Junoon | Obsession

By barnes_dornan

8.2K 498 58

A RishBala fanfic, taking inspiration from the show but with my flare =D More



147 17 4
By barnes_dornan

When Madhu got home that night, she was still very much irked by what had happened. Not only that but she felt a little embarrassed.

I can't believe he heard me say all of that! It surely filled up that egoistic head of his even more! At this rate it'll probably inflate like a balloon! Arrogant freaking....

Madhu bit at her nails as she sat on her bed, when Trishna came.

"Are you okay Madhu?"

Madhu snapped out of her thoughts. "Y-yeah Deedu I'm fine, just anxious about tomorrow."

"Why are you worrying so much," Trishna asked as she went around to her side of the bed. "You said the day went well, right?"

"Yeah but... I mean everyday won't be the same."

"No, but that doesn't mean it has to be stressful. Chill yaar!"

Madhu looked away to the side.

"Oh yeah! Were you able to ask the director if you could do a small role?"

"Oh, um... no Deedu, sorry."

Trishna looked down at her lap.

"It was just so busy and one thing was happening after the other, I didn't even get the chance. B-but I promise, as soon as the opportunity rises, I'll ask him for sure!"


"Promise," she nodded, making Trishna smile.

"Okay, now go to bed; you have to get up early after all."

Both sisters settled in, and before long, fell asleep.


The following day when Madhu arrived on set, she headed directly to the makeup room. There were already a few people there, and not long later, Navisa arrived. Some time later, Mishra Saab came to talk about the scene and the look he was going for, and once that was discussed, Madhu went straight to work while Navisa looked over her lines.

"You know, yesterday it was a little nerve-racking acting with RK," Navisa said. "I mean he's such an established star."

"That may be," Madhu said, "but one day you will be as well."

"You think so Madhu?"

"Of course! You're not any less talented yourself! You remember how many people auditioned for this role?"

"Hmm, that's true.... I heard your sister also auditioned for the role."

Madhu paused for a second before resuming.

"I'm sure you wish it was her instead of me-"

"No, Navisa, not at all! Sure, I feel bad that Deedu didn't get the part but at the end of the day it was out of our hands. And having met you, I understand why they made their choice; you're perfect for the role."

Navisa reached out and squeezed her hand as a warm gesture, Madhu squeezing it in return.

"Deedu will get her moment one day, I just know it! She'll just have to play as a junior artist for a little bit longer and then one day, her golden opportunity will arise!"

"You believe in your sister that much, huh?"

"Of course! What about you? Do you have any siblings?"

Navisa shook her head. "Nope it's just me and my mom. After Papa passed away when I was 7..."

Madhu instantly felt bad for saying anything.

"...a lot of pressure fell on us. Ma would get me some gigs like ad campaigns with the hopes of making some money. I didn't mind it, I enjoyed the fact that she'd take me out of school here and there. Becoming an actress was my dream."

"And now here you are," Madhu smiled softly, Navisa returning one as well.

"Just you wait and see," Madhu continued. "You're going to get the best debut actress at every award show!"

"Thank you Madhu. I appreciate the vote of confidence."

"Of course," and Madhu resumed her work.

"I mean can you imagine? Me winning best debut female and RK winning best actor male?"

Madhu instantly scowled at the mention of him, making Navisa laugh.

"Okay, seriously, Madhu, why do you hate him so much? I'm very curious."


Just then, a crew member arrived. "Navisa, they need you on set."

"Uh, sure, I'll be there in a moment," Navisa said, and the crew member left. "Come Madhu and Neha, we can finish up there."

Madhu nodded and grabbed her stuff, the stylist following them as well.

"Anyways, you were saying," Navisa said. "Why is it that you hate RK?"

As the two walked and talked, neither realized that they were passing RK's trailer, who happened to be stepping out of it, as well as Bittuji, and had heard Navisa's question.

"Hate is a strong word," Madhu said.

RK arched his brow, him and Bittuji following not far behind them.

"So you don't hate RK?"

"Mm... I detest him."

"Oh? And why is that?"

"Because I've never seen a more arrogant, egoistic, insolent man in my life," Madhu smiled fakely.

RK immediately scowled at the back of her head, while Bittuji glanced between the two.

"My, my, that's a lot of words for someone you don't know," Navisa teased. "Or have you encountered him?"

"Oh, I did alright! The first time I met him was purely by accident! Deedu was giving her first round of auditions but had an emergency, so she called me to help her. I arrived at the studio and went to call her and ask her where she was, when my phone fell into a puddle!"

"Oh no!"

"That stupid puddle caused all the issues! I could barely hear a thing when Deedu called me, so I didn't hear her warning me to steer clear of the set RK was at. Instead, I thought she was there. So I went."

Oh, RK thought to himself. So that's how she got there that day.

Navisa gasped. "Then what?"

"What else? I got to the set and there was no one else there but RK. At first I was shocked; I mean there's a celebrity in front of me, naturally I'd be shocked. But it was instantly gone because the jerk started yelling at me!"

"No way!"

