Our Story • glee

By TrueAlpha11x

69.2K 2.2K 3.7K

Blake Henley tries to navigate her way through high school. All she knows is that one day she wants to be on... More

Pilot 1x01
Showmance 1x02
Acafellas 1x03
Preggers 1x04
The Rhodes Not Taken 1x05
Vitamin D 1x06
Mash-up 1x08
Wheels 1x09
Ballad 1x10
Hairography 1x11
Mattress 1x12
Sectionals 1x13
Hell-O 1x14
The Power Of Madonna 1x15
Home 1x16
Bad Reputation 1x17
Laryngitis 1x18
Dream On 1x19
Theatricality 1x20
Funk 1x21
Journey to Regionals 1x22
Season 2
Audition 2x01
Britney/Brittany 2x02
Grilled Cheesus 2x03
Duets 2x04
The Rocky Horror Glee Show 2x05
Never Been Kissed 2x06
The Substitute 2x07
Furt 2x08
Special Education 2x09
A Very Glee Christmas 2x10
The Sue Sylvester Shuffle 2x11
Silly Love Songs 2x12
Comeback 2x13
Blame It On The Alcohol 2x14
Sexy 2x15
Original Song 2x16
Night Of Neglect 2x17
Born This Way 2x18
Rumours 2x19
Prom Queen 2x20
Funeral 2x21
New York 2x22
Season 3
The Purple Piano Project 3x01
I Am Unicorn 3x02
Asian F 3x03
Pot O' Gold 3x04
The First Time 3x05
Mash-Off 3x06
I Kissed A Girl 3x07
Hold On To Sixteen 3x08
Extraordinary Merry Christmas 3x09
Yes/No 3x10
Michael 3x11
The Spanish Teacher 3x12
Heart 3x13
On My Way 3x14
Big Brother 3x15
Saturday Night Glee-Ver 3x16
Dance With Somebody 3x17
Choke 3x18
Prom-Asaurus 3x19
Props 3x20
Nationals 3x21
Goodbye 3x22
Season 4
The New Blake 4x01
Britney 2.0 4x02
Makeover 4x03
The Break-Up 4x04
The Role You Were Born To Play 4x05
Glease 4x06
Dynamic Duets 4x07
Thanksgiving 4x08
Swan Song 4x09
Glee, Actually 4x10
Sadie Hawkins 4x11
Naked 4x12
Diva 4x13
I Do 4x14
Girls (And Boys) On Film 4x15
Feud 4x16
Guilty Pleasures 4x17
Shooting Star 4x18
Sweet Dreams 4x19
Lights Out 4x20
Wonder-Ful 4x21
All or Nothing 4x22
Season 5
Love, Love, Love 5x01

Throwdown 1x07

1K 35 40
By TrueAlpha11x

I'm gonna be completely honest... not my best work. But I wanted to get this chapter out. Thank you for continuing to read this story. It means a lot. Sorry for the note, I know they can get annoying 😅

     "As we head into sectionals, I wanna get some feedback." Mr. Schue looks at his students. "Like, what kind of stuff you guys would like to be doing. Is there anything... any music in particular... that you guys wanna do?"

"Can we maybe try something a little more black?" Mercedes says looking around.

Kurt nods his head at his friend's statement, "I agree. We do an awful lot of show tunes."

"Mhm." Blake agrees.

"It's Glee club, not Crunk club." Rachel rolls her eyes.

Blake scoffs at the short girl. "Don't make me take you to the carpet." Mercedes sasses.

"Fantastic! Thank you, Mercedes, Blake, Kurt. Duly noted. Anything else?"

"I can pop and lock." Mike suggests.

Mr. Schue dismisses him, "Not really what we're going for Mike. But... noted, noted, yes." He also comments not wanting to seem offensive.

"So much for what we wanna do." Blake mutters.

"Did you expect anything less?" Ace whispers.

"I guess not. I was just hoping we'd do something more inclusive." The girl looks at her friend.

"One can only hope."

The bell rings and the two walk out and are joined by Kurt and Mercedes.

"That girl is really getting on my nerves." Mercedes says.

"Yeah, no kidding." Ace scoffs, "But hey, why get our hopes up to perform, when we have never had someone else besides Rachel and Finn sing."

"Blake sang that one time for the invitationals." Kurt points out.

"Oh yeah! I forgot about that." Ace says.

"Thanks." The brunette girl says offended.

