Neutral Line

By VioletYbrehl

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For years, people tended to believe the world is all about good and bad people, that it's entirely separate a... More

Author's Note
1: Origin
2: Izuku
3: Little Genius
4: UA's Gremlin
5: Set up
7: Stupidity
8: Details
9: Recruitment
10: Ominous
11: Tragedy
12: Pointing Direction
13: Behind The Scene
14: Operation: The Fall
15: Deal
16: Incident
17: Connection
18: The Day
19: Confrontation
20: Interlude
21: Trial
22: Table Turn
23: Realm of User

6: Disappointment

434 15 287
By VioletYbrehl



Izuku had a high hopes when he saw All Might. That maybe he could see a true hero in All Might. Like how he saw the entire UA staff as one.

But the moment the manhole cover within the tunnel flew up into the air, Izuku felt a slight disappointment. All Might didn't even considered his surrounding if there is some people around. That air pressure made the manhole cover blew away.

That action already made Izuku's impression of All Might drop. The sludge villain turned around, and his eyes widened in shock, terrified at the sight in front of him.

"Have no fear, you're safe," All Might said. He stomped his foot down, dust rising from the concrete as the same heroic music from his debut video started up.

"Hello! There is a kid here! Certainly being soffucated and you still have a time to say your catchphase? Seriously?" Izuku thought who was acting as if he was struggling to breathe air.

"Now that I am here, that is!" All Might ducked under the sludge villain's attack. But All Might dodged the second attack, and wound his right fist up.

"TEXAAAS... SMASH!" He threw his fist forward, a torrent of wind blowing the sludge villain away. Izuku had another surge of disappointment, All Might is certainly too slow for his supposed "god speed rescue" most of the people brag about him.

Upon counting the time, it exceeds the time for an "ordinary kid who has no training" to be able to hold his breath so he pretends to "lost his conciousness".

Izuku could feel the villain's fluid body scattered, leaving Izuku free of the villain. So he let his body to fall.

Not only did All Might let Izuku's body fall in the ground awkwardly, he also started to slap Izuku's cheek repeatedly to wake him up.

"Seriously? Did this guy knew how First Aid was conducted? Why he is slapping me like this?" Izuku thought.

"Hey! Wake up! Hey!" Izuku opens his eyes, taking in the sight of All Might standing over him.

"Thought we'd lost you there," All Might said.

Izuku thought he might as well pretend as his fan to observe him more. So he screamed.

"I didn't mean to get you caught up in my justicing. Usually I pay more attention to keeping bystanders safe, but it turns out this city's sewer system is pretty difficult to navigate!" All Might laughed. He didn't see Izuku sneering on how self absurb All Might right now while he is posing as if there is a camera nearby.

"Anyway, you were a big help. Thank you. I've captured the evildoer!" All Might posed, showing the villain contained within the two plastic pop bottles that had been in his shopping bag. Stars and stripes appeared all over the screen.

Izuku's eyes sink. If not for him really didn't feel any emotion that well, and had no control to his facial expression, he would scold All Might. He put a villain in a bottle. Izuku didn't know his disappointment meter would sink lower.

Izuku shook his head to disguise his expression as if he realized the person in front of him was "his idol"

"Holy crap! I need to get an autograph! I've got a pen around here somewhere!" He gasped exaggeratedly, catching sight of his Hero Analysis notebook.

"Please sign my notebook!" He picked it up and opened it. All Might had already done his best John Hancock, his signature covering two whole blank pages of the book. Izuku screamed again.

"How dare this scoindrel to write his "autograph" this big? It's a wasteful of pages!" But he continued to act and intensely bowed repeatedly.

"Thank you so much. This will be an heirloom. A family treasure passed down for generations to come." All Might gave a thumbs up not knowing how to react at the extreme fanboying. When Izuku felt he wanted to attack the number one hero.

Maybe All Might deserve his title before. Since he really did a lot for the society. But now? He is just a shell of his old self. Honestly, Izuku thinks he should retire already when he fights his father.

