Summoning the Cold Rivalry


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13th June, 1987. Tension start to easing between USSR and United States, everything was going smoothly until... Еще

Chapter 1, The lights&New world
Chapter 2: Contact
Chapter 3: Diplomacy
Chapter 4: New hopes
Chapter 5: Lost Civilization
Chapter 6: Surprise, Surprise
Chapter 7: Superpower
Chapter 8: Reinforcement
Chapter 9: Liberation & Downfalls
Chapter 10: Occupation
Chapter 11: Visitors
Chapter 12: Siege
Chapter 13: Looming danger
Chapter 15: The Beginning
Chapter 16: Night raid
Chapter 17: Off shores
Chapter 18: Grave Mistake
Chapter 19: Strike back
Chapter 20: Against all odds
Chapter 21: Involvement
Chapter 22: Blood rain
Chapter 23: First step
Chapter 24: Imminent demise
Chapter 25: Prophecy
Chapter 25.5: Alternative
Chapter 26: Old against new
Chapter 27: Motherland
Chapter 28: Hunts
Chapter 29: Eagle claws
Chapter 30: Devil dogs
Chapter 31: Unexpected
Chapter 32: Ultimatum
Chapter 33: Sacred
Chapter 34: Operation Sword tip
Chapter 35: Fight of the Valkyries
Chapter 36: Political dispute
Chapter 37: That time
Chapter 38: Invincible
Chapter 39: Weakened
Chapter 40: New era
Chapter 41: Bear and Eagle
Chapter 42: Purposes
Chapter 43: New beginnings
Chapter 44: Invitation
Chapter 45: Transition
Chapter 46: World's conference
Chapter 47: Preparation
Chapter 48: Sunk with all hands
Chapter 49: Calm before the storm
Chapter 50: Great naval battle I
Chapter 51: Great naval battle II
Chapter 51.5: Expedition
Chapter 52: Great naval battle III
Chapter 53: Encirclement
Chapter 54: Great naval battle IV
Chapter 54.2069: Distant past
Chapter 55: Great Naval Battle Finale
Chapter 56: Perspective
Chapter 57: Desert storm
Chapter 58: Turning tide
Chapter 59: Battle for Cartalpas
Chapter 60: Desert Skirmishes

Chapter 14: Engagement

1.1K 35 7

Location: Arjin, Leifor, 2nd Civilized area
22nd August, 1632, 3:20 PM

The city of Arjin is the closest city of Leifor to Mu's border, it was originally used as a fortress against Mu kingdom 5,000 years ago, and was later turn into industrial city, with factory all around. It was not long for the citizen to know the news about the falls of Lesberg, Mu decided to step into Arjin themselves and fortified the city with artillery, and machine gun nest. The reason for them to do this is unknown, but historian speculated that, it was to secure the important industrial zone and valuable resources.

"Mu soldiers has been working hard lately, the Gra Valkas is strong but they don't have be this concerned"

"Well it is what it is, they already set up these fortification, we'll just have to go with it" His friend replied.

The chit chat go on, the truck and construction machinery is running around the city. Muish soldiers at their position, while Leiforian unit is there to support them.

One hour has passed, still no sign of Gra Valkans. Little did they know the Gra Valkans has already spotted them before hand.

"Report, this is Falrioa. We see an enemy" Amar, the spotter of Falrioa team, said into the radio.

"Good job, Falrioa. You can mark them for the bombing run" the other side of radio said.


He turn to the sniper of the team, Menol. He nodded, acknowledged the situation.

Amar pulled out a LMK (Laser designator) out, he counted the number of enemies, and marked the position.

Location: Off the coast of Paganda, Khaki-Class Aircraft Carrier
22nd August, 1632, 4:14 PM

A big aircraft carrier with Antares Type 68 naval fighter and Sirius Type 43 Dive bombers is lining majestically on the deck. the Admiral, Hariya Natashi, are carrying out orders. The pilot of Type 43 Dive bombers get in their position and board the plane, these pilot will be known for the damage they did against Mu and unexpectedly, the Soviet union, in the future.

The propeller engine roar as the plane fly out of the deck toward the designated position, some of Antares Type 68 is there to accompanied them. They fly in altitude of 9,700 meters, which considered high by standard of this world.

"Ready to see a firework everyone"

The Squadron leader said into the radio, the other pilot cheered loudly.

This battle will be known as the first military engagement between Mu and Gra Valkas, the entire world will acknowledge this battle as the one that light up the fire for the Great war. Back in Arjin, Mu and Leiforian doesn't know what was coming for them.

The four barrel 20mm Leon gun of Mu military stare high into the sky, with higher firerate than Anti Aircraft artillery, it was deemed to be one of the best Anti-Air gun in the world surpassed by Holy Milishial's Bon automatic rotating cannon.

The Ares mk.II fly out of Leifor's runway to scout the sky.

"3rd squadron, fly out!"

Dave, the Squadron leader said in the radio. All 24 aircraft flew out, outclassed the Leifor's Phoenix mk.VI accompanied them.

"These show off" Leiforian pilot mumbled.

"Watch your radar, we might contact with enemies aircraft"

The radar pinged, signals the Gra Valkans aircraft flying toward them, the pilot are on now on alerted. Dave said into the radio

"Ground-air control, this is the 3rd squadron, prepared the Anti-Air for a hostile plane"

"Affirmative, anti-air will be ready if you fail" they replied.

"The hostile plane is within 2.1 Kilometres, prepared to engage"

Dave ordered his squadron. Then he see a large numbers of black dots infront of them, he shouted into radio.

