The Mafia's Prostitute (MLM)

By yougaymegaywegay

436K 11.2K 5.1K

Jessi Harper is a loyal man that works for the Italian Mafia, he lives his life like there's no tomorrow and... More

Author's note!!!
New story!!


5.5K 154 62
By yougaymegaywegay

You guys my friend asked me to write a Shrek x Grug fanfic out of nowhere 😂

Do you guys think I should consider it😏😂

Third person:

As Jessi is in the shower , thinking about what happened earlier this morning and about the things that Alice had confessed. He couldn't help but feel quite disappointed that the real reason Alice actually came is, to pay off some dept she had gotten herself into with a very dangerous man.

But she did say that she did this to protect me.

Jessi's thoughts were filled with words that he had tried to convince himself that his sister still loved him and cared for him.

Who wouldn't love him?

As Jessi decided to step out of the shower and wrap a towel around his beautiful waist, his mind still hadn't calmed down as he was overthinking everything.

Just as Jessi had dried himself and put on some clothes that he had left for himself on the bed, he heard a knock on the door and instantly moved his gaze to the noise as he saw Derick entering the room.

"Hey", Jessi softly greeted the man as he walked up to him and took a seat on his bed. Jessi also decided to follow and took a seat right next to Derick as he was reading his facial expression.The two stared at each other in silence for quite a while as neither of them started the conversation.The staring started getting uncomfortable as Jessi decided to clear his throat and clear the very thick tension in the room.

"So", Derick said as his eyes didn't leave Jessi's, staring at him as if he was trying to intimidate the other guy.

Jessi not-so-patiently waited for the other man to finish his sentence as he was tapping his foot on the the ground , silently demanding Derick to hurry up.

"I decided that I will help your sister out by giving her the money that she needs to pay off the dept", Derick said and Jessi's eyes lightened at the good news that he was currently receiving."But, after she's done with paying those people... I figured that keeping her around for now is a very dangerous  idea for us since we don't know what the Spanish mafia's intentions are for us and-", he wanted to finish his ridiculous sentence but the other man budged in.

"So what you're basically saying , is that we should just toss my sister aside?", Jessi questions while looking at him with a intense stare and Derick replies to it with a frown, Jessi scoffs at that.

"You can't be fucking serious, Derick", he says and laughs as he clap his hands loudly, not wanting to believe what his ears were currently hearing. "Jessi, you don't understand, It's dangerous", Derick tried to convince him but Jessi stayed stubborn and refused to listen to the other man's ideas.

"No, no ,NO, I am not doing that!", Jessi yells and Derick finally snaps while standing up and raising his voice at the other man.

"Listen Jessi, I'm doing this for YOUR safety, so all you got to do is pack your fucking bags and listen to what I'm trying to fucking say!", Jessi stares up at Derick , his arms crossed.

Pack my bags?

Where are we going to?

Jessi thought as he silently stared at the man that was standing above him and finally decided to give in as he shut his mouth and listened to Derick, waiting for him to speak.

Derick took this opportunity to finally explain what he actually meant, "What I meant is that we should get ready to take a flight to Italy at exactly 3pm today and while we will be driving on one of my jets, I will put Alice on another plane later today around about 30 minutes later that doesn't belong to me, but don't worry , it's completely safe and secured", Derick explains and Jessi raises his eyebrows as he realises that what he had assumed was actually wrong and that he had made a complete fool out of himself, so instead of interrupting again , he just nodded as he listens to the man that was explaining the plans to him like an obedient little child.

So we're going to Italy...

"Why are we going to Italy specifically?", Jessi can't help but question as the curiosity got the better of him.

"It's better than staying here and being at risk of being attacked by the Spanish mafia, We could fight back but there is no certainty that you would be completely safe", Jessi faintly blushes as he hears those words leave the lips of the other man.

"And I have to deal with more family business", Derick sighs and Jessi's eyes widen in shock." W-wait, you're going to stay at your family's house?", Jessi stupidly asks as his nerves strikes.

"Yes, It's the safest option we have right now", Derick answers back, making the man become even more anxious at the thought of meeting Derick's family... The Marino family.

The most dangerous and highest ranked mafia family , also the most feared and people that have worked with them before could only describe them as vicious and vile beings as they never show remorse to anyone.

And Jessi was about to meet them...

"S-so how's everything going to work?", Jessi questions again, trying to gulp down the anxiety that was silently building up as he was trying seem quite calm but it was not working as Derick easily saw the poor man's nervous face, but he only thought of it as cute.

"My men are going to give the money to the man that your sister is in dept with and I also ordered them to make it clear that she is not going to be involved with the Spanish mafia in any way so that they could stay away from her and the others that she cares about, but they would obviously try to still hurt her and you, which is why we're going to Italy for a week or two", Derick explains this as Jessi nods his head in understanding, and he is also very happy with the fact that Derick decided to take Alice in without throwing her away.

"Thank you", Jessi says as he kisses Derick on his cheek.

"It's my pleasure " ,the handsome man replies.

"Now, you gotta pack in your clothes and get ready for later", Derick says as he decides exit the room and leave Jessi so that he could have some privacy.


Jessi pov:

As we are now making our way to the airport, I can't help but look back at Alice that's waving to me with a big smile on her face, displaying her happiness.

Damn I'm gonna miss that bitch...

I think as I look back to my front and proceed to walk to the jet.

You're literally gonna see her later today , bitch!