"No wait- I didn't- I didn't mean it in a bad way." The boy says, flailing his arms. "All I'm saying is, you did good then, so it would be kinda cool if he gave you another shot."

"Nice save." Kurt says.

"Shut up." He rolls his eyes.

"I think everyone deserves a shot. Not just me." Blake looks down the hallway.

"Yeah, but like Ace said, it's not likely any of us are gonna have that opportunity." Mercedes looks at the taller brunette disappointedly.

"Maybe one day."

              ╔═══*.·:·.☽✧    ✦    ✧☾.·:·.*═══╗

     "Where are we going?" Blake says laughing as she gets drug down the hallway.

"You'll see." Noah Puckerman smiles.

He brings the girl to the familiar door of the choir room and opens it, ushering her in.

"What are we doing here?"

"So, I had this thought." He starts saying.

"That's terrifying." The brunette remarks sarcastically.

"Shut up." He playfully rolls his eyes. "What if you asked Mr. Schue to sing one of your songs at sectionals?"

Blake's eyes widened, not understanding how the boy knew about her songs. "What?"

"Ok,  I know this probably sounds weird, but last week in the choir room I saw you. You were dancing and singing a song I hadn't heard before, and it was really good. I think it would be a good option for sectionals."

Blake shakes her head. "No way. Never gonna happen."

"Why not?"

"Well, for one Mr. Schuester would never go for it. Two, that song isn't even finished. And three, I don't want people knowing about my songs." She rubs her arm shyly, "Not yet anyway."

Puck groans, "C'mon." He whines, "Just give it a try."

"No Puck." She says firmly. "I appreciate what you're trying to do, but I'm not interested in making my songs public. They're my coping mechanism. They weren't meant for someone else's ears."

Puck looks at the girl disappointed, but understanding. "Alright. I'm sorry for being pushy."

"It's okay. I appreciate that you think that it's good enough for sectionals."


"I never knew you were such a softy Puckerman." She smirks.

He scoffs, "I'm not. I just wanna win."

"Mhm. Sure." She walks up to him smiling.

"I'm not a softy."

"Then why do you care so much about my songs being recognized?" She teases.

"Because-" he tries to give an excuse but ultimately fails. "Alright, I think you're talented, and that you deserve recognition. Sue me."

"Awe, who would've thought that you could be nice."

"Yeah, Yeah. Whatever." The taller boy says putting an arm around her.

"It's okay. I won't tell anyone your little secret." She says as she leans up and kisses his cheek.

The two walk out of the room playfully shoving each other as they walk to the double doors, exiting the school.

               ╔═══*.·:·.☽✧    ✦    ✧☾.·:·.*═══╗

     Mr. Schuester and Ms. Sylvester stand at the front of the classroom with a coin in hand, making that the deciding factor on who gets to direct their number first.

"I can't believe they're actually flipping a coin to decide." Blake let's out a light chuckle.

"You really thought they could civilly make the decision on their own?" Artie laughs.


"Ladies choice." Mr. Schuester says to the blonde woman.


"Heads." The man looks away annoyed.

Sue looks around triumphantly and puts on her reading glasses. "Awesome, all right." She pulls out a sheet of paper and looks out to the group of students. "The following students have been selected for a special elite glee club called 'Sue's Kids.'"

Mr. Schuester looks at her incredulously and puts his hand out in frustration. "Hold on. We agreed not to split up the group."

The woman looks at their teacher with a look of fake hurt. "Aw, come on, Will. Give me a chance to do things Sue Sylvester's way." She looks out to the kids, "Maybe with my proven leadership abilities, I can help this pathetic group of mouth breathers place at sectionals."

Blake rolls her eyes at the woman's insult. "We can't even compete in sectionals if we divide up the club, Sue." He crosses his arms very sure of himself, "It's against the rules."

Sue looks at him with a smug look on her face. "Really? You need to crack open a book, William." She takes out a book and throws it at his chest. "Here, I have. Show Choir Rule Book. Page 24. Provision 14. Second addendum. Twelve members must perform for each team. However, not all members must perform every song."

Mr. Schue sighs in defeat and throws his hand up, "Fine. Hey, just go ahead, take all the football players and your Cheerios."

Sue ignores his comment, "Alright, everybody. Listen up. When you hear your name called,
cross over to my side of this black, shiny thing."

"That's a piano, Sue."

"Santana!" The woman shouts.

Blake rolls her eyes and slumps down in her chair. "Of course she's going to pick her Cheerios."

"Wheels!" She says referring to Artie.

