Grey words

By hiiamaperson090909

85.7K 1.2K 133

Grey is 14 and since he was 3 the world has been against him. Grey was kidnapped at 3 taken away from twin b... More

Characters pictures
Guns down
Say what!!
Clothed to go
Safe with you! I think?
Mall Day
Confetti plan
Help is needed and on the way
Wars warrior
My forever not yours
A healer
Promise you
Chocolate shake
Editing plan!
Sorrow birthday
Oh dear brothers
The missing game
Be safer
Ghost, stores, and hide and seek.
I'm Alive........

Panic attacks

1.8K 22 0
By hiiamaperson090909

Parkers P.O.V

We got a message from Seth saying he found Grey and that they will return in a bit. I sighed in relief and headed back to the house. No one wanted to swim anymore so when I got back I went straight to the shower knowing Alex would nag me later on it.

In the shower I started thinking, I don't know why I was thinking. If you asked Alex or Ryan they would say I never seemed to think and if I do it's when I'm alone. I guess that's why I'm thinking now. I wish I wasn't thinking though the thoughts I'm thinking are starting to hurt.

I wish I wasn't such a screw up then my dad returning wouldn't be such a big deal. Even if I was a screw up I wish I never told my brothers about what was happening then they could still enjoy my dad, they wouldn't have to lose him just because of me.

While scrubbing my arms and shoulders I felt the scars my dad had left. When I made it to my wrist I felt the scars I had given myself. I started tearing up and scrubbing harder and faster then I lost control I broke down while scrubbing. I felt his hands all over me grabbing me and petting me, hitting me.

I heard the door to my bathroom fly open but I didn't know who it was my main focus was getting his touch off of me. Whoever was at my door though started screaming,I don't know what they said but soon I heard the shower door also being opened.

Alex's P.O.V

Me and Ryan were sitting in the kitchen when we heard Noah screaming for help from upstairs. It wasn't just him dropping something or slipping on his crutches, no, it was bigger. We took off sprinting upstairs towards the yelling. To our surprise we ended up at Parker's bathroom.

Inside I saw Parker breaking down and scratching at his skin. "Ryan grab some towels and lay them down on the ground and hand me his bath towel, Noah will you go to Henry's room for a little bit" I said, opening Parker's shower door then turning off the water.

Ryan handed me his towel then layed the extra on the ground. I reached into the shower and grabbed Parker with the towel. As soon as I touched him he started screaming and kicking. "Hey, hey Tiger look it's just me Alex, I know you cant breath but you need to try" I said pulling Parker out of the shower.

I layed Parker on the towels Ryan laid down. I tried to cover Parker's parts with a towel but he was flailing too much for it to stay. "Ryan, would you mind tossing me a pair of his boxers and then grabbing his box?" I asked holding Parker's arms down to try and get him to stop scratching himself.

After what happened with thor father Parker Had multiple PTSD attacks we learned how to help them.

When Ryan came back Parker had stopped kicking and had just started sobbing. Ryan was able to get his boxers on and even a pair of shorts. I lifted Parker up and brought him into his room where Ryan had pulled out his bean bag and his weighted blanket. I sat Parker on the bean bag and started playing with his hair. I had learned from his previous times that this helped him regain control.

Soon Parker stopped crying but was still shaking. I took this as my sign to put his weighted blanket on him. Me and Ryan sat by the bean bag on opposite sides just playing with his hair. Waiting for him to open his eyes that were squeezed shut.

10 minutes later Parker opened his eyes. "Im sorry, im really, really sorry" Parker started apologizing. "Hey, you have nothing to apologize for," Ryan said. "It's all my fault, always my fault," Parker said, tears rolling down his face. "What's all your fault?" I asked, trying to wipe his tears off his face but he just swatted my hand away and repeated "no,no,no" over and over and punching his sides and the weighted blanket.

"Tiger, we need to know what's your fault so we can fix it," Ryan said, holding his wrist. "everything, moms death, the reason we don't have dad, the reason Grey's out in the forest scared" he said then started sobbing.

