Grey words

By hiiamaperson090909

85.9K 1.2K 133

Grey is 14 and since he was 3 the world has been against him. Grey was kidnapped at 3 taken away from twin b... More

Characters pictures
Guns down
Say what!!
Clothed to go
Safe with you! I think?
Mall Day
Confetti plan
Help is needed and on the way
Wars warrior
My forever not yours
A healer
Promise you
Panic attacks
Chocolate shake
Editing plan!
Sorrow birthday
Oh dear brothers
The missing game
Be safer
Ghost, stores, and hide and seek.
I'm Alive........


1.1K 15 1
By hiiamaperson090909

Wednesday, October 16
Grey's P.O.V

I was sleeping peacefully snuggled into a bunch of blankets but was shaken awake. I opened my eyes and saw sloth smiling at me.

"Hey baby boy, Alex made mini pancakes, plus I ran to the store yesterday and got some fruit for you to try," Sloth said as I sat up.

I know my brothers are tall and strong but I didn't realize they could run to the store that seems very far and hard.

I pushed all the blankets off me and threw my legs over the side of the bed and stretched my arms.

"How did you sleep?" Sloth asked, sitting next to me on the bed. "Good, blankets are soft," I said. Sloth smiled at me "i'm glad the blankets were soft, you must have been cold last night, you had 5 blankets on you

"Do you want me to give you a piggyback ride downstairs?" Sloth asked. Standing fully up for where he bent over.

I nodded my head, I didn't really feel like walking. Sloth kneeled down next to the bed and I climbed onto his back. "Hold on tight" Sloth said then we walked down stairs into the kitchen.

Sloth let me down and we all took our spots at the table. Alex came in with the food then took his spot. I noticed Parker wasn't being very Parker, but I decided to ignore it.

Sloth placed 2 pancakes on my plate then put some strawberries in a bowl. I used my hands to eat my pancakes, because unlike my brothers using what they call forks, I find it quicker and more handy eating with my hands.

"You realize there's a reason we gave you a fork" Henry laughed from the other side of the table. I shrugged. And continued eating. "Well if we ever go to a fancy dinner I suggest someone stays home with Grey" Noah said.

"I volunteer," William said. Everyone except Ryan and Alex laughed. "I hate those stupid dinners me and Grey will sit on the couch in pjs and eat mcdonalds while yall go get fancied up and have to sit and talk for hours" he finished dramatically.

"Or how about everyone goes and we just don't care how Grey eats," Ryan said. Then they all just carried on with their own conversations.

After I finished my food which, 'strawberries' and 'pineapples' are now my favorite foods. I tapped on Sloth's shoulder and pointed upstairs. "Okay just go put your plate on the counter by the sink" Sloth said.

I jumped up and grabbed my plate then headed into the kitchen. After doing what I was told I went upstairs to find Parker.

I tried to remember which room was Parkers, but I just couldn't so I opened and closed all of them tell I ended up at Parkers.  

When I entered the room I saw him curled up in his bed still asleep, so I joined him, but he woke up. "Hey buddy, whatcha doing in here" he said pulling me closer to him, I shrugged.

"Did you already eat breakfast?" he asked,and I nodded. "Oh" he said kinda sadly "Did everyone already eat"and I nodded again. "Oh okay well they probably just wanted to let me sleep a little longer" he said but not like he was talking to me.

"How about we go get ready? It's almost 7" he said. I nodded and got out of his bed. Right as Parker sat up someone knocked on the door.

The door opened and Sloth, Alex, and Ryan walked in. "Hey Grey, come with me, we need to get you ready," Sloth said. I nodded my head and followed him to my room.

"Alright what do you want to wear?" he asked, placing me in front of my closet. I shrugged at him and he ended up choosing.

After I got ready Ryan and Alex came into my room they were ready to leave. When we went outside there was water falling everywhere!

