
By semper_paratus

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Nova has a good life. She got good grades. Has good friends. Has a "crush" on the school popular who can be a... More

Blood Flu
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
A/N Please Read
Chapter 17
A/N Read it!!!
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Second Book

Chapter 23

80 5 30
By semper_paratus

Zach's POV

"We're almost there." Nova says, waking me from my sleep

I look at her.

"Good." I say

"Mimi wake up." Nova says, keeping her eye on the road but shaking Mimi

Mimi rubs her eyes and sits up.

"Whoa." Mimi says

I look ahead.

We are pulling into a driveway and at the end of it is this amazing log cabin. I can hear water rustling through the open window in the van so I assume there's a river near the cabin, but I cant see it.

"Here we are." Nova says as she stops the van beside the cabin.

Nova gets in the glove box and pulls out a little radio.

"We will use this to see if there is a safe zone. I don't know if we will get any service out here." She says

She gets out of the car and Mimi follows her. I get out too.

Everyone starts filing out of the back of the van.

"Finally!" Kiki whispers

"So this is it. It isn't much but it will do until we find a safe zone." Nova says.

She is about to continue talking but she is cut off by barking.

A big black Labrador comes out from the woods to the left of the cabin.

"Oh my gosh! Get that mutt away!" Beth yells

"Maggie?? Hi girl!!" Nova says excitedly and she bends down and the dog, which I'm assuming is named Maggie, trots up to Nova

"There's a guy that used to live a few acres away from here and this was his dog. She would come over here every time Roy, Dad, and I would go hunting here. I don't know how she is still alive considering the fact that the man that owned her is dead." Nova explains

Roy goes up to Maggie and pats her on the head. "Hey girl." He says

"Alright. Everyone grab something out of the van and bring it inside." Nova says, standing up.

Kiki's POV

I go and grab the ammo bag.

That was a mistake.

I almost drop the bag.

Louis comes up and takes the bag.

"Don't want ya hurting yourself now do we?" He says with a grin

••••••TIME SKIP••••••

I'm just sitting in the living room.

People are either asleep in there rooms or outside getting a bonfire ready.

I hear the screen door to the patio open and look up to see Louis.

"What are you doing in here?" He asks

"Just thinking." I say

"Don't think too much." He says smiling

I smile back.

He sits on the little one-seat sofa thats next to the sofa Im on.

"So, tell me about yourself and your friends." He says

"It will take a while." I say

"I got time." He replies

"Okay. Well who do I start with?" I ask

"Hmmm....start with Lexi." He says

"Okay, well obviously Lexi is the smart one. She's the sweetest person you've ever met. We've been best friends since like, second grade." I say

"Alright. Now Macy." He says

"Okay. Macy is the 'Party Animal'." I say "She is always happy. But you have to be careful because she gets hurt easily so you have to be careful about what you say to her. But otherwise she is the sweetest thing in the world" I say

He nods. "So what about Nova?" He asks

"Nova well she....she's Nova." I say and I laugh. "She is the mean one in the group. But she's the muscle of the group. If we were all family she would be the over protective sister. She may act like she doesn't like us sometimes, but that's how she shows love if that makes sense. She doesn't let us do certain things which can get on our nerves but when you think about it, she only does it to keep us safe. She can really be sweet, but her past just changed her." I say

"Do you know anything about her past?" Louis asks

"Yes. But I'm not allowed to tell. Only Lexi, Macy, and I know. Not even Zach knows." I say

"Why didn't she tell him?" He asks

I stop and think about it for a minute.

After a long pause, I finally speak.

"Because she's afraid." I say

"Whats she afraid of?" He asks

"Well, she's afraid he wont be friends with her. she's afraid he will leave. Or judge her." I explain

"Oh." Is all Louis says

"Yep." I say

"Now tell me about you." He says smiling, trying to cheer up the mood

"Well, I suppose you could say that I am the serious but not serious one. I don't fight, but if something happens to my friends then I will fight. I can have a temper but not one near as big as Nova. When Nova gets mad, she stays mad. When I get mad, I usually cool down after a bit." I explain "Me and Nova are two completely different people, yet we are the same." I say

He nods.

I look out the glass patio door and see Lexi trying to start a fire with sticks.

After a while, Nova gets impatient and takes the sticks from Lexi and breaks them on her knee.

I laugh.

Louis must have been watching too because he also laughs.

Nova pulls a box of matches out of her pocket, lights one, and then throws it on the logs.

I can hear Lexi talking since the patio door is open but the screen door is shut.

"Why didn't you tell me you had those?!" Lexi asks, acting mad but laughing

Zach laughs.

"More fun this way." Nova says, laughing

Lexi stops laughing and crosses her arms.

Zach and Nova are both dying of laughter.

A few minutes later, Lexi starts laughing too.

"You wanna go out there?" Louis asks and I nod

We both get up and I open the screen door.

We start walking over to my friends and Louis grabs my hand.

I don't exactly know why, but I don't pull away.

I smile.

We reach the laughing nerds.

"Y'all is Newfs." I say

"Peasant." Nova says

I shoot her a look, but then I laugh.

