One Night Stand

由 Queeeenxox

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26 year old Alani Harris has just walked away from an eight year relationship with her high school sweetheart... 更多

Ch. II
Ch. IV
Ch. V
Ch. VI
Ch. VIII (Pt. I)
IX (Pt. II)
Happy Thanksgiving!
Book Recommendations 🫶🏽
Life update 🫶🏽🫶🏽

Ch. I

5.7K 138 43
由 Queeeenxox

Y'all got me so hype to write this book lol. I can't wait to get into it! Alani's outfit in the MM. Enjoy 🩷

Alani Harris
June 17, 2022
5:47 PM

Eight years. Eight fucking years of my life wasted with a man who I thought was the love of my life. How could someone cheat on someone who they called the love of their life and their soulmate? It doesn't make sense to me and it's not adding up. As much as I want to say I hate Kendrick and everything about him, I know that would be a lie. It's been a week since I caught him cheating on me with two women at the same time and I've been cooped up in my house the entire time. I haven't even left the house to go get food, I've been ordering through DoorDash like it's nobody's business. I even called out of work for the week because I was so heartbroken, it still doesn't feel real.

As I picked my phone up to order food, I heard banging at my front door and I groaned. Why do people feel like they have to knock like the police to get your attention? I pushed the covers off of me and swung my feet over the side of the bed. I stepped into my house shoes before opening my door and walking out of my room. I glanced at myself in one of the mirrors in my hallway and cringed at the bed head hair and dry face. I shook my head as I walked downstairs and rolled my eyes as the banging continued. I looked at the cameras and saw that it was two out of three of my best friends, Delilah and Xavier. I rolled my eyes as I took the chain off of the door and unlocked the bottom locks. I opened the door and looked at them. "What?" I asked.

"Bitch what's going on with you? The last time we talked to you was on Wednesday. You read our texts yesterday and today, but never replied to them." Delilah said as she gave me a hug before walking inside. Xavier did the same thing before I closed and locked my door.

"I just haven't felt like texting back." I shrugged. They looked at each other before looking back at me. I saw their faces change before Xavier spoke up.

"Why have you been crying? Did Kendrick do something to you?" He asked seriously. I felt myself tearing up at the mention of his name. It's different when you think about a person versus actually hearing their name. I don't know how to explain it, but just hearing his name had me wanting to bawl my eyes out all over again. "Oh no babes, what happened?" Xavier asked as he came to hug me. That hug instantly made the tears fall.

"Bestie, did he put his hands on you?" Delilah asked me with a raised eyebrow as she put her hair up in a bun and went to reach into her purse. I quickly shook my head as I wiped my tears.

"No, he didn't hurt me. At least not physically." I said as I grabbed her hand to stop her. I sighed as I sat on the couch and patted both sides so that they could each come and sit next to me. "Last week after I left your house after our game night, I went over to his apartment before coming home. When I walked in I went to the kitchen to get a water and then I made my way to his bedroom because I could hear music coming from it. When I got to his room I opened the door and he was in there with two bitches. He was fucking one while she was giving the other one head." I explained as I started feeling sick to my stomach at the thought of it.

"Alani!" They gasped.

"Why didn't you tell me? You know you're my sis and I don't fucking play about you." Delilah said seriously. I nodded because it was true. Delilah and I have been best friends since before we born to be honest. Her parents and my parents are best friends and they were adamant that their kids would be best friends. Now I have two older brothers and Delilah has an older brother and sister, but they were dead set that their last child would be best friends and honestly I'm glad to have Delilah in my life.

"I know Delilah, and I appreciate you. But it's fine. It just wasn't meant to be I suppose." I shrugged. As casually as I said that, it didn't stop my heart from breaking even more just thinking about it.

"Has he tried to reach out to you and apologize?" Xavier asked. I nodded.