The boy shares a look of confusion with Blake as he rolls over to Sue. "What's happening?" She mouths.

"I don't know." He mouths back.

"Gay kid!" Kurt looks around confused. "Come on! Move it!"

He gets up and shoots Mercedes and Blake a look of concern. "Asian!" She pauses, "Other Asian."

"Aretha." Mercedes gets up and confusedly walks over to Sue. "Shaft."

"And... Bambi." Blake looks around wondering who she's talking to.

"I'm talking to you long legs." Sue points at the girl.

"Me?" She looks at her shocked.

"Yeah. Now get your flat butt up here."

Blake pouts slightly at the comment, but gets up nonetheless and goes over with the other group of kids.

"I don't want to participate in a group that ignores the needs of minority students." Sue looks at the man.

"You have got to be kidding me!" Their teacher shouts not believing what is happening.

"I wouldn't kid about this." She says with faux disappointment. "And maybe that's your problem. Bigotry is no laughing matter."

"And that's how Sue sees it." Santana says with a wide smile.


"What the hell is happening?" Blake says with wide eyes.

              ╔═══*.·:·.☽✧    ✦    ✧☾.·:·.*═══╗

     "Yeah, so basically the entire club has been split in two because of our teacher's feud with the cheerleading coach." Blake says finishing off her rant about the recent glee club events.

A sigh comes from the other side of the phone. "Sounds like you guys put the consistent in inconsistent." J says.

Blake laughs at the terrible joke. "Yeah. Sometimes it feels like the only thing we are consistent at is inconsistency. But, hey, I'm gonna keep an open mind. Maybe things won't be too bad."

"That's the spirit." The boy says with fake amusement.

"Thanks." She says, rolling her eyes.

"You know." The boy starts, "the glee club at my school is pretty consistent. We could make you a star."

Blake lets out a chuckle. "I don't doubt that your club is very talented. But I like where I'm at. We may be dysfunctional but we're a family."

The boy sighs disappointedly, "I tried."

"Sorry Wonder Boy."

"Will you ever stop calling me that?"

"Nope!" She says popping the "p".

"Alright well, I'll talk to you soon Blake."

She smiles into the phone. "Talk to you soon J."



              ╔═══*.·:·.☽✧    ✦    ✧☾.·:·.*═══╗

     "Sue's Kids" walk down the hallway together towards the choir room where their first rehearsal will take place. Some of them more nervous than others.

"I'm k-k-kind of nervous." Tina says, pushing Artie's wheelchair.

"I debated not even showing up." The boy agrees.

"I hate to say it but, Sue kinda scares me." Blake shudders.

"I think it's gonna be great." Mercedes says optimistically. "Did you catch Sue's Corner last night?"

"No." The group responded.

"Well let's just say that she is all about minorities and I am loving it."

The group settles in the choir room as Sue walks in with the jazz band. "Hey, kids. Brought some
of my brass buddies with me.Thought maybe they could help us out a little bit. Okay." She grabs the sheet music and stays handing it out. "So I selected a song that I think will speak to the frustration you've felt under the failed leadership of Will Schuester."

"'Hate on me,' an R&B song!" Mercedes says excitedly.

Everyone shares the same level of enthusiasm as they never get to sing good songs like this.

"You like that?" Sue looks at them smiling. "Changster, I wanna see some of that pop and lock groove you're so famous for." She points at Mike who starts dancing happily.

"You go to town." She looks at Blake. "And you, Mercedes. I want to see some Mariah hands."

"I can do that." Mercedes looks around confidently.

"I think we g-got this one, Ms. Sylvester." Tina smiles.

"Alright. Well, we'll see. Hit it!"

The group starts singing the song, and it's like instant magic. Everyone's dancing and having fun, finally being able to perform a song they want to do. Blake dances with Matt and Mike, being that she's just as good of a dancer. She's never been able to dance this freely before. While she does feel like something is missing without the rest of the group, she won't let it ruin her fun.

Once they finish the song they all hug and cheer excitedly knowing now they finally are getting noticed.

            ╔═══*.·:·.☽✧    ✦    ✧☾.·:·.*═══╗

     Blake is sitting in Mr. Schuester's Spanish class, bored out of her mind as she finished her test about ten minutes after he handed it out. It sometimes blows her mind how he ended up a Spanish teacher.

Finn in the seat next to her fake yawns and hands a folded up paper back to Quinn.

"What is this?" Quinn looks up annoyed.

The boy smiles at his girlfriend proudly. "Check it out. I came up with a name that I think would be good for the kid."

