The Baby Project. C.H. (A.U.)

By Foreverattached

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"This is no ordinary thing, our love." -SEQUEL TO THE BOYFRIEND PROJECT.- More

The Baby Project.
One // Home.
Two // Unexpected Surprises.
Three // Reunions.
Four // Intoxicated.
Five // Old and New.
Six // Truth.
Seven // Unanswered.
Eight // Christmas Eve.
Nine // Home Truths.
Ten // Heart to Heart.
Eleven // Positive.
Twelve // New Life
Thirteen // Reflect.
Fourteen // Luck.
Fifteen // Secrets.
Sixteen // Grudges.
Seventeen // Reality.
Eighteen // Bliss.
Twenty // Starting over.
Twenty One // Paint.
Twenty Two // Revelations.
Twenty Three // Ache.
Twenty Four // Struggle.
Twenty Five // Engagement.
Twenty Six // A little bit of normal.
Twenty Seven // Dangerous Territory.
Twenty Eight // Break Down.
Twenty Nine // Reunited.
Thirty // Better late than never.
Thirty One // Toothy Grins.
Thirty Two // Ours.
Official Playlist (Plus More!)
Thirty Three // Confession.
Thirty-Four // Communication.
Thirty Five // Breakups.
Thirty Six // Family Dinners.
Thirty Seven // Connected.
Who's who.
Thirty Eight // Ghosts.
Thirty Nine // Homecoming.
Forty // Taking Sides.
Forty One // Youth.
Forty Two // Making Plans.
Forty Three // Meetings.
Forty Four // Reveals.
Forty Five // Gifts.
-Let me know-
Forty Six // Birthdays.
Forty Seven // Details.
Forty Eight // Bachelorette. (Genie)
Forty Eight // Bachelor. (Calum)
Forty Nine // Before we say I do.
Fifty // I Do (Genie)
Fifty // I Do (Calum)
Fifty One // Honeymoon.
Fifty Two // Birdie.
Fifty Three // Rapture.
Fifty Four // Family Blowout.
Fifty Five // Apple Seed.
Important authors note!
Fifty Six // Across the world and back.
Fifty Seven // Dirty Laundry.
Fifty Eight // First Birthdays.
Fifty Nine // Pleasure.
Sixty // Mended.
Sixty One // Bubble.
Sixty Two // Baby Blues.
Update on updates.
Sixty Three // Olive Branches.
Sixty four // Chocolate Chip.

Nineteen // Decsions.

9K 253 105
By Foreverattached

"So I've been thinking." I say getting Calum's attention. We were currently laying in our very cosy blanket fort after just having dinner. For the first time today I was feeling completely full and me and the baby were both feeling content.

"Should I be worried?" Calum asks with a grin and I roll my eyes at him.


"Okay good. So what have you been thinking about?" Calum asks reaching down and lifting my shirt up just so that he could see my stomach, he then places one of his hands on top of it which makes my heart flutter.

Calum was honestly going to be the best dad.

"I was thinking that maybe we should tell Luke first and separate from everyone else just because of what he's been going through." I explain. I knew that Luke would be happy for us regardless of what was going on but I just wanted to be considerate of his feelings.

"Yeah I think that would be a good idea." Calum smiles. "So I haven't been thinking."

"That's a shock." I tease. "What have you not been thinking about?"

"How we're going to tell everyone about bubs." Calum says making a valid point because truthfully I didn't know how to tell everyone either. I just knew that I wanted to do it in a creative way.

"Hmm I haven't been thinking about that either." I admit and Calum grins.

"I could just blurt it out like I did when we were 'fake dating.'" I can't help but laugh at the memory. I thought that Calum had some sort of plan that night when obviously he didn't, lucky for us everyone took it well.

"Yeah maybe not."

"Okay well how about we have a think and then on Friday we'll decide?" Calum suggest and that sounds like a good idea to me.

"Deal." I tell him turning to my side so that I was facing him. Calum's eyes drop down to my stomach as he trails his fingers along it.

"I can't wait till you have a big belly."