"Engage! Engage!"

The 3rd squadron dispersed to the left and right in order to articulate their enemies. 10 hostile aircraft is also dispersed from their squadron, seem like to intercept them.

The 3rd squadron were the one take casualties first.

"They shot down one of our guy!" One of the pilot said into the radio.

"We will clear their fighter! You go clear the remaining aircraft!"

Dave shouted into the radio.

"Yes sir!"

The other then turn toward the Dive bombers, leaving Dave and his mens to fight the Gra Valkans fighter. The Ares mk.II was second to no others, Mu believe this, everyone believe this. That what he thought when he join the air forces, he will be the one that shot down the Gra Valkans.

"The enemies is so fast!"

One of the pilot shouted. Dave also acknowledge this, the Gra Valkans aircraft was faster than anything he see, he pushed the throttle to the max and drop his fuel tank just to barely match the speed of Gra Valkans planes. He line up one of Antares naval fighter on his sight and pull the trigger, the 30 Caliber rounds were sent right out the barrel, the Gra Valkans aircraft got hit in the jet engine, thus blow up into a piece of metal.


Before he know, another hostile plane has already got his back.

He banked to the right, attempting to avoid the incoming fire, the engine smoke signaling that it can't go any faster than this and Dave started to dive down while performing jinking. The alarm ring in the cockpit. He know that if he keep diving he gonna die, then something happened, the speed projector cut right off when he reached the speed of 998 Kilometre per hours.

"There's no time to be surprised for god sake!"

He pull his plane up and turn to the right, the speed projector begin to worked perfectly again.

The tracer round of Gra Valkans nearly hit the rear of his plane, he requested a help from his squadron member. The fight between propeller fighter and jet fighter was something they couldn't imagine, atleast it been proven that even a propeller plane can give a good fight with jet plane. One of the Ares mk.II get behind the Antares. Total of 2 Antares got shot down but at the cost of 4 of their squadron members lives.

On the other side, the dispersed 3rd squadron is fighting the Sirius Type 43 Dive bombers. It was quite an easy chase as the dive bombers is slower than their planes.

"Alerted, it enemie's fighter!"

Hoyaba, wingman of the 5th Sirius dive bombers squadron shouted into the radio.

"What's our Antares doing!?" Another pilot shouted.

"Everyone, dispersed! Don't get in enemies line of fire!"

The leader of squadron, Kaya. shouted on the radio. The Sirius turn out from each other, seperate in different directions.

"They're definitely not Leiforian!" Hoyaba shouted.

"Avoid the enemies! Head straight for the target!" Some pilot shouted into the radio.

"Are you crazy!? We can't perform dive bombing if the enemies is still on our tail!"

Kaya replied. The 3 Antares fly passed them to engage in combat with enemies, their movement is quite weird, it the movement you can't see with experienced pilot.

"Did they fucking let an amateurs to accompanied us!?"

He frustrated. The first Antares were quickly shot down by enemies plane.

"We need back up!"

Hoyaba shouted. 2 more Antares fly toward the enemies, total 5 hostile aircraft were shot down.

"We see it! We reached the target!"

"The enemies aircraft is busy with our fighters! Dive! now!" Kaya ordered.

24 Sirius Type 43 Dive down on city of Arjin, the light of Anti-Air bullets begin to befell them.

"Shit! They got Anti-Air! Why nobody tell us about this!?"

The Leon gun fired at them with fire rates of 600 bullets per minutes. The Sirius Type 43 is still diving down furiously, black smoke engulfed the sky and line of bullets that can be seen in a distance.

"Fuck it, target their AA first!"

One of the Sirius got shot out of sky, then another two a moment later.

"Is these guy are actually Leiforian!? They're too good!"

One of the pilot shouted. Some more Sirius were shot down before they quickly descended on city of Arjin, and drop the load. The bomb fell on Mu's Anti-air gun and some of the fortification, some of the bomb got dropped right in the city, but not every Leon gun is destroyed, Mu still firing their gun at Gra Valkans aircraft, and manage to take down good amount of them, the bombs didn't hit the important structure and spots. This dive bombing can be considered as failure.

The ground force of Gra Valkans has also begin to advanced after the dive bombing not knowing the dive bombing has failed, hundred of tank of 22nd Tank division line up in the front accompanied with 10 of infantry regiment.

"Our plane is retreating, are we sure the bombing is succeeded?"

"Of course, the bombing is succeeded. There's no way the Leiforian can shoot down our aircraft"

At the city of Arjin, 4:20 PM

Fortification were damaged from the bombing, the machine gun nest were lowly damaged. Their position is still operable, the 3rd squadron fly back to the damaged airbase, suffered high casualties against the Gra Valkans fighter. The 3rd squadron actually won against the Gra Valkans for being more experience.

"This is quite bad, i never thought we would suffered this much casualties" Dave saddened.

"You did good, son. This prove that we are combat capable against the Gra Valkans" the officer said to him, patting his arms.

"You can go rest"

The Leiforian soldier, and civilians coming out of the bomb shelter, some were scared and horrified.

"Not even Mu could protect us from those devil plane"

One of the Leiforian soldier said. Many house were demolished, 10% of Leifor's civilian in Arjin became homeless that day, fortunately they were given a shelter by their own country mens. Not many Mu soldiers were nice, some of them look down on Leiforian.

Atleast they're still willing to protect Arjin, so the civilian decided to not speak about it. This engagement is the first time in this world that Gra Valkas lost the battle.

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