๐‘พ๐’‚๐’๐’•๐’› ๐’˜๐’Š๐’•๐’‰ ๐‘จ๐’๐’ˆ๐’†๏ฟฝ...

Oleh alexa_2772

17K 790 79

๐’สœแด‡ ๐‡ษชแด…แด‡s ๐‡แด‡ส€ ๐“ส€แดœแด‡ ๐ˆแด…แด‡ษดแด›ษชแด›ส ๐…ส€แดแด ๐Œแดsแด› ๐แด‡แดแด˜สŸแด‡ ๐’สœแด‡ ๐‹แดแด แด‡s, ๐ˆษด ๐Žส€แด…แด‡ส€ ๐แดแด› ๐“แด ๐ƒษชsแด›แดœส€ส™ ๐“สœแด‡ษชส€ ๐แด‡แด€แด„แด‡า“... Lebih Banyak

|๐ŸŽ| |๐–แด€สŸแด›แดข ๐–ษชแด›สœ ๐€ษดษขแด‡สŸs ๐€ษดแด… ๐ƒแด‡แดแดษดs.|
|๐Ÿ| |๐Žษดแด„แด‡ ๐”แด˜แดษด ๐€ ๐“ษชแดแด‡...|
|๐Ÿ| |๐Žษดแด‡ ๐†ษชส€สŸ, ๐“wแด ๐‹ษชแด แด‡s.|
|๐Ÿ‘| |๐“สœแด‡ ๐‘แด‡แด›แดœส€ษด.|
|๐Ÿ’| |๐…แด‡แด€ส€ ๐…แดส€ ๐“สœแด‡ ๐”ษดแด‹ษดแดwษด.|
|๐Ÿ“| |๐ส€แดแด›แด‡แด„แด›ษชแดษด ๐“แด ๐Žแด›สœแด‡ส€s.|
|๐Ÿ”| |๐’แดสŸแด ษชษดษข ๐ส€แดส™สŸแด‡แดs.|
|7| |๐แด‡ษชษดษข ๐€ ๐’สœแด€แด…แดwสœแดœษดแด›แด‡ส€ ๐ˆs ๐‡แด€ส€แด…. ๐แด‡ษชษดษข ๐€สŸแด‡xแด€ษดแด…ส€แด€ ๐ˆs ๐‡แด€ส€แด…แด‡ส€.|
|๐Ÿ–| |๐”ษดแด…ษชsแด„สŸแดsแด‡แด… ๐ƒแด‡sษชส€แด‡s ๐€ษดแด… ๐ƒแด‡sแด›ษชษดส ๐ˆssแดœแด‡s.|
|๐Ÿ—| |๐€ ๐ษชษขสœแด›แดแด€ส€แด‡ ๐‚แด€สŸสŸแด‡แด… ๐“สœแด‡ ๐สŸแด€แด„แด‹ ๐’wแด€ษด.|
|๐Ÿ๐ŸŽ| |๐‹แดแด ษชษดษข ๐ƒแด€ษดษชแด‡สŸ ๐Œแดส€แด‡ ๐€ษดแด… ๐‡แด€แด›ษชษดษข ๐ƒแด€แดแดษด ๐„แด แด‡ษด ๐Œแดส€แด‡. ๐‚สœแด‡แด„แด‹.|
|๐Ÿ๐Ÿ| |๐“ส€แด‡แด€แด… ๐‚แด€ส€แด‡า“แดœสŸสŸส! ๐˜แดแดœ ๐แด‡แด แด‡ส€ ๐Šษดแดw ๐–สœแด ๐Œษชษขสœแด› ๐แด‡ ๐–แด€แด›แด„สœษชษดษข.|
|๐Ÿ๐Ÿ| |๐„แด ษชสŸ ๐แด‡แด แด‡ส€ ๐‘แด‡ฯ™แดœษชส€แด‡s ๐€ษด ๐ˆษดแด ษชแด›แด€แด›ษชแดษด ๐“แด ๐’แด›ส€ษชแด‹แด‡.|
|๐Ÿ๐Ÿ‘| |๐ƒแด‡แด€แด›สœ ๐ˆs ๐ŽษดสŸส ๐“สœแด‡ ๐แด‡ษขษชษดษดษชษดษข.|
|๐Ÿ๐Ÿ’| |๐‚แดษดา“ส€แดษดแด›ษชษดษข ๐‘แด‡แด€สŸษชแด›ส.|
|๐Ÿ๐Ÿ“| |๐“ส€แดแดœส™สŸแด‡ ๐ˆษด ๐แด€ส€แด€แด…ษชsแด‡.|
|๐Ÿ๐Ÿ”| |๐€ษดแด… ๐ƒแด ๐‘แด‡แดแด‡แดส™แด‡ส€; ๐ˆ ๐–ษชสŸสŸ ๐€สŸwแด€สs ๐‹แดแด แด‡ ๐˜แดแดœ.|
|๐Ÿ๐Ÿ•| |๐แด‡ส€แด‡แด€แด แด‡แดแด‡ษดแด›.|
|18| |๐–สœส ๐–แดษด'แด› ๐˜แดแดœ ๐‹แด‡แด› ๐Œแด‡ ๐†ส€ษชแด‡แด แด‡!?|
|19| |๐€ ๐สŸแดษดแด… ๐€ษดษขแด‡สŸ ๐แด€แดแด‡แด… ๐ƒแด€ษดษชแด‡สŸ.|
|20| |๐แด ๐‘แด‡sแด› ๐…แดส€ ๐“สœแด‡ ๐–ษชแด„แด‹แด‡แด…. ๐แด ๐‘แด‡sแด› ๐…แดส€ ๐“สœแด‡ ๐‚แด‡สŸแด‡sแด›ษชแด€สŸ, ๐„ษชแด›สœแด‡ส€.|
|21| |๐แด ๐…แด€แด›สœแด‡ส€, ๐แด ๐แด€ส™แด‡ ๐แดœแด› ๐“สœแด‡ ๐†ส€แด€ษดแด…แดแดแด›สœแด‡ส€ ๐ˆs ๐‡แด‡ส€แด‡.|
|22| |๐‘แด‡แด›แดœส€ษดษชษดษข ๐“แด ๐Œสsแด›ษชแด„ ๐…แด€สŸสŸs ๐ˆs ๐แดแด› ๐€สŸwแด€สs ๐สŸแด‡แด€sแด€ษดแด›.|
