Second Chance

Girsgirly द्वारा

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Will Lennox was a soldier. he expected death to happen in the line of work, not in a random Decepticon attack... अधिक

New body, new life
Sitting with Hide
I won't let you take him
First step, forgiveness
Meet Prowl
Speak now
Whats my age again?
Meet Barricade
A rescue awaits
Name trials
Holoform introduction
Family Day
Memories that haunt
Dreamy visit
Drawing the enemy
An alternate mode of transportation
High speed chase
Secrets revealed
My Will to live, returns
My choice is made
A reverse, for now
Visiting Bari
A nap to feel better
Betrayal of a new enemy
Against the rules
No naps allowed
Discovering highgrade
Another night, another dream
Another vision, no a nightmare
A dream against the rules
I see the dead
No better, than Ratchet
The best memories
Crying for the Prime
Wrongfully accused
Another night with Prime
A night with Will
First shopping trip
Bringing home the monster
A chat with the Primes
Revenge of a different kind
Perceptor and Hot Rod
Somewhere only we know
Wheeljacks invention
Missing blanket
A mix with the Matrix
Waking the monster
An unwanted flashback
Introduction to snow
Argument in the snow
The ending is here

Scary story

181 10 9
Girsgirly द्वारा

"hmm?" Wheeljack ask. the sparkling whines again. "you want creator?" Wheeljack asks softly. Reflect nods a little, whining softly. "yeah? alright, come on, we'll go find him. I bet he's in the medbay." Wheeljack assures, getting up carefully.

"the sparkling wants you."

"give me a few minutes. let me soak this blanket in a cleaning solution, then hop in the washracks, I'm nasty."

"no need. I'm on my way down now, need a go through as well, he dumped his cube down me on accident trying to get away from Ironhide."

"away from Ironhide? Jack does he have a fever? Ironhides his favorite bot on the base and he refused him?"

"he's still pretty shaken from whatever scared him and well, Ironhide tried to touch his head. he didn't like it. now he wants you."

"of course he does. he knows most bots will leave him the frag alone when he's with me. Bumblebee and Ironhide are exceptions to that, but I can make them leave him alone and he knows it."

"just wash up alright? we'll be there in a minute."

he cradles the sparkling gently as he walks towards the medbay, rocking the little sparkling in an attempt to soothe him. it doesn't really seem to help, but the sparkling doesn't object, so he doesn't stop. Reflect whines quietly, cuddling to him.

"yeah I know little one. its alright." Wheeljack assures. he walks into the medbay and sits on a berth, waiting for Ratchet. the medic comes out of the washrack, dry, but still had black steaks down his body. "hey, you didn't get all clean." Wheeljack frowns a little.

"I can't get it off. I'll need a cleaning solvent stronger than whats in there. figured I'd come get the sparkling before you bitched you were getting rusty from the energon." Ratchet frowns, carefully taking Reflect.

"he's got some on him too, but I managed to keep most of it off him." Wheeljack frowns.

"I'll wipe him down with a rag, he'll be fine." Ratchet assures. he nuzzles the little sparkling gently, snuggling him. "you alright little one?" Ratchet ask softly. Reflect whines quietly. "okay, you wanna talk?" Ratchet ask.

"no." Reflect mumbles, cuddling him.

"okay thats alright. where's your Ironhide toy?" Ratchet ask.

"Ironhide room." Reflect mumbles.

"okay, well, where are your other toys?" Ratchet ask. Reflect shrugs a little, hugging his neck. "do you want any of them?" Ratchet ask.

"want all..." Reflect whimpers quietly.

"okay. lets go find them." Ratchet murmurs, carrying the sparkling out.

they stop at Ironhides room first, Ratchet knocking firmly on the door.

"enter." Ironhide calls. the medic opens the door and looks over.

"he wants his toy." Ratchet says. Ironhide points to a shelf, across the room. its lined up directly with his berth and has several of Wills items on it.

his hat and flag, given to Ironhide from the military after Wills death, a shell from an exploded firework, a picture of Will grinning and hanging from one of Bumblebees arm, Sams hanging from the other in the picture, all three are grinning sheepishly. Ironhide had popped inside the base to grab something and come back out to the two humans hanging onto Bumblebee as though he were a jungle gym or something. the three had all immediately been sheepish and grinned at him like children. there's a picture of Will on Ironhides holoforms back, grinning at the person taking the picture. Ironhide is smirking at the ground, stumbling a little like he hadn't expected Will to jump on his back, amused and hanging onto his human tightly so he wouldn't fall. Ratchet remembered taking that particular picture. between a picture of Annabelle grinning, showing off a missing tooth, and a picture of Will with purple hair, is the Ironhide toy. Ratchet gets distracted looking through the memories, but Reflect doesn't. he reaches forward, carefully grabbing the toy.

