Summoning the Cold Rivalry


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13th June, 1987. Tension start to easing between USSR and United States, everything was going smoothly until... Еще

Chapter 1, The lights&New world
Chapter 3: Diplomacy
Chapter 4: New hopes
Chapter 5: Lost Civilization
Chapter 6: Surprise, Surprise
Chapter 7: Superpower
Chapter 8: Reinforcement
Chapter 9: Liberation & Downfalls
Chapter 10: Occupation
Chapter 11: Visitors
Chapter 12: Siege
Chapter 13: Looming danger
Chapter 14: Engagement
Chapter 15: The Beginning
Chapter 16: Night raid
Chapter 17: Off shores
Chapter 18: Grave Mistake
Chapter 19: Strike back
Chapter 20: Against all odds
Chapter 21: Involvement
Chapter 22: Blood rain
Chapter 23: First step
Chapter 24: Imminent demise
Chapter 25: Prophecy
Chapter 25.5: Alternative
Chapter 26: Old against new
Chapter 27: Motherland
Chapter 28: Hunts
Chapter 29: Eagle claws
Chapter 30: Devil dogs
Chapter 31: Unexpected
Chapter 32: Ultimatum
Chapter 33: Sacred
Chapter 34: Operation Sword tip
Chapter 35: Fight of the Valkyries
Chapter 36: Political dispute
Chapter 37: That time
Chapter 38: Invincible
Chapter 39: Weakened
Chapter 40: New era
Chapter 41: Bear and Eagle
Chapter 42: Purposes
Chapter 43: New beginnings
Chapter 44: Invitation
Chapter 45: Transition
Chapter 46: World's conference
Chapter 47: Preparation
Chapter 48: Sunk with all hands
Chapter 49: Calm before the storm
Chapter 50: Great naval battle I
Chapter 51: Great naval battle II
Chapter 51.5: Expedition
Chapter 52: Great naval battle III
Chapter 53: Encirclement
Chapter 54: Great naval battle IV
Chapter 54.2069: Distant past
Chapter 55: Great Naval Battle Finale
Chapter 56: Perspective
Chapter 57: Desert storm
Chapter 58: Turning tide
Chapter 59: Battle for Cartalpas
Chapter 60: Desert Skirmishes

Chapter 2: Contact

2.9K 61 11

In the sea far from 3 civilized area there's one continent. The continent named Rodenius, its a home of 3 country Louria, Quila and Qua toyne

The Kingdom of Louria is a human supremacist group that seeks to eradicate all demihumans on the continent, causing tensions to rise between all three countries. It only a matter of time before the tension is plunge into war.

Location: Maihark, Qua toyne principality, Rodenius
17th August, 1632, 2:11 PM

"Sir, Tanaka! Sir!"

The assistant run up to his room, out of breath.

"What is it, Donier it should be important, you're using this much energy" Said Tanaka drinking his water.

"Yes sir, The Lourian! They are building up troops on Quila and our border! There's possibility that they will attack fort of Gim!" Donier report.

Tanaka spit the water he was drinking out.


"Yes, sir.." Donier replied.

'Shit' thought Tanaka "Send our troop to reinforce those border tell our allied Quila to be aware too. send everything we have to fort of Gim!"

"But sir-"

Donier response was cut short by Tanaka' words.

"Do i need to repeat myself!?"

"No sir!" Donier said and run off 'Damn, Those Lourian' thought Tanaka.

A fleet of ships flying red and white stripes flags with a blue square and fifty stars is traveling across the middle of the Rodenius Seas on a diplomatic mission to a nearby continent.

"Man, This planet is really big although from a map it look like we're very close but it's still far" said one of the crew.

"Yeah, true" another crew replied.

"Is that a sailboat, it's look like it come straight out from those pirate movies" said the navigator.

"Everyone be prepared, Wooden sailboat at 2 o'clock, it might be a pirate" Admiral issued an order.

"There's no sign of Lourian fleets here, we're good" the navigator report.

"Good, we can report it back and call it another day" Then suddenly one of a sailor shouted


"What!?" Midori response to the shout

"LOOK OVER THERE CAPTAIN!" Sailors said in panicked.

