π”Ύπ• π•π••π•–π•Ÿ 𝔽𝕝𝕠𝕨𝕖𝕣 ||...

By dragonshardtales101

190K 9.8K 2.5K

Most group of friends have trios, like two boys and one girl. So what if Wukong and Macaque had another frien... More

Goddess Guanyin's Mercy
The Sounds of Laughter
A visit to the Library
A time for tea at the noodle Shop
A New Shop in Town Never Hurt Anybody.
How the Daughter met the Monkeys
A Scholar's dream
Juicy Gossip
Introducing, The Demon Fox King
The Jaded-Face Princess
Princess Iron Fan's Arrival
Justice served with satisfaction
The Child of Entertainment
A Child who needed Love
A Monkey's fear
A Way In the City
The Ritual For the Throne
Jinhua vs. Hundred-Eyed Demon Lord
The Rise of a New Queen
The Mastermind
Ren's Contract
The Unexpected Calvary
The Power of a God
The Great War
A Celebration is in Order
An Unsuspected Apprentice
A Fragile Truce
The Twins of the Two-Faced Vixen
Still in Grieving
Epilogue | 1
A New Adventure Begins | 1
A New Adventure Begins | 2
A New Adventure Begins | 3
A New Adventure Begins | 4
A New Adventure Begins | 5
I've Seen Worse Weather
Distant Memory
A Small Heart to Heart
Meeting an Old Friend
A Little Chat
The Start of the Tragedy
I Don't Need Help
Dark Cryptic Key
The Fall of Shinokuta
An Awakening
The Battle of Conquest
Sealed Away
Another Side
Home at last Ren
A Little Mischeif Never Hurt Anyone
Mind Games
A Child's Jealousy
A Needed Distraction
Bull Family's Attack
Unknown Power Source
Epilogue | 2
A Spider's Rise | 1
Spider's Rise | 2
Spider's Rise | 3
Spider's Rise | 4
Spider's Rise | 5
Spider's Rise | 6
Home Shenanigans
How to Apologize
The Letter
Sworn Brothers
Meeting the Possessed Host
Explain It to Me
Bai'He's Desperate Cry
Preparing for the Worst
Shadow meets an Illusion
Mayor's Visit
A Cup of Tea
Advice for a Fallen Queen
Macaque's Lesson
The Pawn
Truth Unraveling
A Mother's Wrath
Epilogue | 3
Pocessed Ren Attacks!
The Dragon of the East
The Secondary Flame
Bai'he's Plan
MK & Mei vs. Ren
Original Golden Trio
The First Ring
Yù huā (Shining Blossom)
Biānpào (Firecracker)
Ren (Lotus) & Bai'he (Lily)
Lantern City
Price of Seperation
Simian Tag Team
The Samadhi Fire
The Second Betrayel
Fire Training
Doesn't Deserve This.
Poccessed Jinhua Hits Different
Impending Battle
Full On Catch These Hands
Destiny Can Go Fuck Itself-!
I Need A Hero
One And Only
Dream Family
The Rising Sun
Epilogue | 4
🍡HeadCanons after S3🍡

Pure Chaos

525 38 19
By dragonshardtales101

Jinhua held out one of her curved swords, "Ready, my soldiers!?" Her voice carried out in waves as it seemed the sound resonated something within the spirits of her clan. All they're eyes glowed brighter than usual and the fires within their cores and tail tips burned more hungrier than ever.

"Prepare to just bull doze through—!!" MK cackled out. A

Redson's projection let a smirk stretch across it's lips, "Now your talking!!" Pushing off the ground, the prince's projection launched itself in the air and landed on the battlefield.

"Annnnnd he's gone." MK deadpanned.

Ren's projection let out a chittering laugh, "He really is the son of the Demon Bull King. Always charging in head first."

MK grinned at his brother with a smirk, "Yeah, I'm sure he just got more reckless because of Mei."

Jinhua pointed her blade down calmly at Redson, "Destroy all who seek to get in my way."  The soldiers roared to life, flames of different colors lit up in spirals as they began to file out and charge forward.

"C'mon boys! We gotta make a path—!" Macaque's projection raced forward, creating small quakes with each step.

"Right behind you, Pa'—!" Ren chirped, unsheathing his Mech's katana. He leaped forward and started to swing at the waves of soldiers, decimating the ongoing flames.

Redson just went crazy as he literally began to run through the soldiers and just plow through them. Every time a soldier would get close, they would be overwhelmed by the mere heat from the prince's flame projection.

Sandy, Tang, and Pigsy all followed suit in the van and went all out with the added weaponry. Cannons, lasers, grenades, blasters, anything that Sandy had a little fun adding from the East Dragon. Tang was the driver, adding a few protective incantations for the van. While Sandy and Pigsy, with his ping pong paddle, struck anything that got close.

