Neutral Line

Por VioletYbrehl

8.7K 301 4.8K

For years, people tended to believe the world is all about good and bad people, that it's entirely separate a... Más

Author's Note
1: Origin
2: Izuku
3: Little Genius
4: UA's Gremlin
5: Set up
6: Disappointment
7: Stupidity
8: Details
9: Recruitment
10: Ominous
11: Tragedy
13: Behind The Scene
14: Operation: The Fall
15: Deal
16: Incident
17: Connection
18: The Day
19: Confrontation
20: Interlude
21: Trial
22: Table Turn
23: Realm of User

12: Pointing Direction

299 16 273
Por VioletYbrehl

After the discussion, Masaru felt that what Nezu presents are all within reasonable punishment. Katsuki would be in care of UA. He will live with teachers and participate in the program Nezu created.

The villain rehabilitation program. And Katsuki would be the first one to be in this program. He will be treated as some sort of prisoner as he will not be let out of UA's wall.

Aside from that, he will complete a service for the UA. Something like helping in the Clinic and aftermath of the training. Like cleaning the whole facilities after training. He will also be in anger management and would be limited in using his quirk.

And since he is a prisoner of UA. Naturally, even his internet and phone usage would be extremely limited. He would also have a harder and different criteria for his school performance.

And on top of that, he had no say in what the teacher wanted him to do. In short, not only Katsuki had no freedom, he also needed to work harder than others and of course his behaviour if not change within a year, he would be transferred in local juvenile.

He was required to be in a trial that UA prepared for the middle school of Izuku as witness himself.

He has already been extremely lucky that he would still be able to attend his dream school even with his crime. It's just that he will have limited freedom inside the wall of UA.

Some of the conditions would not be said to Katsuki. Like the clauses about his behaviour not changing within a year he would be transferred and will no longer be UA student. And how his attitude would affect his performance.

Because Nezu truly want to see if he could still have a redemption just like what Izuku told him. Upon having the agreement, the interrogation also finish.

Tsukauchi told them that trial would start in the beginning of UA's new batch and would need Katsuki's presence. The trial will start just an hour after his class. And he was informed that he would be put in the Villain Rehabilitation Program.

Katsuki just agree without hesitation. He thought he wouldn't be able to be in UA but he was just glad he was still allowed despited having many restriction.


Weeks passed, the Midoriya's are all arranging the funeral service of Izuku. All of them had a solemn face and was all mourning. The staff of UA decided to visit by pair as they still have their own work.

Inko force Mitsuko and Masaru to see Izuku as telling them that Izuku would really haunt them if they didn't say a goodbye. Mitsuki cried and repeatedly apologize to Inko. Even Masaru can't even look at their eyes.

But Inko assured them that they wouldn't blame the two. And their only wish is that Katsuki would participate in the trial she prepare against Aldera. The two Bakugous are just grateful on how kind the Midoriya is.

"Principal Nezu, Aizawa-san can I talk to you in private?" Mikumo ask. He had a stoic and calm voice which caught Aizawa off guard. He stared to Mikumo for quite a while.

Aizawa knew Izuku had a identical twin. Other than the color of his eyes and hair, he was practically like Izuku's clone.

Its just that he acts quiet opposite to Izuku who was bright and open.

"This is the first time we truly met, right Mikumo-kun?" Nezu ask. He just nodded.

"I don't do much flattery, Nezu-san... And since you are handling my brother's case, I wanted to tell something about this case. It would be great to have Aizawa-san's opinion," Mikumo said. Nezu nodded and both of them went in a private office.

Midoriya's also had a funeral service and and memorial park. As death had a higher percentage, it means t has a great flow of money.

Upon going inside and locking the door, the three men sat down in the mini living room.

"I'll be straight to the point. Upon noting and seeing the testament of the witnesses, I think my brother's death is planned," Mikumo blurted out. Aizawa daze for a while and got shock.

"So you're thinking the same thing... As expected to a Midoriya like you. All of you are all perspective," Nezu commented.

"What do you mean, Nezu?" Aizawa ask in serious tone. He could feel his anger rising upon hearing it.

"I was thinking that this has to be a greater conspiracies than I anticipated. The incident was too perfect. Added with the fact about thr inconsistency of the witnesses statement. If you add the timeline of the incident in the consideration, its too much coincidence. And too much coincidence is already suspicious," Nezu explain.

"What do you mean?" Aizawa ask in higher pitch out of anger.

"He was killed just a day after announcing he got the first place in UA Entrance Exam. Couple with the fact that its too much coincidence that suddenly, his bullied confront him in rooftop. Wouldn't you be scared to someone who manage to get in UA? Its logical to think that people who passed UAEE had strenght," Mikumo explain. Upon hearing it, there's only one thing that came to Aizawa's mind.

"HPSC..." He blurted. Nezu nodded.

"But right now, we don't have any evidence," Nezu added. Aizawa just greeted his teeth.