"This better not be some sick pran- What the hell..?"

Everyone on the boat was stunned when gigantic waves of frigates ripped through the ocean's surface. They fired their frontal guns in an intimidating fashion to serve as warning shots. The ironballs fall just short of the bow. Midori could only think of one command, run away.


Captain Midori directed the ship controls to turn the ship back. As a result, they were detained at gunpoint in the big metal-clad ship.

"So you people ran from the so called 'Lourian navy' right?" Admiral of the iron ship said.

"Yes, because there's no other enemies beside them. we estimate their numbers, it probably 4,400. 4,400 of Lourian ship heading toward our capital." Captain Midori response.

"That's a lot.. did we got into a warzone or something?" Admiral of iron ship said and turned his head to his crews.

"Can you help us?" Captain Midori asked the Admiral.

"I honestly have no idea, i can't just go around and attack some ship"

"That's alright, but why are you people here in the middle of Rodenius seas anyway?" Captain Midori asked.

"Oh, glad you asked. We're here to conducted trade mission with nearby countries" Admiral answer.

"Oh, then you're in a wrong place and a wrong time. We're currently having war with Kingdom of Louria, they are human supremecist they seek to exterminate every demi-human on the continent"

"Damn it.. i was right, we just sailed into a warzone. A genocide war at that... Hey, are the phone occupied?"

Admiral asks his crews, and everyone responds in the same way. The admiral walks into the bridge. While waiting, Captain Midori cast his gaze around the ships. He could watch his troops being probed in the identical ways, regardless of the ship they were on. It's big. Absurdly huge. It is bigger than even the largest ship in their entire fleet. Though he didn't see any cannon, he had the impression that this ship would just destroy their frigate by sailing through. After some moment, the admiral walk back to him.

"Alright, Captain Midori you're in luck. We got permission to engage."

"B-but, there's only 5 of you! How can you dealt with that many Lourian ships!" Captain Midori displayed his concerns for the mysterious peoples.

"Don't worry Captain, believe in these ship, these bad boys worth around hundred if not thousand of wooden frigates"

The words of Admiral made Captain Midori even more apprehensive. 'How can 5 ships defeat a fleet consisted of more than 4,000 ships?' he pondered.

Location: Lourian's Eastern subjugation armies camp, Border of Qua-toyne, Rodenius
17th August, 1632, 2:14 PM

Adem, Lourian's lieutenant officer, is in his tent planning a plan to conquer the Fort of Gim. The map is on the table, and all of the available high-ranking officers are seated around it, confident that this win will be simple. Fort Gim may be nearly impenetrable, but with their latest weapons, they will tear it down with bare hands.

"As we know it, fort of Gim have a total of 121 wyverns protecting its air space. It would be a problem to us if we didn't have ten times the amount of wyverns they do" Wyverns rider Captain, Aldebran said and let out a chuckled.

"Yes Captain, as all that being said. After the wyverns assault, we will send in infantry upon the left flank and some forces will charge the gate under our artillery support. From what i gathered, the defense is at it weakest in the left due to thick forest covering it. I can say this without shame that, this is a bit overkill!" Said Adem.

"Nice joke lieutenant Adem, there's no such thing as overkill if we annihilate them" and they all laughed for their easy victory.

The troops' morale was at an all-time high, and they were considering what to do if they successfully captured Gim. The amount of spoils they will receive from conflicts, as well as the filthy notion in their minds, demonstrate that they are not humans themselves.

Lourian's Eastern subjugation armies forces consisted of 15,000 Infantry, 10,000 Pikeman, 2,000 Cavalry, 1,500 Cannoneers, 250 Beasts tamer, 1,000 Wyverns, 150 Wyverns lord and 100 Mages.
Totals: 30,000 units

While Gim's garrison consisted of 3,700 Infantry, 275 Arquebusier, 300 Cavalry, 110 Cannoneers, 49 Mages and 121 Wyverns.
Totals: 4,555 units

Gim's garrison was outnumbered 6 to 1. Soldiers stationed at Gim understand that they cannot win against such large forces. So they did what everyone would do: they began evacuating civilians within Gim all the way to Ejei, leaving Gim vacant.

