A New Day (Book 2)

By nothing347

15.8K 507 105

Sequel to Another Day. Read before this, then again you do you. After the Avengers being taken by Hydra, it... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Halloween special!!!
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Author note
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Christams p.t. 1
Christmas specail p.t. 2
Christmas special p.t. 3
Christmas special p.t. 4

Chapter 2

471 14 2
By nothing347

Y/n pov

After everyone is changed I give everyone a plate of the food. "I know that this isn't the best but we need to savor our rations. Tomorrow I'll go hunting," I tell them. "Are you two warming up at all?" I ask them. "Yeah I'm doing fine. What about you?" Peter asks. "What about me?" I ask, shooting him a look of confusion. "You look freezing and your arm has icicles forming around it. And you gave us more food when you needed it more," Peter says.

"I'll be fine, don't worry. I just need to put my arm over the fire but I'll do that later," I tell them as I'm getting up. "Where are you going?" Morgan asks. "I need to chop up more wood so you can stay warm." I go outside and the snow has started to settle down. I grab an axe and start chopping a bunch of wood.

After about ten minutes I go back into the cabin with a bunch of wood that should last us for the rest of the night. As I entire I see Peter and Morgan playing tic tac toe on some paper and a pencil. "Where did you two find that?" I ask them with a chuckle. It reminds me of my brother and I. I would always try to hide the troubles from him. I would distract him with stories and games.

"We looked in some of the drawers and found it. Is that ok?" Peter asks with a worried voice. "No, I can't believe that you did that. Looking around. You're supposed to sit here and twiddle your thumbs," I say in a serious voice. I then look at Peter and Morgan who have a look of worry on their faces. Then I just burst out laughing. "Why would I care? You guys are fine! Just keep playing. There might be a deck of cards under the bed," I tell them.

They look under the bed and pull out a deck of cards. "Nice!" Morgan exclaims. They end up playing a couple card games until I interrupt them. "Morgan, I think you should head into bed. It's getting late," I say. "Ok," she sighs and goes into the bottom bunk. "Y/n?" She asks under the sheets. "Hmm?" "Will Daddy be ok?" She asks. I walk over to her and sit at the end of the bunk bed, trying not to hit my head on the top bunk.

"He'll be fine. I promise. I won't let anything happen to him. Once they land I'll get him out of there. Ok?" I say stroking her hair. "Don't you worry." Morgan sits up and hugs me. I freeze for a minute then hug her back. "It'll be ok мала ружа," I tell her. After she goes to sleep it's just Peter and I. I go over to the fire pit and put my medal arm over to melt the ice off of it.

"Y/n? Can I ask you a question?" Peter asks. "Just one," I say. "How did you find out about this place?" He asks. "This was my fathers hunting cabin. Then once they died, and after I was done missions. I would spend a night here. Hydra never knew about this place. Every time I was out I would restock on food and clean it." I tell him. "What's a Hat?" Peter asks. "I beg your pardon?" Peter stands up and walks over to me.

He points to the stone where it says HaT. "Ohhh, it's Nat," I tell him. I forgot about that. When I took her here we would play tic tac toe. Then she made me get a deck of cards. "Wait, like Natasha?" He asks, confused. "Yes, but I knew her as Natalia. She was моја мала плесаче," I tell him. "Meaning?" "My little dancer." "And what did you say to Morgan earlier?" He asks. "My little rose."

"Can I ask you one more question?" Peter asks this time he almost looks nervous. "What is it?" "Why do you have an old looking photo of me?" He asks. I scrunch my face in confusion. Then out of the back pockets he pulls out a photo and hands it to me. I take it from his hands and I feel my face soften. "Peter," I breathe out. I feel a tear leave my eye. "This, uhh, this is my brother." I tell him. I see his face soften, "oh I'm sorry I didn't mean to pry." I wipe away a tear and look at Peter. "No it's ok. You didn't know. I'm glad you found this. I was honestly starting to forget what he looked liked but then when I saw you, I remembered him. His name was also Peter," I explain.

"He was my best friend. I always made sure that his needs were met and that he was safe. He was what kept me going when I was a kid." "How, how did he die?" Peter asks. I feel another tear fall and I watch it fall onto the photo. The photo is of him holding up a fish that I caught and gave to him. "I, uhh, I-I killed him," I say in a downhearted voice. I quickly wipe the tear away and look at Peter.

"Umm you should, you should go to bed. It's getting late and you need your strength." "Ok." He climbs up the ladder and as he gets up in the bed he looks down to me. "I'm sorry Y/n, about your brother. But if it makes you feel any better I see you as my sister," He tells me. I look up to him and smile. I tell him goodnight and he goes to bed. It'll be a new day soon enough. Once I get everybody I love back.

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