|23| |๐ƒแด ๐แดแด› ๐ส€แดแด แดแด‹แด‡ ๐€ ๐‚ส€แด‡แด›แด€ษด. ๐ˆแด› ๐–ษชสŸสŸ ๐แดแด› ๐„ษดแด… ๐†แดแดแด… ๐…แดส€ ๐˜แดแดœ...|
|24| |๐€แด›แด›แด‡ษดแด›ษชแดษด, ๐’'ษชสŸ ๐•แดแดœs ๐สŸแด€ษชฬ‚แด›! ๐“สœแด‡ ๐สŸแดแดแด…wแดแดแด…s ๐’แด›ส€ษชแด‹แด‡ ๐€ษขแด€ษชษด!|
|25| |๐“สœแด‡ส€แด‡ ๐ˆs ๐แด ๐Œแดส€แด‡ ๐แด‡ส€ษชสŸแดแดœs ๐Œแด€sแด‹ ๐€s ๐“สœแด‡ ๐Žษดแด‡ ๐Žา“ ๐•ษชส€แด›แดœแด‡.|
|26| |๐‹แดแด แด‡ ๐ˆs ๐“สœแด‡ ๐‘แดsแด‡ ๐Žf ๐“สœแด‡ ๐Œสsแด›แด‡ส€ษชแดแดœs ๐”ษดษชแดษด.|
|27| |๐…แด€แด›แด‡ ๐’แด›ส€ษชแด‹แด‡s ๐–สœแด‡ษด ๐ˆแด›'s ๐‹แด‡แด€sแด› ๐„xแด˜แด‡แด„แด›แด‡แด….|
|28| |๐“สœแด‡ส€แด‡ ๐ˆs ๐แด ๐„แด แด€แด…ษชษดษข ๐ƒแด‡sแด›ษชษดส.|
|29| |๐ƒษชษดษข-๐ƒแดษดษข! ๐Žส€ษชษขษชษดแด€สŸ ๐ˆษด ๐’ษชษขสœแด›!|
|30| |๐‡แด‡สŸสŸแด, ๐Œษชss ๐สŸแดแดแด…wแดแดแด….|
|31| |๐แด‡ษชษดษข ๐“สœแด‡ ๐Œแดแด›สœแด‡ส€ ๐Žา“ ๐Œสsแด›ษชแด„ ๐…แด€สŸสŸs' ๐‚สœษชสŸแด…ส€แด‡ษด ๐แด‡ ๐‹ษชแด‹แด‡... ๐แด€ส€แด› 1.|
|32| |๐แด‡ษชษดษข ๐“สœแด‡ ๐Œแดแด›สœแด‡ส€ ๐Žา“ ๐Œสsแด›ษชแด„ ๐…แด€สŸสŸs' ๐‚สœษชสŸแด…ส€แด‡ษด ๐แด‡ ๐‹ษชแด‹แด‡... ๐แด€ส€แด› 2.|
|33| |๐‚แดษดsแด„ษชแดแดœsษดแด‡ss ๐ˆs ๐“สœแด‡ ๐ƒแด€ษขษขแด‡ส€ ๐ˆษด ๐“สœแด‡ ๐…สŸแด‡sสœ.|
|35| |๐’แด›แดส€สแด›แด‡สŸสŸษชษดษข...|
|36| |๐‡แด‡สŸสŸแด, ๐‹แดแด แด‡.|
|37| |๐ƒษชส€แด›ส-๐สŸแดษดแด… ๐Žส€ ๐‘แด€แด แด‡ษด?|
|38| |๐’แด€แด„ส€ษชา“ษชแด„แด‡.|
|39| |๐‘แด‡ส™แด‡แด‹แด€สœ, ๐Œแด‡แด‡แด› ๐€สŸแด‡xแด€ษดแด…ส€แด€. ๐Žแดœส€ ๐แด‡w... ๐’ษชsแด›แด‡ส€.|
|๐Ÿ’๐ŸŽ| |๐“สœแด‡ ๐ƒแด‡แด ษชสŸ's ๐ƒแด€แดœษขสœแด›แด‡ส€ ๐’สœแด€สŸสŸ ๐’แด‡แด› ๐“สœษชษดษขs ๐‘ษชษขสœแด›.|
|๐Ÿ’๐Ÿ| |๐€ ๐Œแดษดsแด›แด‡ส€ ๐ˆs ๐แดส€ษด... ๐Žส€ ๐“สœส€แด‡แด‡.|
|๐Ÿ’๐Ÿ| |๐€แด˜แด˜แด€ส€แด‡ษดแด›สŸส, ๐“สœแด€แด› ๐…ษชส€sแด› ๐’ษชษขสœแด› ๐“สœษชษดษข, ๐ˆs ๐‘แด‡แด€สŸ...|
|๐Ÿ’๐Ÿ‘| |๐“สœแด‡ ๐สœแด€ษดแด›แดแดs ๐Žา“ ๐Œสsแด›ษชแด„ ๐…แด€สŸสŸs...|
|๐Ÿ’๐Ÿ’| |๐…แด€แดษชสŸส ๐ƒส€แด€แดแด€... ๐‡แด‡สŸสŸแด, ๐€ษขแด€ษชษด.|
|45| |๐Žสœ, ๐…แด€แด›สœแด‡ส€...|
|46| |๐–แด‡ ๐‹ษชแด แด‡ ๐“แดแด…แด€ส, ๐€ษดแด…? ๐–สœแด€แด› ๐Žา“ ๐“แดแดแดส€ส€แดแดก?|
|๐Ÿ’๐Ÿ•| |๐ƒแด ๐แดแด› ๐…แด‡แด€ส€ ๐“แด ๐‹แดแด แด‡ ๐‡ษชแด.|
|๐Ÿ’๐Ÿ–| |๐’แดแดแด‡แด›ษชแดแด‡s, ๐“สœแด‡ส€แด‡'s ๐‡แดษดแดแดœส€ ๐ˆษด ๐‘แด‡แด แด‡ษดษขแด‡.|
|๐Ÿ’๐Ÿ—| |๐Œแด€แดแดแด€'s ๐‡แดแดแด‡.|