Ironhides optics are immediately on both of them. the sparkling is careful not to touch anything but his toy, but Ratchet reaches to pick up a picture, wanting a closer look. Reflect chirps, smacking at his creators servo with a disapproving look.

"if it ain't yours don't touch it." Ironhide warns. Ratchet pulls his servo back quickly, turning his head. Ironhide is tense, wound tightly like a spring, but doesn't have his canon powered on. most likely because the sparkling is in Ratchets arm and he wouldn't risk hurting Reflect. he didn't trust Ratchet around Wills items anymore.

"I wouldn't have hurt it." Ratchet assures. he vaguely notices the new photo album on Ironhides knee, the mech had probably been looking through it when they came into his room. the moment his optics land on it, so does Ironhides servo, protectively blocking it from his gaze. Ratchet looks up to meet his optic, but Ironhides looking right through him. he's got a mix of anger and wary in his optics, even looking just slightly lost. "right..." Ratchet mutters, stepping away from the shelf. Ironhide twitches, he doesn't flinch he's Ironhide. Ironhide doesn't flinch, or at least thats what he's going to tell himself. he knows if Ratchet decides to fly into another rage, there would be nothing he could do to protect the items on his shelf. Wills things or not, he wouldn't risk hurting the sparkling. he would never risk Reflect like that, he'd willingly let Ratchet destroy his stuff to protect Reflect. "Ironhide I... I never meant to... you know I..." Ratchet tries.

"Ratchet leave Ironhide alone. make sad." Reflect mumbles. Ratchet heaves a sigh, turning to fully face Ironhide.

"I'm an idiot. I got embarrassed and angry. I'm a medic I'm not supposed to hurt anyone, I'm supposed to help. thats literally my main function." Ratchet mutters. "but I certainly didn't help you by hurting something you care for. I know you don't believe me, because I know how you are. stubborn as ever. I know you won't believe me, but I want you to know, I won't let it happen again. I know you would never sink as low as I did. you went after Nitros things from the twins when all they were trying to do was get revenge for you from what I did. you had an opportunity and you didn't take it because you don't want revenge like that. you don't want to destroy something Wheeljack cares about... something that reminds you of someone you care about. but I have a way to make it up to you." Ratchet says. Ironhide gets a sour look on his face.

"make it up to me? you can never fix what you've broken. you can never repair whats been damaged Ratchet." Ironhide spits. Ratchet doesn't flinch at the venom in his voice, but Reflect does, whining quietly. Ironhide immediately glances down at him before shaking his head a little. he huffs a sigh through his vents and frowns. he doesn't want to upset Reflect anymore than he already is, so he attempts to calm himself. "you can't fix this Ratchet. you're a medic. you can't bring Will back to life, you can't build a time machine, you can't fix the book. you can't make me stop hating you with every circuit in my body." Ironhide snaps. there is far less venom to his words this time, his optics are carefully watching Reflect to make sure he doesn't react harshly. the sparklings watching him and hugging his toy tightly. Ironhide glances up at Ratchet. "but that doesn't mean I'd ever break Nitros things. those aren't yours and they're not Jacks. they're Nitros. I wouldn't even be able to apologize to Nitro for breaking his items since he's back on Cybertron, and you certainly can't apologize to Will for breaking his things, since he's fragging dead. so why don't you just beat it? okay? leave me alone. leave Wills things alone. don't look at them. don't touch them. don't even fragging think about them, go it? just run on back to your stupid little medbay." Ironhide snaps, picking the book up gently off his leg. Ratchet doesn't move, watching Ironhide a moment.

"I... you're right. I can't apologize to Will... and I can't fix his book. an apologizing to you won't help. I know. ntohing I can say to ever make up for that. I... don't even know what to say. I just want to say sorry to you and I know that its not going to mean anything... but I also never thanked you." Ratchet murmurs. Ironhide looks confused, finally looking up at him.

