Wild Dog (mxm) (Rever series...

By TheoryKierei

240K 22.1K 5.1K

Blake did the last thing he could possibly think of to escape an addictive, abusive relationship. He dropped... More

Wild Dog 1
Wild Dog 2
Wild Dog 3
Wild Dog 4
Wild Dog 5
Wild Dog 6
Wild Dog 7
Wild Dog 8
Wild Dog 9
Wild Dog 10
Wild Dog 11
Wild Dog 12
Wild Dog 13
Wild Dog 14
Wild Dog 15
Wild Dog 16
Wild Dog 17
Wild Dog 18
Wild Dog 19
Wild Dog 20
Wild Dog 21
Wild Dog 22
Wild Dog 23
Wild Dog 24
Wild Dog 25 Fixed
Wild Dog 26
Wild Dog 27
Wild Dog 28
Wild Dog 29
Wild Dog 30
Wild Dog 31
Wild Dog 32
Wild Dog 33
Wild Dog 34
Wild Dog 35
Wild Dog 36
Wild Dog 37
Wild Dog 38
Wild Dog 39
Wild Dog 40
Wild Dog 41
Wild Dog 42
Wild Dog 43
Wild Dog 44
Wild Dog 46
Wild Dog 47
Wild Dog 48
Wild Dog 49
Epilogue 2

Wild Dog 45

3K 341 66
By TheoryKierei

Living with Sage was way different than what he'd expected. He knew how dominant the man was, and they had definitely needed to sit down and discuss some things, but somehow, someway, the situation turned out to be pretty darn good.

He especially enjoyed the fact that he was getting twice the amount of attention as before. Though, at the beginning he wasn't completely sure if Sage was interested in him enough to redirect his attention away from Wyatt when he was home, but boy had he been wrong.

The man loved on him so damn much it was almost like he was a mosquito instead of a bat! On the other hand, though, if he ever didn't want attention, Sage immediately backed off, but not in a snarky way. He would stop touching him, but would still keep himself available if he wanted to talk, watch a movie, or even make some dinner together.

Running his fingers through his wet hair, Blake checked to make sure that he hadn't left in any conditioner, then reached forward and turned off the shower.

Instead of getting out right away, he slowly looked down at his abdomen, then lifted a hand to touch his length gently.


He wanted to try having sex again. Well, he'd wanted to try for a while now, but that didn't mean that his past trauma wouldn't get in the way like it always did.

All of his previous external bruises and injuries had healed long ago, but it wasn't that simple to solve the internal issues.

Can I help you with anything, sweetheart?

Was fuck me an appropriate answer to that question?

He felt an immediate tense static in response. He hadn't voiced anything in particular, but he didn't doubt that Sage could sense enough of his frustration to figure things out.

Wyatt is cooking. Would you like me to get him for you? Sage asked, ready to step back, even though Blake had no doubt that he would be more than willing to assist him with what he wanted done.

Sighing, Blake pressed his forehead against the cold tile in front of him and slowly shook his head as he released his length.

No, it's alright. I'm just...

What the hell was he even doing? He knew that he couldn't do it with Wyatt, so why was he about to complain to Sage that he was horny?

Can I ask you something personal, Blake?

Frowning, Blake straightened back up and looked toward the closed bathroom door.

Of course, he replied without hesitating.

I understand that you aren't good with physical intimacy, but I wanted to ask; where did you and your ex have sex? Was it just one specific location, or multiple places?

Blake felt his face heat and his heartbeat quicken within his chest, but he refused to shy away from answering. He'd said that Sage could ask him something personal, and he would respond respectfully.

Only the bedroom. Only on the bed.

"Lunch is ready guys!"

Blake snapped out of his stress-induced daze immediately and hopped out of the shower. Quickly drying off, he washed his hands, then tugged on the pair of shorts he'd brought to change into before adding a shirt. After a quick check he opened the door after settling the towel around his shoulders.


Sage was sitting right in front of him on the bed, leaning back on his hands with a relaxed smile on his face.

"Hey there, sweetheart," he said in his familiar raspy tone.

Blake was about to greet him, then walk to the kitchen when he noticed something he couldn't ignore. Instead of walking past the man, he moved until he stood between his legs, then lifted a hand up to his hair.

"So messy," he whispered as he worked on fixing that unruly hair as best he could.

He felt Sage's arms gently wrap around the back of his legs a moment later, settling just beneath his backside, but it honestly didn't bother him.