"Welp! I've gotta get this guy to the police so they can take care of him," All Might said, patting the pocket in his pants where he'd secured one of the bottles with the villain. He turned away from Izuku.

"Stay out of trouble. See you around." Izuki drop his jaw.

"Seriously? He didn't even call an EMT, to check my well being? Wasn't that part of the procedure? What kind of hero he is if he forgot the basic approach to a villain attack victim?" Izuki thought. Then he pretends to break out of his "fanboying moment".

"Wait, you're leaving already?" He ask. He wasn't finish testing the hero. He still wants to ask his ultimate question.

"Pro Heroes are constantly fighting time as well as enemies," All Might answered as he limbered up.

Izuku sneer. There is no way, he'll let him go now! All Might launched into the sky in a powerful jump.

"Thanks for your continued support! Huh..." Izuku had latched onto his legs. All Might tried to push Izuku off, but he was latched on tightly.

"Let go! I love my fans but this is too much!" All Might said in panic. Izuku widen his eyes.

"Did he want me to die? My disappointment level is getting lower!" Izuku thought and gritted his teeth. Izuku knew he wouldn't get hurt if he really fell but his mother would beat him up if she found out he fell in high altitude.

"No way we're flying! If I let go now, I'll die!" Izuku reminded. It seems like All Might realize it so he finds a rooftop to land.

"Oh that's a good point." All Might said.

"I just have a lot of things I want to ask you personally! You're my all time favorite hero All Might please." Izuku shouted still continuing his act. He could feel that the bottle where the villain slips in and All Might didn't even realize. All Might also forgot the lesson about situational awareness.

Great... Just great.

"Okay okay I get it! Just keep your eyes and mouth shut." All Might coughed, a bit of blood leaking out past his clenched teeth.

"Shit!" All Might thought. Izuku knew mow exactly why All Might seems to be panicking. Of course, Izuku already got all the information he need to All Might when he saw him a while ago. Including his wounds.

He could really heal it now, but Izuku is already disappointed in him. So he decided not to. All Might and Izuku landed on the roof of an office building. Izuku pretends that it looks like he might pass out again.

"My whole life flashed before my eyes." He commented enough for All Might to hear.

All Might pressed his fists to his hips.

"Not a very smart move," he said to get his scolding across.

"Bang on the door for a while, someone will let you in. Now, I have to go. See you on the flip side." All Might really looks like he wanted to leave. Another surge of disappointment.

He would leave a villain attack victim in a rooftop without remorse. Is All Might absent when this part of the lesson was discussed?

Izuku looked up at All Might as he walked towards the edge of the roof. He asked his ultimate question.

"Is it possible to become a hero even if I don't have a quirk?" Izuku had a high hope. Especially after seeing his information that he is quirkless too. All Might stopped.

"I'm a normal kid without any powers," Izuku continued.

"Could I ever hope to be someone like you?" He paused for dramatic effect. And of course, Izuku knew how to behave like a "Quirkless" kid. He even closes his eyes and forces a blush in his cheeks.

All Might stopped and half-turned to look back at Izuku.

"Without a quirk?" A jolt of yellow light flashed across the screen, and All Might jerked in pain.

"Oh no," he whispered to himself.

"Dammit! Not here!" All Might thought as he curled up in pain.

Izuku looks down after finally asking his question, rambling on and trying to explain himself. Acting so insecure to himself. He knew a lot in psychology because of Principal Nezu. It's one of the subjects that he excels and loves. Reading someone's mannerism, behaviour,  and movement always helps him in his analysis.

"People think I don't have a chance; that not having any powers makes me some kind of weakling. My classmates like to make fun of me. But you know what, that makes me want to prove them wrong. Ever since I was a kid, I've thought that saving people was the coolest thing you can do." He started, twisting the truth to add some dramatic effect. He knew too well how to use his "background" in full potential.

"I want people to see my fearless smile and feel safe, and be the kind of hero everyone in the world looks up to. Just like you." The steam faded away to reveal All Might's skeletal form where he was standing originally in his buff form. Izuku already knew this would happen so he made his face turned into shock and disbelief before he started screaming.