Blake cringes at the boy's statement, knowing Quinn probably has no intention of keeping, let alone naming her unborn child.

"Eyes on your own test Finn." Mr. Schuester says, noticing the boy leaning towards his girlfriend.

Finn turns back for a split second while a student comes up to their teacher. "Can you let me know if he looks this way?" He asks Blake.

She nods. "Yeah."

"Thanks." He gives her a grateful smile.

He turns around, "Anyway then I read that Gwyneth Paltrow named her kid Apple, and I think that's so cool 'cause you know how much I love apples, right?" The boy rants, "So I figured we should name our kid something more original and poetic. Then I came up with the best baby name of all time." Quinn opens the paper and sees the name sketched out in bold lettering. "Drizzle!" Finn exclaims.

"Drizzle?" The blonde looks at him unimpressed.

"Yikes." Blake thinks to herself.

"Yeah. Yeah. 'Cause you know how awesome it is when it's just drizzling outside, but it's not really raining so it smells like rain, but you don't need an umbrella to go outside." Finn rambles.

Blake can't help but get second hand embarrassment from this Interaction. While Finn's gesture is adorable, it's just so embarrassing. Especially with Quinn's reaction.

"Are you a moron?" Quinn looks at the boy harshly.

"Damn." Blake whispers.

"What?" Finn looks at his girlfriend confused.

"We're not naming our baby Drizzle. We're not naming our baby anything." The girl says frustrated. Finn, still not understanding why she's upset, continues to stare at her. "Finish your test, Finn."

The boy turns around defeated and Blake looks at the boy with sympathetic eyes. "Are you ok?"

"Yeah. I just don't get what I did wrong."

Blake sighs, "That seems to be an all male thing."


"Nothing." She mutters.

The bell rings and the class starts to file out of the room. Blake heads down the hallway when she notices Quinn and Finn arguing at her locker. She notices Quinn gets a hurt look on her face and she storms off.

Blake, knowing she shouldn't intervene goes against her better judgment and does it anyway. She runs after the blonde girl, hoping to help her in some way.


Quinn stops in her tracks and turns around to face the girl. "What?" She says harshly.

Blake, taken aback by her attitude, puts her hands up in surrender. "I'm not here to hurt you. I just wanted to make sure you were okay."

"Why do you care, hm? Why don't you just go ask Finn how he's feeling because that's clearly all that matters!" Quinn looks at her with tears brimming in her eyes.

Blake steps forward concerned. "Quinn, what's going on?"

"I can't-" she tries to speak but a broken sob comes out of her mouth. Seeing the usually strong girl broken down like this breaks Blake's heart.

Blake pulls the small blonde into a hug. "It's okay. Just breathe."

As Quinn's breathing starts to even out, Blake backs away and looks into the girl's eyes. "What's going on?"

Quinn wipes her eyes and sniffles, "It's just Finn and that stupid hobbit. He thinks she's doing all of these favors for us when I know she's doing it just for him. She doesn't care about me. She just wants me out of the way."

"Rachel?" Blake asks.

"Yes. And he had the audacity to say he wishes I was like her." Quinn says, with a slight hesitancy in her voice as Finn also brought up Blake's name in the argument. But Quinn knows Blake has both their best interests at heart, so she has no reason to involve her negatively.

"I'm sorry Quinn." She looks at the girl sadly. "Maybe you both just need to take a breather. You both are super stressed with this baby stuff. Just take a moment to relax a little."

Quinn lets out a small breath. "Yeah. I think you're right." She looks at the taller brunette, "Thank you."

"Don't mention it. Think of it as repayment for helping me when I passed out."

Quinn nods her head with a small smile, and Blake returns the gesture and the two walk off in different directions to get to their next class

             ╔═══*.·:·.☽✧    ✦    ✧☾.·:·.*═══╗

     "Dad, you home?" Blake yells as she enters the house.

No response. Typical. She hasn't seen her father in almost two weeks. He's out before she wakes up and she's sleeping by the time he gets home.

"Blake?" She hears her brother yell.

The girl walks up the stairs and greets her brother. "Hey Der, have you seen dad?"

"Nope. He's never here when I am."

She sighs and sits down on the beanbag chair in the corner of his room. "Has he told you what his case is about?"

"No. But I did hear him talking to someone on the phone about it."

"What did they say?" Blake looks at her younger brother intrigued.

"It's like some big custody case. Apparently this guy has a daughter who he thought was his, but is actually adopted."

