Raising Wonders

By HMPDharma

490 112 48

This is the tale of a young girl and a masked man. A young girl unware of the world. A masked man who has see... More

Chapter 1: It's my job. (Part 1)
Chapter 1: It's my job. (Part 2)
Chapter 2: Chloe.
Chapter 3: Open City (Part 1)
Chapter 3: Open City (Part 2)
Chapter 3: Open City (Part 3)
Chapter 3: Open City (Part 4)
Chapter 3: Open City (Part 5)
Chapter 4: Adventure (Part 1)
Chapter 4: Adventure (Part 2)
Chapter 4: Adventure (Part 3)
Chapter 4: Adventure (Part 4)
Chapter 5: Interference (Part 1)
Chapter 5: Interference (Part 2)
Chapter 5: Interference (Part 3)
Chapter 5: Interference (Part 4)
Chapter 6: Shifting. (Part 1)
Chapter 6: Shifting. (Part 3)
Chapter 6: Shifting. (Part 4)
Chapter 6: Shifting. (Part 5)
Chapter 7: How much do you know? (Part 1)
Chapter 7: How much do you know? (Part 2)
Chapter 8: Responsibility (Part 1)
Chapter 8: Responsibility (Part 2)
Chapter 9: A chance. (Part 1)
Chapter 9: A chance. (Part 2)
Chapter 9: A chance. (Part 3)
Chapter 10: Her story. (Part 1)
Chapter 10: Her story. (Part 2)
Chapter 11: My way (Part 1)
Chapter 11: My way (Part 2)
Chapter 11: My way (Part 3)
Chapter 12: Upside Down (Part 1)
Chapter 12: Upside Down (Part 2)
Chapter 12: Upside Down (Part 3)
Chapter 12: Upside Down (Part 4)
Chapter 12: Upside Down (Part 5)
Chapter 13: Predetermined Chaos. (Part 1)
Chapter 13: Predetermined Chaos. (Part 2)
Chapter 13: Predetermined Chaos. (Part 3)
Chapter 13: Predetermined Chaos. (Part 4)
Chapter 14: Pressure (Part 1)
Chapter 14: Pressure (Part 2)
Chapter 14: Pressure (Part 3)
Chapter 15: Dungeon (Part 1)
Chapter 15: Dungeon (Part 2)
Chapter 15: Dungeon (Part 3)
Chapter 16: Defeat (Part 1)
Chapter 16: Defeat (Part 2)
Chapter 16: Defeat (Part 3)
Chapter 17: The end for now. (Part 1)
Chapter 17: The end for now. (Part 2)
Chapter 17: The end for now. (Part Final)

Chapter 6: Shifting. (Part 2)

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By HMPDharma

The day continued with Chloe helping out the guild as usual. Despite last night nothing much had changed and if anything more people were using the guild's services. Their food supplies were holding on but as the cold became worse there was a higher demand for furs, wood and even medicine. The cycle of relying on adventurers to obtain the goods for the people and paying them in turn was reaching a tense point. There was simply not enough people who could brave the cold and wilderness beyond the walls and Chloe knew where many of those people had disappeared to.

Come noon Chloe headed to the yard to meet Master Lanton but seeing he wasn't there yet went to pick up her sword. Several curious pairs of eyes followed her movement. The children a few years older than her. They did the odd cleaning or delivery jobs for the guild and for the past few days had been following on with her practice. Each held a makeshift wooden sword and as Chloe swung they'd watch and do the same. Though she had become used to it, a divide had opened in her chest. Should she talk to them? Tell them what Mask told her? But she was also just a beginner, did she even have the right to? They were children of the city and she was... she was different.

"Hello!?" a loud knock pushed through to the yard coming from the closed door leading to the streets. The door pushed open to reveal a weathered man, his clothes simple and behind him a large cart. "Ah Chloe! Give me a hand would you? I found a larger cart for today's delivery but the cart is too big for this door."

"Mr Juis you should have known better," Chloe scolded the older man who was known for his clumsy mistakes.

"Haha, I thought it would make it easier but here I stand corrected." He looked to the children who were also lingering nearby. "All of you please help as well. We need to move these just to the storage house over there." He pointed to the other side of the training yard. "I'll make sure to treat you with some fresh fruit."

At those words the children sprang into action. Chloe hesitated as to help was technically crossing outside of the adventure's guild but seeing the other children go to help, she couldn't stand and do nothing. The cart was right outside the door and she'd only be stepping a few metres out. Like nothing was wrong Chloe moved to help with the boxes. Although small for her age, the last few weeks of a healthy diet and exercise had made Chloe much stronger and she carried the boxes with relative ease. Of course there were those she couldn't lift but the older children took care of that while helping each other.

Nothing strange happened and as the last few boxes were packed away Mr Juis pulled out a bag of fruits.

"Here you all are," he smiled as he gave out the fruit. His face however quickly turned to panic. "Oh dear, there's quite a few more of you than I expected. Chloe dear could you see if the cart has another bag?"

"Sure," Chloe nodded completely at ease as she headed to the back of the cart alone. It didn't take long for her to spot the fruit but as she picked it up she felt an odd tingling sensation against her back. It happened in an instant as at one moment she was reaching for the hempen bag and the next a hand had covered her mouth. Then the cart shot away as whoever had grabbed her dashed backwards and towards the alleyways of the city.