"Let's see how the "main character" will deal this dilemma.


In the Tatooin shopping district, the villain is on the bottle that the sludge monster was trapped in as it started waking up.

"Where am I? What happened?" He ask. Then felt that there's a presence around. The villain suddenly got scared thinking its All Might again.

"That was rough. Weren't you and Midoriya good friends back when you were kids?" One of Katsuki's lackeys asked.

"Yeah you were a little harsh with him today." The other lackey said.

"It's his own fault for getting in my way." Katsuki said. He kicked the bottle in the air, causing the cap to burst off when it hit a pole. The villain got free because of that.

"You shouldn't waste your time on the guy." Lackey number 2 said to Katsuki. Katsuki had flashbacks to what Izuku said in class about wanting to be a hero as a kid and trying his hardest even without a quirk. And he felt agitated that he didn't vent his anger to him after school.

"Someone's gotta teach the worthless nerd how the world really works." Katsuki scowled as he exploded the can in his hand.

"I hate it when he talks heroes." He said. He could accept if its Mikumo who said that. He had after all a strong quirk like him. Of course he still had the best quirk! But Mikumo is someone he could respect. Unlike his worthless twin, Izuku! They are totally the opposite.

Too bad, Mikumo wanted to be a business man. Such a waste of quirk!

"Hey I got an idea. We should go to the arcade. Get your mind off it, you know?" Lackey number one said to Katsuki.

"Fine." Katsuki said.

"Or we can sneak into the bar at the station, pick up some ladies? Now that's a good idea." Lackey number two said.

"Idiots! If we get caught, there's no way U.A. would let me in!" Katsuki yelled at the two dolts. The two lackeys point behind Katsuki in fear. Katsuki turned around and saw the sludge villain behind him.

"Perfect, I like a skin suit with some fire." The sludge villain bared his teeth and Katsuki looked on in fear.


“I… wait… what deflated.” Izuku looked around. Pretending as if he is panicking.

He had full control of the "narration" and it really feels like he is the director slash actor of this story. And All Might is the "Main Character". Something that he could mold how he will react but also had his own adlibs.

"Where did All Might go? You! You’re not him. You’re a fake… an imposter." Izuku "panic". He knew how to act to a situation like this. And All Might is clearly being fooled by Izuku in this situation.

“I assure that I am All Mi-” as blood came out of his mouth. Izuku wanted to rolled his eyes.

"Serves him right! Dad really did a good job," Izuku said. For him, All Might was nothing but a fake hero. He could say he is a true hero five years ago. But now? He is nothing but a fake who pretends as All Might.

"You know how guys at the pool are always sucking in and flexing, trying to look buff? I’m like that." All Might said, wiping the blood from his mouth.

"THIS CAN’T BE REAL!" Izuku exclaimed, freaking out. If those who knew him saw what he was doing, they could immediately see through him especially as it was too exaggerated for the real Izuku.

"I’m dreaming." He continues to act, fooling All Might. The fact that All Might should already see through his exaggeration. Since Izuku deliberately made his act so obvious. But All Might sadly didn't see it.

"All Might is a giant of a man who saves everyone. He defeats all obstacles and wins the day with a fearless smile." Izuku continue to fan the fire in front of him. He wanted a good answer from All Might. But at this point? Izuku is already prepared to feel disappointed.

"There’s plenty of fear behind that smile." All Might said as he sat down.

"I’m counting on you to keep your mouth shut. Don’t go talking about this online or telling your friends." Izuku flinched in horror as the sound of clothing being lifted was heard. Not because he was shock to All Might's wounds but because he was shock on how easy All Might give a confidential information. To add to all of it, Izuku is a 14 years old.

14 fucking years old. A minor.

What was he's thinking? Or did he even think?

All Might was shown lifting the left side of his shirt up, revealing a gruesome scar that looked like a spiderweb of pavement cracks that lined out from it.

"Pretty gross right? I got this in a big fight five years ago. My respiratory system is basically destroyed. I lost my whole stomach. All the surgeries have pretty much worn me out. It can’t be fixed. Right now I can only do hero work three hours a day. The rest of the time, this is what I look like." Izuku almost lose his control. Just how far All Might's stupidity would be? Again... The info should be confidential.