"So I hear a lake, where is it?" I ask

Nova turns to look behind her, which is the opposite direction of the cabin.

"We are on a sort of hill. There's a really steep sort of drop that leads to the lake." She says, still with her back turned to us.

I walk up beside her.

Wow. That's a really steep hill.

"I know. Steep hill huh?" Nova asks, as if she read my mind.

I nod.

She sighs and walks back to the fire.

It's getting dark.

I turn around to the fire and see everyone sitting around it.

Jeb is sitting agains a tree with his arms crossed and Misty is next to him.

Mason is sitting against another tree. Mason has his arm around Lexi's shoulder and she is leaning on his chest.

And the rest are sitting around the fire.

I go and sit by Louis.

He looks at me and smiles.

I look down.

Thank God its night so he cant see me blush.

Zach's POV

We are all still around the campfire.

"Do you guys ever wonder what happens to the zombies when it's dark? Do they just calm down? Do they go crazy?" I ask, dazed

They all look at me.

I look up and notice Nova is gone.

"Where's Nova?" I ask, completely forgetting about the question I asked just a few seconds ago

"She went inside. She's getting the radio and is getting us some food." Kiki says

I nod.

Jason gets up.

"I need to use the restroom." He mumbles and goes inside.

I don't like the thought of him being near Nova. I just know he is bad news. Once a player, always a player.

I walk to the patio and I slowly look inside and my heart drops at what I see.

Nova's POV

I come inside, mainly because I'm hungry, but also because The darkness freaks me out.

I hear someone clear their throat.

I turn around to see Jason.

I smile "Hey." I say and I turn my attention back to chopping up the carrots for the soup Im gonna cook.

"Can I talk to you for a minute?" He asks

I nod and turn towards him.

He steps closer so we are about a foot away from each other.

"What did you need to talk to me about?" I ask

"Well..." He says

He looks me in the eye and before I can react, Jason kisses me.

Zach's POV

I walk away.

I don't know why it bothers me so much, seeing her and Jason kiss, but it does.

I don't like it one bit.

I just walk over to the hill and look at the lake from up there.

Nova's POV

I push Jason away.

"Jason?! What the heck?!" I yell, angry

"I had to do it. Just once." He says

I scoff.

"Go away!" I say angrily and turn towards the carrots

Why am I so mad he did that? Most girls would be so excited and happy that Jason McHenry kisses them. But I'm just angry.

"Nova-" He starts to say and puts his hand on my waist

I turn around and in one quick motion, I slap him across the face with enough force to make his head turn.

I can tell he is getting angry.

He just turns and walks outside.

I hear the patio screen door open after a few minutes.

"Jason I said go away." I say and I turn around, only to see Macy "Oh, sorry." I say

I turn back to the carrots that I am chopping up angrily

"What's wrong?" She asks, sitting on a bar stool.

"Nothing." I say flatly

"Please tell me." She says

I look at her.

After a while,I sigh.

"Fine." I say and I explain everything that just happened

"So why are you so angry about it?" She asks "Did he not kiss good?" She continues

"No, he kissed good its just..." I say, not really wanting to say whats going on in my mind

"It's just what?" She asks

"He wasn't Zach." I say and quickly cover my mouth with my hand in regret

I look at Macy and her eyes widen and her jaw drops.

"You like-You and-I just-AWWWWW!!!!" She says

I growl.

"Shuddup." I say

She laughs.

I blush and turn back to the carrots.

"H-he dated Beth. He probably doesn't like me that way. He looks at me as if I were his sister." I say

Macy sits silently.

"Oh Nova. I don't think that at all. I think he likes you. The way he looks at you when you smile, the way he acts around you, I think you've got it all wrong." She says

"Yeah well if he liked me then he should be a man and tell me." I snap

"Just, don't get yourself hurt." Is all she says, and with that, she walks back outside.

I have some thinking to do.

Zach's POV

I head back toward the house so I can help Nova with the soup.

I hope Jason isn't still in there. He isn't at the campfire. Neither was Beth.

I see movement beside the house and decide to check it out.

Anger builds up inside me when I lay eyes on what is in front of me.

Surely enough, there's Jason, making out with Beth.

They stop when Jason sees me looking right at them.

He smirks.

I want to punch him right then and there, but I will wait for the right time.

I go back inside the cabin.

Nova turns around and smiles.

I smile back.

"Hey whats up?" She asks

"Oh not much. Just saw your 'boyfriend' or whatever he is to you, making out with Beth." Is what I want to say, but I don't.

"Not much. Just coming to see what you were doing." I say

"Cookin." She says

"Well I see that now ya dork." I say

She laughs.

"Aaaaaand done!" She says "Perfection."

The soup does actually look really good.

"Well let's get it out there so I can eat!" I say and she laughs

We take the soup out to the campfire.

I look up to see Jason standing right next to the big slope.

He looks at me and smiles, like nothing ever happened.

I lose it.

I run at him, not thinking straight, and I tackle him.

Next thing I know, we are rolling downhill.


Hey sorry for switching POV's back and forth between Nova and Zach so much.

But oh well lol.

2,141 words!!!


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