More Chances Than One - n.h.

By snowfluke

213K 1.7K 274

in where a girl's heart is amounted to the number of chances she gave More

More Chances Than One (Niall Horan & Harry Styles Fan Fiction)
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
~~~~~Chapter 50~~~~~
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
WANTED: Admins For A Joint Twitter Account
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57 ~Part 1
Chapter 57 ~Part 2
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Short BUT IMPORTANT Announcement :)
Chapter 71
Epilogue: Tour Days

Chapter 67

1.7K 10 0
By snowfluke

Niall's P.O.V.

"NIALL! YOU BETTER GET YOUR FAT ARSE OUT OF BED!" I heard a loud disturbing shout from Liam. I rather not get out of bed because of last night's call and it doesn't make me feel okay. Sort of mad at the world because I broke the one and only girl I like's heart.

"NIALL! WE'RE GOING OUT TO SEE DANI! WE'RE LEAVING NOW. BYE!" Harry yelled which caught my attention for the first time of the day.


"WE'RE SERIOUS MATE!" Louis agreed to both Harry's and Liam's statements...

I quickly ran to my dresser for new clothes and got dressed quickly. I heard the door shut. Oh shit. I grabbed my phone and sneakers and ran downstairs. Luck I didn't slip. Ran out the door because Liam was starting up the engine. 

"WAIT!" I complain and the car stopped in the middle of the road. Wow, poor me. I got into the car, I sat beside...well no one. It was a Larry moment because Louis and Harry were sitting together. I feel lonely...

"You just got pranked!" Louis stuck his tongue at me. Uh...

"You guys planned to leave me I know."

"Know what?" Harry asks and leans on Louis. 

"Know that I can never trust any of you mates."

"Ouch." Liam reacted from the front. "Just be thankful we tracked Zayn's phone." Liam sighs and continues to drive.


"We. Tracked. Zayn's. Phone." Harry elaborated by word. 


"I dunno. Paul told us." Harry answers.

I'll thank Paul later and hit the lads now. My feet hurt because I walked on the pavement without any sneakers on. I guess what happened, happened. I slid my socks on and shoe and sock and shoe. At least the cottony fabric of the socks help soothe the pain away.

"Lads, can I ask a question?" 

"Sure Niall, what is it?" Louis asks while playing with Harry's dimples. Larry is weird but can be shipped.

"Do you think Zayn likes...err...Dani?" I ask but the curiosty sucks. The question makes me wanna cry because if yes, then I have a new rival.

The lads were quiet and looked at each other. I hope they're not thinking what I think they're thinking. I crossed my fingers and keeping my head up. C'mon, say no and I won't do anything drastic.

"We can't be sure about that." Liam says seldomly and I can see a drip of sweat trickles from his forehead. It looks to be that he's lying to me.

"Don't hide the truth mates."

"Okay. All I know is that Zayn USED to like Dani when we were in high school. But right now, he's dating Perrie and its obvious he fell head over heels for that gal. The only uncertain thing here is that IF Zayn still likes Dani or not." Harry answers straight foreward and doesn't even stutter. He's honest but it just made my chest ache.

"I hope not..."

I don't want to think about Zayn liking Dani. It doesn't sound right and its only an opinion or imagination. I don't think they feel the same way towards each other...right? Nah. Dani wouldn't possibly like Zayn because she promised and she said the three words to me already. Maybe I'm just over looking everything, yeah. I'm just being paranoid. Its a big maybe...a REALLY BIG maybe. 

@Louis_Tomlinson: On our way to our close friend's place :)

@Harry_Styles: Sitting beside @Louis_Tomlinson and enjoying it. ;)

@Louis_Tomlinson: @Harry_Styles I know you're enjoying it :))

@Real_Liam_Payne: I guess Larry is real right now. But they ain't gay ;)

@Louis_Tomlinson: @Real_Liam_Payne LARRY IS FOREVER

@Real_Liam_Payne: @Louis_Tomlinson Says youuu

@Harry_Styles: @NiallOfficial Two cats are fighting.

I look at Harry for joining me in their craziness. "C'mon Nialler! Join in the fun!" Harry cheers.

@NiallOfficial: @Harry_Styles Maybe they're jelous of Narry ;)

@NiallOfficial: @Real_Liam_Payne You better stop biting up Louis' ass and keep your eyes on the road or else we're all dead.

@Real_Liam_Payne: @NiallOfficial FIINNE PARTY POOPERRR

"Mate, I'm serious."

"You're still a party pooper." Liam  said with the same reaction as Louis, tongue stuck out at me.

 "Are we there yet?" Louis whined and kept on pouting. 

"Louis, we've only been on the road for thirty minutes. This ride lasts for not less than four hours. We're st-" Liam answered but was cut off.

