Grey words

By hiiamaperson090909

85.8K 1.2K 133

Grey is 14 and since he was 3 the world has been against him. Grey was kidnapped at 3 taken away from twin b... More

Characters pictures
Guns down
Say what!!
Clothed to go
Safe with you! I think?
Mall Day
Confetti plan
Help is needed and on the way
Wars warrior
My forever not yours
A healer
Promise you
Panic attacks
Chocolate shake
Editing plan!
Sorrow birthday
Oh dear brothers
The missing game
Be safer
Ghost, stores, and hide and seek.
I'm Alive........


1.3K 29 4
By hiiamaperson090909

Grey's P.O.V

Yesterday was weird, after breakfast I didn't see Parker for the rest of the day. This morning though he came down, but instead of him being his happy hyper self he came down looking tired and a little sad. But as soon as he stepped foot in the kitchen it's like he put a mask on and he was all happy and excited.

I was drinking orange juice and eating a piece of bread while Sloth was showing me what he called a 'video' on his phone. "Phones away at the table" Alex said walking into the living room with a funny look cup.

Sloth shoved his phone into his pocket and we continued eating. "So today I would like everyone to stay home, Seth you have been excused from training, me and Alex will be working from home, this is until we make sure father dearest is away from us" Ryan said.

Omg it's Seth not sloth, Oh well I will still call home sloth, it can't bother him he can't hear my thoughts. Everyone nodded and continued to eat breakfast. Okay now today's weird everyone's acting sad especially after Ryan or someone mention that father dude.

"I was thinking we could swim, its been a while since we have been able to in a while, and now we have Grey" William spoke up. "But what about me" Noah said. "You can sit in the chairs and read" Alex said. "But I don't like to read" Noah complained. "Then you can consider this a punishment for disobeying orders and putting yourself in danger" Ryan said , as Noah groaned.

I wonder what they meant by swimming. "Parker and Henry you are on dish duty, William your with Alex too prepare the pool, Seth your with Grey too get ready, and lastly Noah you with me to find you a nice book to keep you busy" Ryan said smirking "and dismiss"Alex said.

Sloth took me upstairs and too my room, "I know we got you some swim shorts we just got to find them" he said chuckling. I don't understand what's the difference from regular shorts and 'swim' shorts. Sloth walked back out of the closet holding a colorful pare of shorts I don't know what colors but there was a lot of them.

"So these are just like normal shorts you still where your underwear but these are made to get wet also when swimming your not suppose to where your shirt" Sloth said handing them to me. Wet! What does he mean wet and normal shorts can get wet too! The no shirt thing didn't bother me though "Why don't you put those on in my room so I can get mine on too" he suggested and I nodded then followed him over to his room.

I have never been in Sloths room, the only rooms I have been in where mine,Ryan and Alex's, then Williams. Everyone's room was so different. From the way the bed faced to what they had in there room. In the cells it was all the same everyone's 'bed' faced the same direction and no one even had stuff to put in there cell.

I slipped my shorts on and waited for Sloth to come out, once he did we went outside. The other guys where out there already, all in there swim shorts well except Noah for obvious reasons. I walked over to where the guys where standing and omg there was a huge bathtub. Like really bug it could fit at least 15 people in it. "You ever swim before" Parker asked and everyone turned there heads to me. I looked at him confused. "Ohh Grey this is a swimming pool its like a huge bath tube but instead of using it ot get clean we use it to have fun and mess around in" Sloth said bringing me closer to the edge of the 'pool'.

"Here Grey I will get in first then help you" Sloth said stepping onto a stair in the pool. He reached the bottom of the steps then held his hand out for me to grab and helped me walk down the steps when I got to the bottom everyone immediately hopped in after. Ryan and Alex went me and Sloths way while Parker, Henry, and William jumped off the edge and went all the way under. My grip on sloth tightened when they went under, I have seen this happen many times at sirs place but they never came back up afterwards.

I released my grip from Sloth then ran out of the pool and to the far grass areas of the back yard I kept running tell I entered a forest and could no longer here my brothers behind me. I kept waking through the forest tell I wasnt able to go farther cause of a stupid gate.

I dont know how long it has been but the toast no longer filled my stomach and I was hungry. I heard footsteps from behind a tree and tried to blend in with a gate. "There you omg we where so worried" I looked up and there was Sloth running towards me and giving me big hug. He then sat next to me.

"Im gonna guess that people going under water isn't such a new thing to you" he said pulling me into his lap. I nodded and leaned back into his chest. "I know we haven't had a chance to show you it but I promise we aren't going to hurt you and what that guy did to you was wrong, we love you we really do" sloth said. I stayed silent and we sat there for a little longer.

"I know, I love you too" I whispered then looked at Sloth who's face went from shocked too the biggest smile I have ever seen.
So the day did n0t go to plan and here we are only one chapter but tomorrow Ill try to write as much as I can

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