Location: 2nd Civilization seas, Alysion, Paganda
17th August 1632 2:14 PM

The 5th and 6th Leifor squadrons are chatting to each other. They employed a plane similar to Austria-Hungary's Phönix D.I from the first World War. Its firepower and overall capabilities surpassed that of a wyvern, which is why mechanical aircraft dominate the skies of the second civilized area right after Mu invented it.

"Hah! The Gra Valkans is so funny, they acting so big and shit, especially to us, a superpower!"

The 5th squadron laughed. Then another pilots continue

"Yeah! Who did they think they are! Declaring war on us and Paganda, pfft bitch move i must says" The pilots mocked the Gra Valkans

"Mehh, who wouldn't declared war especially when some asshole kill their diplomat just because they're annoyed" Squadron leader response

"I guess you're right" another pilot said.

Gra Valkas empire, a nation which came out of nowhere two months ago, wanted to establish diplomatic relations with neighboring countries, but everything went awry when Pagandan murdered their diplomat during the diplomatic mission. The Gra Valkans were naturally outraged, so they declared war on Pagandan, drawing Leiforian, who had allied with Paganda, into the conflict.

"Also, have you guys heard about that emerging country? I think they called themselves uh.. what was it? Soviet? Whatever." The pilot came up with new topic

"Yeah, i heard they will established a diplomatic relations with Mu but i doubt they can do that. They're just emerging country" Pilot from 6th squadron said

"I thought i heard a rumors that they have aircraft" pilot from 5th squadron response.

"Probably just a propaganda." Another pilot cuts him off.

Location: Eastern Normand, Kingdom of Paganda, 2nd Civilized areas
17th August, 1632, 2:15 PM

While patrolling the shore, the 11th Wyverns squadron communicates with one another. During that fateful day, there were more than fifteen squadrons of wyverns in the skies.

"Look like those Gra Valkans can only bark, they shouldn't be so brave to fight against us especially when we have Leifor on our sides" one of Pagadan wyverns riders said

"Sir Louise, look like Leiforian aircraft has reached our airspace" another Riders reported

"Good, we can now annihilate those filthy Gra Valkans little sail boat" Louise said and let out a loud laughter.

"Hell yeah!" Everyone shouted.

"This is HQ, reporting in" The Squadron leader listened and respond

"Yeah? What is it?"

"We've received report from our watch tower, they said they've spot a fleet of flying something heading toward us. I need you to alert all of our Wyverns knight and the Leiforian squadron. out."

"Alright, everyone" Squadron leader said

"HQ said there's a fleets of flying object heading toward our land, we will need to alert every single of our Wyverns riders and the Leiforian"

"Yessir!" Everyone complied.

They flew together into another direction, toward the main base, to inform the Leiforian air force stationed there. All patrol wyverns received the same message and went on their way to inform all troops.

Location: Normand, Kingdom of Paganda. 2nd Civilized areas
17th August, 1632, 2:17 PM

Soldiers on the Normandy coast watch tower were on high alert, preparing for the approaching Wyverns air raid; sadly, it wasn't a Wyvern. Then they see it: there are so many aircraft that it obscures the sunset. Both soldiers and citizens began to panic; some attempted to run, but this proved futile.

"Alright, all units be ready. ETA 30 seconds, we will make them pays for what they did to our diplomat. We will turn their shitty little country to ashes" said the Gra Valkans fighter squadron leaders

"Roger! Sir Okadama!" The whole squadron shouted.

"Once we reached the target. Hell let loose" Okadama said and started to count down.

"Five, Four, Three, Two, One. Drop the load!"

The panicked Pagandan came to a halt and watched the sky, something was descending from the aircraft, but by the time they realized it, it was too late. Time slowed as it was the last moment for every resident of that wretched island. Leiforian biplanes scrambled to intercept the attacker, but they were clearly outclassed, and Leiforian planes they adore so much, in the end, were dropped like flies.

A large amount of bombs fell from the sky, but these were not ordinary bombs. They realized that the entire Normand was already enveloped in Napalm flames, and that civilians and soldiers were being burned but no one could help them. The nearest wyverns squadron arrived in Normand, but it was ineffective, they were all quickly mowed down by aircraft. It was all hopeless.

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