Chloe tried to scream for help, to struggle free, but her kidnapper's strength eclipsed hers easily. A sharp panic welled inside her chest. She was afraid. Not of the kidnappers, but what they would do to Mask with her as a hostage. All she needed to do was stay inside the guild and even that she had failed. The thought of disappointing her saviour split into her gut. Frustration, anger and fear filled her chest and as it peaked Chloe aimed at the only place she could. Her mouth snapped down right onto the hand that bound her.

"Yeoch," the feminine voice yelped as their grip loosened. It was all the time Chloe needed to react. Just like she had trained. One movement with all her body. The force Chloe exerted surprised her kidnapper as with an awkward tumble she escaped and fell to the snow covered ground of the alleyway.

"Damn it," the female kidnapper quickly recovered. "Please don't make this any harder!"

Chloe immediately tried to scramble away but the snow was deep from neglect and instead she barely managed to move a metre. A shadow loomed above her.

"The rats sure come out quickly given the chance," the voice, stern and familiar, flooded Chloe with relief. As she turned around Master Lanton stood with his single hand outstretched gripping the arm of the kidnapper that had lunged towards her. With casual ease he threw away the women, letting her land roughly to the ground. "What happened to you Katlia? You were better than this, and now you're stopping so low as to kidnap children."

The women stood up clearly angered. The mask that had been covering her face had slipped down from the fall. Chloe recognised her as one of the women who had been with the city lord. She had the Practitioner of Martial Arts Title but compared to Master Lanton who had exceeded that of an expert, even with his single arm it was simple to stop her.

"Don't act all mighty now!" Katlia growled. "You're the one who let the Guild crumble. I'm surprised to see you even conscious with your drinking habits."

"I admit that my actions were shameful, but that doesn't mean I'll allow you to harm Chloe. And that means any of you!" He suddenly turned, leg spinning as it collided with a shadowed figure who had been reaching from the other side. The figure however took the blow well and instead of falling simply landed a few feet away. "If it isn't Rector, you still hunting down Mask?"

The mohawk sporting man licked his lips, "We'll get him when the time comes. For now your lord is quite the lucrative investment. Hand over the girl and you at least won't lose another arm."

Master Lanton spat, "You may be an expert but my skills haven't decayed that far."

Rector took a whip from his back, uncoiling it to the snow beneath. The weapon hissed as it touched the frozen water, betraying the fact that it was covered in poison. It snapped forward and on cue Katlia pounced from the other end of the alley. It was far faster than Chloe could perceive as Master Lanton narrowly dodged the whip and in the next motion threw Katlia over and towards Rector. Rector simply dodged letting the women plough into the ground before hurling his whip again. The crack caused Chloe to flinch as Master Lanton shifted in front of her, grimacing as the whip scratched against his chest, tearing through his shirt.

"You would even aim for a little girl," he growled towards him.

Rector simply laughed, "It was the only reliable way to hit you after all. But it looks like the rumours are true. You can't use your attribute."

"Perhaps, but any Master who solely relies on his attribute is no Master at all!" Lanton roared and power flooded into body. Heat expelled from his skin, melting the snow around them. "Your poison means nothing."

"Rector, we aren't meant to hurt the girl" Katlia yelled.

"Then help more!" Rector yelled back, his eyes not leaving the Guild Master.

The female ex-adventurer grit her teeth before turned her head upwards, "Now!" Several people jumped down from the rooftops.

Master Lanton reacted by drawing Chloe to his chest and with a sudden leap the view around them changed. They were high in the sky. Chloe could see the rooftops below, the people who had been waiting in ambush confused and staring where they had been blankly. There was one however who had tracked them and snapped his whip. A crackle of energy shot out arcing towards them.

The guild Master curled his legs and shot them down. Chloe could feel the flow of energy as he held her. The meaning of a Strike Master. His entire body acting as one, triggering something she couldn't tell and then an explosion. Compared to Rector's attack, this was something much more. A vehement blue wave that accurately targeted the mohawked man. It split apart his attack as if it never existed and carried through to the alley below. What resulted was an upheaval of snow and dust. Chloe barely had time to shut her eyes and when she opened them only moments later, they were back in the yard of the adventurer's guild.

A crowd had gathered near the door, murmuring at the sudden explosion, unaware of the two who had landed behind them. Master Lanton said nothing and marched straight inside with Chloe still held tight.

"Lana," he called and continued behind the counter heading straight for the staff room. The receptionist quickly followed and closed the door behind them.

With gentle care Master Lanton placed Chloe in a seat and then collapsed to the couch. His face wincing in pain.

"The damn bastard uses some potent poison," he grimaced. "I can barely hold it back. Lana detox and quickly."

"Y-yes!" she ran forwards and placed her hand against the slight wound on his chest. A soft and gentle green light began to spin around the wound, seeping into his skin. Several seconds passed and finally a thick black liquid only measuring a single drop was pulled out. Master Lanton breathed out relieved.

Lana looked at him concerned and shoved a potion into his face, "Drink this, it'll undo some of the damage that's been done."

"Thank you Lana," Master Lanton smiled towards her as soon as he downed the liquid. "It's a blessing to have someone so skilled in magic at a guild like ours."

"You would have lived regardless."

"Maybe but then there would be no one to protect Chloe while I recovered."

Lana frowned, "They really stooped so low.... But that means! Mr Kane!"

Chloe gasped as she realised. Of course he would also be in danger. Worse she realised that her other two kidnappers hadn't appeared. She remembered what Mask had said all those weeks ago. 'One, yes. Two, doubtful. Three, no.' He was in danger.

She jumped from her seat, "We have to help him!"

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