|34| |๐‘แด‡แด แด‡สŸแด€แด›ษชแดษดs...|

147 14 0
Oleh alexa_2772

𝐃ᴇssᴇʀᴛ 𝐖ᴀs 𝐑ᴀᴛʜᴇʀ 𝐍ᴇᴇᴅᴇᴅ 𝐅ᴏʀ 𝐄ᴠᴇʀʏᴏɴᴇ.

 The destined duo entered the dining room along with Andie, who did not hesitate to shoot a wink at Jenna and then nod towards them for her to understand.

The Sommers lady was pouring John some coffee when she perceived the blonde's point and smiled widely.

“Sorry, guys,” she drew their attention. “dessert is taking longer than I thought. I usually just... unwrap food.”

Damon entered the room with Alaric almost behind him. “See?” He addressed the Nephilim when Elijah pulled out a chair for her, urging Damon to seethe within. “If you had cooked, none of us would be dissatisfied now.”

Alexandra smiled gratefully at the Original who moved across her to take his own seat before she glanced mockingly at the younger vampire as Jenna shot an angry glare at the house's owner. “And if you weren't being a sexist moron this morning, I would be glad to cook for this merry occasion.” 

The Salvatore heir clenched his fist and feigned to enjoy her humour, so, he sat down and winked at her, flirtatiously.

“Andie, sweetheart?” He met her joyful eyes. “Don't you have any questions for Elijah?” He turned to him, rolling his eyes, tiredly yet humorously. “She's literally driven me crazy with your work, here.”

Elijah smiled knowingly, certain that he was trying to divert his attention.

“I'd love to answer,” he offered, kindly, nodding to Andie, who seemed distrait.

“Um, yeah, I do,” the journalist blurted out, brow-knitted and turned to Damon. “But, honey, this is a social thing. We didn't gather here to talk about business.”

The man's eyes were about to explode from their sockets. What did just happen?

He was so confused with this turn of events, having no idea why the mundane wasn't responding to his compulsion anymore.

“Hey,” the blonde female spoke to her friend. “will you give me a hand with the dessert?”

“Yeah, sure,” the Sommers lady accepted, happily and followed Andie towards the kitchen.

As soon as they left, Damon's ice-blue eyes began throwing fireballs at John, who frowned upon such a glare. 

“Elijah, did-did John tell you he's Elena's Uncle – slash – Father?” He queried, looking at the Original.

“Yes, I'm well aware of that,” replied the said vampire.

“Of course, she hates him, so,” he spared a hateful glance at him before turning back to the man beside him. “there's absolutely no need to keep him on the endangered species list.”

Only the thought of John wishing to kill him by his own plan enraged the Salvatore descendant more... and Alexandra could sense that.

“What I'd like to know, Elijah,” voiced the Gilbert man, perceiving Damon's heated stare. “is how do you intend on killing Klaus?”

“Gentlemen, there's a few things we should probably get clear right now,” declared the suited Original, not eyeing anyone for a second – his low and somehow threatening tone sending shivers down the female Nephilim's spine. “I allow you to live solely to keep an eye on Elena,” he pointed at Damon with his fork. “I allow Elena... to remain in her house, living her life with her friends as she does as a courtesy. If you become a liability, I'll take her away from you and you'll never see her again.”

Clearing her throat, the Bloodwood heir added, “We won't come to that. Elena needs to remain safe and we all agree to that. Everyone's aware of their place in this deal you two have made.”

Elijah smiled in satisfaction. “I'm glad to hear this.”

Alexandra's phone beeped, a newly arrived message popping up on her screen.

“I'm afraid I must go,” she said and stood up, in utter concern.

“What happened?” Asked her, Damon before Alaric or Elijah could and raised himself from his seat as well when Jenna and Andie came back with dessert.

“Maeve has gotten sick and she's getting worse,” elaborated the brunette before the strawberry-blonde run to acquire her friend's coat so she could lose no more time away from her daughter.

“Oh, no! Is she okay?” The Star lady's voice echoed from beside the mother of two.

Alexandra faced her. “She has increased fever, that I know. She just cries and asks for me.”

“Would you like me to escort you?” Offered Elijah, clearly concerned too.

“Ah, how nice of you, Elijah!”

Echoed the Saltzman male's ironic yet furious tone from beside him. “Thank you so much for your offer, but my niece can walk herself home rather safely,” he chuckled and pointed at Alexandra. “She's very brave that one!” 

“We wouldn't want you to grab a cold, too, now, do we?” John smiled smugly, mocking the vampire's undead state as Jenna barged in, with Alexandra's coat in hand.

“Why?” She shared the Gilbert man's smug smile while helping her friend put her coat on. “He's a vampire, what could possibly infect him?”

Everyone froze, utterly unprepared for what they had just heard. 

“What are you on about, Jenna?” Damon questioned, nervously.

“What?” Muttered the human, innocently and gestured towards the two immortals before refocusing on Damon. “Aren't you two vampires? Including your brother Stefan, Victoria, Caroline and God knows who else?!”

“You know?” Breathed John, shockingly and turned to the half-Cretan, angrily. “Did you tell her?”

“No, she didn't,” spoke Jenna, not leaving space for her friend to reply. 

“I did.”

They turned to see Alaric with a smirk on his face as his eyes met the other vampire hunter's. “That's why your dirty little threats didn't work on me. Jenna knew everything about me, my life and past for a very long time now...”

“But how?” Vocalized Andie, her boyfriend's thought.