"FOUR HOURS?!" We all retorted. This is mad. Four hours to get to Dani's flat? This is just so crazy. Maybe she does wanna get away from me.... I'm so jullible to think she would live near our flat, but I was wrong

"And, we're still like three more hours away, so start to feel comfy because its a long long ride." Liam states and points back his attention to the road.

"Well, this better be a worthwhile trip." Harry says and snuggles more with Louis.

"I hope."

Dani's P.O.V.

I don't know why Zayn's been really nervous all morning. For one thing, its really strange and sort of stupid. He wouldn't eat breakfast or even drink water. I think he's gone insane without me noticing it. Like wow.

"Zayn, I think you my friend have something troubling you." I tell him. "Mind to share?" I ask and gave him a glass of water. He needs water more than anything else.

He grabs the glass and chugs it down in a minute. He's really parched and I mean really. One last gulp and he's good. "Well...its a long story. Not that long but to summarize it would be best. The lads found out how to track me using my phone and because of Paul. And now....they're coming over soon." He says and I feel really stupid right now. Its really obvious because they can track Zayn using iCloud and its Niall we're talking about. He's a very persistent lad.

"How long before they arrive?"

"About an hour or so." Zayn answers and slides his phone back into his pocket. "I hope the lads don't act like pricks just like Niall on the phone the other night." He chuckles. Its funny but I'm offended. Niall was acting like a prick but he's my boyfriend or ex boyfriend

"Not funny."

"Sorry..." He started to play with his fingers and looking sorry. 

"Its okay, but Niall is not a prickHe just acts like one

"You're probably right." Zayn agrees and nods. 

"He's just weird that way." 

He laughs and laughs. Well Niall is weird that way, I suppose. Come to think of it, Zayn is the only one who isn't creeping me out. He's being the nicest lad I've met, well second...or I don't know....

"What to do in my last hour of being free?"

"Hmm...wanna do a Twit Cam?" Zayn suggests. Not a bad idea at all.

"Sounds awesome. I miss chatting up family."

"Cool, I'm gonna get my laptop. Be right back." He says and goes upstairs. 

I really miss Twit Cam-ing. Its nice to talk to some fans about random stuff. The one thing I'm afraid of is that we lose track of time and then the lads come earlier than anticipated and we're screwed. They might think Zayn and I are together, which we aren't. Oh well, not my problem anymore.

"Okay, here we go." Zayn says and places his laptop on the coffee table. "This will be so cool." He says and I nod. 




"Hello guys. Zayn here." Zayn waves into the camera and I stay silent. "And I'm here with Dani, say hi Dani!" Zayn points to be and nods. I can do this, right? No need to be fearful, I hope.

"Hey everyone." I faked a smile because if someone asks about my relationship, I would flip.

"So we're gonna answer some questions and if someone sends hate, we'll immediately cease to continue our Twit Cam." Zayn says and conditionally. "Now lets start with some questions that are on top.'s a question. Are you and Dani together now? Uhm...guys. No. We aren't together and please don't ask that question because it ends in a big no. Sorry." Zayn answers because I couldn't say anything. Its just stupid.

"Next question please..."

"Here's another. Where are the rest of One Direction? Well they're currently on their way here because things happened but to cut to the chase, we had a misconception. Thanks for the question." Zayn answered while I sat there dying.

I felt horrible. Not for only Niall, for Zayn too. For Zayn because he's answering everything that's asked on the Twit Cam and he's been away from Perrie for a long time. I just feel like I have to be guilty. Ugh...I mess up everyone's day. And Niall...I've been running away from him for a long while now. I avoid my problems and being the worst girlfriend in the history of girlfriends. I don't believe that there could be someone more horrible than I. Niall James Horan deserves a princess, not a peasant like me. I'm not worthy.

"Dani...can you answer the question: Do you have a Twitter?" Zayn asks me as he pokes me out of my damn thoughts.

"Uh...sure. Well guys, I do have a Twitter. But remember I deleted the verified one and made a new one. Its not verified though. No one knows its me so yeah. Good luck if you see it. I follow everyone there...can't explain why." I say. I want to tell something. "Guys...I'm sorry if I've been really off these days. I'm having emotional problems, I'm lame that way. I just want to apologize and you guys mean the world to me. You people are my only friends who truly understand me, besides Zayn here. I hope everyone can forgive me." I slightly frown because everything I sad was true. I let everyone down.

And in seconds the 'its alright' 'we love you!' 'no need to be sorry' 'please don't be sad' ' we love you so so much!' 's came up. So many of them that I wanna cry already. But Zayn saw that coming. Now he had to do something.

"Guys, we'll err...end the Twit Cam because..." He paused, not knowing what excuse to use. A knock on the door. It was loud and bangy. Wow. "Because the lads are here and we're busy, bye! We'll try to get back on this. Thank you for watching, bye!" Then Zayn just pulled the plug on that. He didn't care if the laptop did break, he just killed it. "Dani, you better go and hide up in the attic. The lads might have a hug arguement so please?"

