Wild Dog (mxm) (Rever series...

By TheoryKierei

239K 22K 5K

Blake did the last thing he could possibly think of to escape an addictive, abusive relationship. He dropped... More

Wild Dog 1
Wild Dog 2
Wild Dog 3
Wild Dog 4
Wild Dog 5
Wild Dog 6
Wild Dog 7
Wild Dog 8
Wild Dog 9
Wild Dog 10
Wild Dog 11
Wild Dog 12
Wild Dog 13
Wild Dog 14
Wild Dog 15
Wild Dog 16
Wild Dog 17
Wild Dog 18
Wild Dog 19
Wild Dog 20
Wild Dog 21
Wild Dog 22
Wild Dog 23
Wild Dog 24
Wild Dog 25 Fixed
Wild Dog 26
Wild Dog 27
Wild Dog 28
Wild Dog 29
Wild Dog 30
Wild Dog 31
Wild Dog 32
Wild Dog 33
Wild Dog 34
Wild Dog 35
Wild Dog 36
Wild Dog 37
Wild Dog 39
Wild Dog 40
Wild Dog 41
Wild Dog 42
Wild Dog 43
Wild Dog 44
Wild Dog 45
Wild Dog 46
Wild Dog 47
Wild Dog 48
Wild Dog 49
Epilogue 2

Wild Dog 38

3.4K 371 80
By TheoryKierei

Blake knew that he'd wiggled himself out of Wyatt's hold at some point during the night. He'd loved being held, but at the same time, he'd had a pretty bad nightmare and had just needed some space. He was honestly quite glad that he'd scooted away a bit, because now, as he turned over to face his master, yawning quietly in the process, he noticed something that had his mouth slowly closing. 

That's... not a bat. 

Blake very slowly pushed himself up so that he could get a good look at the two other men still sound asleep in the bed before him. He knew that Sage wasn't technically allowed to sleep with them, but Wyatt had been very lenient since Sage had remained a bat for the entire night. Peppermint had been stubborn and, to Blake's surprise, made Wyatt cave without a whole lot of effort. 

He'd happily snuggled himself into Wyatt's hair before they all quickly fell asleep. Now, however, the bat was gone, leaving its handsome, much-larger human self in bed with them. It was an extremely rare opportunity, and he wasn't about to let it slip by. 

His eyes greedily took in what he could see of the man's naked, well-toned body. Sage wasn't bashful at all in his sleep, or in general, really. He was absolutely glued to Wyatt's back with one arm draped over the man's chest to settle against Wyatt's warm skin. 

He had no doubt that he was holding the man against him intentionally. It was clear enough to him that Sage liked master Wyatt just as much, if not more, than he himself, did. 

Sage's leg was nudged between Wyatt's nonchalantly and he had his face tucked out of view, likely resting his forehead against the man's warm back. 

They're so cute together. 

He was just about to quietly climb out of bed when he felt a nudge in the back of his mind. 

I've waited so many years just to be able to hug him to me like this. 

Blake felt his smile grow on his face as he watched Sage slowly beginning to wake up. His words had been a bit fuzzy in his thoughts, so it was no surprise that it took him a bit to finally remove his arm from around Wyatt's chest, then push himself up with a big yawn. 

Licking his lips at the sight of the man's bare chest, Blake fought himself not to move closer. It helped when Sage lifted a finger to press against his own lips, signaling that they needed to be quiet. 

Our love is still resting. 

Blake quickly but silently nodded, even though he knew that the man couldn't see the gesture. He understood that they definitely shouldn't wake Wyatt yet. He watched as Sage got up, then walked over to a laundry basket of clean clothing that they hadn't gotten to yet. 

He picked up a pair of black and white bunny boxers from the mess of clothes and winked over his shoulder before tugging them on. They were a bit tight, but no one was complaining. At least he'd put something on. 

He watched Sage turn and walk toward the door, making Blake hurry from the bed and quickly but quietly follow him. He nudged the door closed once he stepped out, then turned around when he heard sounds from the little kitchen area behind him. 