"Of course he did. But I'm not even trying to hear it. Do I still love him? Of course, we were together for eight years and the love is definitely not going to go away overnight. But I can't be with him. If it's one thing that's a deal breaker for me, it's cheating. I'm not going to allow you to put me at risk to catch anything, and with my luck, I'd catch some shit that's incurable because God only knows how long he's been cheating. I'm good." I said. They nodded.

"I'm sorry baby doll, if you would have told us you know we would have been here for you." Delilah said as she hugged me and kissed my cheek. "Are you sure you don't want me to fuck him up though? Because you know I don't give a fuck and I don't have anything to lose." She said seriously. I laughed as I nodded and wiped my tears.

"I'm sure. I appreciate you guys though." I pouted.

"Of course. You're the baby out of all of us, you know we got you for life." Xavier said. "But we have to get you out of this funk. We're going out tonight." He said. I laughed.

"I kind of knew you guys were going to say that after I told you what happened." I laughed. "Surprisingly, I'm actually down for it. I could use a drink or six." I said. They laughed as they nodded.

"I'll be right back." Delilah said. I nodded as she jogged upstairs.

"How are you and Zachary?" I asked him as I laid back and put my feet on his lap. He scrunched his face up as he looked at me.

"Girl if you don't get these dogs off of me." He laughed as he pushed my feet off of him. I laughed as I kissed my teeth.

"Don't do me, my toes look good." I said. "But please massage my feet, I'm heart broken." I pouted. He rolled his eyes.

"Bitch you get on my nerves." He said and I laughed as he started massaging my feet. "He's in Miami visiting family right now, his grandma is sick. But we're good, our anniversary is coming up in two weeks and he's surprising me with a trip but I don't know where we're going. So I'm excited for that." He said. I nodded as I smiled.

"I hope I get married one day, you guys are so cute together." I pouted. He laughed softly.

"Awe bestie, you'll get married. I'll make sure we find your future man tonight." He said. I shook my head.

"Nope, no way. I'm not jumping back into anything serious anytime soon." I said.

"Girl. The best way to get over one man is to get under another one. We'll at least find you a fuck buddy." He said. I shook my head because there's no point in arguing with him.

"Anyways." I said as I waved him off. "Where's Mina?" I asked him. Mina was our other best friend.

"Probably laid up with some chick." He said as he shrugged. We continued talking for a few minutes before Delilah came back downstairs.

"I ran you a bath and lit you some candles so that you can relax before tonight. If you want I'll come back over later to do your hair and then I can just get dressed over here, and we can ride to the club together." She said. I nodded as I stood up.

"That's fine. Thank you bestie. Text me when you're on your way back over." I said to her. She nodded as I hugged her.

"Love you. We're gonna get you through this." She said. I nodded.

"I love you more. See you guys later." I said as I walked them to the door. They waved before I closed and locked the door back. I went into the kitchen and grabbed a glass and a bottle of wine before going upstairs to my bathroom. I stripped out of my clothes and put a face mask on before pouring a glass of wine and going to sit in the tub. I leaned back and closed my eyes and relaxed.

After I got out of the tub and took a shower I was standing at the sink washing my face mask off when I heard my phone ringing. Without looking at the caller ID I reached over and swiped the answer button but instantly regretted it when I heard the voice on the other line. "Babe, hear me out please." I heard Kendrick begging. I sighed as shook my head.

"Kendrick I don't want to hear it. I told you eight years ago that if you ever cheated on me then that would be the end of me and you." I said to him as I finished washing my face. I grabbed a towel and patted it dry before looking in the mirror.

"And I understand that. I realized how bad I fucked up and I just want you to let me make it up to you." He pleased.

"The only thing I want you to do Kendrick is leave me alone. You hurt me more than I care to admit, and I can't get past that. I'm done." I said seriously. As bad as I wanted to run back into his arms, I couldn't allow myself to go back to him.

"Babe it was a mistake. I went out with the guys and had too much to drink." He said. I rolled my eyes.