"Yes way, Navisa! He yelled at me and told me to get out," she mocked in pure RK fashion.

The memory played in RK's mind, reminding him of their introduction.

"I don't believe it," Navisa gasped.

"Oh, believe me, it's true. The look in his eyes...."

RK looked at her.

"I don't think I've ever seen anyone have so much anger in their eyes like that before... so much pain in their eyes before," Madhu murmured, remembering the moment as well and only now realizing the true look in his eyes.

RK somewhat froze at her words, his steps slightly faltering.

"All I did was accidentally enter somewhere I shouldn't have been," Madhu continued. "And he...."

"I'm sorry you had to deal with that," Navisa said, pursing her lips.

"You have nothing to apologize for. He was the one who got so angry over something so miniscule... it makes me wonder what was eating at him."

RK was shocked by her words, as was Bittuji.

"Surely no one gets that angry over something as small as that."

While Navisa and Neha hummed in thought, RK could only feel shock. Over his many years in the industry, he'd definitely popped off on many people who would all cower and apologize, even if he was in the wrong. But not Madhubala - instead she had actually caught a glimpse of the man behind the one known as RK the Superstar.

Madhu let out a sigh. "But I'm giving him too much credit. He'd have to be a proper human for that instead of some egoistic prick."

The slight softness RK had felt, immediately disintegrated.

"Oh, come on, Madhu, give him some credit. Maybe you did catch something in those beautiful eyes of his."

"Oh no, not you too about his eyes," Madhu groaned.

While Navisa looked at her in confusion, RK remembered the night before.

"Why, what's wrong with his eyes," Navisa asked. "They're quite dreamy, aren't they?"

Madhu opened her mouth to say something when a certain superstar's voice filled her ears.


Madhu, Navisa, and Neha paused to look behind them and saw RK and Bittuji.

Wait, did he hear what I said, Madhu wondered. All of it? None of it? Some of it? Oh why is it always me?!

"Yes chief," Bittuji replied.

"I'm in the mood for some chocolate."

Madhu's eyes slightly widened.

"Go get me some dark chocolate and make sure there's some in my trailer as well."

"Dark chocolate, chief," Bittuji questioned, even though he knew exactly why his chief was requesting it.

"Yes, dark chocolate. It's good for your heart Bittuji, you should eat some as well..."

Madhu looked away to the side, remembering the night before.

As RK and Bittuji passed the three ladies, he gave a curt nod, Navisa waving back at him with glee.

"Besides," RK continued, "someone once said my eyes were like pools of dark chocolate..."

Madhu's eyes widened as they shot up to look at RK.

"...and I quite agree," he smirked.

RK and Bittuji turned at the corner, going out of sight, and both Navisa and Neha sighed.

"Hai... whoever said that was totally correct," Neha said.

Madhu felt her cheeks heat slightly, looking away.

"I wonder who said it that had him reacting like that," Navisa said, and then she gasped. "Maybe a secret girlfriend!"

Madhu instantly started coughing as her gasp got caught in her throat.

"Oh my gosh, Madhu!"

"What," she wheezed.

"I was just joking, I- oh my gosh Madhu, are you okay?"

But Madhu only wheezed and coughed.

Navisa looked at Neha. "Neha, please, quickly get her some water!"

Neha nodded and she ran off, Madhu still coughing.

"Dammit," Navisa said. "Madhu, try looking up and breathe for air. That might help."

Navisa helped her stand straight and Madhu tried doing what she said, but it didn't work.

"Shit, where-!"

Suddenly, a water bottle appeared in front of them, and when both looked up to see the person holding it, they saw that it was none other than RK.

"RK," Navisa gasped.

Madhu was even more in shock, coughing even more, when RK helped place the bottle to her lips and held it as she drank from it.

"Slowly... slowly," he said softly.

Madhu was in absolute shock, watching him as he took care of her. When she had enough, she pulled away and caught her breath.

"Are you okay," Navisa asked.

Madhu nodded. "I'm fine."

Navisa turned to RK. "Thanks so much RK, you really saved the day."

RK didn't say anything, screwing the cap shut to the bottle before holding it out to Madhu. She looked at it before looking up at RK, her eyes meeting the ones she had been talking about the night before.

They truly are pools of dark chocolate... and his lips are so pink.

RK gestured to the bottle with his eyes, telling her to take it. Madhu looked at it once more before looking at him again, then slowly reached forward and took it.

"Thank you," she said in a low voice. "I appreciate the help."

"I don't need anyone dying on my set..."

Madhu looked at him in shock.

"Make sure you're not heckling like that during takes," and RK walked away, leaving an annoyed, gaping Madhu behind.

"Uh... what was that about," Navisa said, completely confused by the interaction.

"See, this is exactly what I mean," Madhu exclaimed. "Egoistic snob!"

RK looked back at her, having heard her words, but Madhu didn't look away, grilling him down. Her confidence made him smirk at her arrogantly before he turned away and headed back to the set, giving a little wave over his shoulder.

Hmm... junglee billee, he smirked to himself. I like it.


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