The man was just finishing setting a pan and two pots on the stove when he walked over. 

"Here, babe," Sage said as he handed him three potatoes. 

Glad to help, Blake got busy washing, then slicing the potatoes. By the time he was done Sage had eggs poaching in one pot as the other was gently simmering a butter-type sauce. 

"The potatoes, love."

Blake snapped himself out of his thoughts and hurried to offer the stacked potato slices to Sage. The guy smiled and gave his thanks as he tossed them into the pan that he'd been melting butter in. Once he was finished adding them he seemed to realize something and quickly stepped over to the fridge. 

"Ah ha," he said as he reached in and retrieved half an onion. 

He quickly rinsed it off, then chopped it faster than even Blake would have been comfortable with. 

Wait a second... he's humming. 

"You... just used echolocation to chop that onion as fast as a master chef," he noted in awe, earning a smirk from the man... and a slight blush. 

He's blushing? 

He hadn't expected the man's cheeks to tint pink at such a comment, but there was no hiding the response he was giving. 

"I've always wanted to be a chef," he said quietly as he added the onions to the potatoes. 

They began to sizzle immediately, absorbing some of the butter still in the pan. It smelled like heaven. 

Blake watched for a moment longer before he looked back up at Sage. 

"Is there anything else I can help with?" he asked, wanting to be of use. 

Sage nodded to the pot on his right and Blake quickly moved around him. 

"Can you stir that every few moments please?" 

Blake quickly nodded and picked up the wooden spoon Sage had been using for the liquid in the pot and began stirring gently. While he was busy, Sage made nine pieces of toast, then fished out the poached eggs from the other pot. 

By the time that was done and Sage had settled the eggs atop the toast, Blake was about ready to die from hunger. He finally recognized what meal the man was making, but he'd only ever had it once in a long while. 

"Let me see that sauce, love. It smells like it's done," Sage said, making Blake stop stirring and remove the wooden spoon, then hand the pot over. 

Watching Sage pour the delicious-smelling sauce over the poached eggs and toast made his mouth water further. When he added the potatoes and caramelized onions to the side and added a bit of salt and pepper, Blake wanted to steal the plate. 

"Don't worry, there's plenty. Want to go wake up your handsome man for some breakfast in bed?" Sage said with a wink. 

That's a great idea!

Blake carefully took the tray Sage had settled the plate and a fork on, as well as a small glass of orange juice, then hurried into Wyatt's bedroom. The man was still sleeping soundly, adorably curled up now that he wasn't being held. 

"Master Wyatt," he called quietly at first. 

The man didn't move, so he took a step closer and called again. That seemed to wake him up a little as he nuzzled against his pillow with a quiet moan. 

He really is the cutest. 

"Master Wyatt, I brought you some breakfast," he said as he finally walked around to the side of the bed the man was closest to. 

The guy sighed contently before finally opening his eyes. He then slowly rolled over so that he could see him. A smile immediately settled on Wyatt's lips as he got himself into a sitting position, then covered his mouth as he yawned. When he finished, he seemed a bit more awake, so Blake carefully helped him situate the tray in his lap, then snuck a kiss in as he leaned back up. 

"Master Sage cooked," he said cheerfully as Wyatt picked up the fork and carefully cut himself a delicious piece of the benedict. 

Instead of responding verbally, Blake sensed the man in the back of his mind. 

This is fantastic. Go get some, love. 

Blake nodded and hurried from the room. Sage had his own tray of food ready and waiting and handed it to him with a warm smile before turning to fix his own. 


Somehow, he could tell that the guy wasn't going to come back into the bedroom to eat with them. It was the respectful thing to do, especially since he'd gotten to sleep with them earlier because of his bat. He wouldn't invite himself to their little moment, even if he'd cooked for them. 

Master Wyatt? 