“Doesn't matter,” the half-mundane finally spoke, earning everyone's attention back. “All it matters is that she knows the truth she deserved to know all along and that you all must pay her with the same respect as with all of those who learned the truth, recently.” She narrowed her eyes at Elena's biological father. “And that's an order from a rather superior species.” 

She exchanged no more words with anyone as she turned around and left the Salvatore Boarding House.

Jenna gestured for everyone to take their seats again, her proud expression shining from afar.

“Let's talk, shall we?”

𝐀 𝐅ᴇw 𝐇ᴏᴜʀs 𝐋ᴀᴛᴇʀ

𝐀ʟᴀʀɪᴄ's 𝐑ᴇsɪᴅᴇɴᴄᴇ.

 “I don't think it was a good idea, Jenna,” Alaric spoke his mind with a sigh. “I still think we should have waited a while longer until we told them that you knew. Now, everyone is gonna put the blame on Alexandra for that.” 

“Why?” Frowned Jenna from the other side of the couch. “We clarified that it was you who told me everything and not her.”

“Yeah, but she knew and told no one,” noted the uncle and some of his whiskey. “How is Elena going to react once she finds out? If she hasn't already... And Jeremy?”

“Okay, listen,” she started growing angry. “it was my decision for the two of you to not say anything to anyone. So, they can't say anything about that. And for the record, you and Alexandra were protecting me a lot better by telling me the truth about the world out there. I'm supposed to look after Elena and Jeremy, Ric, not the other way around. They're not adults, they mustn't even take decisions for themselves, not me! I deserved the truth, no matter how rough it was.”

“I don't know how you're gonna take this,” he drew closer to her. “But if I could keep you away from all this crap, I would. And if Elena wanted me to tell you the truth, then I would tell you everything.”

The redhead clenched her jaw. “Then, you're lucky that I entered the room when Alexandra was healing herself from all those injuries, or else the betrayal I would've felt from you and everybody else apart from her, it would break me, Ric, just know that. And if your ex-wife is your big problem, then I should go and live somewhere safe until you and your niece deal with her. But there's not a chance in hell, I would've stayed with you if I came to learn that you kept all of this a secret from me.”

The half-celestial pursed his lips. “Then, I should be grateful for you walking in on my niece, that day.”

“You should,” the woman feigned irritation until her boyfriend brought her into his arms and she started laughing, no longer able to keep up with the performance.

A few moments of silence passed after their laughter fainted.

Jenna wasn't thinking something in particular when Alaric suddenly muttered, “How could I forget about this?”

The Sommers female turned her head up to him. “About what?”

The vampire hunter was looking ahead as he spoke, “Lexie told me about Elijah.”

The mundane rose her brows. “Oh.”

“So, she told you?”

“Well... yeah,” she smiled sadly at him and he exhaled loudly. “I'm sorry. She wanted to tell you by herself.”

“I figured as much,” mumbled the male. “Plus, you both didn't know how I would react, right?”

“Something like that,” she nodded. “Kind of similar to our previous conversation, don't you think? I told you I would feel betrayed if you kept the truth from me when I'm doing exactly that.”

“Well, it's a lot different, Jenna,” sighed Alaric and re-took his glass of whiskey. “This has to do only with Alexandra. I can't be mad that she revealed this secret to her friends; and not even all of them, only you and Mason knew, apparently. I don't know if she told anyone else.”

“I think Bonnie knows from her Grandmother because they must protect whatever has to do with Alexa,” supposed the strawberry-blonde. “And I also think she had to tell those vampires; Rose and Trevor about it, so they could find a possible reason for the Originals wanting her too.”

“And as it turned out, Elijah wanted her for himself,” the dirty-blond worded hatefully.

“Elijah didn't know she was there when Rose and Trevor asked him to meet with them, Ric,” reasoned Jenna, softly. “He didn't even know about Elena.”

“Then, how do you explain it!?” He snapped, making his partner flinch. 

The Sommers lady raised herself and looked at him, sweetly, a matching smile gracing her features. “Fate.”

Alaric closed his eyes, taking deep breaths to calm himself down. 

“Hey,” the mundane woman brought him into her arms and caressed his hair. “We shouldn't be worried, Ric. She will be safe with him.”

“How do you know?”

“He has saved her life three times now,” when he went to enquire about this statement of hers, she disrupted him, “It doesn't matter how and when he saved her. What matters is that she's alive because of him and he keeps his word towards his deal with Elena. She had told Alexa, that Elijah demanded from her, to not harass Alexandra's phycological state in any way or their deal would be off and that he would kill whoever responsible for that by himself; even her.”

“Despite his plan to kill Klaus?” Questioned the retired Shadowhunter, shocked.

Jenna nodded her head affirmatively. “Yeah...”

“My God, he truly is her soulmate,” he whispered and laid his head back. “How didn't I think of this before? How could I forget about this?”

“What do you mean?” Queried the female, bewildered. “You've said this before and still you let my question hang. What did you forget?”

Her boyfriend took a minute to reply.

“When my nephew brought her here after her abduction by Rose and Trevor, we all tried to think of a reason or a way for Elijah to be connected with her. We couldn't explain how she had passed out at the exact same moment when Damon had stabbed Elijah with that stake. Until... Mason asked Nathaniel about the family's Soulmate Bond. Everything matched but I didn't want it to be true. I tried so hard to convince myself that there was no way this could be true and then, magically I erased it from my memory. God, I hate the way I shouted at her when I thought she started to have feelings for him... and then... she told me the very next thing I never wanted to hear.”

“You have to be there for her, Ric,” mused Jenna, softly. “She's going to need all of your support right now. Don't think it's easy for her to like the man who wants to take her friend away and have her sacrificed for some crazy curse. She can't control her emotions and neither, can he. And as Daniel used to say to her, ‘We cannot avoid our Fate, no matter what we try or want’.

Alaric had his eyes closed and breathed in the female's scent, which started to lure him into an upcoming sleep.

“At least Damon won't suspect her for actually saving Elijah,” he whispered, moments away from falling asleep.