"Really?" I ask him feeling amused. It was quite odd that Calum couldn't wait for me to be as big as a house but also insanely cute.

"Yes really. I mean how cool is it that our baby is literally growing inside." Calum beams and I can't help but grin at him. "I mean I wish I could spend nine months inside of you."

"You have issues." I tell him scrunching up my nose while he laughs at his crude comment.

"It had to be said." Calum shrugs innocently and I playfully roll my eyes at him. "Any way like I was saying, it just the best thing in the world to know that you're carrying something that we made...something that our love made you know?"

"Yeah. It's pretty incredible." I exhale. From the time I knew about the birds and the bees I had imagined the day where I would have little ones running around that were half of me and half of the person I love and now in nine months time I was finally going to have that.

It was overwhelming in a sense because it had been something I had wanted for so long and now I was finally getting it. I couldn't even count the amount times I thought about who the baby was going to or what he or she would be like.

I just couldn't wait to meet this little person.

To meet Calum and I's very own bundle of love.

"It's funny you know." Calum says and frown at him.

"What is?" I ask curiously.

"I have a new found appreciation for sex." Calum admits with a smirk and I have to snort at him.

"Who knew that was possible?" I tease him and he grins at me goofily.

"Yeah. Who knew?" Calum says letting out a content sigh. "So I actually wanted to ask you about a certain something."

"Oh?" I raise my eyebrows at him.
This had certainly peeked my interest.

"I know you're trying to avoid marrying me and all but need to start planning our wedding sometime soon."

"I'm not avoiding anything Hood, hell I would marry you tomorrow if I could." I tell him. I knew he was only joking but that didn't make what I says any more truthful.

"Lets get married tomorrow then." Calum says casually.

"There's only one problem with that." I point out and Calum raises his eyebrows at me. "I don't think it would even be possible for me to find a dress and I need to find the perfect one." Most girls dream about their wedding day and what their dress would look like, I of course was no exception.

"We could just get married naked." Calum chuckles and I shake my head at him.

"As much as you loved that, I don't think anyone else would."

"Hmm I guess." Calum murmurs.

"Why are you in a rush to get married?"

"I'm not Genie. I just can't wait to be able to call you my wife." My heart literally wants to burst out of my chest at his words.

"And I can't wait to be able to call you my husband."


My eyes flutter open as a huge yawn escapes my lips. I didn't even remember falling asleep last night so I guess I was more tired then I thought.

A smile creeps it's way to my lips as the first thing I see is a peacefully sleeping Calum. My heart warms at the sight of him and I can't help but feel giddy. Most of the I felt like I was living a teenage dream.

I had hope that I would be one of the lucky ones who find a love that consumed me and I did. I found that with Calum and I honestly couldn't be more happier.

"I love you." I whisper pressing a kiss to the tip of his nose. He looked so adorable when he sleeked that I didn't have the heart to wake him so instead I carefully remove his arm that was draped over my waist and then crawl out of our blanket fort.

As I go to walk upstairs I'm greeted by my other boy who I loved to death.

"Hey Walker." I smile bending down to give him a pat. "I'm sure you enjoyed having the bed to yourself last night." We had at one point taken Walker into the fort with us but he had other plans and left a couple minutes later.

"Lets get you some breakfast." I murmur before picking him up and taking him to the kitchen.

Once Walker was happily eating away I made upstairs to the bathroom so I can brush my teeth and hopefully get a quick shower in while Calum was still sleeping.

As I'm brushing my teeth though I hear Calum call my out my name. Well theres that idea gone, but maybe I could just shower with Calum instead?

"In here." I yell out once I had finished. I place my tooth brush back in the holder and turn around just as Calum's entering the bathroom.

"Morning." Calum chums happily.

"Good morning to you too." I smile at him as he wraps his arms around my waist and pulls me in for a hug. "I still don't like waking up and you not being there."

"I know but you look way too cute sleeping that I never wanna wake you." I tell him and he chuckles pulling back so that he was standing face to face with me.

"I called Luke before." Calum says. "He's going to come over sometime this afternoon."