He felt the man's mind fluctuate slightly within his own, letting him know that he could hear him. It honestly made him grin a little. His manners were quite impressive. He wouldn't even think to him much with his mouth full. 

Would it be okay if Sage sat with us? 

He knew that Timmy wasn't the biggest fan of the guy being around him, but he also knew that Wyatt definitely wasn't against being close to Sage. Heck, he'd said that they'd known each other and been good friends since high school. When the silence between them stretched on and Sage looked about done making his plate, Blake figured that it wasn't likely to happen. 

Except, then he heard Wyatt's voice in his mind once more. 

Timmy will allow it... if you sit in my lap. 

Blake couldn't hide his wide grin as he quickly turned to Sage, who was, as he'd expected, heading toward the couch, and spoke. 

"You can come eat with us if you'd like, master Sage." 

The guy paused by the arm of the couch and turned around with a surprised, hopeful expression. 

"Really?" he asked, sounding honestly shocked. 

Blake walked over to Wyatt's open door as he replied, "yes sir. I just, uh... have to sit in his lap. That was Timmy's stipulation." 

Fighting back a smirk that he was clearly failing at, Sage gave a deep chuckle and walked over. 

"I gladly accept his Fluffiness's stipulation." 

Blake nodded and hurried inside. He was a bit surprised to see that Wyatt had already finished his entire meal, cleaned the plate and set the tray aside on the nightstand before he even got back over to him. 

"Wow, that was fast," he said as he walked over and carefully settled himself into Wyatt's lap with the guy's help. 

Right as he got comfortable Sage dropped down onto the bed, but instead of sitting beside them, he got himself situated up against the pillows. The man seemed to truly be a master of enjoying the concept of breakfast in bed. 

Blake watched Wyatt look over his shoulder at the man, then give a quiet chuckle, but that didn't really catch his attention. At least, not as much as the smooth bit of warm skin that action exposed of his neck. 


Without really thinking too much into it, Blake leaned back just enough to press a kiss to that warm skin. He quickly retreated when Wyatt jumped slightly in response, then returned his attention to him with a raised eyebrow. 

Blake just licked his lips and turned to face away before he could get chastised for his abrupt action... if Wyatt even intended to scold him. 

Babe, I bet you he's over the moon. Any attention from you is his drug, even if he wasn't expecting it. 

Blake felt his face warm as he quickly got busy devouring his own meal. 

This is fantastic, he replied after a few moments. 

"He really is a fantastic cook," Wyatt responded, surprising him a little that he'd heard him. 

The arm the man had wrapped around his waist tightened the slightest bit as Wyatt looked over his shoulder again. 

"Thank you for making breakfast," he said sincerely. 

Yes, thank you! Blake chimed in mentally. 

"You're both welcome. I love cooking when I'm in a great mood," he said with what sounded like a hint of flirting to his words. 

Wyatt tilted his head a little, clearly considering his words carefully. 

"It's rare that I see Sage in such a great mood," he said, sparing the man another glance. 

Blake heard Sage put his tray on the other nightstand and figured that he was done, too. 

"Wait a second... you're wearing my underwear," Wyatt said, his tone hard to read. 

Sage, of course, took that opportunity to mess with him. Blake could hear him moving on the bed as he spoke without an ounce of hesitation. 

"Oh right, I can take them off. One sec." 

Wyatt quickly turned back to facing forward as his cheeks warmed. 

"It's fine. Just wash them and bring them back next time," he hurried to mumble out. 

Blake, having finally finished his own food, got up and collected their trays and brought them back to the kitchen. He then unloaded and loaded the dishwasher and scrubbed out the sink. Once that was done, he hesitated. 

They're... still not out here? 

Curious, he considered nudging his mind into the theirs' in order to try and figure out what might be going on, but he quickly decided against it. He didn't want to intrude on personal thoughts if they weren't meant for him. He did, however, want to make sure that everything was okay, so he slowly walked to the side, but not forward. 