“How do you know that?”

The man chuckled and hugged her, so he could rest his head right above her heart. “Mason got it covered.”

𝐁ʟᴏᴏᴅwᴏᴏᴅ 𝐄sᴛᴀᴛᴇ.

 Maeve had gone better with her mother by her side.

Perhaps Elijah was right...

The little girl went feverish when she sensed her mother's absence and Alexandra also noticed Charles’ slightly raised temperature too, once she arrived home.

The minute they saw her entering their bedroom, they both perked up and seemed better.

Telling them the truth wasn't easy for both her and them.

But she thought perhaps if they started their training way earlier than they were supposed to, might be the solution to many issues.

Evelyn Highsmith, former Head of the London Institute and current Inquisitor of the Clave (courtesy of Vivienne's sneakiness) was obviously not fond of children but she felt grateful towards Alexandra, who didn't hesitate to inform her about her Soulmate Bond with Elijah.

So, she considered the Nephilim's idea and decided to make an exception for Maeve and Charles, not forgetting the way they were rescued by their non-biological mother when their real parents were so awfully killed.

But, she demanded the Bloodwood heir to meet with her as soon as possible, wishing to learn a lot more about her Soulmate Bond with a Mundane World's vampire.

The half-Cretan's day was quite exhausting and proceeding to speak with the Inquisitor and explain literally everything, had made it a lot worse.

Having put the twins to sleep in her bed so she could look after them during the night, she stepped outside her chamber french doors, not bothering to put on a jacket since it was the last thing she had in mind that time and placed her palms on the railing, glancing down the pool with the hidden colourful lights.

Picking her long-forgotten vape in her grip, she drew in a long breath of smoke before exhaling it in the air, closing her eyes in the process, a wave of tears wetting her skin.

She was against smoking since forever, so, doing a nicotine-free vape seemed a better idea to deal with some of her problems. Not that those kinds of vapes were not unhealthy but she could handle such a little damage in contrast to others.

Not a minute later, she sensed someone placing something heavy on her shoulders and she immediately turned to see who and what; she relaxed when she saw Elijah adjusting his blazer on her body. 

“A penny for your thoughts,” his slightly British accent reached the Nephilim's ears, making the brunette shiver and her bare body parts that were exposed to the cold outside, only made it worse.

Alexandra chuckled when he took the vape from her hand to inspect it.

“I have quite a lot inside my head, you'll grow tired of me,” she told him and shivered once again as she spared a glance at him, trying her vape out.

“I sincerely doubt it,” he breathed out and she bit her lip when he rose his brows. “Strawberries and chocolate. Why am I not surprised?”

She laughed and blushed like an actual strawberry; her favourite according to her next words, “I'm rather fond of both flavours. I cannot control it!”

“I bet,” he looked down at the small device and let his smile disappear slowly. “I have to admit that you saved me, tonight. If you hadn't noticed the dagger, I would probably have been put into a death-like sleep until who knows when. Thank you.”

“Well, you've saved me more times than I care to admit,” she worded with a sad smile. “It was time I started repaying you.”

“Alexandra,” he gained her attention. “You do realize that Damon's intention led to the very end of my bargain with Elena, don't you?” 

Her expression turned into one of concern. “No, Elijah, please! Elena had no idea about this, it was all John Gilbert, who wished to kill Damon in the process of your own death. Please, I'm asking you to reconsider– even if they won't admit it, they could all use your assistance!”

“I cannot, darling,” he mused, spreading disappointment to the Shadowhunter's face. “How can I trust that he won't try anything else–?”

“Trust me!” She ceased his words with her own. “You can trust me. Damon won't do anything if it means harm towards me. As for John, he won't try anything, not now that Damon knows what he was planning against him.” She put her hand on top of his, urging his heart to increase its pace – their eyes locking. “Please.”

“Just so you know,” he took her fingers inside his palm and brought them to his mouth, placing a gentle kiss. “I'm doing this for you. Not your friends, not Elena and certainly not Damon. You and only you. If...”

“If what?” She queried, in a whisper.

Elijah's eyes fell on her lips briefly before returning to her umber-coloured eyes. “If you stop pretending that there's nothing linking the two of us,” he finished, taking heed of her own heartbeat increasing. “I take it that's what you've spoken to your Uncle about, earlier today, isn't that right?”

Her heart skipped a beat upon hearing his acknowledgement.

She couldn't evade it forever...

“Yes,” she whispered and turned her head to look elsewhere, his cologne reached her olfaction due to the slight breeze and she found it rather recognizable as she used to wear it some years back.


“He didn't take it well,” her eyes brimmed with tears once again as she looked up at the starry sky.

“To be honest, I didn't expect anything less,” he admitted, feeling relieved that she began to speak of it. “You're upset because of his reaction?”

She shook her head. “I'm upset because of everything, Elijah,” she turned to face him with a whimpering gasp. “Our thousand-year-old Soulmate Bond, Klaus' curse, Elena's sacrifice, the second solution I must find in order to ensure her resurrection, my unknown role in that sacrifice or whatever Klaus requires from me, my children finding out the truth like that, my brothers who've been avoiding any contact with me because they know how infuriated I'll be, once they confess to me that they knew about your revival back when Damon killed you and told me nothing and let me go through another emotional crisis. Is there anything I could possibly be forgetting to mention?”

The Original moved faster than she anticipated and enfolded her in his embrace, letting her cry softly. Turning his head to his right, he took a glimpse of the twins sleeping on the four-poster bed and relaxed a tad bit, seeing them fine.

“Listen to me,” he whispered in her hair. “I don't wish for you to feel bad because of the Bond we share. I've been waiting to meet my soulmate since the very beginning of my adolescent life, I would hate it if you felt obligated to proceed differently than how you feel. Despite the emotions we've already begun developing for each other, I'd want more than anything for them to grow naturally for both of us. I want you to love me on your own, not due to our soul-linking.” 

She was more than pleased upon hearing such utterances coming from him.

“I'd like that too,” she mumbled in his shirt. “More than anything. Let's just hope I will be alive until then.”