"COME GET THIS—!" Pigsy twisted around and back handed a soldier in the face.

Tang was screaming at the top of his lungs as he veered to the left when he saw a wave of flaming soldiers try and leap at the driving van.

"HA HA—! Feels great to let loose!" Sandy full on used a simple punch in one direction and that entire side of the field had been blown away.

"Glad to see your getting better, Sandy!" Pigsy cackled.

Sandy smiled brightly at his friend, "Thanks!"

Sprinting across the field Ren's Mech and Macaque's projection were rushing across the field side by side. Their weapons raining down upon they're enemies like lightning strikes. MK was hanging on the side of Ren's Mech watching in awe at how in sync the two were.

"Whoo hoo-!!" MK hollered out with a wide grin. His arms shooting up in joy as he cheered on the two.

As soon as they were close enough, Ren's Mech leaped up and was grabbed by Macaque's straps. The simian's projection then full on swung them around and threw them straight at the Scorpio Mech, "Go get 'em boy's—!!"

MK latched on for his dear life as he witnessed how fast they were flying in the air, "THIS IS CRAZY—!"

Ren was having the time of his life, "HANG ON, BROTHER!!" He twisted out his mech's katana and zipped forward, his blade practically flying at Lady Bone Demon.

As soon as the blade was above the Lady Bone Demon, the entire mech teleported to the blade's location and loomed over the villainess, "Why hello there, bitch—!" Ren sneered.

Lady Bone Demon only tilted her head up with an annoyed smirk, "Ah... The pawn has returned for more... How irritating—!" She spat as she crossed her legs.

"I could say the same for you."

Macaque's projection ascended from the shadowy parts of the Scorpio Mech and loomed over the Lady Bone Demoness. He raised his fist and went to strike down.

But a blue tornado appeared before the simian, countering his blow with a strike of her own. Out of the flames, ascended Jinhua herself.

Lady Bone Demon smirked up at the simian with glowing blue eyes, "The little warrior has returned... I wouldn't do that if I were you. Wouldn't want to repeat an event again... But at the hands of your lover this time."

Macaque chuckled and pulled back when Jinhua lurched forward with a swipe of her blade, "Lucky for you, I'm not your opponent." A sudden dangerous pressure rose up behind him. The simian glanced back with a smirk, seeing it was Shiwen with his blade waiting to strike him down, "And neither are you."

A sudden strike of gold zipped down and full on tackling the commander out of the sky. Shiwen was startled for a millisecond but quickly composed himself and saw who his attacker was.

Wukong let a crazed smile overtake his face, his eyes glowing a striking red, "Ready for round 2!?"

Macaque watched the two fly straight into the ground, a massive crater forming around them, blowing away all soldiers in the area.

He then turned to see Ren and MK stuck with Jinhua still guarding Lady Bone Demon, "Oh we can't have that, can we?" He stretched his arm out and his projection's straps came flying out towards Jinhua, wrapping around her gently and yanking her back.

Jinhua twisted out of the straps and with one blurred stroke of her blade, she was freed. But her sights weren't on Lady Bone Demon, they were fully set on Macaque.

And the simian in question couldn't help but have a smirk on his lips, "Just like that, love. Give me your full attention." He chuckled with glee as he began to deal blows with Jinhua.

Ren frowned at the sight of his parents fighting, but he knew it was the perfect match up between two teleporters. He turned his attention back on Lady Bone Demon to see she was watching the two as well.

Now was the time to get MK close to the Staff.

Ren glanced over at MK, "If we have the chance, now is the time to do so."

MK glanced at the Mech's face, "Right...!"

Ren held out his Mech's hand, letting MK fall right into its palm, "Remember. Focus on the staff. Don't lose focus on your goal! No matter what!"

MK gripped his sub staff, "No matter what. Got it!" He tucked his knees close, "Now launch me!"

Ren grinned and rested his arm back, "To infinity—"

MK smiled brightly, his figure was thrown like a baseball, "AND BEYOND—!" He screamed out, holding his weapon with his life.

Ren watched MK's figure fly out of view. His eyes gleaming in a eerie indigo, "Now... Where were we?" His Mech turned to face a glaring Lady Bone Demon.

"Alas... Things have turned from a clean plan to a disastrous thorn in my side...!" Lady Bone Demon furrowed her brows.

Ren chuckled, "You could say it's almost Chaotic.."

Lady Bone Demon did not take the humor in his little pun and waved her hand towards the staff, "It's fine though... Every good planner has a back up precaution."