"huh..?" Ironhide ask.

"thank you for not sharing that stupid video and for getting Nitros things back." Ratchet murmurs. Ironhides silent a moment.

"get out." Ironhide mutters. Ratchet nods slightly, heading off with the sparkling. Reflect watches over Ratchet shoulder as they leave.

"Reflect cold." he says quietly.

"I know. we'll go warm you up in the medbay, alright?" Ratchet ask. Reflect nods a little, cuddling his toy.

"Ratchet make Ironhide sad." Reflect says, looking up at him.

"I know." Ratchet sighs.

he carries the sparkling into the medbay and cuddles him gently.

"I cold." Reflect whines.

"I know." Ratchet murmurs. they only sit for a few minutes before Ironhide comes in and snatches the sparkling. Ratchet doesn't fight him on it. the mech has a look on his face.

Ironhide carries the sparkling out of the base and transforms around him.

"Ironhide?" Reflect asks, confused.

"I want to show you something sparkling. I've been thinking about it for a while now and right now I'm in a shitty enough mood for me to finally show you." Ironhide murmurs. Reflect looks confused. Ironhide had been thinking of Will. thinking about how he'd seemingly run out of appropriate stories for the sparkling. this one may not be entirely appropriate, but its on that had popped into his mind and he couldn't get it out.

"Ironhide okay?" Reflect ask.

"Earth has many many different seasons Reflect. different things that humans call natural disasters. like rain and snow and things. I would like to tell you about one of the more dangerous things." Ironhide murmurs. he projects a tiny holografic image on his dash. Reflect quickly activates his holoform to lean in for a closer look. "tornados." Ironhide murmurs. "it was just a small team of us" Ironhide starts.

the team of six were simply out training. Ironhide is sitting silently in his alt form, watching the wind blow dirt and sand across the desert. he glances over at the soldiers waiting, until his sensors pick up on something.

"Will, we should pack it up. there's a storm brewing." Ironhide murmurs, rolling up next to the sargeant.

"I think we're okay Hide. little rain won't scare us." Will chuckles. Ironhide grunts a little, rolling past the sargeant. he rolls past the soldiers to watch the sky.

"but he should've listened to me... I almost lost him that day." Ironhide murmurs, looking out at the field where the incident had happened. he and Reflect are sitting in the bed of his alt.

the pelting rain and wind come out of no where.

"Will! hey! we gotta go!" one of the soldiers shouts, pointing to the sky. Ironhide turns his scanners to the sky, looking up. a funnel cloud is almost directly above the truck.

"shit!" Ironhide snaps, activating his holoform as he slams into reverse. he spins around quickly, speeding towards the soldiers. his holoform is ready and standing in the bed of his alt, tail gate down. as he speeds past the first soldier, he yanks him into the bed of his alt, helping him climb over the tail gate. the storm can't hurt him too bad, but the humans could be killed "climb through the back window." Ironhide orders, flinching at the sound of hail against his alt form. his scanners show he has mere seconds to gather the soldiers and get them to safety before the tornado gets them. he grabs the next two the same way, before managing to grab Epps.

"we gotta get Will!" Epps shouts, looking at Ironhide. as if the mech doens't realize his bonded is the only one out there.

"get in the fucking truck!" Ironhide snaps, shoving Ironhide towards his back window. the others had been standing still, but Will was running from the scene. with his team gathered and his fear of tornados present, the man isn't stopping, which means Ironhide is going to have to get up next to him. the winds are picking up. the tornados touched down behind him. he knows it. he speeds up, towards Will. he's going to have to lean over the side to grab Will. there's no way he'll be able to get him safely. he'll risk his holoform falling out or worse, Will falling and not being able to get him. he whips around to the window and leans in, grabbing hold of Epps. "grab me and if you let me and Will fall out I swear to Primus I'll end you." Ironhide snaps.

"sure thing." Epps mutters. he's already soaked and its not like it matters. he leans out the window, gripping hold of Ironhides holoforms waist. the two other soldiers in the backseat grab hold of his legs. Ironhide had taken these things very seriously since he and Will had almost been killed by one years ago.

"when I say let go Epps, you let go and pull back into the window got it?" Ironhide shouts.

"whatever you say man! just grab him and lets get the fuck out of here!" Epps shouts, getting pelted by the overwhelming hail. Ironhides holoform leans out over the side of the truck as he speeds up and beside Will.