That seemed to enrage the noble. “Look at me, Alexandra,” he grasped her chin and met her magnificent tearful eyes. “I will never let anything happen to you or your children, you hear me? I shall never allow Klaus or anyone to take you from them or cause you any harm, do you understand?”

Her tears wetted her complexion uncontrollably along with the Original's hand. “What does Klaus want with me, Elijah?” She whimpered, in despair. “You were with him for centuries, you should know something.”  

His eyes showed nothing but sympathy. 

“Truthfully, darling?” He caressed her cheek with his thumb. “I haven't the slightest idea.”

𝐓ʜᴇ 𝐍ᴇxᴛ 𝐌ᴏʀɴɪɴɢ...

 Lady Bloodwood had put on ‘Aladdin’ for Maeve and Charles to watch as it was their favourite movie.

Patroclus was watering the plants outside while Alexandra cleaned the kitchen, a certain Original's thought kept lingering in her mind until the doorbell managed to attract her attention.

“I'll get it!” She called out for her housekeeper to hear and went to open the door, checking on her ᴀᴛᴛɪʀᴇ before she took hold of the handle and pulled the door open, her blood freezing once her eyes met the unexpected visitor's.

“You...” She whispered and her eyes instantly glistened. “What are you doing here?”

“Bonjour, mon chérie,” beamed Isobel as she glanced back at Alexandra's shocked stare. “May I come in? I would like to speak with you.” [Hello, my darling.]

“Are you kidding me, right now?” Whisper-yelled the Nephilim, her tears rolling down her cheeks. “Do you honestly think I'm going to allow you to enter my property with my children in it, after everything that you've done!?”

“Darling, I need to talk to you,” the vampire put her words in, softly. “Don't invite me in, just let me speak to you.”

The Nephilim looked back at Maeve and Charles, finding them hypnotized by the movie, having not perceived Isobel's presence.

She turned to face her again. “Go to the garden and wait for me.”

The former aunt smiled gratefully and sped away once Alexandra closed the door shut.

She opened the window, slightly and whispered to the housekeeper, “I have an unexpected visitor back in the garden. Keep an eye on them, will you?”

The Seelie nodded, affirmatively, giving her a reassuring smile before she went outside to speak with her uncle's former wife.

She found Isobel observing the house across them, making Alexandra wonder if she had done something to the new buyer, who the brunette hadn't laid eyes on yet. 

“So, you wanted to talk,” she crossed her arms, gaining the older woman's attention. 

“Yes,” mused Isobel and took a step closer to the half-Cretan. “First of all... I wanted to apologize to you, Alexandra. My beautiful baby girl... I'm so sorry that I abandoned you when you needed me most.” 

The Bloodwood heir's eyes swam with tears once more as she laughed bitterly. “You're sorry? Have you any idea how badly you messed me up!? You were the only person who knew what I was and I could speak freely because you were there! I had no friends here, no one who knew of my metaphysical identity.

“You were the first one I told about Maeve and Charles’ adoption and also the first one I told about my first time with Daniel. Not to mention my one-night stand with Mason Lockwood! I told you everything, Isobel! Everything! And how did you respond to the undying trust of mine? You let me believe that you had left us because you simply didn't care! And trust me when I say this to you; it got worse when Ric lied and told me you were dead, and then even worse when my suspicion that you left us was confirmed!” 

“I'm so sorry,” sobbed the undead woman. “I truly am, Alexandra. You have no idea how hard it was for me to see you suffer lately and not be able to do anything about it. I loved you like a daughter, I really did. Wanting to become a vampire and leave your Uncle and also you... was one of the most difficult and perhaps worst decisions I've ever made. Especially after Klaus controlled every move of mine.”

The Nephilim closed her eyes tightly, more tears escaping their confines in the process. “I don't wish to speak of it, I honestly don't. Just... tell me about Klaus. This is why you're here, isn't it?”

Isobel nodded, reluctantly. “Yes, I'm afraid it is.”

“Then, tell me.”

“First,” the Flemming woman initiated. “you must know that he does not want to kill you. On the contrary, he wants you alive.”

This seemed somehow relieving. “Okay, then what does he want from me?”

The vampire sighed. “I-I don't know... But when he found out that Katherine had almost killed you, he lost it! He wanted her dead right there and then and if you add the five hundred years he was after her... well... let's not speak of it.”

“The point, Isobel,” exhaled the younger female. “Proceed to the point.”

The raven-haired immortal straightened her posture. “I have a plan and I'm afraid you're not gonna like it.” 

“What kind of plan?”

“We'll get to that,” she quickly muttered and stepped even closer to Alexandra, twiddling her thumbs in nervousness. “But there's one more thing.”

“Which is?”

She whipped her head towards the neighbouring residence. “I'm going to need his help as well.” 

The half-Cretan followed her gaze and her eyes widened when she saw Elijah inside the house, eyeing them intensely...

𝐅ᴏʀᴛʏ-𝐅ɪᴠᴇ 𝐌ɪɴᴜᴛᴇs 𝐋ᴀᴛᴇʀ...

 Alaric's ex-wife was about to enter her car when out of nowhere, a very strong figure grabbed her and sped her against a wall, hand squeezing her neck tightly.

“I knew you would show up sooner or later,” coughed Isobel as Elijah held her against the wall.

“Where is he?” Drawled the Original, squeezing her neck more. “Klaus. Where is he!?”

“I don-don't know,” gasped the woman and Elijah slightly released his hold on her, letting her speak, “But I know this; he's coming. He needs the full moon to break the curse, so he won't be long.” He released her completely and she massaged her neck. “You still have time, though.”

The suited male furrowed his brows.

“About what?”

“Telling Alexandra the truth, Elijah,” she explained after her throat was now healed from almost being crashed. “She has to know.”

Elijah turned around and rubbed his forehead, knowing that she was right even if he hated it.

“You must tell her about the other Originals, Elijah,” continued the raven-haired female and he veered round to look at her. “You must tell her that Klaus is your brother.”