A voice in my head screams and I can't help but let out a chuckle at my funny thoughts and as I'm chuckling , one of the guards that are carrying my things ,look over to me.

"Are you okay?", He questions , as he is curious to why I was suddenly laughing to myself and I just look over to him with a goofy smile.

"The voice in my head just said something funny", I honestly reply as I turn my gaze back to my front , still smiling at the random ass thought, but I didn't miss the concerned look that the guard was throwing to my side.

Damn, they already think I'm fucking crazy..

As I'm already inside the jet, taking a seat at the window, I couldn't help but wonder where Derick is right now." Where's Derick?", I ask one of the nearest men and he replies to me:

"He'll be a little late", he turns back to one of his friends and continues their conversation that they were having before, I sigh as I take off my jacket that I was wearing and wrapped it around me to go to Dreamland.

I close my eyes and force myself to lose consciousness...


My eyes open again as I feel myself being shook by someone that's trying to wake me up , I slowly open my eyes to gaze at the person that just woke me up and I see Derick looking down at me with a faint smile on his face.

"We're here", he announces and my eyes widen, "What, already?, When did you even get here?", I question and Derick answers it by letting out another faint chuckle.

"You slept for quite a while, I'm surprised that you didn't even wake up the whole flight", he says and I lift myself up and remove the jacket off of me, now noticing that this is not my jacket around me and that it is much larger than mine, I assume that it is Derick's.

I stand up and give Derick's jacket to him with a smile to show him my appreciation as I take my jacket and put it on before following Derick out of the jet. When we exited the jet , I noticed that it was already darker than before, I hugged my jacket tighter around me as the breeze of the wind instantly hit me.

We walked over to one of the black vehicles, where a man that was wearing a black suit was standing in front of the car, waiting for us.

When we were Infront of the car , the stranger bowed to Derick respectfully and he replied to it by also giving a nod.The man looked over to me and bowed to me too, making me also bowing to him, showing respect as we had greeted each other.

This man was very attractive too...

Not more attractive than Derick though...

Or me...

We finally decide to climb into the car and make our way to the Marino mansion...

Holy shit.


We make our way in as the very huge gates open, so that the car could enter, I stare at the beautiful place in awe as Derick speaks to the driver in Italian.

As the car stops , I immediately get ready to open the door and get out, but before I can, The driver runs to my door and opens it up for me , making me frown in confusion because I thought that the driver would rather open Derick's door as he was the boss basically.

But I smile at the man in appreciation anyway.

I wait for Derick to come to my side and he locks my arms with his, looking me in my eyes." Oh yeah I forgot to tell you, my  sister's kind of a bitch , so don't mind her", Derick says and my eyes widen as I forgot that Derick use to have two sisters.

But now unfortunately only one because of suicide...

"What-", I try to say but I'm disturbed by a voice that comes from the mansion and I look over to find a lady in her late 40's walking over to us with a huge smile on her face as speaks the very language that I struggle to understand.


"Oh figlio mio, quanto mi sei mancato tanto, vieni qui! " , (Oh my son , how I've missed you so very much , come here!) , She says and runs over to Derick and embraces him as she keeps blabbering some more foreign words and I just stand there... Awkwardly watching them.

The lady finally notices me and speaks to me in Italian with a kind smile plastered onto her elegant features,  "Oh ciao, sei un ragazzo così carino, come ti chiami?" (Oh hello, you're such a pretty boy, what's your name?), She says and since I can't understand a word she says , I just stand there and smile at her, hoping that I'm not making a fool out of myself.I see that the woman is looking at me expectantly and my eyes widen in panic as I say the first words that come to mind.

"Non si parla italiano!", ( No talk Italian!) I say one of the only words I know and hold my hands up, trying to convince her that I don't understand but she makes a funny face and covers her mouth, stifling a laugh and I move my gaze to Derick and sees that he does the same, I watch in confusion as these two tries not to laugh at me, clearly finding this situation funny.

"This is a funny one", Derick's mother mutters out in English  with a smile as she stares at Derick with happy eyes.

"So what's your name , darling ", she questions and I happily answer with a smile.

"My name's Jessi , how about your name?", I try to sound as kind as possible with a smile on my face.

"My name is Mariah, but you can just call me M !"she says kindly.

(M is pronounced like Em)

She pulls me in for a warm embrace I happily accept but I soon a hear a female voice as she is approaching us.

"This your new whore?", She says in English , as if she purposely wanted to hurt me.

Keep calm Jessi, you gotta keep calm and act like someone that doesn't cause any trouble!

I think as I slightly clench my jar , moving my eyes to the woman that just insulted me and I hold in those bitter words that wants to escape my mouth so badly.

I'm gonna be a angel today...

For Derick!

I stay silent and look at the girl with a blank stare while Derick speaks to her.

"Angel, control yourself!", He simply says and she rolls her eyes.


What the flying fuck?

More like the daughter of Satan.

"But he is a whore isn't he?", She says again and I try to keep calm stay silent as much as possible , not wanting to ruin my already ruined reputation by cursing out his sister on the first day of meeting her.

This shit is gonna be hard...


You guys are probably wondering why I'm posting so early and honestly... I don't even know why myself.

But anyways ! , I'm trying to finish the story and give it a happy ending...  

Or am I?  😏

Do y'all think this story deserves a happy ending?


And have a nice day further!❤️❤️

Vote for more!

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