"I'm doing the same thing tonight. Byeeee." I said before I hung up. I laughed as I moisturized my face before drying off. My phone dinged and I looked at it and saw that Delilah texted me and told me that she was down the street. I liked the message before going downstairs and taking the chain off of the door. I then jogged back upstairs and went into my closet. I searched for an outfit before my eyes landed on this soft pink silk skirt. I smiled as I pulled it out because I had the perfect top and accessories to go with it.

"Bestie, I'm here!" I heard Delilah call out from downstairs as I heard the front door open and shut. I downed my glass of wine just as she appeared in the doorway to my room. "You ready?" She asked. I nodded as we walked to the bathroom and I sat at my vanity as she plugged her flat iron in.

"Kendrick called me after I got out of the shower just now." I said to her. She kissed her teeth.

"If his stupid ass don't stop bothering you, I will literally go and fuck him up." She said as she sprayed heat protectant over my hair. I laughed. "Let me guess. He was apologizing again?" She asked. I nodded.

"Basically. Talking about he had went out with the boys that night and had too many to drink. I said I'm about to do the same thing tonight and I hung up." I said as we laughed.

"Yassss. Definitely gonna find you a little boo thang to keep you from getting cobwebs." She said. My mouth dropped before we started laughing.

"Bitch you play too much." I said. "But Xavier already told me the same thing, minus the cobweb part." I said as I reached back and slapped her leg. She laughed as she started sectioning and parting my hair so that she could start straightening it.

"Stop before I burn your ass." She said. I rolled my eyes and smiled as we continued to talk until she finished my hair.

"Bestie you always slay my hair." I said as I ran my fingers through the slight curls. "I love it." I said as I looked at myself in the mirror.

"You know I always got you. Plus we're on a mission tonight so I had to give you a soft look since I peeped the outfit that you're wearing. The straight hair is the perfect touch to it." She said as she unplugged her straightener and left it on the counter to cool off. "But let's go get ready. It's already eight and I want us to get a section." She said. I nodded as I walked back to my room to get ready while she stayed in the bathroom. I took my robe off and started rubbing some lotion and oil on my body before getting dressed. I pulled the skirt up over my waist before putting on the lace top. I sat on the bed and put my heels on before walking over to my dresser and putting my earrings, necklace and bracelet on. I sprayed my Marc Jacobs perfume on and grabbed my small pink crossbody purse. I slipped my ID, cash, cards and a few other small necessities in it before grabbing my pink blazer. I wasn't going to fully wear it, I was just going to wear it across my shoulders until I got tired of it. "Damn bestie!" I heard Delilah say. I turned around and laughed as she looked me over. "You look good. You're definitely bringing somebody back home tonight." She said. I laughed as I nodded.

"You know, the more I think about it the more I'm actually excited to meet someone. Somebody I can call for dick whenever I need or want it, and then send him on his merry ass way." I laughed. She laughed as she nodded.

"That doesn't sound like a bad idea at all to be honest." She said as she thought about it. "Yeah, let's get out of here. All the fine men will be there soon." She said as she grabbed her purse and keys. I nodded as I put my purse across my chest before turning my room light off and we walked out. Once we got downstairs we walked out the front door and I locked it before walking over to her car. "Ready for a night to remember?" She asked as she started it up. I laughed as I nodded as we put our seatbelts on.

"More than ready." I laughed as she reversed out of my driveway and sped off down the street. Instead of going to a club we ended up going to a lounge, and I was perfectly okay with that because we didn't have to worry about sweaty bodies and being claustrophobic.

"Damn Lani, if I was into girls I'd take you home myself." Xavier complimented me as Delilah and I walked over to the section that he was sitting in with Mina. I laughed as I gave him a hug.

"Thank you boo." I said before I gave Mina a hug. "Hey love bug." I said to her.

"Wassup sexy mama?" She said as she hugged me back. "They told me what happened. I'm sorry I didn't come with them today, we had corporate at the office today and they're strict about us not being on our phones when they come. How are you holding up?" She asked. I smiled as I waved her off.