I remember seeing this happen when I was training. Sir called it rain he also said it wasn't dangerous. But I don't know, sir told me a lot of things that weren't true, or that's what Sloth always tells me.

"Well I guess we have to make a run for it" Alex said looking at me. "Or I will just go drive the car closer" Ryan suggested. "Nah this will be more fun" Alex said then started running towards the car. I ran after him then soon Ryan followed.

When I entered Ms Taylor's room she laughed. "Did you have fun in the rain?" she asked. I nodded my head.

"Well for today I was thinking we could learn about colors so when we color you know what colors you're using and what colors things are" she said grabbing the box of crayons we always use to color.

I walked over to the learning table and sat down. Ms Taylor placed a piece of paper down in front of me then took her spot across from me.

Parkers P.O.V

Well this is bad im sitting on my bed in front of the oldies. "You lied" Ryan said as he pulled the chair from my desk to sit on while Alex just leaned against the wall.

I nodded my head and looked down. "Why?" Ryan asked. " I don't know" I shrugged looking up at Ryan.

"That's not a good answer"Alex said glaring at me "Tell us the truth".  I looked back at him and shook my head. I can't tell them dads back, they can't stop him and if they try he's gonna come back and kill me.

And if he doesn't kill me he's gonna make more problems for my brothers, and I don't want that. "You gonna answer us," Ryan said, starting to look impatient. "I was at a girls house and I lost track of time" I said.

"Why didn't you just tell us yesterday now you're in deeper trouble" Ryan said. I shrugged, I should have come up with this lie yesterday.

"Alright let's get this over with" Ryan said motioning me to stand up. I got up then was dragged over his lap. "15 for coming home late then soap for 5 minutes for lying" Ryan said then started.

Only a minute later I was stood back up. Ryan stood up then I took his spot on my chair. "Here's the soap," Alex said, handing it to Ryan. Ryan put the soap in my mouth then set the timer on his phone.

The whole 5 minutes Ryan and Alex sat there lecturing me. Finally the timer went off and I was allowed to go get ready and wash my mouth.

When I came back Alex and Ryan had left and my phone had like 15 messages from william saying we are gonna be late,

As I grabbed my backpack my door flew open "get your ass to school you're gonna be late" Seth said. "Im sorry im going" I said then ran down stairs to William who was waiting by the door.

"Finally, come on, I don't want to be late"WIlliam said then ran out the door me in trail behind.

As soon as we got in the car the rain started to pour down. "That was close" william said. "Yeah" I agreed and started driving.

"Hey william" I said as we were stopped at a red light. "Yeah" he said, turning his phone off. "After school I have to go do some things so can you get a ride home" I asked. "Uh I think, where are you going though" he asked.

"Just have to go to a few stores, would you tell the oldies I probably will be out a little late" I said I definitely don't want another repeat of this morning. "Yeah sure"

I dropped William off at the front entrance then went to park my car. I walked down the alley before I got stopped. I turned and saw my father.

"Come with me" he demanded. "I can't you got me in trouble last night and my ass got beat for it. I can't be skipping school now" I said getting my arm free.

"Well I don't feel like waiting," he said, crossing his arms. "Well what do you expect me to do about it" I raised my voice "I have school and you're gonna make me late" then I did all that was left to do and ran.

I finally arrived at school and into my first period. I took my seat in the back of the class next to all of my friends. "Heyyyyy" Tyler said sitting on top of his desk. I just nodded my head at him then plopped in my seat.

"What's wrong with you, ya look like you got hit with a bus and dragged for 50 miles" Ryland laughed. "Long night," I replied right as the teacher walked.

"Tyler please get off the desk" she said putting her stuff down at her desk. "But mam I cant see up here the view is so perfect" Tyler replied. "Would you like to be moved up to the front row since it's so bad back there you have to sit on the desk" she replied pulling down the projector screen.

"On second thought it's okay I don't pay attention anyways" he said hoping off his desk. "Gee thanks" our teacher said, shaking her head as everyone in the class suppressed their laughter.