"Okay good." I was actually really excited to tell Luke our news, Calum and I had spent so much time with him over the last year and were closer then ever. Not to mention that Luke was absolutely terrific with kids.

"I can't wait to tell him." Calum presses a kiss to my forehead before releasing his grip on me and turning to the basin to brush his teeth.

"Yeah, me too." I murmur letting out a yawn. This pregnancy was tiring already and it was only the beginning. "I fell asleep on you last night right?"

"Uh huh." Calum manages and I feel a little bad. I really didn't remember falling asleep but I did remember that Calum and I didn't exactly get the chance to do anything last night.

A smirk finds it's way to my face as open the shower door and then the nozzle. I then strip myself of my clothes and stand there waiting for Calum to turn my way, which he does a couple seconds later.

A giggle escapes my lips as his eyes widen and he drops his toothbrush into the sink.

"Hope you're planning on joining me." I say seductively then step into the shower.

Calum joins me a couple of seconds later wrapping his arms around my waist from behind.I turn myself around, putting my arms around his neck and smile up at him. "Hi."

"Hi." His hands travel down my back, stopping at bum to squeeze my cheeks tightly making me squeal.

"I want to make it up to you." I tell him softly.

We stand there looking at each other for a few seconds before he forcefully shoved me against the shower wall, gripping my waist while my fingers tangle in his hair.

He lips are on mine within seconds, kissing me with every ounce of love and passion he has. His hands roam my body delicately before his hands grip onto my thighs.

His sloppy, open-mouthed kisses travelled from my lips, down my jawline, then to my throat, in which I raised my head and held his neck while he explored that area with his lips. I tried to hold in a moan when he started sucking on the soft skin, his tongue grazing over it afterwards, but as soon as he reaches my sweet spot I can't help but release all the moans that I had desperately been fighting to hold in.

I lift my leg and wrap it around his waist which makes him smirk against my neck.He knew that I was going to collapse any moment, the pleasure that we was giving me was insane and he wasn't even inside me yet. As he continued attacking my neck with his lips, I could feel him tease the area between my legs with his hard length.

"Calum." I groan. I didn't want to wait. I just wanted him, hell I needed him.

He didn't bother with the foreplay, which i was fine with. He was just as desperate for me as I was for him and that provided me with a weird sense of power.

He detaches his lips from my neck and lifts his head to kiss my lips softly. Our tongues met softly as he slowly thrusted into me. I felt a warm breath of my neck and I could tell he was already in euphoria.

"F.ucking hell Genie." He moaned, nuzzling his face into the crook of my neck whilst he still held his grip on my thigh. His biceps beginning were tense around me showing the effects of work-outs.

I moaned loudly, whimpering as he filled me up with everything that he had. He started going deeper and my breath hitched at my throat. "Ohh my god....Cal." I threw my head back, the pleasure violently cursing throughout my whole body.

I felt like I had never been so attached to someone before,My love for him was so unbelievably intoxicating, I had never in all my life felt like this with anyone but Calum.

My legs started to shake beneath me when he went faster, harder and deeper and it was literally impossible for me to keep quiet. A knot was forming in stomach as I could feel myself being pushed closer and closer to the edge.

We were lost in our own little world and I loved it. It only reiterated the fact that Calum was the only person I would ever need. He was the one and had always been and he was all mine.

Our bodies were close to each other, but yet I wanted to be closer which didn't even make sense but I guess love never did, did it?

His movements were starting to become sloppy and I knew that he was getting close.

"I'm gonna come, babe." I breathed out. He came up to my ear, pecking it softly. My back arched off the shower wall when I let out a loud moan, pleasure taking up every fibre of my being. I gripped onto his shoulders, whimpering as my o.rgasm grew closer.

His head flew back, his Adam's apple bobbing down a few times. He let out a shaky laugh, "Please, hold on for me babe..."

I shook my head, denying him. This signalled him to change his pace rapidly. He violently slammed into me, my whole body shaking as white dots clouded my vision. I screamed, my orgasm hitting me like a ton of bricks.

I'm guessing my clenching set him off, because when he let a loud grunt, and he squinted his eyes closed.

