Raising Wonders

By HMPDharma

490 112 48

This is the tale of a young girl and a masked man. A young girl unware of the world. A masked man who has see... More

Chapter 1: It's my job. (Part 1)
Chapter 1: It's my job. (Part 2)
Chapter 2: Chloe.
Chapter 3: Open City (Part 1)
Chapter 3: Open City (Part 2)
Chapter 3: Open City (Part 3)
Chapter 3: Open City (Part 4)
Chapter 3: Open City (Part 5)
Chapter 4: Adventure (Part 1)
Chapter 4: Adventure (Part 2)
Chapter 4: Adventure (Part 3)
Chapter 4: Adventure (Part 4)
Chapter 5: Interference (Part 1)
Chapter 5: Interference (Part 2)
Chapter 5: Interference (Part 4)
Chapter 6: Shifting. (Part 1)
Chapter 6: Shifting. (Part 2)
Chapter 6: Shifting. (Part 3)
Chapter 6: Shifting. (Part 4)
Chapter 6: Shifting. (Part 5)
Chapter 7: How much do you know? (Part 1)
Chapter 7: How much do you know? (Part 2)
Chapter 8: Responsibility (Part 1)
Chapter 8: Responsibility (Part 2)
Chapter 9: A chance. (Part 1)
Chapter 9: A chance. (Part 2)
Chapter 9: A chance. (Part 3)
Chapter 10: Her story. (Part 1)
Chapter 10: Her story. (Part 2)
Chapter 11: My way (Part 1)
Chapter 11: My way (Part 2)
Chapter 11: My way (Part 3)
Chapter 12: Upside Down (Part 1)
Chapter 12: Upside Down (Part 2)
Chapter 12: Upside Down (Part 3)
Chapter 12: Upside Down (Part 4)
Chapter 12: Upside Down (Part 5)
Chapter 13: Predetermined Chaos. (Part 1)
Chapter 13: Predetermined Chaos. (Part 2)
Chapter 13: Predetermined Chaos. (Part 3)
Chapter 13: Predetermined Chaos. (Part 4)
Chapter 14: Pressure (Part 1)
Chapter 14: Pressure (Part 2)
Chapter 14: Pressure (Part 3)
Chapter 15: Dungeon (Part 1)
Chapter 15: Dungeon (Part 2)
Chapter 15: Dungeon (Part 3)
Chapter 16: Defeat (Part 1)
Chapter 16: Defeat (Part 2)
Chapter 16: Defeat (Part 3)
Chapter 17: The end for now. (Part 1)
Chapter 17: The end for now. (Part 2)
Chapter 17: The end for now. (Part Final)

Chapter 5: Interference (Part 3)

5 2 0
By HMPDharma

Chloe's first thought was if dresses had always been so restricting. Compared to the adventurer's wear that Mask had bought her, she felt like she had been tied up by a dozen ropes. In regards to appearance she looked like a delicate flower child raised by nobility, to that point she was. Just wearing the blue dress ordained in flowers and lace reminded her of her actual life and instinctively her manners shifted back to the prim and proper stiffness of a central noble.

"Chloe you look amazing!" Lana squealed at her own handiwork.

"Thank you for your kind compliment," Chloe curtsied respectfully.

"And you can act the part as well. At least we know you won't offend anyone. Still," she turned to Mask, "Stay safe tonight and make sure to keep Chloe warm."

Mask who had changed into a suit smiled, "I would have done so regardless."

"Then off you go," Lana said with mixed feelings. "See you tomorrow." Her tone betrayed her nervousness.

"Yes, we shall meet again tomorrow," Chloe replied pleasantly.

"You heard the little miss," Mask was much more relaxed and opened the door for Chloe as they exited through the back of the guild to lessen the attention on them. While the sun had already set, the Guild had become a rather popular place to drink and eat once more. If it weren't for the new hires Lana had quickly found, she'd never get a break at all.

"It is quite chilly this evening," Chloe noted the weather. Mask waved his hand over her and the air suddenly became warmer. "Thank you kindly."

"Are you going to speak like that all evening?" Mask had to ask as they began to walk towards the Upper district.

"Ah," Chloe realised what she had been doing. "No well...."

"Just speak however you feel most comfortable, though once we arrive at the mansion I suggest you only speak when spoken to. I suspect we might find some old friends."

"Old friends?"

"We'll see," he faced forward and led the way with Chloe beside him.

The Upper district, while it housed only 1% of the population made up about a fifth of the city and was blocked off by its own walls. On its outer edge and connected to the wall was the council building which neared the fancier side of the market district. The council building was meant to stand as a bridge between the common people and those who descended from the upper class, it was a space for both sides to come to a consensus. The past few years however, it was clear that one side had much more power.

The pair arrived at the edge of the market district, the council building in view and not far, a large closed door embedded into the stone wall. The wall to the Upper district was well looked after and though smaller, it was sturdier than the wall on the outside of the city. Armed guards stood by the door and halted them as they approached.

"Stop there, what business do you have?" the guard in finer armour than usual questioned.

"My name is Corvis Kane and this is my niece Chloe. We have been summoned to meet the Lord," Mask took out his invitation.

The guard gave it a look and quickly backed down, "Open the door. Have a pleasant stay."

"Thank you," Mask led Chloe through the door as it groaned open. It soon shut as they reached the other side.