"None of that was your fault, mom died because someone wanted her dead, dad isnt here because he is a terrible person, Grey only got spooked because we don't know what causes him to be scared, none of that was your fault" Ryan said climbing in next to him on the bean bag and hugging him. "But if I never said anything you guys would still have a dad" he tried to continue but I interrupted. "We are happy that your father is gone, I am happy I walked in on it, because now your safe, not scared to come out of your room or missing school because it hurts too much" I said joining them on the bean bag.

"And don't even try to say if you pushed mom out of the way she would still be here, you were 8, a child, nothing is your fault, I don't know what father tried to blame on you but it's not true you were and still are a child" Ryan said. "Im sorry" Parker whispered before falling asleep

20 minutes later, me and Ryan got up from the bean bag carefully so we didn't wake Parker up. Just as protocol after Parker spirals, we have to remove everything sharp and anything he can harm himself. After removing everything we went downstairs.

"Is Parker okay" Noah asked worriedly. "He will be okay, just needs a little bit" Ryan said. "Do you know what triggered it" Henry asked from the couch. "I think with your father  returning and Grey running off, it just caused some unpleasant memories, we still have no idea the extent of the abuse he went through" I said walking towards the kitchen. "Him and Grey" seth said walking into the living room holding a sleeping Grey. "he okay" Ryan asked. "Yep just spooked" Seth said, grabbing a blanket then sitting on the couch snuggling Grey.

"I'm gonna make some lunch, Henry would you go grab Parker, keep him asleep but bring him down so he doesnt wake up alone" I said.

I decided to make Parker's comfort food, which was just ham and cheese sandwiches, it was the only thing we could get him to eat after, I just hope he will eat later too. I made 12 sandwiches because we are a house of men and boys  food is our life. "Would someone set up the tv trays please" I asked. "Okay" I heard someone say.

"Alright come make your plates" I said walking into the living room. "What should we do
With the sleeping beauties"  Henry asked. "I'll take them" I said walking over to Seth and picking up Grey then sitting next to Henry on the couch and pulling Parker into my lap.

"Okay" they all said then went to go make their plates I rubbed Greys head and whispered "Grey hunny can you wake up, you need to eat some lunch" he slowly opened his eyes and then sat up. "Ryan and Seth are in the kitchen" I said, he nodded his head and hopped off the couch then walked towards the kitchen.

Alright one up, one to go. I rubbed Parker's back and whispered "hey tiger I know you're tired but you need to eat, we have ham and cheese sandwiches your favorite". I leaned Parker's body up as he opened his eyes. "I'm not hungry" he said, positioning himself in my lap to where his back was to my chest. "I'll have one of the guys bring us a sandwich, so we don't have to move," I said. "I'm not hungry," he repeated. I ignored it though, "hey Henry would you bring us two sandwiches" I yelled. "Okay" he responded.

A few minutes later all the boys came back into the living room carrying food. "Here you go, two sandwiches," Henry said, putting the plate on the TV tray. "Thanks" I said, picking up a sandwich and taking a bite. "Yum, you should try a bite," I said, offering Parker a bite of mine. He reluctantly took a bite.

Parker finally ate his sandwich, and I finally decided to announce the devastating news "tomorrow everyones back to school" then I whispered to Parker, "don't worry you're gonna come with us tomorrow". A collection of groans were heard. "Henry you need to go get your stuff ready to be in person" I said. "Do I have to go in person?" he groaned. "Yes, you're trying to be a doctor, you're going in person"I said. "Fine"

Henry's P.O.V

I got up from the couch and took mine and Noah's plates to the sink. After I came back I helped Noah up, and we both went upstairs.

"Excited to go back to college" Noah asked. "I guess Jack has been texting me all week about finally not being alone in classes anymore," I said, grabbing my briefcase from my closet. "How about you?" I asked. "Well, not really, gabe and jack might kill me and these armpit bruises are starting to hurt" he said and I laughed.

