My Other Half | Minsung

By Unique_Frexa

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"I'm just your servant Minho". "Exactly so you should do as I say". Jisung's life is hectic. He didn't think... More

The Future Sucks
Just your average day
The letter
New Kid
Taken by the Spy
Meeting the others
New job
Learning the ropes
Second in command
Too much to do
Dont stand up
A big event
Setting up
Traula Gang
The deal is off
School or maybe not
Times running out
Bullet wounds
No Mercy
Best rest is stupid
Locked inside
Last light
Not enough blood
My Other Half


8.3K 313 257
By Unique_Frexa

Minho refused to let Jisung out of his sight. The second they made it back, Minho took Jisung straight to his room and got a maid to bring up his clothes he would need.
Everything went so fast that before Jisung knew it he was in his pyjamas in Minhos bed with soup.
Minho was sat on the small sofa next to the bed checking through his phone.
"I can do this is my own room. You don't need to watch over me" Jisung said for about the fifth time.
"No. You are not leaving my sight" Minho didn't look up from his phone "now eat your soup".

Jisung grumbled as he sipped on his soup. Despite a few hours had passed he could still here all the noise of people rushing around the house.
"Why is everyone running about?" Jisung asked.
"We are going into lockdown" Minho said nonchalantly.
"Lockdown!" Jisung choked on his soup and went into a coughing fit.
"Calm down. It's not too bad we just can't leave the house for a few days. Since I refused the offer of one of the most known ruthless gangs we need to stay on lockdown until we make sure there will be no retaliation" Minho said watching as Jisung finished his soup and put it to the side.

Jisung nodded but seemed to look slightly down.
"Is something wrong?" Minho put his phone down and sat on the edge of the bed next to Jisung.
"Well this is all my fault isn't it. If I had listened to your instructions and not gone with her none of this would have happened." Jisung looked like he was about to cry.
"Don't say that. None of this is your fault. They deserved everything they got and more if I had the chance" Minho brushed his hand on Jisung's cheek.
Jisung smiled softly. This was the opposite of Pang. Minhos touch was gentle and kind.

Minho and Jisung looked each other in the eyes and Minho continued to hold Jisungs cheek then leaned closer in towards him.
Minhos lips pressed against Jisung's as he closed his eyes. Wide eyed, Jisung felt the softness of Minhos lips on his.
Minho opened his eyes to see Jisung's surprised expression.
"Close your eyes" Minho said as he leaned in again but Jisung backed away.
"I'm just your servant Minho" he said.
"Exactly so you should do as I say" Minho gave a cheeky smirk.

He moved his hand to hold Jisung's chin and looked at him and mouthed 'close your eyes'.
Jisung slowly closed his eyes and felt Minhos lips touch his again. He laid back into the beds headboard and melted into the kiss. He put his hand on the back of Minhos head while they continued to kiss.

Jisung wished he could have stayed like that forever. He felt warm and loved and all the butterflies in his stomach were going crazy.
Who knows how long it would have lasted if someone hadn't knocked on the door.

Another moment ruined again by the door.

"Who is it?" Minho was visibly annoyed.
"Who do you think it is dumbass" a loud noise came from behind the door.
"Ahh hello Seungmin nice to hear from go away" Minho said and Jisung held in laugh.

"You know I can't do that. You made the scene in the meeting and disagreed so you must know the paperwork that needs doing" Seungmin said from behind the door.
"I'll do it later" Minho laid on Jisung's chest.
"Not later. Now you lazy cat" Hyunjins voice came from behind the door.

"Urrgghhh" Minho got himself off the bed and looked at Jisung.
"I won't be gone for long just need to get some paperwork done and put someone in the air fryer. Do not move" Minho grabbed some tissues and swiftly left the room and Jisung could hear him yelling at Hyunjin who's voice disappears as he ran screaming down the corridor to escape.

Minho walked into Chans office and began signing the papers without even reading them first.
"Your not going to see what they say?" Chan asked.
"They always say the same thing and you always make sure they are correct beforehand anyway" Minho sighed and flicked through the papers.
After that he handed them back back to Chan and saw him giving him a look. Not a normal look but THE look.
"Okay spit it out" Minho said.
Chan chuckled.
"I've never seen you so emotional. That boy must be real special to make you lose your cool like that" Chan said.
"Are you teasing me" Minho raised his eyebrows.
"No just an observation but I've got to ask what you think of him. I have my idea but what's yours" Chan said leaning forward.

"Why are you being so pushy today?" Minho screwed up his face.
"Well it's not everyday something happens with you now is it" Chan stood up and sat on the desk next to Minho.
"Well he's nice" Minho said thinking.
"Nice? That all you got" Chan crossed his arms.
"Stop pressuring me" Minho threw his arms on the chair handles.
Chan let put a little laugh at how annoyed Minho was getting just being on the subject of Jisung.

"You know I was thinking of transferring Jisung to-" Chan began.
"No he's staying with me" Minho objected immediately.
He looked up at Chan to see a evil smile crept up on his face.
Minho stood up pushing the chair back.
"You did that on purpose. You weren't thinking that" Minho accused Chan.
"What I would never" Chan held his hands up in protest and went back around to his desk smiling widely.
Minho jabbed his finger at Chan and left the room leaving Chan to the paperwork.

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