Blake's eyes widen, but then she realizes something. "Then how is it a custody case?"

"The dad didn't know she was adopted. So the mom or something is trying to gain custody off the fact she's the only one who knew about the adoption, and legally signed the papers."

"That makes literally zero sense." Blake shakes her head.

"Well those were the bits and pieces I heard so."

"Hm, odd." She shrugs it off, "Anyway, what do you want for dinner?"

"Can we do takeout?"

"Sure. Chinese?" She says standing up.

"Sounds good." He replies

               ╔═══*.·:·.☽✧    ✦    ✧☾.·:·.*═══╗

     Blake sits down in the audience next to Puck as she gets ready to watch Mr. Schuester's team of three perform.

"It's kinda crazy how he lost all of his students, and still made Rachel and Finn lead. You think he'd notice the problem by now."

"Yeah. The guy is an idiot, what else is there to say?" Puck looks at the girl.

She chuckles at his response, and turns her attention to the stage as Rachel starts talking.

"We would just like to say that although we find ourselves on opposite sides, we hope you enjoy our number and we look forward to seeing yours as well."

"Get on with it!" Sue yells at the short brunette girl.

Blake scoffs at the older woman's antics. Although Blake isn't particularly fond of Rachel, like ever. She still doesn't think Sue should talk down to her.

"Enough with the jibber-jabber. Sing something!"

"Sue, you can't talk to kids that way!" Mr. Schuester responds angrily.

"Great. Mom and dad are fighting again." The brunette says to her friends.

"This should be interesting." Artie says.

Rachel and Finn start to sing, and immediately Sue instructs her group of kids to get up. They all look at each other confused but proceed to follow the command anyway.

"I'm sorry. Is there a fire?" Finn looks out confused and offended.

"No, and that's the point. There is no fire." She looks disappointed. "You know, it's sad enough that my Sue's Kids are living in squalor and probably on food stamps..."

"My dads a dentist." Mercedes says, offended.

"Mines a lawyer." Blake says confused at the angle Sue is trying to play.

Ignoring what Mercedes and Blake said she continues. "But for you to drag 'em in here and bore 'em to death? I won't stand for it. Come on, kids. Out. We're goin' for Coneys. My treat."

"All right, that's it!" Mr. Schuester slams his clipboard down, making Blake flinch at the sound.

"Really?" Sue asks.

"You know what, Sue? You've been pretty honest
about your feelings for me so let me return the favor." He looks at her with anger filled eyes. "You're rude, Sue. You have no class, and you are a terrible teacher!"

"I'll have you know I have my Ph.D." She snaps back.

Looking exasperated at the woman, "You got it online, Sue!"

"You are a failed performer, Will. You weren't good enough to make it in the real world.You're not even good enough to run this stupid little club that nobody cares about. Time after time, Will, you fail!" She enunciates her final sentence with hatred.

The group of students just stare at each other in disbelief. What is happening? Blake can't help but get irritated at the fact that the two are arguing like children. This isn't what glee club is supposed to be about.

"You spend every waking moment of your life figuring out ways to terrify children to try to make you feel better about yourself and the fact that you're probably gonna spend the rest of your life alone!"

As the two continue to bicker, Finn finally breaks. "Enough," he yells at the two teachers. "I'm sorry, Mr. Schue, Miss Sylvester, but if we wanted
to hear Mom and Dad fight those of us who still have two parents would just stay home on payday."

Mercedes nods her head, "I agree. Glee Club is supposed to be fun. And furthermore, I don't like this minority business. I may be a strong, proud black woman,but I'm a lot more than that." She throws up a peace sign and starts to walk away. "I'm out."

"Yeah, me too. There's no point in being here if we can't do it together." Blake shakes her head in disappointment, "Have fun arguing over God knows what."

"Fellow Glee Clubbers, it would be an honor to show you how a real storm-out is done. I encourage you to follow my lead."

"I'm gonna set myself on fire." Blake mutters.

Kurt and Tina laugh and they all exit the auditorium.

             ╔═══*.·:·.☽✧    ✦    ✧☾.·:·.*═══╗

     Blake is sitting on the floor in the hallway of the school. Why you ask? She couldn't tell you. It just seems to help her think. She furtively writes in her song book with her headphones in, hoping no one disturbs her. She lightly taps her pen to the beat of the song she's writing and can't help but smile at it all coming together.

Take a look around
Who would've thought we'd all be here
So let's mess around
'cause the future is unclear
We got nothing better to do
We're just trying to get through
Can you hear me?
Can you hear me? Yeah

"I can hear you."

