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Chloe and Halle, two high-school girls with perfect GPA's and no criminal background whatsoever find themselv... More



551 31 25

Blue POV

"We all agreed on not hurting her! I'm not putting my hands on a innocent thirteeen year old. Y'all need serious help!" I heard the voice of the nice kidnapper as I awoke to the brightness of the sun in my face.

I suddenly realized we weren't in a car anymore. I guess I cried myself to sleep after they fed me last night, I was surprised to be laying free in a nice sized bed. No restraints or anything, I could get up and dash out of here.

"Look at her! Pretending to be sleep, she's literally planning her escape right now as we speak" the mean one yelled pointing at me as I opened my eyes sitting up in the bed staring at the two girls.

They look so young was my first thought crazily. My second was how the heck am i gonna get out of here! I noticed a third girl I had never seen before talking amongst two girls who had snatched me from my home

"Look she's right, we need her to cooperate with everything we say or this shit won't work Hal's!" The third girl agreed staring directly into my soul causing me to gulp involuntarily

"So what...Y'all are gonna beat her into submission?!you both are fucking ignorant!" The nice one raised her voice startling me, I began crying again not understanding what I did for this to happen to me.

"I think y'all are forgetting who's child this is! You think anyone is gonna listen to anything we have to say when we put that girl in front of a camera with a black eye and broken nose?! Think!" She finished yelling and I seen them all stare at me.

"I-I d-don't want any problems... p-please don't hurt me.." I cried out hugging my legs, just praying the spared my life. suddenly I felt something hit me directly in my head, it didn't hurt but it definitely took me off guard

I gasped hard looking at the mean girl who had just thrown a pillow at me. "What did I tell you yesterday about all that soft ass shit? Stop all that damn crying, ain't nobody finna do nothing to you... yet" the mean one said calmly and all the other girls just laughed like something was funny.

"Chloe you better chill before she bust you in your mouth again" the nice one joked addressing Chloe who I'm assuming is the mean one who put her gun in my face yesterday.

"Oh both of you can go to hell! I'm going to start breakfast" Chloe laughed walking out he room but not before nudging the nice girl who's name I still didn't know

"Since you've taken over the roll of captain save a hoe all so sudden, how about you get your friend video ready" the third girl said before exiting the room herself leaving me and the nice girl in the room alone and I just broke down into tears

This time I wasn't hit or cursed at, in fact I was embraced. I was so confused, I didn't know what to do. This crazy lady who had just kidnapped me 24 hours ago, was letting me cry on her shoulder.

I had never seen anything like this before. I mean obviously I had never been kidnapped before but I do watch a lot of Law and Order SVU and it never happens like this.

"Come on blue, I know your afraid and confused right now but I promise you everything is gonna be ok" The nice girl rocked and held me as I cried.

"Are y'all going to kill me?" I asked her not trying to here that everything is ok mess became it wasn't ok! Nothing about this situation was ok and honestly all I wanted to do was hug my mama one last time.

"Absolutely not! We aren't here to hurt you kid, I swear. You're safe as long as you listen and comply with everything we ask of you" she explained to me wiping the tears from my eyes. I immediately became alert of what was happening and my stomach flipped hard as ever before

"Oh my god, you're about to sell me into sexual slavery! Oh my god! I can't believe this, what the freak" I began to freak out playing with my fresh braids had just gotten done before my unexpected abduction

While I stressed about my current predicament, the only thing I was met with was a loud laugh from the nice girl upsetting me because human trafficking was no laughing matter.

She continued to laugh at me like I was some joke. I couldn't help but say something about it, "Sexual slavery is NOT funny! What is wrong with you? This is terrible" I spoke looking at the girl with pure anger in my tone.

"Little girl calm your ass... I'm not laughing because I think human trafficking is funny, I'm laughing because you think I'd sell YOU of all people to be a sex slave" the girl said and i scrunched my face up not understanding what exactly that meant

"What's wrong with me?" I asked becoming a bit insecure covering myself with the cover looking down at my long skinny frame

I had always felt a little self conscious about my body. The world has had these unreal expectations of me since I was a baby, judging how pretty I should be, how tall or thick I should be, making fun of my hair and facial features because I didn't match the description of the Blue Ivy they made in their head.

"Well for one you're already worth a billion dollars so it would be dumb to sell you for money instead of just holding you here until you're 18, marrying you just before killing then stealing your inheritance plus you're way to recognizable." The girl said simply scaring me a little bit. Why did she know all of this?

"Enough crazy talk. We aren't selling you, don't worry" she quickly added on causing me to sigh in relief but I soon remembered that they still had me kidnapped so they obviously still wanted me to do something.

"Well if y'all aren't selling me, what is it that you want from me?" I asked her and she smiled pulling the cover off of my body

"Get up, I'm gonna help you get ready" the girl said grabbing my hand damn near snatching me off the bed

She calmly escorted me to the bathroom where I had all the necessities I needed for a daily morning routine. Face towel, tooth brush, tooth paste, facial cleanser, essential oils.. literally everything I needed. Plus towels and soaps for a shower

"Here's some clothes for you. the underwear and bra are brand new so don't worry about that. If it's that time of the month for you, we have sanitary wipes and pads under the cabinet" she told me and my focused remained on the big window beside the toilet

My mind was racing with a million different thoughts, I'm guessing the girl had noticed my eyes wandering because I heard her begin to speak

"That window leads directly to the backyard where our two pit bulls Piro and Uzi live. Since we've been so busy with you, they are very VERY hungry! I don't suggest sneaking out there if I was you because the love meat" She placed her hand on my shoulder making my eyes go wide.

"W-what?" I asked her and she just smirked, "I think it'll be best if you just washed up with no problems because trying to escaping will only make things 10 times harder on you. I'm protecting you right now but I promise you, if you ruin my trust. I have no problem handing you off to my sisters, and you know they aren't the nicest." She warned me and the tears began again

I couldn't help it, I was so freaking scared. I didn't do well on my own, I needed my parents. It felt as if my body would just shut down, I've never been through anything this scary before.

The girl turned me around so I was facing her now. "Look, I'm not your enemy ok. You have the opportunity to live comfortably here until we decide to return back to your parents or you can be defiant and live with the consequences. I'm giving you the premium package right now, I suggest you choose very wisely because things could get really nasty really fast." She told me straight forward and I just thought about it for a second

These girls have no desire on harming me... well not the nice one at least and they are treating me well. I'm not tied up somewhere in a basement, I'm getting fed and clothed properly. Besides snatching me up and abducting me, I haven't had any problems so far. It's best if I just follow instructions and be as good as I can possibly be

Then maybe I could be rewarded, you know. Hopefully earn phone or computer access where I can call my parents, all I wanted to do was just hear their voices. Even just for a second, tell them I was ok... I knew they were worried sick. I was going to do everything I could to make it back to them in one piece and if that meant playing nice with my abductors so be it.

"What's your name?" I asked her looking directly into her eyes growing a boost of confidence I didn't know I had in me

"Halle.. glad to see you chose correctly" a smirk spread across her face and I just simply walked into the bathroom closing the door behind me.

Freak my life!


Chapter three!! we're getting right into it...

How do we feel about blues POV?

Who do you think the third sister is?

Halle warning to blue?

Who's side are we on right now? Chloe and Halle or Beyoncé?

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