He could explain everything in different way but he choose this way. Great, awesome.

Its really impressive how stupid All Might is in Izuku's eyes.

"No way. Five years ago? So does that mean it was that fight with Toxic Chainsaw?" He knew who exactly did that to him. But he just smoothly lied under his nose.

He lost all his respect to the old hero right now.

"Wow you know your stuff. But no," All Might clenched his fist.

"The punk may have landed some hits but he couldn’t bring me down. Most of the world has never heard of this fight. I did everything I could to keep it under wraps." All Might looked in Izuku’s direction. Izuku decided not to speak. He might blurt out something he would regret.

"I’m supposed to be the guy that’s always smiling right? I’m the Symbol of Peace. People everywhere have to think I’m never afraid. But honestly I smile to hide the fear inside." Izuku knew All Might had a point. But All Might should also advocates unity to heroes.

Team work is important too. But All Might decided to burden himself and made "All Might" a high pedestal that no one could reach. Did he even thought that if he lost, no one will trust heroes anymore?

"It’s just a brave face I put on when the pressure is high. This job isn’t easy. Pro Heroes are always having to risk their lives. Some villains can’t be beaten without powers. So honestly I don’t think you can become a hero without a quirk." Izuku decided to put All Might to his hate list. Thats the last straw.

He felt disappointed. Izuku secretly sneer. He really had a gut to say that when he is also a quirkless. A quirkless who's quirkist! What a hypocrite! He looked at All Might in disbelief.

"I see...." Izuku force himself not to talk. And felt as if thats enough disappointment from All Might.

But All Might decided to add more. He stood up from his spot.

"f you want to help people, there are plenty of other ways to do it. You could become a police officer. They get crap because heroes capture most of the villains, but it’s a fine profession." He walked towards the door to the roof access. He stopped once he opened it.

"It’s not bad to have a dream, young man. Just make sure your dreams are attainable, realistic. Understand?" He closed the door behind him.

So... Yeah...

All Might left a "Quirkless" kid in rooftop alone after destroying his dream.

"How funny... What a waste..." Izuku sneer and rolled his eyes. All Might failed his test.... Really bad.

Then an explosion sounded in the distance as All Might turns toward the stairwell window and sees smoke rising.

"Not good." All Might worriedly said.


Izuku was still standing outside in the same spot he’d been in when All Might left him just seconds ago. An explosion sounded in the distance, and he looked up to see a cloud of smoke.

"Might be the sludge villain," Izuku's eyes turn into a binocular as he floats.

“Some villains just can’t be beaten without powers,” Izuku stopped, a resentment in his heart rose. "So can you be a hero? Not without a quirk. He is clearly looking down to Eraserhead them who fight villains almost quirkless. Tch! Even Mirko, Nighteye, and the entire UA Staff all fought a lot with physical combat! Hell even Principal Nezu never fought front line but became a hero by commanding people and making strategy. For you, strength matters! It's not the real heroism All Might!" Izuku is really pissed to what All Might said.


All Might in his small form is running through the city towards the smoke. Glass broke as civilians in the Tatooin Shopping District screamed as they ran away while shop signs were collapsing and fires began to spread. A crowd swarmed the entrance of the district as Death Arms, Slugger and another pro hero ran to the scene, standing behind two police officers. The sludge villain stood in the middle of the street, surrounded by flames and looked intimidating as Katsuki was held in its fluid body. The camera zoomed in on Katsuki struggling to free himself. Izuku could clearly see and hear the situation right now. He felt amused to see that the next victim of the sludge villain is Katsuki.

"It’s taken someone hostage." Death Arms ran towards the Sludge Monster.

"How dare you prey on a child!" He jumped and punched the Sludge Monster.

“What the hell is this?! Some kind of goo?!” Death Arms asked in surprise as he tried to pull his hand out. The sludge villain hit Death Arms, throwing him back. He slammed into the shutters of a closed shop, his body denting them with the force of the impact.