"I need to go to the store, you wanna come" I asked. "Bro are you crazy, we aren't supposed to leave the house, and I don't need one more thing hurting or discolored" Noah said. "Alright, suit yourself" I said, grabbing my shoes from the closet. "You are crazy," Noah said then left.

I put my phone and wallet in my pocket then walked down stairs, and too the living room where Alex,Ryan,Parker, and William were still sitting. "I got my stuff ready, I think my debit card fell out when we were looking for Grey, so I'm gonna go check the forest area" I said, they nodded and I went out the back door and made it look like I was going toward the forest. Until I knew they couldn't see me and turned back towards where my jeep was parked.

In the car I made a virtrial list of what I needed.
2 journals
Pack of marker
Sticky notes
I know I'm probably gonna end up getting something else but this is what I know I need.

Inside the target I grabbed a small basket then went to the art section. I grabbed all of the stuff I needed then went to the food section. In the food section I noticed someone kept following me. Well shit!

I quickly went to the checkout and paid, then hopped in my jeep. My suspicions were soon marked true when I left the parking lot and the other guy followed. I quickly called Ryan and Adam.
"Help, someones following me," I said, speeding up.
"How is someone following you?" Ryan said confused.
"I lied, im sorry, I needed to go to the store but I know you would have said no so I snuck out, and now someones following me" I said taking a sharp right
"You what" I heard Alex yell.
"Im getting your location pulled up right now, what car are they in" Ryan said
"I don't know," I said nervously.
"We have guards coming your way, they will take you to the warehouse, me and Alex will pick you up" Ryan said.
"Okay, I think I see them" I said, releasing the breath I didn't know I held.
"Alright i'm ending the call" Ryan said then ended the call
I saw the vehicle swerve into the ditch and a few guards surrounded the vehicle. I pulled to the side of the road then unbuckled my seat belt and waited for a guard to give me the all clear.
Only I didn't plan on Issac coming up to the car. "Unlock the door now" he ordered. I unlocked the door, and in less than a second the door flew open, and I was being dragged out by my ear. "Owww" I complained. "Shut it, you're lucky you had your phone or you would be dead meet" he said dragging me to the guard truck.

I hate this! I'm sitting in the trainers office waiting for my brothers to come pick me up, and all I think about is how sore my ass is gonna be. It doesn't help that I have college tomorrow. I heard the office door slam open, but I didn't bother looking up, I already knew who it was.

"Send me the report as quickly as you can, and thank you for getting him," Ryan said. "You're welcome," Issac said. I felt someone grab my arm and stand me up, I looked up and saw Alex's angry eyes before I was turned sideways and given 5 sharp smacks to my butt before my arm was released. "Lets go" Alex said before grabbing my ear and dragging me out to the car, with Ryan in tow.

The car ride home felt so long, the whole time I was being lectured by Ryan, Alex wouldn't even look at me he just spent the time staring out of the window.

The first time he actually spoke to me was when we got home. "Go straight to our room, pants off, hands on your head, nose in the corner" he ordered. I hopped out of the car and scurried to there room.

30 minutes later, Alex and Ryan entered the room. "You can turn around," Ryan said. I turned around, but immediately wanted to turn back around when I saw how disappointed they looked.
"You already got an earful in the car, go get the belt please" Alex said. I went to the closet and grabbed the 'satan' belt. It got its name because ALex and Ryan never wore it was only used to spank us.

I handed Alex the belt and bent over the bed knowing the drill. "You're getting 10 for sneaking out, 15 for lying, 25 for putting yourself in danger, and 20 for disobeying," Alex said. I groaned internally.

By the end of it I was in tears. Alex threw the belt on the ground then rubbed my back. "I-i-i'm sor-r-ry" I apologized. "Its okay, your forgiven" Alex said, pulling me up and giving me a hug.  "Let's get you in bed, you have college tomorrow, and no you can't skip," Alex said leading me to my room.
So been a while but it's a long chapter, I'm gonna try and update a more long chapters so posting days might be farther apart!

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