"I hope you found thw culprit to who did this to my brother... If you need some assistance, I have a wide network in business world and in US. You can freely use it. Thats all, have a great day, Principal Nezu," Mikumo said and went out.

Suddenly Aizawa got a call from Hizashi.

"Sho! The Aldera was bombed by unknown group! All the staff except the Principal was dead. The Principal is missing," Hizashi immediately said.

"What?" Aizawa stand up which Nezu look to him. He talk a bit to Hizashi who was in the area with Thirteen helping in the rescue and killing the fire. Hizashi did immediately end the call as he was in the middle of the mission.

"What happened?" Nezu ask.

"I think HPSC is really involve to this matter. Someome bombed the Aldera Junior High and killed all the staff. The principal is missing as he wasn't in the school. Its weekend and there's only teacher in the school," Aizawa said. Nezu's eyes just twitch and chuckle.

"A really wonderful pieces," Nezu commented.


In Izuku's funeral, there are a lot of heroes who visit. Most of them are the heroes that graduated in UA during his time there. Some are allumi of UA from different departments too. And of course the current students of UA like the rising Big 3 who were all crying too. The Bakugous was all shocked at how many people gave condolences to Midoriya's.

But there is someone who stays practically since Izuku was buried. It was Hitoshi Yamazawa. He was Izuku's best friend according to Inko. He didn't speak to anyone that much. Just staring blankly at the coffin.

Someone will give him a coffee and Inko will give him food. Hitoshi still accepted it but didn't talk to anyone.

Tenko and Mikumo has also been present since day one. Silently accommodating the visitors.


Katsuki is now living with the UA Staff in the Teachers dorm. Most of the teachers of UA are already living in UA for their convenience. His restriction is pretty high. He wasn't allowed to use the internet. Nor was he allowed  to train. He was still allowed to set some small explosions due to his sweat. But that's the bare minimum.

He knew he deserved it. He felt remorse for himself and the regret of what he did towards Izuku. He never intended this to happen but because of his pride and ego, he killed him.

The person who truly saw him as Katsuki Bakugou and not just a guy who have a strong quirk. Maybe his jealousy, maybe his superior and inferior complex thats why he bullied him.

Upon reflecting what he done he really can't think of a solid reason why he bully Izuku. It just happen, starting from small pushed on the ground that become a quirk dummy for him. Its already too late for him te regret it as Izuku is already dead.

He wanted to correct his error. But he knew he wouldn't be able to reverse the consequences he face. He will be forever be haunted to the fact that his suppose "best friend's" blood in now in his hands.

He can't even go to his funeral. He had no guts to do so. He had no strenght to face his parents who never did anything but now lost a child because of him.

It was all his fault. He killed him, he pushed him to his limit.

"So Mr Bakugou... You will have no choice but to go into trial and stand as a witness. Remember... You are here in UA to atone your sin. You should not be happy that you are still allowed to be here because UA is your new prison," Principal Nezu said said with a stern voice.

"I understand sir..." Katsuki solemnly said. Nezu went out of his room which had all his daily necessities. All he could do is to read some books and write something.

Katsuki started to write his daily event in detail. From his anger management session, to his therapy, and what he basically does everyday. He would also write what he dreamed, or more like his nightmare each time he had. Which is everyday. He found some peace while doing so.

While writing, someone knocks on his door and opens it.

He was shocked to see his mother enter who had swollen eyes as she sat in his bed.

"Your Dad is outside but... He doesn't want to go inside as he might do something he will surely regret," Mitsuki said. Katsuki looks down and can't even meet the eyes of his mother. Playing his finger as he put down everything to technically face him.

"At least you have a decent room here..." Mitsuki commented as she looked around. Then there is a long awkward pause from the two of them. Both of them don't know how to start a conversation.

"How are you?" Mitsuki softly said.

"It's fine... I fucking deserve everything here... I actually should be grateful that they still treat me well," Katsuki replied. Then another awkward silence.

"Wh-why are you here?" Katsuki asked. He was curious as he expected that his parents were angry with him. It's basically impossible for them to visit.

"Izuku was now buried... There are a lot of heroes who give their condolences to the Midoriyas..." Mitsuki inform. Katsuki nodded and felt regret for what happened.

"You know... I admit... I'm angry and disgusted at the same time... But you're my son and I couldn't possibly leave you," Mitsuki said. She's trying to stop sobbing as she started to talk.

"Do you know... I'm trying to understand you. But... I... I really don't understand... I have been trying to find a reason why you did that to Izu-chan. And I am ashame to myself because I never suspect anything when we often go to Midoriya's house for some bonding," Mitsuko laugh humorlessly.

"Can't you see? I was happily talking to Izu-chan's parents while you are hurting their son. I really made myself a clown," Mitsuki's tears flow in her cheeks. Katsuki doesn't want his mother to cry. She was always been a head stromg woman.