"He should punch the eye!" Izuku commented. Now he saw another fake hero.

Slugger and the other unnamed pro hero ran up to Death Arms to check on him. They dodged each of the Sludge villain’s punches.

"Stay back or I’ll snap his neck." The sludge villain sneered. It turned to Katsuki, who managed to free himself from its grasp.

"You picked the wrong guy to mess with." Katsuki struggled to get out.

"I’m gonna send you back to whatever sewer you crawled out of! LET ME GO!" Katsuki said as explosions came out of the slimy hands, driving the heroes back.

"The heroes are all useless. They can't even use their brain when they can take care of that weak villain," Izuki commented whilr watching.

“You got so much power. I really hit the jackpot. With a quirk like yours under my control, I can take All Might down with one punch.” The sludge villain bragged.

"Nah! You're still weak even with that pomeranian's quirk!" Izuku commented while floating.

A guy in the crowd was talking about the sludge villain being a legit super villain while the lady next to him pointed towards Mt. Lady who was running towards the scene, saying that she will stop him.

"My only weakness. I need at least a two legged road if I’m gonna make my way through here." Mt Lady said.

"Can't she control the size of his giantification? Well, if not, she should make herself useful by evacuating the civilains. She looks like a scaredy cat who doesn't want to get burned," Izuku commented.

Katsuki’s lackeys were panicking as they were surrounded by fire before Kamui used his quirk to grab them.

“Fire and wood don’t exactly make a good combination here. I’ll let someone else stop this guy.” Kamui said, before running off with the two lackeys and two other people.

"But clearly it can poke an eyes as its reallt sharp, all you think is quirk! Use your brain!" Izuku commented.

“Don’t look at me. I got my hands full here. Where are those fire trucks? Can you guys get to it?” Backdraft said as he was putting out the fires.

"He is clearly the only one who's doing a good job. A failed hero! You are what? Four in the area yet you can't take care of it?" Izuku commented again as he float nearby the accident.

"I can’t get a grip on his weird body. Plus that kid’s quirk is causing explosions left and right." Kamui woods added.

"This is a shutout," Slugger stated.

"We’ve got to rally and knock him out of the park somehow." The sludge villain had a better grip on Katsuki as he lashed out at Slugger and Death Arms.

"It’s no good. None of us have the right quirks to stop a villain like this!" Death Arms exclaimed.

"Wrong, you can hit his eyes! The eyes as its was solid than his body. Are you really going to let him die in soffucation?" Izuku ask as if someone would even answer him when he is floating in the air.

"We’ll do damage control until someone with the right powers shows up." The hero added. Izuku just sneer.

"A fake hero!" Izuku exclaim.

"I’m sorry kid. You just have to hold on a little bit longer. Damn if I only had more power, I could blow this guy away!" Death Arms stated.

All Might caught up to the sight of the explosion. He gasped as he saw the sludge villain through the crowd of onlookers behind the police line.

"Must’ve dropped him in the air. I was distracted worrying about my time limit. I can’t believe I made such a rookie mistake and after lecturing that kid what it takes to be a hero. I’m pathetic." All Might said. Izuku just rolled his eyes.

"Because your situational awareness is lacking! And thd fact you put that sludge in a bottle? Are yoh for real?" Izuku commented again.

Still, Izuku started to take notes to his notebook that he took out of nowhere.

"Well, the villain's quirk is still interesting tho," he commented. Nobody even sees that he landed due to their focus in the accident.
Izuku decided to walk toward the crowd to watch.

"I'll wait for a while and watch him suffer a bit for all the "damage" he did to me. Serves him right," Izuku thought and watched Katsuki who's struggling to breathe.

All Might started to self-deprecate himself as Izuku watched the scene unfold.

Katsuki was still trying to free himself from the Sludge Villain. Izuku sighs looking to Katsuki who turns toward the crowd that All Might and Izuku are watching from. 