"grab my hand idiot! I can't get closer I might hit you!" Ironhide snaps reaching for the soldier.

"are you crazy!?" WIll snaps.

"just stupid! now come on!" Ironhide growls. he dares to get a little closer, but Will refuses to reach back for him. "you can't out run a tornado remember! grab me!" Ironhide snaps, leaning out as far as he can with Epps attatched to him. Will still doesn't attempt to grab onto him, tripping.

"fuck!" Will shouts. Ironhide pushes Epps arms down a little, leaning out over the side a little more.

"let go!" Ironhide shouts, shoving Epps hands off. the soldier reluctantly lets go. Ironhide, with pure luck on his side, manages to snatch Wills vest and yank him into the truck bed. the force throws them both backwards, but Ironhide uses his holoform to protect his lover. "you idiot! grab my hand next time!" Ironhide snaps. he rolls them over, throwing himself onto Wills back and Will onto his stomach in the bed. his holoform is getting pelted, along with his actual body, with golf ball sized hail. he's got to get the man into his alt now. "when I get up I want you to climb into the window as fast as you can okay?" Ironhide ask into his ear.

"no way! I'm not moving!" Will shouts, covering his head.

"baby get in the fucking truck right now!" Ironhide snaps, getting up and yanking Will with him. he shoves him towards the window, not caring about the mud or his soggy seats. he shuts the holoform off only once Will gets inside. the soldier drags muddy boot prints through his cab that will take hours to clean out later, but for now the mech doesn't care. he's got to get out of the path of distruction NOW! Will throws himself into the driverseat, out of respect for the two, no one even took it. one of the other soldiers had sat in anothers lap to make room until Will could get to his seat.

when they finally got back to the base, which had hunkered down in an attempt to protect the human soldiers, Ironhides alt had the hell beat out of it and his wind shield was all but gone. the building is strong enough to withstand the beast outside, but everyone on base has all sought shelter in the medbay, the safest area in the base due to is structure and position. it had been built to withstand the blasts from Wheeljacks lab not far away and was the safest spot.

Ironhide doesn't even make it that far before he all but breaks down, he flings all four doors open.

"get out get to the medbay now its the safest place for all of you." Ironhide orders. four of the five soldiers run off, but Will lingers, determined not to leave the mech alone, but Ironhide doesn't get him a choice. his holoform, beat to hell like his alt, appears and scoops the man up, running him to the medbay. he shoves the man in before fizzling out.

"when it all finally cleared up, we'd been struck by three, but the base was still standing. Ratchet spent hours patching me and the soldiers up. several of them were bloody and beaten up. but there was one thing Ratchet couldn't fix." Ironhide murmurs, holoform standing. Reflect stands, confused, beside him. he turns to face the roof of his cab, scooping the sparkling up carefully. he movtions to a large scratch on the top, letting the sparkling feel it. "I got hit with some debris from the stupid thing and Ratchet never could get it out. Will loved to get up there and look at it, not sure why." Ironhide murmurs. the sparkling is silent.

"because Will love Ironhide... Ironhide not leave without Will, even when he scared." Reflect murmurs, patting the scatch gently. Ironhide smiles at him a little.

"yeah, I'm sure thats what it was." Ironhide murmurs gently, setting the sparkling down.

"why Ironhide tell scary story to me?" Reflect asks, looking at Ironhide, confused. the mech frowns.

"I'm not sure. I've never told anyone that story... I think its because you want more and more stories about Will and I've only ever really told you about the happy soldier life. Will was a soldier but its not all he was little one. he was still human. he got scared too, I got scared that day. I thought for sure I'd lose one of those soldiers, I'd lose Will... but I got lucky. I managed to get them all. I don't think any of them talk about that day either... when I grabbed one of the soldiers, his feet were already coming off the ground. I almost lost him, I could see the fear on his face, the relief when I told him I had him and I wasn't going to let him go." Ironhide murmurs. "I wasn't going to tell you this story Reflect, but... I was having... a mood as Will liked to call them... and its getting about the time of year when that incident happened." Ironhide murmurs.

its quiet between the two for a few minutes.

"Reflect find story scary... and Reflect cold..." Reflect says quietly. Ironhide nods a little.

"lets get back to the base then." Ironhide murmurs.

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