Blake whips her head around to see Santana standing about five feet away from her.

Feeling slightly embarrassed at being caught Blake starts fiddling with her hands. "Uh, hi."

Santana simply walks over to the girl and sits next to her. "You don't have to be embarrassed. Totally normal that you were singing to yourself in the hallway." The Latina says sarcastically.

"Yeah." Blake looks down, "I didn't think anyone would hear."

"It sounded decent if that makes you feel better."

Blake rolls her eyes at the girl. "Thanks."

Santana gives her a fake smile. "You're welcome."

Blake chuckles at the girl and Santana can't help but laugh along with her.

"I still don't get why you're nice to me." Blake says curiously.

"Honestly, I don't know either." The Latina says. "I guess I just feel comfortable around you. You and Brittany are the only people I feel like I don't have to be mean to." She shrugs, "You also don't irritate me as much as everyone else."

Blake laughs, "fair enough."

"Alright well, I'll leave you to your awkward corner of the hallway." The raven haired girl gets up to leave, "let me know when you finish the song. I'd like to hear the rest of it." Then she walks away.

"Will do." Blake shouts down the hallway.

Santana smiles and turns the corner, wondering why this girl has this effect on her.

             ╔═══*.·:·.☽✧    ✦    ✧☾.·:·.*═══╗

     "Because you're all minorities. You're in the Glee Club. Now, there are only fourteen of you. And all you have is each other." He lovingly looks at all of his students and feels a sense of pride at what they've accomplished.

"So it doesn't matter that Rachel is Jewish... or that Finn is-"

"Unable to tell my rights from my lefts." The boy cuts in making everyone laugh. He casts a small glance over at Blake who's sitting next to Quinn, and smiles, feeling happy he was able to make her laugh.

"Sure." Mr. Schue chuckles. "Or that Santana is Latina, or that Quinn is-"

"Is pregnant."

Everyone goes silent. The once loving atmosphere of the room turned into shock, uncertainty, and fear. Blake looks at the blonde cheerio next to her and sees tears welling up in her eyes.

"Sorry, Q. It'll be all over the blogosphere by this afternoon. Now everybody knows..." Sue looks at the girl, hurt. "Including me."

             ╔═══*.·:·.☽✧    ✦    ✧☾.·:·.*═══╗

     Blake stands in the hallway trying to process everything that just happened. Someone she truly cares about is hurting, and the secret she's been trying so hard to keep has been exposed for everyone to see.

Blake looks behind her and sees Quinn crying in the arms of Finn, and the brunette feels helpless. She can't help either of her teammates. She's powerless. She can't be the hero. She can't take away their pain. Tears start to well up in the girl's eyes when suddenly Finn makes eye contact with her.

"Everything's gonna be ok."

Out of nowhere a hand grabs hers and she looks to see Ace standing next to her. He gives her hand a light squeeze and kisses the top of her head.

"This isn't your fault."

"I could've done more. I could've stopped Jacob. I could've-"

"You can't save everyone." He whispers.

"I could've tried."

                ╔═══*.·:·.☽✧        .·:·.*═══╗

You're not alone
Together we stand
I'll be by your side
You know I'll take your hand

When it gets cold
And it feels like the end
There's no place to go
You know I won't give in

No, I won't give in
Yeah, yeah

Keep holdin' on
'Cause you know we'll make it through
We'll make it through
Just stay strong
'Cause you know I'm here for you
I'm here for you

Blake looks at Quinn with a sad smile and dances her way towards her. She grabs Quinn's hand and does the choreography with her.

There's nothin' you can say
Nothin' you can say

Nothin' you can do
Nothin' you can do

There's no other way
when it comes to the truth

So keep
Holdin' on

'Cause you know we'll make it through
We'll make it through

Hear me when I say
When I say I believe
Nothing's gonna change
Nothing's gonna change destiny
Whatever's meant to be
will work out perfectly

Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah

Keep holdin' on
'Cause you know we'll make it through
We'll make it through

Oh, oh
Oh, oh

Keep holdin' on
There's nothin' you can say
Nothin' you can say
Nothin' you can do
Nothin' you can do

There's no other way
when it comes to the truth

So keep
Holdin' on

'Cause you know we'll make it through
We'll make it through

Blake ends up on the other side of Finn where she feels the boy grab her hand. She traces small circles on his hand, reassuring she's still there and isn't going to leave anytime soon.

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