"Be lucky, I don't want Aunt Mitsuki to mourn for his son. If not for her, I probably let you die!" Izuku thought. Then Izuku’s notebook dropped on the ground as he starts running toward Katsuki and the sludge villain, surprising All Might and the pros. He sneers thinking of sacrificing his beloved notebook for Katsuki, his heart felt dread.

As Izuku keeps running, he makes his eyes reflect a determination and slips up to the heroes. They are really useless.

“No you idiot! Stop! You’re gonna get yourself killed!” Death Arms yelled out.

“Not this brat again!” the sludge villain said, noticing Izuku.

"Deku?" Katsuki thought as he saw Izuku running in his direction.

"my notebook!" Izuku thought as he was running. Mourning for his notebook while rescuing Katsuki.

“You’re toast kid!” The sludge monster yelled out. Izuku already made a perfect plan. A plan that not only he could make Katsuki breath for a while, but also save him through All Might so that his cover wouldn't discover

Izuku takes off his backpack and throws it at the sludge monster.

"Take this!" He yells out, the backpack hitting the monster in the face. The backpack hit the sludge villain in the eye, causing it to flinch back and allowing Katsuki to breathe.

"Kacchan!" Izuku yells out as he starts digging Katsuki out of the slime. He could just blow the villain but didn't. He was just counting 10 seconds before All Might made a move.

“What the hell?! Why are you here?!” Katsuki sneer.

"I don’t know! My legs... They just started moving!" Izuku perfectly act. When every move he made is calculated. This pissed off Katsuki a lot

"Kacchan, I couldn’t just stand there and watch you die." Izuku said with tears in his eyes and attempting a smile.

"Because I don't want to see Auntie Mitsuki and Uncle Masaru sad because of your death!" Izuku wanted to add but didn't. In his peripheral vision which was still in zoom he saw All Might gasped.

“GET THE HELL OFF ME!” Katsuki yelled.

All Might’s body starts to expand as steam starts coming off his body.

"I have to do something, no matter the cost." All Might thought. Then he decided to move! Like what Izuku predicted.

"Just a little bit longer kid. Then I’m done playing with you!" The sludge villain yells out, raising a slimy arm to lash out at Izuku. The pro heroes finally lunge forward.

"Finally, these useless heroes move," Izuki thought.

"Save the boy! This thing will kill him!" Death Arms shouted.  The sludge lashed at Izuku. An explosion fills the screen. Izuku is on the ground untouched.

"He is really slow," Izuku thought.

"I really am pathetic." All Might’s voice states. Izuku looked up, and pretended to be shocked to see All Might holding back the Sludge villain. His buff form is still steaming.

"And theatrics even in this situation where speed is needed. Why to put show? Tch! He really felt as if he was the main character," Izuku thought.

"I told you the traits that makes a great champion but I see that I wasn’t living up to my own ideals." All Might pulls his arm out of the Sludge Villain’s grip and grabs Izuku and Katsuku’s arms.

"Pros are always risking their lives. That’s the true test of a hero!" All Might says as blood spews out of his mouth.

"He moves unnecessarily when he could cut some of it. Why not deal with this villain immediately? You're so dramatix" Izuku thought.

"DAMN YOU ALL MIGHT!" The sludge shouted

!DETROITTTT SMAAAASSSHH!!" All Might punches the Sludge Villain with such force that it blasted apart. Mt. Lady shields the crowd with her arms and the pro heroes form a chain to shield a crowd on another side of the district. A twister forms from the air pressure of the punch.

All Might kneels on the ground, breathing heavily as the pros and the onlookers silently watch. Izuku and Katsuki are shown laying on the ground, unconscious. It started raining on screen. Death Arms looked at All Might in shock. Katsuki really fainted where Izuku pretended to faint.

"Holy crap… he changed the weather.” Death Arms stated.

Before All Might stood up, he wiped blood away from his chin. People in the crowd deduced that the rain was the result of All Might's punch and started to cheer. But when he tried to raise a fist in victory, he nearly stumbled backwards.

He raised his fist in victory in a second attempt. All Might half-turned and smiled at an unconscious Izuku.