"I love you." He grunted, his thrusts were extremely sloppy now. He bit down onto his lip and his head fell forward, his hand resting against the wall for support, his other arm still around my thigh.

We were both spent, out o.rgasms being too strong for the both of us to handle. The water was still hot, showering over us as we held each other closer than ever before.
"That was..." he started but I cut him off.

"Amazing." I moaned back. My legs felt like jelly and I thought I was going to collapse. Calum of course knew my body better then anyone and he held me closer so I wouldn't fall.

"Careful babe."I chuckled, Resting my head against his chest. I could hear his heart beating and it made me think about hearing our babies heartbeat.

I really hoped our baby took after Calum simply because I loved everything about him and I couldn't think of anything better then another version of him.

"I love you." I murmur placing a kiss to his chest. "And I can't wait to marry you and met our baby."

"Me too, Genie and I love you more." Calum tells me and I have giggle.

"Not possible."


"Hello!" I hear Luke yell before the sound of the front door shuts.

"Kitchen." Calum yells hoping off the bench where he had been sitting.

A couple of minutes later Luke comes into the kitchen looking quite happy with himself.

"Hi Luke!" I greet giving him a hug.

"Hey Genie." Luke chuckles. "Hey dude." Luke says to Calum giving him a 'bro' hug.

"Hey thanks for coming." Calum tells him and I have to smile.

"So what's going on?" Luke asks leaning against the bench as Calum comes to stand behind me, wrapping his arms around my waist. His hands resting securely on my stomach.

"That's a good question." Calum says making me frown. I look back at him seeing that he's giving Luke a suspicious look.

"What?" Luke grins innocently.

"Who's the girl?" Calum questions and Luke shrugs acting oblivious.

"What girl?"

"Don't bullshit me Hemmings, I've known you long enough to know when you're whipped."

"I am not whipped!" Luke scoffs and I can't help but smirk at him. Calum was right, there was a definitely a girl in the picture. "You suck." Luke grins letting out a sigh. "Her name is Katie."

"And?" I press wanting to know more.

"And her name is Katie." Luke says and I huff at him. "Is that seriously all you are going to tell us?"

"For now."

"Have you banged her yet?" Calum asks and I turn around only to hit him in the chest though he just looks at me in amusement.

"No." Luke frowns shaking his head at Calum. "Well not yet at least."

"Oh my god." I roll my eyes. "You two are such boys." I unwrap Calum's arms from waist so I can grab a bowl from the cupboard. I was honestly starving.

I can feel Luke's eyes on me as I full my bowl with fruit loops.

"You have enough there Genie?" Luke asks sarcastically. My bowl was maybe overflowing just a little.

"She's allowed man, she is eating for two after all." Calum says and Luke's frown at him before looking at me.

"Wait...what are you...I'm going to be an uncle?!" Luke yells excitedly making Calum and I both laugh.

"Well I am pregnant so yes." I tell him and within he seconds he's scoping me in a hug.

"That's the best news congratulations." Luke says going over and hugging Calum.

"Thanks man." Calum grins happily. He was seriously the cutest.

"So who knows?" Luke asks.

"Just Ashton and Emma." I say. "We're going to tell everyone else once we decide how." I explain and he nods smiling at the two of us.

"We wanted to tell you separately because of Claudia." Calum admits.

"How are you doing with that?" I ask chewing on the inside of my cheek. I hadn't talked to Claudia in awhile so I didn't know what was going on.

"I'm okay." Luke shrugs. "It sucks that I didn't find out from Claudia but we talked things over and we're good I guess. I mean I get why she didn't tell me and everything but I just wish she did you know? She wasn't the only one who lost something."

"Yeah you're absolutely right and I'm sorry that I didn't say anything." I tell him and he waves me off.

"Don't even worry about it Genie, I'm not mad at you, I never was." Luke chuckles. "That was all him." Luke points at Calum who rolls his eyes.

"Yeah,yeah." Calum comes to stand beside me pressing a kiss to my temple.

"I can't believe you two are going to be parents." Luke beams. "That's awesome."

"Thanks Luke." I smile at him. "It is pretty awesome.

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