"It's okay, and I'm feeling a little bit better. I've been crying all week so I'm slowly getting it out of my system. But that's why we're here tonight so that I can get it out completely." I said. She nodded.

"And we're going to make sure that happens. They filled me in on 'Operation Get Lani Some Real Dick'." She said. I looked at Delilah and Xavier and they started busting out laughing. I laughed as I rolled my eyes as I finally sat down.

"I didn't know they gave it a name, but that's the plan." I laughed. We all laughed as they started passing the hookah around before we ordered drinks. We were throwing shots back left and right before I started looking around. A few guys caught my eye but they all had a girl on their arm. "I'll be back." I said as I stood up and made my way to the bathroom. I felt eyes on me as I was walking and I looked around until I found the culprit. Well I wasn't too sure actually. I saw some guy sitting with a group of friends and he was wearing shades but it's like I could feel his stare through his glasses. To make sure I wasn't tripping I licked my lips and smirked at him. I got confirmation that he was indeed staring at me when I saw him smirk back at me as he leaned back in his seat and put his cup to his mouth. Oddly enough, we were definitely making eye contact through his glasses. I instinctively bit my lip as I checked him out. I couldn't make out much of his outfit since he was sitting down but from what I could see he was wearing some black jeans, a white Armani shirt with the logo going across the chest and his shades. He smirked and raised his drink at me before engaging in conversation with his friends. I smirked and shook my head as I continued making my way to the bathroom.

I made it to the bathroom and looked at myself in the mirror. I didn't have to use the bathroom, I just needed to make sure I still looked good. Plus, I don't use the bathrooms in public places except for work since I know those bathrooms are cleaned multiple times a day. I touched up my lipgloss and ran my hands through my now straight hair before leaving out of the bathroom and making my way back over to my friends.

"Sis you have quite a few guys checking for you." Xavier said as I sat down. I looked around and noticed a few guys looking in our direction. My eyes flickered over to where mystery guy was and I laughed softly. Not only did we make eye contact again, but he's in my direct line of view if I look directly between Mina and Xavier's heads.

"Eh, they're alright." I shrugged. And it was true. None of them, looks wise, could hold my attention like mystery guy. "Come on, let's go dance." I said as I downed my seventh shot before standing up. Delilah grabbed my hand and we all made our way to the dance floor. I laughed as Xavier took my hand from Delilah and brought me in front of him and held my waist. I danced on him for a little bit before I bent over and twerked in front of him as Back That Ass Up blared through the speakers.

"Zachary would probably think we had something going on if he saw how you were just dancing on me." Xavier yelled over the music once the song switched and I stood up straight and faced him. I laughed as I wrapped my arms around his neck and he wrapped one of his around my waist as he sipped some of his drink.

"I don't think so. Zachary knows I will go off so quick because he knows how close me and you are so I don't think he would say anything." I said. He laughed and nodded as he looked over my shoulder.

"Ooh bitch, don't look now but there's a fine ass man sitting over there. I don't see a woman on his arm, so you better move quick." Zachary said as he looked behind me. I laughed as I turned around and saw mystery guy laughing with his homeboys as one of them was talking.

"Okay. But I need like two or three more shots first. Liquid courage." I said. He laughed and nodded as we linked arms before making our way over to the bar.

"Can we get six shots of vodka, love?" He asked the bartender. She nodded as she walked away and went to pour the shots before bring them back.

"Thank you." I smiled at her. She smiled and nodded before going to help another customer. Xavier and I clinked our glasses before downing three shots each. "Okay, I think I'm ready." I said. He nodded as he looked over my shoulder and smiled.

"Good because his homeboys just walked away with some females so here's your chance." He said. I nodded as I gave myself a pep talk before glancing back over my shoulder at him. By now he had pulled his phone out and was scrolling on it. I looked at Xavier and he nodded before I stood up and started making my way over to him. When I got there I sat next to him, making him glance at me before doing a double take.