After that, the hero gathered all the scattered mounds of sludge and the villain went into police custody where he belonged. The heroes Backdraft, Kamui Woods, Death Arms and Mt. Lady saluting the police while other officers put the garbage bags full of sludge into the police carrier. All Might was then being interviewed by reporters while Izuku was disappointed sitting on the floor, and pretended to look worried.

"You moron," Izuku "flinched" as Death Arms and Kamui scolding Izuku.

"Do you have a death wish?" Kamui Woods asked.

"There was absolutely no reason for you to put yourself in danger like that." Death Arms scolded Izuku.

"I got chewed out by the heroes big time while Kacchan was praised for his bravery. When they all failed to do what I did what a hypocrite," he thought.


Izuku decided to go back after that long day. With All Might added to his hate list. He doesn't care to that hero anymore.

While walking, Katsuki screams.

“DEKU!” Katsuki shouted.

Izuku turned around and saw Katsuki running behind him. He had a blank expression as he felt tired. He doesn't want to act right now. Katsuki stopped breathlessly.

"Listen, I would never ask for a weakling like you to help me. Don’t think you can look down on me! Huh got that?! I was fine by myself! You’re just a quirkless failure who won’t even cut it as a rent-a-cop. You didn’t help me. You did nothing, don’t forget it. I don’t owe you anything." Katsuki turned and stomped away from Izuku, who looked confused.

"What was that?" Izuku though. He decided to ignore it as he was tired

“I AM HERE!” All Might said as he zoomed out from an alley. He felt him before he could even approach him. He didn't want to act anymore so he didn't react.

"How did you get rid of all those reporters?" Izuku mutter. He felt irritated and All Might can't even feel it. Hd just wish that All Might stay there

All Might does his signature laugh as the background shows an American flag and salutes.

"I stand for justice, not sound bytes. Because I, I am All Mi-" as he transformed back to his skeletal form and spat out blood. All Might wiped the blood from his mouth.

"Young man, I came here to thank you and also to discuss your question from earlier. If you hadn’t told me about your life. If you hadn’t run into that fight, I would have been a worthless bystander watching from the crowd so thanks." All Might said. Izuku didn't reply which made All Might feel awkward but still continue.

"I’m not done. You told me you didn’t have power so when I saw this timid, quirkless boy try to save a life, it inspired me to act too." Izuku just stare to him. All Might thought Izuku was just speechless

"There are stories about every hero," All Might said.

"How they became great. Most have one thing in common. Their bodies moved before they had a chance to think, almost on their own.” All Might said. Izuku just wanted to go and leave but it might expose his cover.

“And today, that’s what happened to you.” All Might said in acknowledgement.

Izuku knew very well what All  Might said. Ironically, he learn it to his father who's a super villain. Hisashi passee down his belief to both Tenko and Izuku. Allowing them to see the society in different light. Izuki learn the real heroism with his father.

Of course to treat the people he love with respect and especially in their bounderies. Telling stories of his mistakes that he doesn't want his children to experience because they don't have an adult that will guide them from growing. Unlike Hisashi who grows up in toxic environment. And only time teach him on what he is now.

He is Izuku's hero. And a true hero that will sacrifice even his reputation to clean the mess others made.

The wind blew in All Might’s hair with the sun setting behind him as he stood in the front of Izuku, didn't have any emotion right now.

All Might being insensitive as he is before, didn't even see through the emotion Izuku had. Said something that snapped Izuku.

"Young man… you too can become a hero." This word moved Izuku a little, he thought maybe All Might would be redeemable. But the next word trigger Izuku the most.

"I deem you worthy of my power. My quirk is yours to inherit." Hearing those words.... Izuku's eyes turn cold.


Longest Chapter I wrote so far. It feels wrong not to put all this scene in one chapter as all the dialogue is canon.

Well, I did change a lot and removed some dialogues too.

Word Count: 5697

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What happens to people that don't have quirks in a world full of quirks? What happens to the world when one quirkless person finally snaps? Well... c...
57.3K 1.3K 19
no quirks au it's not a omega verse hi my name is izuku midoriya and I belong in a world where there is people that are half animal half human which...