"Thank you, love. My hair gets a little messy when I dream about you two," he said, making Blake roll his eyes... even though he was grinning, too.

Sage had taken a nap after working an all-nighter, but he hadn't bothered to change out of his clothing or even eat dinner. The second he'd turned off his laptop he'd gotten up and walked straight to his bed.

"Nice try, but your hair was already messy before you went to bed," Blake said before glancing to the side for a moment, then reaching up with his other hand to make an absolute mess of the man's just-fixed hair.

He was actually having quite a bit of fun tormenting Sage, but his hands slowly came to a stop when he noticed the man's gorgeous eyes staring straight up at him as if he were contemplating having him for lunch instead of whatever Wyatt had cooked.

"It's definitely a thought. You look good enough to eat... and I think I might just want seconds, and thirds," Sage rasped, making Blake's face turn red as he quickly tucked his hands behind his back.

His reaction got a quiet chuckle from Sage as those beautiful eyes continued to stare at him.

"I-I thought you could only see through my eyes," he mumbled as he looked away, unable to handle the man's stare, even though it was now clear he couldn't see him.

"You're correct, but I remember what you looked like when you showed me in the mirror, and I haven't forgotten a single detail since then," Sage said as he gently squeezed Blake's backside, then released him completely.

"We better go eat. You know how our man gets when he's alone at the table," he said as he slowly stood up, giving Blake plenty of time to step back.

Except, he didn't want to, so as Sage stood, their body's brushed against each other in several places, making Sage's head tilt curiously as he finally straightened to his full height.

"Babe, I want you to try something after we eat, okay?" he asked as he gently took Blake's hand in his own, then leaned forward for a brief kiss.

When that kiss ended, Blake licked his lips and allowed himself to be lead out of the room. His only response to the other man's question was a squeeze of his hand.

Dinner was already set up in the main living room on top of the little dining table they'd bought recently. Three chairs were pulled out around it, and since it looked like almost everything was already there, he decided to just help Sage to his seat, then take his own.

Once they were settled Wyatt appeared carrying their three drinks. A knowing grin was on his face, but he didn't question them at all. Instead, he set the drinks down, leaned over for a kiss, then pressed one to Sage's hair before sitting down, himself.

"I hope you guys like hotdogs and mashed potatoes, because we need to go grocery shopping," he said, making Blake grin as he loaded up his plate with food.

"Love it," Blake said as he added some chili to the top of his two hotdogs, then happily began digging in.

Sage was a little slower, but he ate nearly twice as much, making Blake honestly a bit jealous.

"Don't worry love, you can eat me for desert," Sage said with a wink that made Wyatt roll his eyes.

Seemingly sensing the gesture, Sage turned his attention to Wyatt and slowly licked his lips as he raised his eyebrows.

"I wouldn't mind eating you afterwards."

Wyatt quickly returned his attention to his food, making Sage give a quiet chuckle before they all settled down to eat.

This was honestly one of his favorite parts about living with his two boyfriends. They knew when to joke and when to be serious, but they also took time out of their schedules, no matter how busy, to eat together as a family at least two days a week.

"Hey Wy, I'd like for you to try something with Blake," Sage said once everyone had finished eating.

Wyatt looked toward him, which made Blake blush slightly, before returning his attention to Sage.

"What would that be?"

Sage looked in his direction with a relaxed smile, giving Blake a chance to change his mind. He didn't want to, though. So, after gathering his determination for a moment, he turned his attention back to Wyatt and grinned.

"I want to try being intimate away from the bedroom."

Wyatt looked a little surprised, but he quickly smiled and nodded his agreement.

"Sounds like a good idea to me. Who would you like to try with?" he asked, surprising him enough to make Blake look between the two a few times.

Before he could figure out a response, Sage leaned back in his chair and crossed his arms over his chest.

"You. I'll just be your side-dick. Err, I mean wang man. Um... Why aren't you guys laughing? Do you not get it? You know, sidekick? Wingman?"

Oh, they got it alright. They were just trying not to vomit at the terrible puns.

"You might want to just sit this one out," Wyatt said as he got up from the table and immediately tugged his shirt up and over his head.

Blake, of course, stared to his heart's content until Wyatt reached over and took his hand, helping him up and over to the sofa they had brought over from Wyatt's place. He likely won't be renewing his lease, so they were slowly bringing over the things he wanted to keep.

Not interested in taking things slow, since that usually just built up his stress, Blake quickly tugged off his own shirt, then dropped his shorts to the floor. His body was already ready, too, and he didn't bother trying to hide it.