"Hey." I said as I flashed a smile. He looked me over before he looked into my eyes and smirked.

"Wassup mama?" He asked as he locked his phone and slid it into his pocket. I crossed my left leg over my right leg and cleared my throat. This man was even more fine up close and he smelled so good.

"Just vibing with my friends." I said as I shrugged. "Wanna dance?" I asked him. He rubbed his hands over his waves and chuckled as he shook his head.

"I don't dance mama." He said. I smirked.

"Come on. Just one dance. It's not gonna hurt you." I said as I placed my hand on his thigh. "Or, I could give you a dance." I said as I started rubbing his thigh. He chuckled as he smirked.

"I'll go with the latter." He said. I laughed softly as I nodded. I stood up and straddled his lap with my back facing him as the song changed to a slower song. I put my hands on his knees and leaned forward a bit as I started grinding on him. I smiled to myself when I felt him grab my waist. I stayed in that position for a few more songs before I turned around faced him. I wrapped my arms around his neck and looked at him. He was already looking at me and I smirked as he placed his hands on both of my thighs and rubbed them. "What's your name?" He asked. I could feel myself getting wetter by the second as he rubbed my thighs and went a little higher each time.

"Alani. You?" I asked him.

"Marcus." He said. I nodded as I could feel him getting hard underneath me. "What brings you out tonight?" He asked.

"Just trying to clear my head. What about you?" I asked him.

"Shit the same if I'm honest." He chuckled. I laughed softly as I nodded. I continued to dance on him as we kept eye contact and I didn't even realize his hands had found their way under my skirt. I moaned softly as I felt one of his fingers rubbing slowly against my covered clit. I felt his fingers tugging at my thong and he bit his lip as looked at me. "May I?" He asked. I didn't know what he was asking for but I just nodded anyways. Luckily we were in a secluded area, people could see us but they couldn't see what he was doing. He pushed my thong to the side and rubbed his thumb over my clit. I leaned forward and placed my head on his shoulder as I kissed his neck. He teased me as he ran one of his fingers over my slit.

"Stop teasing me." I whispered in his ear. He chuckled softly as he kissed my shoulder.

"I got you." He said before he took his middle and ringer finger in slid them in me. I moaned as he pumped his fingers in and out of me as he grabbed the back of my neck with one hand and brought my head closer to him. He kissed and sucked on my neck as I closed my eyes and rode his fingers. He kissed from my neck up to my jaw before grabbing my chin and bringing our faces close to each other. We made eye contact and that alone had me ready to cum.

"Fuck, I'm gonna cum." I said as he sped his fingers up. He gently grabbed my neck and brought my face down to his and he kissed me as I started cumming. I moaned into the kiss as I rode out my orgasm. Instead of pulling away from the kiss after my orgasm I grabbed his jaw and slid my tongue in his mouth. I moaned as he gently bit and sucked on it before I pulled away.

"You tryna get out of here?" He whispered in my ear. I nodded as I looked at him.

"Yeah, let's go." I said. He nodded as I stood up and he grabbed his cup and downed the rest of his drink before standing up. I grabbed my purse and put it over my body before he grabbed my hand and let me out of his section and we walked towards the exit. I pulled my phone out of my purse and sent a quick text in the group chat letting them know that I was leaving and that I would text them when I got home.

Marcus led me over to his car. He unlocked the doors to his Jeep and helped me into the passenger seat before going to get in on the drivers side. He started the car up and glanced over at me. "You ready?" He asked. I nodded as we buckled up.

"It's now or never." I said. He smirked as he placed his hand on my thigh and sped out of the parking lot.

To be continued...

Here's chapter one, let me know what you guys think! Next chapter will be in Marcus' POV and it'll show how he found out his wife was cheating and everything that led up to him meeting Alani. The chapter after that will be a continuation of this chapter once they get to Alani's house.

- Bri 💋✨


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