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Chloe and Halle, two high-school girls with perfect GPA's and no criminal background whatsoever find themselv... More



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Beyoncé POV

"This is bullshit! It's been hours" I paced the private waiting area we were in waiting on any news about lovie

Today had been such a wild and chaotic day. This just added insult to injury, we were all wildly shaken up by Lovie's collapse.

We definitely had our differences but we had to put our differences aside for once... this was serious shit. Her body was so limp and fragile in my arms, I wouldn't know what to do with myself if anything were to happen to her especially now that she was in my care

I had one responsibility and I was still fucking it up. I knew it wouldn't be easy but never would I have thought it would be this hard.

"Can you stop and calm down? She's gonna fine..." Halle told me calmly and I just stared at her in confusion wondering how she knew that

"You don't know that, she was barely breathing.." Shawn said trying to antagonize the girls more than he already has

"Was she talking to you? Don't make me hurt you in this hospital because I will" Chloe snapped back at him

"And I'll have you sent right back to jail, where you belong thug!" Shawn argued back and I decided I finally had enough of their bullshit

"Can you two shut the fuck up?!" I yelled at them both frustrated with the constant back and forth

"You're a grown ass man, starting shit with a little girl! They haven't done anything, YOU haven't started. you and my mother has been starting shit since they've been and I'm personally sick of it so either you man the fuck up and learn how to deal with your feelings in a mature manner or you can leave until you grow up" I went off on him leaving no room for him to give me any back talk

I noticed Chloe was laughing as if she was innocent when in reality she was just as wrong as anybody else in this house.

"What are you laughing for?! You're supposed to be the oldest in the house, setting examples for your sisters and somehow you're the most childish! all that fighting, arguing and cursing is not only completely unacceptable, but just plain obnoxious. I made mistakes and I get your mad about it but so has everyone else in this room, so unless you're some mad scientist that can create a Time Machine that takes us all back 16 years in the past I suggest you grow up aswell!" I told her and they both got quite

I guess they knew I was dead ass in this moment and I meant everything I was telling them. They've been so accustomed to me not really saying anything and being peacemaker they didn't realize, I wasn't one of their little friends!

Believe it or not, I wasn't a pushover... I know it may seem like it due to me feeling a bit shy around the twins but I ran shit around here.

I seen a group of doctors finally coming into the waiting area and everyone's attention went to them.

"Are you the family of Lovie Oppong?" The male doctor asked and I nodded, "yeah, something like that. Is she ok?" I asked him and he held a facial that was hard to read

"Luckily we were able to save her life but unfortunately due to the extensive swelling of her cervix and trauma based damage to her uterus we were unable to save the baby" he told us and immediately all our jaws dropped at the same time hearing the words that just fell from his mouth

"H-Her Baby?!" Halle shot out of her seat instantly making us all a little nervous because I know for a fact she hasn't left house since she got here a few weeks ago and She was in jail for two whole months so there's no way we couldn't have known she was over 3 months pregnant..

The doctors looked around at each other after staring at all our confused faces. I just couldn't believe what I was hearing, what they had described about her condition was a clear indication sexual assault but done by who?

"According to the tests we ran, she had to be a little over 8 weeks" the female nurse said and i immediately shook my head in denial

"No... that's not possible." I told them doing the math. There's no possible way she could be two months because she was in jail two months ago, if she was only 2 months that would mean she would've gotten pregnant while incarcerated.

"Fuck.." I heard Chloe mumble under her breath and I noticed Halle had this distressed look on her face causing me to wonder if they knew something

"Can we see her?" Shawn asked as I continued to stare at the stressed out girls who had now began to cry along with blue who hadn't stopped crying since she got here

"Due to the extent of her injuries and how malnourished she was when she got here, we can't allow anyone in there until we get police statements from everyone in the home" the male doctor explained to us and I nodded running my hands down my face

"Ok... can we please get a little privacy to take all this in?" I asked them and they obliged leaving the rooms so we could all get a proper understanding of what was going on

"How did this happen? Did you know about the baby?" I asked them pinching the brim of my nose trying to stop myself from crying but it barely worked

I couldn't stand to hear about any of these girls getting hurt because despite their hatred for me, I really felt like I've formed a connection with each one of them

"Of course not! She didn't even tell us anything bad had happened to her, she was acting just like usual" Halle explained to us and my mind quickly went to the aggressive shaking she had been doing since the first time I've seen her

"What about the shaking? She never makes eye contact while a man is in the room and her flinching, that can't be usual to you guys" i asked them and they looked up with confusion in their face

"You didn't look into Lovie's background while you were getting ready to become our legal guardian did you?" Chloe asked me and then I realized that I actually hadn't

I guess I had gotten so into the thought of trying to make things right with kiyana and her kids I forgot to take into account that Lovie had a completely different upbringing than the twins. She wasn't related to the twins in any shape form or fashion so now I felt a bit nervous

"Lovie was born addicted to cocaine and heroin.. she has always had a tick that caused her to shake when she was in heavy thought or nervous along with other cognitive and behavioral issues " Halle explained to me and the tears finally began to free fall from my eyes

"Oh my god" Blue gasped crying even harder. Shawn attempted to hold blue to calm her but she didn't want him at all

Blues relationship with both her father and i has been weird ever since she's been a teen. I've been trying to deal with this situation the best way I can but it's just been so much going on it's been hard

"Her father beat her and her mother was a crack head who would force her into sexual acts with older men in order to pay for her addiction causing a lot of PTSD hence the nervousness around men." She told me and I noticed Shawn had began to tear up a little as the story aswell

"We truly didn't know about anything but i know she's so scared. It's happened to her so many times and I promised her I'd be there to protect her and I w-wasn't" Chloe broke down into her hands

despite their ridiculous fight and extreme beef they had just dealt with, I watched Shawn pull Chloe into a big hug letting her cry in his chest which made my heart swell a bit

Halle and blue hugged me as I cried and at this moment I knew everything after this point was gonna change.

They do say tragedy brings people together right?


Chapter 19!!! Oop- someone got cursed out

Beyoncé finally checking her husband and Chloe ? Was it deserved

Lovie suffering a miscarriage? How do you think this will change the course of the story?

Shawn letting Chloe cry on him? Do you think this tragedy will bring them together?

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