He moved until he was able to get the bed in his line of sight, then froze abruptly when he saw what had happened. His heartbeat quickly began to speed up and even though he felt like he should look away, his eyes refused to even blink. 


Sage turned his head where it rested on his hands as he hummed for a moment. He looked quite comfortable on his back even though Wyatt was sitting right on top of his chest. 

"Hey love, sorry we got distracted." 

Is that what you're calling it? 

Wyatt quickly scooted off of Sage, but before he could get off the bed, the other guy snagged his arm with one hand and yanked him backwards! At the same time he rotated his body and spun around, easily pinning Wyatt's wrists above his head as he straddled his torso. 


"Sorry love, you did great, but I want to impress your babe, too," Sage said playfully, earning an eyeroll from Wyatt before he slowly moved one of his legs upward, then gently nudged it against the Sage's firm abdomen. 

Sage took the obvious hint and rolled off of him, then hurried to get off his bed and walk into the bathroom. 

Blake watched the two in silence until Wyatt finally sat up, then looked over at him. Sensing the silent request to come to him, he hurried forward and didn't hesitate to climb into the man's arms and straddle his lap on the bed. 

"He's not that impressive, right love?" Wyatt asked as he began to sift his fingers through Blake's short hair as his other hand firmly massaged its way up his lower back. 

Blake didn't hesitate to lift one of his own hands and begin playing with Wyatt's right nipple. 

"Mm, I don't know. He's pretty cool for such a batty guy," he said as he glanced up at Wyatt sheepishly. 

His master was clearly not impressed with his humor, if his nonplussed expression was anything to consider. 

"U-uh... okay, that was bad. How about; his words echo with me?" 

Wyatt's expression turned even more sour. 

Instead of letting him try a third pun, Wyatt leaned forward and firmly sealed his lips over Blake's. Of course, he was totally okay with not getting his last pun in if it meant getting a yummy kiss from his man. 

Said kiss deepened quickly, making them both begin to pant as they turned their heads here and there, trying to get closer each time they separated to take in a hurried breath of air. By the time they stopped because they were both struggling to breathe, Wyatt was back to being on his back and Blake was resting comfortably on his chest. 

Damn, that was nice. 

He rested where he was for several moments until he felt Wyatt move beneath him, eventually bringing them both back up into a sitting position. Blake expected the guy to look back down at him and possibly try for another round, but when he noticed him looking forward over his shoulder and into the bathroom, he realized something. 

Oh... we just did that in front of Sage. 

Right as he glanced over his own shoulder, Blake heard the man respond to Wyatt's firm gaze. 

"Don't mind me. Was just gonna rinse off before heading back home. Besides, I can't see anything," he said with a wink. 

Wyatt pursed his lips and shook his head as he sighed. 

"How many times did we just kiss?" 

Sage didn't hesitate at all in his response. 


"What hand did I have in his hair?" 


"Where was my other hand?"

"His back, moving upward at approximately an inch every other second." 

Wyatt groaned, making Blake turn around in his lap so that he could see Sage easier. 

"Behave, you," Blake said at the same time Sage offered him a wide grin, then turned around and got the shower going. 

He honestly couldn't help but smile at the man before he turned to look back over his shoulder at his master. 


He quickly hid his own growing smirk as he settled comfortably against Wyatt's chest, not wanting to draw his attention quite yet. He'd expected the man to be focusing on him, having had enough of Sage's little jabs for the time being, but to his surprise, and interest, Wyatt was still staring quite intently at Sage as the man finally stripped off his borrowed pair of underwear and hopped in the shower. 

The moment Blake heard the curtain finally being pulled back into place, Wyatt snapped out of his daze and looked down at him. His eyes were soft and warm as they stared at him lovingly, but there was no way he'd miss the other emotion that was being nudged to the back of the man's expression quickly. 

He kept his thoughts to himself, but they bounced around in his mind like a Ping-Pong ball as they slowly began to kiss again. 

Someone's a curious little bunny. 

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