Ren's face hardened, "The longer you stay conscious in reality, the more damage you'll commit to my family and friends." He shifted out of his Samurai Mech. His face turning serious as he chose to use that, "Time to change that,"

Lady Bone Demon's eyes wavered, "What are you talking about—"

"Mind Lock."

The villainess froze in her spot, her face paling as it seemed like a hand had reached out and grabbed hold on her soul, "What is this—"

"Mind Intrusion."

Her eyes widened, "You—!" She snarled as she felt her eyes grow heavy. Her last sight of Ren was a growing smile on his lips.

"Time to sleep." He grinned with a finger over his lips, "I'll see you in my domain."

MK flailed his arms, legs, and tail around vigorously as he was almost close to crashing into the side of the Scorpio Mech's arm plating, "Wowowow—!" He face planted right on it.

Letting out a groan, he slammed his hand on the plating and got back up with a shake of his head, "Can't stay here..! Gotta get the staff...! Stay focused!" He started to sprint up the side of the arm.

Though the slightest of whispers casted upon his simian ears. Inciting a involuntary shiver to run down his back, "Creeepy—!"

As he ran he glanced over the side to see how his group was faring.

Macaque and Jinhua were a literally appearing all over the place, chasing one another as they traded blows. Chi of fiery blue and violet mixing in the air as they teleported after each slam. Trying to capture the other.
The Monkey King and Jinhua's Second in Command were just blurs as he could only see waves of powerful chi roll off them with each hit they landed. No soldier in sight around them as they danced around each other. It was intimidating how ferocious the battle grew. MK could've sworn he saw blood on his mentor but he shook his head and looked around for the others.

He knew that Pigsy and Sandy were having the time of they're lives from the loud cackling in the distance and few explosions here and there. Tang on the other hand...? Not so much. His loud girly screams carried down wind.

He glanced back to see Ren had fallen slump in his Samurai Mech, the same with his opponent, Lady Bone Demon. MK shivered at what that indicated. If they weren't awake physically... That meant Ren wanted a mentality battle. He used Mind Intrusion. Now they were playing his rules.

For now though, it was time to find Redson—


MK deadpanned, "Found him." He looked down to see Redson's fire projection literally scaling the side of the Scorpio Mech. His claws sinking into the metal, melting it upon contact. MK could only watch in amazement as he literally still had soldiers stabbing him with their weapons but they were blown away by sudden rush of heat and flare of his flames.

"GET OUT OF MY WAY—!!" The projection's voice took on a deeper tone as it let out monstrous roar. It's flaming tail wrapped around some of the soldiers and tossed them off him, "MEIII—!!"

MK gripped his staff at the reminder of his goal, "Right—! GOTTA FOCUS!" He smacked his head with the wooden staff. Shaking his head, he sprinted forward, taking advantage of his simian legs. Dust clouds was all he left in his path as he hurried forward.

He stopped in his tracks as his eyes were met with the eerie emptiness of Spider Queen's dead henchmen, Syntax and Goliath, "Oh no..." MK stepped back with his weapon held close to his chest, fur bristling at the sight, "Spiders... Why'd it have to be spiders...!?"

Goliath took a heavy step forward, his jaw unhinging as it let out a shrill yell. Green blood trailed down his face. Syntax stepped forward with a strange mutation of one of his legs being ripped off and stabbed right into his side rib cage. His other spider limbs were cracked and dislocated as if he was being tortured while he died. Green blood seeped from his many in blinking eyes as he also let out a angered screech.

MK jumped at the grotesque figures lumbering towards him, "EWWW—! Ew ew ew ew!! No, can you just not!?" He tried running around them with his weapon pointed at them to keep some distance. Though something stopped the boy in his steps.

Small quiet weeps escaping the two spirits.

"I just wanted to save her majesty...."

"What did I do to deserve this....??"

MK slowly turned around with his weapon lowered. His eyes widening in realization.

"Please... Just..."

"For my Queen...."

His face turning pale as he realized what he had to do. His grip on his weapon tightened, turning his knuckles white as he prepared himself for the deed.

The weeps and wails grew louder as they're melting claws tried to reach out for the simian.

"Give us mercy...!"


Hardening his face, MK let out a sigh. He twirled his staff around as he thought of what Jinhua would do. His mind racing to the time he listened to her stories.

Holding out a palm and his staff at ready behind him, "By the graces of GuanYin, I give you the chance to have a second life wherever that leads, for she has given you mercy in the face of the Heavens..." He lifted his head and stared them down with glowing gold eyes, "I'll give you the mercy you deserve." The gold that surrounded him reminded him of Jinhua's warm embrace. But slightly different. As if someone of higher order and power had began to watch over him.

Little did he know, blooming lotuses with golden hues sprouted near his boots.

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