn't regained his conscious. Your brothers are with him, don't worry. I came with you when they shifted you to your room." Umayal tucked a strand of Nakshathra's hair behind her ears and smiled. A smile both grateful and apologetic.

"I am all good," Nakshathra answered to her mother's unasked question and wiped off her tears.

Umayal nodded and run her thumb over a dried wound on Nakshathra's cheek. "Thank you. Thank you for keeping your brother and yourself alive. I cannot thank you enough." She took her daughter's hand in hers and planted a kiss on the back of her hand.

"Everything happens for a reason, I believe." Nakshathra wet her dry lips. "Can I get some water, ma?"

"Here." Umayal filled a cup and brought it to her mouth.

The water tasted refreshing; she took large gulps at a go.

Umayal pulled the cup away. "Slow down, child. You might get choked."

"How is everyone?" Nakshathra asked a moment later. The event a few days ago struck her tired mind. The deafening battle cry and clang of swords still rang in her head as she thought of it. "And who was behind the attack?"

Nakshathra let out a sigh of relief when she learnt no one in the family was severely injured but Kavish had its own share of losses. What took her by surprise was the man behind the attack. Ranganathan, her uncle, Kavish's runaway prince. Instantly, she was reminded of her grandfather's journal she had discovered a couple of years ago.

"Did you or the king go visit him?" Nakshathra asked to which Umayal shook her head.

"That's exactly what you shouldn't be doing." She tossed the blanket away and tried to get out of the bed. As she pushed herself up, she hissed in pain.

"Lie down, girl. You are hurt, you need to rest."

A mellow breeze floated in from outside. Nakshathra gently fell back onto the bed without straining herself. She still had the pain from her wounds and it made her wonder if the healing energy she was said to have, had vanished.


As night came, one by one her family members paid her quick visit. Some brought her flowers while some brought expensive recovery tonics that were not often available in the royal infirmary. Nakshathra accepted all her gifts and indulged with short conversation with her visitors.

Arunya minced gingerly into the chamber with a tray in her hand, her eyes focused on the bowl she carried. When she finally set it on the table next to Nakshathra's bedside, she heaved a sigh. "You medicine is here. Do you want to take it now?" Arunya asked as she sat on a chair.

"In a while," she replied and dropped a manuscript of one of her grandmother's stories on the bed. "Why did you walk in with your eyes on the tray?"

Arunya took a quick glance at the tray and turned with a smile. "My hands been shaky ever since I saw you in the local arogyalaya in Durja. The prince told us what happened and I was so scared and worried for you." Nakshathra took her mildly shivering hands in hers. "Seeing you laying on the bed in the infirmary with all the blood for the second time just made me think what kind of a friend I am, I couldn't protect you. Not even a single time." Her shoulders shook, tears fell freely down her cheeks.

"I am sorry, I made you worried of me. You are doing the best you can." Nakshathra tapped the back of her hand.

"I know." Arunya's lips curved downward as she wiped off her tears. "Oh, silly me. I came here to give you your medicine and here I am crying." She laughed and reached for the bowl of medicine the arogyalaya had sent for Nakshathra.

Arunya held the bowl up to her mouth. Nakshathra swallowed the bitter decoction little by little.

"You know the prince of Durja is the same man who came to Kavish as a merchant?" Arunya asked after lighting up the chamber.

Nakshathra hummed in respond. The mention of him reminded her of a lot of things and one of it was him going away from her despite her effort to get close. Her chest tightened. Why did she really suggest him for marriage? Was it because she wanted to use the alliance to bring her abducted people back or was it because she could have him in her life as her life partner? Come to think of it, Nakshathra don't dare to point at one particular reason. Both the reasons were simply intertwined. She wondered if Dhruva would ever change his mind in a short span of time. Even if he did how will she know?

Nakshathra brought her hand to her temple and gave a light massage. How I wish there was a way to communicate with someone who is far. The guard outside her chamber announced the presence of her brothers as footfall approached, marching in synchronically. Arunya curtsied the princes and left the chamber to the siblings.