He was just stepping forward for a kiss when he heard Sage get up from the table and slowly wander over.

"Don't mind me, loves. I'm just going to assist my handsome boyfriends so that they may finally show their undying love for each other," he said as he pressed a hand against his chest, as if swearing an oath.

"Oh? And what do you intend to do?" Wyatt asked as he casually sat down on the sofa, then guided Blake down onto his lap.

It was quite obvious right away that his master was ready to go, but he would be patient. Besides, he was curious to see what Sage intended to do.

When the man walked closer, but stopped about two feet away from the couch and sat down, Blake tilted his head, confused. He could also sense Wyatt's uncertainty as he looked over his shoulder at Sage as his arms wrapped around his middle.

"What are you doing?" Blake eventually asked when Sage simply wrapped his arms around his bent knees and stared.

"Watching!" Sage said with a huge grin. "Just incase he decides to be a bad boy."

Watching? Just incase?

He'd never had anyone propose such a thing, and he doubted that his old master, or even Wyatt, before their whole combined situation happened, would have allowed it.

"Do you want him to watch us?" Wyatt asked as he pressed a kiss to Blake's ear, making a shiver run down his spine.

He honestly found that he didn't mind in the least if Sage was present. In fact, he kind of liked the idea.

"He can watch. In fact, Sage?"

Sage perked up, his blind eyes alight with curiosity.


Blake carefully turned around in Wyatt's lap, then straddled him before looking over his own shoulder, then turning a little to reach out a hand.

"If you want to watch, then you have to be able to see."

Sage's eyes went wide as he looked a little higher, likely silently asking Wyatt for permission.

"I'm okay with it, and Blake is okay with it," Wyatt said before patting the cushion next to them.

Sage immediately crawled forward until he was on his knees in front of the couch with one hand shakily pressing against Blake's smooth, bare backside.

He could feel the man enter the back of his mind immediately as his conscious slowly connected with his vision. It was still a strange feeling, but the huge smile that found its way onto Sage's face as he began to see through his eyes was worth the world.

Now that Sage was ready, Blake didn't hesitate to reach between himself and Wyatt and undo the man's pants. He'd never really been one to hesitate when having sex, but his past trauma had made it extremely difficult to do the deed without panicking.

As he looked back up at the man in front of him, he couldn't help but grin. He was a little nervous, but the normal panic that came along with intimate physical attention was barely a whisper in his mind. Heck, Sage had a bigger presence in his thoughts right then!

Especially the words that he had said a few moments. He would watch, and if anything happened, he would be there for him. Just incase.

"I think you might have been right, Sage," he said as he calmly wrapped his arms around Wyatt's neck and leaned in for a long, slow kiss.

Wyatt returned the attention in full as his tongue danced with Blake's and his hands settled on his backside. His right one pressed over Sage's, then squeezed at the same time he did.

Both men used their nails, and the resulting bit of pain made Blake moan against Wyatt's mouth. As they continued to kiss, Blake let his hands slowly drift downward until they were able to grab hold of Wyatt's length.

"Mm, already?" Wyatt whispered roughly against his bruised lips.

To answer his question, Blake immediately got up on his knees and lined the item up with his hole.

"I've been waiting far too long to hesitate now. I'm going to please both of my masters today," he said with such determination that Wyatt even blushed.

He felt Sage begin to nip at his ankle as he slowly began sinking down onto Wyatt's length and was honestly glad for the distraction. He was beginning to stress, but it wasn't a panic attack yet.

Are you alright, love? Stop whenever you need to. We both love you and want you to feel comfortable.

He knew that, and he had stopped so many times already.

You're going to step in if something bad happens, so what is there to worry about? he replied after settling himself completely over Wyatt's length with a content, shaky sigh.

He felt Sage's teeth begin to slip beneath his skin at the same time the man replied in his mind.

Yes, sweetheart I will be here for you whenever you need me. Enjoy your time with master Wyatt... while I enjoy a little nibble from your ankle.

The man's words made him grin as he felt his hand slip down from his backside to hold his ankle firmly, but he quickly returned his attention to Wyatt.

"I've been waiting quite a while for this... I hope you have the stamina to keep up, master."

Wyatt blinked a few times, a little surprised by his teasing words. It didn't take him long before he was smirking, though, and grabbing Blake's hips with both hands.

"We said that we'd give Sage a show..." he replied as he grabbed Blake's hips and squeezed tightly but carefully.

"...I suppose it's now time to perform, love."

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