But here she is, crying because of his stupidity. He wanted to punch himself for not thinking whats right ans whats wrong. He was already considered as a functioning adult. And yet he still act childishly just because he felt jealous.

"Acting as if my son wasn't even bullying him. How... How could you do that to him? Why do you hate Izuku that much? Di-did we raise you that bad? To look down on others? To hurt Izuku?" Mitsuki asks while trembling. Her voice is cracking as tears just fall in her eyes continuously.

"I'm... Sorry..." Katsuki teared up just blaming himself for all the tears Mitsuki is sheding.

"You know my quirk right? Glycerin... It only makes my skin soft, it's basically weak and useless. Katsuki... I grew up being bullied too! Just because of my damn fucking quirk! I owe Inko a lot on how strong I was. How confident I am and how proud I am with my quirk... Katsuki it takes me years... Years just to accept those facts!" Mitsuki said. Katsuki widens his eyes looking at his mother in shock.

"Its the reason why I keep lecturing you about quirks and how you shouldn't judge people base on their quirks but base on their attitude... Because I don't want you to grow up like the people I despise the most. The bullies... And yet, here we are. I raise a fucking one. Great..." Mitsuki laugh and wipe her tears. But her tears keeps on falling to her cheek.

There was a dead silence to the two of them. As Mitsuki is trying to gain strenght to continue.

"Who would have thought, I will find out that my own son, actually becomes the bully I hate the most before?  Thinking back then, I was hoping that they should realize I am human too. I have my own feelings, I feel pain when they hurt me. Just because of my damn quirk being weak, doesn't mean I wasn't human anymore! Everyday I will pray for that, for someone to treat me like a human being. And I found your father and Inko. I... I can't even face Inko and Hisashi now. That I'm confident enough to look at their eyes like before. Pretend that nothing happened. Even if I wasn't involved, I still feel guilty because it's my son who did that... Tenko-kun lost his younger brother, and Iku-chan... He lost his other half..." Mitsuki sob. Katsuki wanted to comfort Mitsuki but felt as if he had no rights.

It was all his damn fault after all.

"I can't just look to Inko, to Hisashi, to Tenko-kun... Especially to Iku-chan as I did not see my own negligence towards this situation. I... I should be more perspective, maybe... Maybe this wouldn't happen," Mitsuki cried endlessly. Katsuki's tears continuously fall too. He wasn't aware... It's already too late for him to realize that everything he did is wrong.

"I really don't know if I could visit that much. I... I wanted to clear up my mind first. And maybe help Inko as I can. She just lost her son because of my son after all. Katsuki... I hope the next time we see each other there will be some changes to you. Because honestly, I agree with your father's first decision. Don't expect me to side with you this time as it's your fault. And this is a serious crime... Just be grateful Izu-chan still had an ounce of fondness to you and still considered you as a friend according to Principal Nezu... I would personally send you to Juvenile if this offer didn't happen," Mitsuki said and stood up. She taps Katsuki's shoulder, wipes her tears and walks away.

Katsuki just cried silently and repeatedly told himself that he really deserves it.


"The first Trial to this case will happen on the same date of UA's first day. It would start in the afternoon," Aizawa informed all the staff when All Might wasn't there.

"Does that mean there is already a clear suspect?" Snipe ask.

"The main suspect is the principal and the staff of Aldera. The children who's involve would be put in trial too. As people as young as 8 years old could be jail already. Nezu manage to find a loophole. But that Bakugou would stay here in my own displease," Aizawa said and sneer. The staff was just silence because even them are displeased too.

But knowing Nezu, it shouldn't be that simple. He let the main bully of Izuku to get unscatted would be impossible.

"Wait, those staff are all dead and the Principal is missing. How the hell will the trial work?" Nemuri ask.

"You honestly didn't know a lot about court trials are you?" Aizawa asked with an unamused face.

"Our requirements are to know the laws. Did you even realize how long and boring that part where we all need to nerd it out and memorize all of them! Why should I also need to study court trials?" Nemuri ask.

"Uh because sometimes there is a case that needs our testament?" Hizashi asked as he wasn't confident in his answer.

"Zashi, I attend some court trials too in my career. All I did was answer the lawyer's question," Nemuri retorted.

"Since you are all clueless, let me explain. In a trial there is a case which was called "In absentia Trial". It is a criminal proceeding in a court of law in which the person who is subject to it is not physically present at those proceedings.  So in other words, as long as we have evidence, the trial can be conducted in absentia of the suspects. And in legal terms, a person is declared dead in absentia after a long period." Aizawa explained.

"Their names would probably attained their crimes. So even if they are dead, they died as Villain in the eyes of the law..." Nemuri concluded. Both of them nodded.

"There would still be a legal battle here. But I wouldn't be that bothered as the Gentle Monster in the Law World is our representative," Aizawa said. All of the staff had a relief that the attorney with 100% success would be the one who will handle the case. After all she was someone known in the law world as the goddess of trial. Because she never once failed a case she handles.



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