"How are you?" Nakul sat at the edge of the bed next to her while Parthiban took the chair by the bedside.

"Better than I can remember," she replied and exchanged glances with both her brothers.

"It must have been hell. All that fight, struggle to survive and keep Nathan alive," recounted Nakul.

Nakshathra zoned out. Vivid images of the day flashed before her. Nathan drenched in blood, she desperately attempting to stop his bleeding, crying and screaming helplessly. She wouldn't lie, she honestly thought she was about to lose her brother.

Shiver ran down her spine as she remembered the incident. Nakul placed a hand on her shoulder, pulling her out of the horrifying past.

"Why did you need to remind her of that?" Parthiban scowled at Nakul and took her hand in his.

"It's not your fault," Nakshathra said, when Nakul looked at her apologetically. "I know you were worried."

"So, how did it go in Durja?" asked Parthiban.

"A failure yet holding on to the last few strands hoping things will go on our favour. But I found something that shouldn't be with me and brought it back nonetheless," Nakshathra said without letting out much of the information.

She decided to fix it herself before the issue gets blown up or perhaps use it to her benefit in the near future.

Nakul and Parthiban exchanged glances with each other, speaking in a silent language. One asking, the other nodding. Nakshathra tried to follow but she couldn't make a guess.

"What is it?" she finally asked, unable to contain her curiosity.

"First answer me." Parthiban turned to face her. "What is that you found which shouldn't be with you?" he asked.

"That's a secret. Now you tell me, what is it?" Her eyebrows danced.

After another short silence debate of who would tell her, they finally came to an agreement. Nakshathra considered, how was she not aware of such language being spoken among the siblings.

"Well, I think the last few strands of hope you are holding on to, actually worked," Parthiban said.

Nakshathra sat up straight, all her senses bloomed awake. "What do you mean?"

"I am not completely sure what you were into in Durja but about ten days ago, we received a marriage alliance proposal from Durja. Asking your hand in marriage for the crown prince." Parthiban said, his expression unreadable. "Father had sent his consent letter to Durja accepting the proposal."

Her jaw dropped as she absorbed what's being said. "What?" she breathed trying to wrap her head with the new news. But Dhruva said no, then how?

"We were supposed to welcome Dhruva and his entourages but we were distracted by the Shoolins. Dhruva and his guards came in aid for us at a crucial time. You know, what makes this entire proposal worth it?" Parthiban rose from his seat and headed to a lamp nearby and adjusted the wick to make it lit brighter. When he turned to face her, Parthiban beamed. "Dhruva managed to coax the king and brought back more than five hundred Kavishians who were captured sixteen years ago to Sikva," he announced.

Nakshathra switch gaze from Parthiban to Nakul, smiling as wide as the former.

He nodded. "It's true. He brought them back with him."

Her brain stuttered for a moment, her eyes fluttered, every part of her stilled while her thoughts caught up. What she heard felt like cold water poured on her, the afterward came gush of warmth. She glanced up at her brother. "He is here?" she asked. "Where?" Came another when they nodded to answer her first.

"At the guest's wing."

"I have to go," Nakshathra blurted and jumped out of the bed, she headed towards the door leaving her startled brothers behind.

She sprinted in the speed of lightning. Admonishing the pain from her wounds, she bolted. Her bare foot tapped on the cold sandstone, the end of her saree flew with her in shock and flurry as she rounded the corner. Nakshathra need not be told where to find him because he was there at the end of the corridor overlooking the waterfront in garden.

He turned to the sound of her footstep approaching him. His face took in the surprise registered on her face. Every muscle of her body froze before her brain validated his presence to be real. A small smile played on his lips. His eyes sparkled as she closed the distance between them. Her heartbeat was on a rapid motion, she guessed she would get used to those sparkling beautiful eyes and smile.

"I would hate myself if I continue to say no to you," he said in his slivery voice, the corners of his mouth turned up. "I can't explain how happy I am to see you all well and fine."

Unknowingly, tears welled up in her eyes as she lunged to wrap her arms around his neck. She finally got her answer, it was the deep desire to be with him that led her to make such a proposal. The retrieval of her people comes second.


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