My next few classes were pretty boring but it was finally lunch! One of the best parts of a school day, well unless you buy your lunch then it just sucks.

I sat down at my normal table with all the other football and athletic guys and pulled out my lunch. I was only half way through my sandwich though when our lunch monitor came over and said I was being checked out.

That's weird. I don't think I have any doctor appointments today. I grabbed all my stuff after taking one more bite of my sandwich, then I headed to the front office.

"You're good to go sweetie" our front desk lady said as I walked in. "Okay thank you" I said then walked out to the parking lot.
"Parker over here" oh my god!

I marched over to the voice "dad what the hell are you doing here and how did you get me checked out early" I said angrily.

"Shut up and get your ass in the car" he demanded. I had no choice but to get in. "Could you have at least let me finish lunch?" I mumbled but he heard. "Shut it you don't need anymore food" he said as he started to speed out of the school and down the road.

I just stared out the window the whole car drive. Why is it that he couldn't just have waited, I don't want to do this.

My father drove to the same building we were at yesterday, the weird thing was there was an extra car. I gave my dad a confused look as I hopped out of the car, but he ignored it.

I sat my stuff down by the front door then walked into the living room. The tv was on and there were two bodies sitting on the couch facing away from me.

"Well don't be rude go introduce yourself" My father said grabbing my arm and dragging me in front of the couch.

Oh my god! My father invited Gabriel, and who I think is Mark.

This is not gonna end well. "What are they doing here?" I said turning to face my dad. "I said don't be rude," he said, punching my stomach. I bent over a little bit from the surprise and force of the punch.

"So sorry about him" my dad apologized. "It is okay he just needs to be shown his place" Gabriel said.

"Dad, why are you working with him? He's the one who took Grey" I said. "Oh shut up they should have taken you, ya dumbass" My father said gripping my hair and pulling me fully up. 

I hissed as my hair felt like it was gonna be pulled fully out. "You are right Nichloas His body is beautiful, reminds me of his baby brothers" Mark said standing up. "You bitch" I said and tried to tackle him but was held back.

"Looks like someone needs to be shown his place, shall we start" Mark said smirking at me. I was dragged over to the coffee table then stripped and punched repeatedly, tell they were bored with that and started playing with me.

They finally were bored with me and let me go. I stood up and pulled my clothes back on "can I go home please" I asked.

"Hurry up, it's late and football is on soon" My father said. I pulled my shoes on as quickly as I could, then grabbed my backpack from the front door and went out to the car.

The car ride back to the school was very uncomfortable, my stomach hurt. If there is enough time I'm gonna stop at Walgreens and get some medicine.

We finally arrived back at school but when I went to open my door he locked it. " I need to go home," I said still trying to open the door.

"Tomorrow straight after school" he demanded. "After football" I said still trying to open the door. "Fine" he said and unlocked the door.

I stumbled out of the car and towards my car. I started my car and saw the time 10:15, well I can stop at the store. I'll just text my brothers Im making one last stop so if I get home late I won't get in trouble. 

I turned my phone on and only had messages in the group chat, I started driving towards Walgreens sense it was a lot closer than CVS.

When I arrived at Walgreens it was almost closing time so I had to rush in and out. I grabbed some bandages, Advil, and some candy in hopes it would lift my spirits.

When I arrived home everyone was either asleep or in there room so I just sent a message that i'm home, then dragged myself upstairs and to my bathroom.

I pulled my hoodie off and looked at my new marks decorating my body. I know at least 3 of my ribs are bruised 1 maybe even broken. I took a quick shower rubbing as hard as I could to get their touch off of me.

Once I got out of the shower I patched myself off then got in some new clothes and hopped into bed. Well at least tomorrow I can go to football, well actually i'm not sure that's a good thing with these ribs, but oh well I guess. 

So sorry this chapter has been giving me issues I saw some one ask for pictures of our lovely brothers so I'm gonna go look for some 😊

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