"Sure." I say and rush upstairs making no sound for safety. I pulled down the ceiling door and climbed up the step ladder. Quickly pulled it upwards and locked the door from the inside. From there, there was a window. I peered outside and saw Harry's black Range Rover. Uh oh. But no Paul. Well we're safe as long as Paul isn't there.

I hope Zayn can take care of himself.

Niall's P.O.V.

"WHERE IS SHE!?!" I shout at Zayn who was all alone. I want to see Dani. I'm not gonna hurt her. I'm not gonna shout at her. I'm just gonna apologize and give her my special Horan Hug. Hope for her forgiveness.

"Like I said, she's not here." Zayn answers me. I still don't believe him. I can feel Dani's presence here. Her scent...caramel and chocolates. 

"Don't you dare lie to me Zayn."

"I'm not."

"Yes you are!"





"Mates, calm down. We'll take this out in a quiet and orderly manner." Liam settled us down and separated us from each other. We all sat down. Me with Liam. Harry, Louis and Zayn on the other couch. "Now, lets discuss this like a band." Liam settles. "Okay, so Zayn we know Dani is here and Niall has no right to shout like that. But Zayn, yes or no? Is Dani here or not?"

Zayn was silent but finally confessed. "Yes," He answers. "but she's somewhere here and you lads can't find her easily." He smirks and quiffs his hair more. I'm being annoyed right now.

Hold your anger, Nialler. He can't mess your mind up. I tell myself. Because he actually can't and can. But I won't let him win this one. He's up to something and I'm gonna wreck it.

"Oh really?"

"I dunno. Depends." He says calmly.

"Well if she's in the house, we'll surely find her!" Louis cheers and pulls Harry's arm around the house.

"We'll find her for sure!" Harry shouts and comes with Louis. He has no choice what so ever.

"I'll go and search for her too." Liam says and walks opposite of Larry Stylinson.

Zayn and I left together in one room. This will be interesting.

"Where's Dani?"

"She hid somewhere in the flat which I don't know of or do I."

I shrug him off and started to search for Dani. I have to find her and apologize. But where could she go? Where? I search in the kitchen, in the cupboards and under the table. No sign of her. Then I went upstairs and opened every room, every closet, every door but no where to be found. I was about to give up when I heard a loud banging from above me. Like a storm crashing into a door. I kept listening to where it came from.

I stopped under a ceiling door which leads to the attic. From there the banging became louder and louder. I panicked because the door was too high. I ran towards a storage closet and looked for a ladder. Eventually I did and swiftly brought it under the door. Climbed up it and tried to budge the door open. My third punch, It actually broke. I further went upstairs and found a sweating and passed out Dani. This attic is 45 degrees. It hot up here and not only because of her because the room had no airconditioning.

Held her bridal styles and brought her down the attic. "Lads! I found her!" They hurried upstairs and ran to me. They looked at Dani and were worried.

"She alright?" Asks Liam.

"I think she needs some air." Louis suggests poking Dani's stomach.

"She needs some ice." Harry says and rushes to the kitchen.

"Niall, you actually found her." Zayn chuckles. "But she needs to be in her room." His smile fades and went into a poker face.  I nod and let him guide me to Dani's room. The hallway is really long.

"I got the ice!" Harry shouts.

The lads were out to for dinner, but I didn't wanna come because I didn't want to leave Dani's side. Ever. She placed a wet blanket on her forehead to cool her off and let the heat leave her. Every five minutes I would dip the blanket and place it back on her forehead.

Even though Dani and I argue a lot and we're also the worst match-up we still make it work and try to keep our love in tact. I love her so much. She's my queen and I'm her peasant. I'll be by her side, physically and mentally. I'll never forget her and I hope she doesn't forget me. I would think of her all day and all night and still smile. 

"I love you..." 



So guys, thank you for giving my story 607 votes in total!!!!

Keep voting!!!!

And by the way!!!!!!!

I will post this story's sequel which is I WANT ONLY ONE THING!! *COMING SOON* Expect it on April or sooner!!! The Prologue will be up tomorrow!!! REMINDER!!! THIS STORY WILL END SOON! AND I WILL UPDATE A LOT!!! A LOT! Especially that its summer now!!!! Thank you for reading!

I have really horrible news, someone sent me hate again. This time on my other story Life Changing Words. Look for the comment on the Prologue and please block her. It really hurts my feelings because I'm only 12 :(


You guys broke the record!!!

Last week, chapter 66 got 500 in a week!

Now...CHAPTER 67 GOT..... *drum role* 836 READS!!!












I'm happy because I am now sure that I will graduate!!!!


I'll be in 7th grade by then!!

Thank you all so very much! 

love you xoxox

Rissa xoxox <3

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