𝐓ʜᴇ 𝐍ᴇxᴛ 𝐃ᴀʏ

𝐒ᴀʟᴠᴀᴛᴏʀᴇ 𝐁ᴏᴀʀᴅɪɴɢ 𝐇ᴏᴜsᴇ.

 Katherine was finally out of the tomb, thanks to Isobel and not John, who had failed miserably in killing Elijah and Damon in the first place (not that she cared about Damon. Her deal with John was to choose one brother and she of course chose Stefan).

The first place she visited was classically Damon and Stefan's. After she took a long hot shower in Damon's bathroom, she put on some clothes he himself had gotten for her when he had visited her in the tomb, to ensure that he could actually kill an Original.

Katherine was of course dishonest with him on most information she granted him and she paid the price by not getting released since Elijah wasn't killed and his compulsion was perfectly able to keep her restrained in there.

Until today... 

The vampire had no idea of Isobel's trickery or her plan with Alexandra and Elijah, so like an obedient little bitch, she began roaming around the house, attempting to locate the Moonstone as she promised to Isobel this very morning.

She searched the living room, the library, the kitchen, Stefan's bedroom (not that she complained), and even the basement. Nothing.

Her last hope was Damon's bedroom. 

Once she entered, she directly began searching.

She went through his closet and drawers and found a cigar box in which the younger vampire had hidden a wad of money and the brunette didn't hesitate to take it.

She checked his bed and nightstands, only to stop to the left one, finding a frame of Alexandra kissing Damon on the cheek and the Salvatore was evidently enjoying it.

“So, she's the reason you've been denying me,” she toned in acknowledgement and bit her lip to hide a wicked smirk. “You don't say...”

She dropped the frame onto the bed and continued searching for the Moonstone.

She even checked the fireplace and still, she couldn't find it. She sighed and observed her dusty hands before stepping forward to the attached bathroom to wash them.

Turning on the tap and acquiring a soap bar from the bowl next to her, she washed her palms well and put the soap bar back before turning off the tap. She used the towel to dry her hands off and proceeded to leave when a switch in her brain flicked on.

She dug her hand into the bowl again and removed it with the Moonstone in it. 

Her satisfaction had taken the best of her, so the possibility of that Moonstone being fake, didn't even cross her mind...

𝐒ᴏᴍᴇwʜᴇʀᴇ 𝐈ɴ 𝐓ᴏwɴ...

 Alaric walked towards his car and put his bag in the back seat before closing the door, which revealed Isobel.

“Hi, Ric,” she had her hands in her pockets and looked at him normally like nothing had happened.

“Isobel,” worded the History Teacher, stunned. “What do you want?”

“Just cleaning up some loose ends,” responded the raven-haired version of immortality with a nod.

“Yeah, we don't have any loose ends,” said Alaric, in slight apathy.

“You may not, I do,” she glanced at him, in honesty. “I need to apologize to you.”

“It's a little late for that,” he hastened out a reply and made to enter his car but she stopped him by stepping closer to him.

“No, not for what I've done in the past, we're beyond that,” she remarked. “Although I am sorry for outing you to your girlfriend, that was petty of me.”

Alaric didn't seem to believe her and he didn't bother informing her about Jenna being aware of her and having already left town for a while, just like she had promised she would do if Isobel made an appearance. ”Look, whatever jacked-up vampire amends that you're trying to make with me right now, I'm not interested.”

Of course not, because I compelled you to let me go,” she ceased his action once again. ”I realize that I don't wanna do what I have to do, without you knowing how much I loved you and I did. I loved you so much. You and Alexandra...” Her former husband was thunderstruck by her utterances and didn't seem he had something else to say to her. Isobel shrugged her shoulders and gazed at the half-celestial with a pained expression. “He's all yours.”

A man appeared behind Alaric and hit him hard in the head with an iron tool. The Saltzman male fell on the ground, unconscious as Isobel left him behind, sadness adorning her features... 

𝐋ᴏᴄᴋwᴏᴏᴅ 𝐌ᴀɴsɪᴏɴ.

 “And here to accept the donation to the Miranda Sommers-Gilbert scholarship fund,” said Carol, grinning widely once her blue eyes detected the figure she sought. “is Elena Gilbert.”

Everyone started applauding and Tyler gave Elena the warmest applause he could master to cheer her up as she walked forward and joined Carol.

John Gilbert was upstairs and froze when he came upon Isobel.

“What are you doing here?” He inquired of her, in alarm.

“I'm... creating a distraction,” replied the female vampire, in a flirtatious manner.

Her face vamped out and she rushed to him, penetrating her fangs into his neck harshly.

“The Historical Society was my Mum's baby,” said the Gilbert girl, sweetly after accepting the cheque. “She considered all of you family and would be honoured and touched by this gift.”

Stefan who'd just arrived, heard a thud from behind and looked at Tyler who was beside him to see him also brow-knitted. The vampire looked back and detected John falling down the stairs.

Everyone had heard the fall by the time John had ended up on the floor, unconscious.

Stefan and Tyler moved over to him rapidly as everyone else followed them to the staircase. 

Elena was about to follow them as well when out of the open, Katherine intercepted her and caused the doppelgänger to halt.

“Nice dress,” smirked the Petrova heir and put her hand on her descendant's mouth, silencing her. “Mind if I borrow it?”

𝐎ɴ 𝐓ʜᴇ 𝐑ᴏᴀᴅ...

 A phone was ringing inside the vehicle.

Isobel raised the device to her ear and pressed the ‘accept’ button as she had Elena lying in the back seat, unconscious.

“Are we good to go?”

I'm at your house, but we have to hurry,” said Katherine from the other line. “Damon knows your lodging tricks. It will take him all of twenty minutes to find out where you're staying.”

“We'll be long gone before that,” assured her, the Flemming woman, her face showing nothing but regret.

Good. How far are you?

“I'm sorry, Katherine,” apologized the raven-haired vampire, sincerely when her daughter started to regain consciousness. “I had to do what I was told, for my niece. He wanted the Moonstone and he wanted you, especially after he found out what you've done to Alexandra.”

He? He who?

Isobel hung up the phone after hearing her friend's voice for the last time...

𝐓ʜᴇ 𝐒ᴀᴍᴇ 𝐓ɪᴍᴇ

𝐈sᴏʙᴇʟ's 𝐑ᴇsɪᴅᴇɴᴄᴇ.

 Katherine realized that the man Isobel was speaking of, was Klaus, and dread possessed her being.

She sensed a presence behind her and veered round to find a man (the one who had knocked out Alaric a couple of hours ago), staring back at her, not knowing who he was or what he had done.

Her vampiric nature appeared on her face and she sped to the warlock to put an end to his life.

If only the male wasn't one of ‘Klaus' witches’ as she herself had quoted to Isobel this morning, and he wasn't able to put her down with a move of his hand.

The Pierce female grasped her temples in agony and not a moment later, she fell on the wooden floor, unconscious.

Aneurysm Spells happened to come in very handy these days...

𝐁ʟᴏᴏᴅwᴏᴏᴅ 𝐄sᴛᴀᴛᴇ.

 Alexandra heard her phone buzzing from the nightstand and she groaned in displeasure as her afternoon sleep was disrupted.

Not bothering to check on the caller, she automatically answered and brought the iPhone to her ear.

“Hello?” Her sleepy voice responded.

Hey,” it was Elena. “Did I wake you?”

“It's alright,” yawned the Nephilim, her eyes still closed. “What's the matter?”

I... I have to tell you something,” her trembling tone echoed from the other end, alarming the Bloodwood heir.

Her eyes snapped open and she directly sat up on the bed. “Tell me what?”

“It's about Isobel.”

The angelic beauty jumped from her bed, starting to grow furious with the Gilbert girl's hesitance. “Do not make a prologue to a Cretan, Elena! Just say it!”

The doppelgänger took her time to respond.

She's dead,” she eventually revealed and Alexandra felt like she was hit by a train. “She was going to deliver me to Klaus but then, she was told to let me go. Perhaps he had compelled her to kill herself after her part was done. I-I'm so sorry, Alexa. I knew how much you cared about her.”

“‘Cared’?” Reiterated the Devil's offspring, in a whimper. “She was like a Mother to me... For as long as I stayed with her and Ric, she made me feel that I wasn't alone; that she would be always there. I was devastated when she left and it got worse when Ric lied to me and told me she died. And now I'm going through the same thing, but now I know she will never come back.” 

Elena let her cry for a few good minutes, understanding her pain.

Isobel might've treated her horribly when she first met her for she had her humanity off, but before she let herself burn under the sunlight, the Gilbert heir saw what kind of a person her real mother was before she was turned into a vampire.

She was certain that she hated her until they reached the Grove Hill Cemetery but when Isobel started narrating to her how things used to be when she was human and married to Alaric. How much she loved him. How much she loved Alexandra, who was her favourite niece. Nathaniel and Gabriel were always absent, so it was normal for her to not have the same relationship with them as the one she had with the last Bloodwood heir.

She had also told Elena, that Alexandra was the closest thing she had to a daughter after she gave her up for adoption.

She tried to be the best mother figure to Alexandra as she hoped she could be to Elena.

“Let me call you back,” whispered the half-Cretan after a while.

Okay,” said Elena, softly. “I'll be waiting.”

Uttering nothing else, the mother of two hung up the phone and started crying as she sank down to the floor, supporting her head against her hands.

She let out the loudest wail her lungs could allow and a streak of lightning flashed across the sky, followed by a rumble of thunder that literally made everything shake.

After a few-minute thunderstorm, she managed to calm down a tad bit, bringing the weather back to the normal state.

𝐀ʟᴀʀɪᴄ's 𝐑ᴇsɪᴅᴇɴᴄᴇ.

 “Somno ritum per dax ritum...”

This was what Katherine woke up to.

She opened her eyes, only to find the warlock who had kidnapped her, chanting a spell with his eyes closed in front of a man who was seated in a chair. 

She noticed two vases on either side of the man's feet; the right one was full of blood while the left was empty and dropped on its side.

The raven-haired warlock was still chanting and she made a move to stand up and perceived that Elena's necklace was no longer on her neck.

The mortal stopped his spell and opened his eyes, stepping back from the seated male in front of him, who stood up after a moment and his warlock bowed down as a gesture of loyalty when the dirty-blond male turned around to find the Petrova heir standing up in difficulty.

Katherine was shocked to see the man be Alaric.

“Alaric,” she mumbled as the hunter drew closer to her.

A wicked smile crossed the History Teacher's face before the Pierce woman vamp-sped towards the door, only for an invisible barrier to prevent her exit.

Accepting her defeat, she turned around and faced a rather smirking Alaric.

“Zdravei, Katerina,” he greeted her in her mother language and took her face in his palms. “Oh... I have missed you.”

Realization dawned on the five-hundred-year-old female and her eyes widened in terror.


The man put on a serial-killer smile, confirming the vampire of his true identity.

“The one and only,” he caressed her cheeks with his thumbs. “Now, how about telling me whatever you have done to my beautiful Shadowhunter, huh? And I promise to end your miserable life fast.”

Katherine gulped as she watched her death in his eyes...

 𝐍ᴇw 𝐂ʜᴀʀᴀᴄᴛᴇʀ 𝐈ɴᴛʀᴏᴅᴜᴄᴛɪᴏɴ.

𝐈sᴏʙᴇʟ 𝐅ʟᴇᴍᴍɪɴɢ performed by: 𝐌ɪᴀ 𝐊ɪʀsʜɴᴇʀ


 A/N: And Klaus has officially entered the battlefield!

Let's see how this is going to proceed...

Poor Alaric, I rather pitied him in this chapter, he went through so much, don't you think?

P.S. Go and check on my Activity, I have an announcement!!!!

​​​​​Comment for more!!!!

♡♡ (⁠^⁠3⁠^⁠♪ ♡♡

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