There were two things Chloe immediately noticed on the other side of the wall, the first was the space. The road was much wider and the houses much larger than their counterparts on the other side. It was elegant, cleaned and refined. Well-kept garden beds and greenery were pleasantly added to the atmosphere between the buildings. Further on Chloe could see larger residents that could be called mansions, further still were the shadows of a building that boarded on a palace. Compared to the architecture outside, the buildings here and even the pathways were familiar and clearly modelled from the Central region.

The second thing Chloe noticed was that the chill in the air had vanished, replaced by the warmth expected on a spring night. It was clear that it wasn't Mask's doing.

"Well colour me surprised," Mask spoke. "This is far nicer than I expected. No wonder the Lord could easily buy out the other adventurers."

"It's too clean...," Chloe stared at the immaculate streets and frowned. "And why is it so warm?"

"You haven't studied magic so you may not be able to feel it, but this entire space has been sealed in a barrier. Temperature control and even able to block out the snow and rain. At least we know where all the tax payers' money went."

"If they could do this here, then why not everywhere?" Chloe couldn't help but feel angered at the difference between the districts. "Do the people even know about this?"

"They probably know of it in rumours but it's hard to believe without feeling it. As for why not out there, to an extent it is out there. The walls outside create a barrier from the cold as well, however due to negligence the effect isn't as pronounced."

"I-I don't like it," her hands gripped tightly. "But even if I try think how to fix it, I don't know how." She had to wonder if her home in the Central region had been the same. Beyond the walls where she hadn't been allowed, were there people suffering?

Mask placed a gentle hand upon Chloe's head, "That's my job Chloe. For now let's make our way."

Even the difference in walking was noticeable as the smooth paved streets guided their feet and unlike in the other districts there was quite a bit of activity outside despite the time of day. Overall in number they were much less, but the people dressed in thin cloth and fine dandy coats walked with ease as they perused the few stores and parlours that were allowed to exist. They looked up to the sky to admire the stars above without fear of frostbite and spread themselves for a night picnic upon the green grass. It was truly like a different world. If it weren't for Mask's decision to have them dress up, they would have stuck out like sore thumbs and without doubt Chloe knew they would be looked down upon.

The Lord's manor came into view. It was much larger than the surrounding mansions already and was fully gated off. It reached high and overlooked the entire Upper district with impeccable cleanliness as if boldly stating who ruled the city. More so there was even noticeable new additions to the mansion, most likely added when the new Lord came into power. Chloe couldn't help compare it to her own home and had to admit, that her family home had been grander. If the city Lord was already so corrupt, what did it say about Chloe's parents?

"Chloe, you have a job today," Mask looked at her seriously before they approached the gate. "Try your best."

"I will," Chloe firmed herself. The entire reason why Mask had bought her was to observe with her eyes. She had already been practicing on those that they had passed. Find out their capabilities, their crimes, and their ideals. With that information Mask could pry them apart.

It was as easy as showing the invitation for them to be allowed entrance as the numerous armed guards split and opened the doors. Through the garden path, to the main entrance and beyond that a well-lit hall covered in fine tapestries, paintings and even several chandeliers. A butler dressed finer than they were guided them up the stairs and to where the city Lord waited. He knocked on the door before opening it and announcing their arrival.

"Corvis Kane and his niece Chloe."

What may have once been a room to welcome guests had been changed into a throne room. The lavish decorations were piled high and on either side of the room people in fine clothing lined up as if to judge them. On the far end sitting upon a regal chair was the city Lord. Chloe had pictured him to be a fat pig of a ruler but seeing him now, she had to admit his handsome features. A slim man with a face that would make women of any age swoon. His bright blue eyes and shining blonde hair stood out against his pale skin. The fabric that adorned him, the finest, picturing him as a proud General in red and white. He gestured for them to approach.

Mask led Chloe to a respectable distance and bowed from his chest, "Corvis Kane, it is a pleasure to have the opportunity to greet the city lord."

Chloe curtsied as well, "Chloe Kane, it is a pleasure to have the opportunity to greet the city Lord."

A mocking clap was their response as the city lord smiled, "You impress me Corvis. To come wearing fine attire and proper etiquette, you have outdone all adventurers that have come before you."

"Such praise is needless," Mask returned to his straight posture and waited for the Lord to continue.

"Corvis Kane, allow me to get straight to the point as I do dislike needless chatter. You have served the city well. My servants tell me your deeds and reason that the sudden boom in the adventurer's guild and our coffers was your doing. Someone like you should be in an appropriate position, I would like to hire you."

Mask spoke simply, "I believe that someone such as I do not deserve such honour."

"No need to be polite Corvis. Look around you," the city Lord gestured. "The men and women in this room are like yourself. Those who I have picked from the rough of the city, those that now serve me directly."

Chloe took the opportunity to properly scan the room, she had already spent enough time peeking at the city Lord, who though greedy was not remarkable. The city lord didn't have any of the Titles that would indicate he was good at any form of combat but had quite a few that would suggest he was a nasty person. The rest of the room however was more to her interest. The first was the tall figure standing directly behind the city lord. Polished and thick metal armour that no normal person could wear without collapsing, upon his back was a large sword that spanned his entire width. It was no wonder that the city lord was confident. The man was the first person Chloe had seen to have all expert Titles in the three martial arts. Flare Expert, Strike Expert and Flow Expert. Articus Fen, age 65 and with the Undying Loyalty Title to boot. The thought that the man may even be more formidable than Mask caused her apprehension.

Then there was the rest of the room. A quick scan of their titles showed that they were all capable. Every single one had the Practitioner of Martial Arts Title and many of them having Adventuring Expert as well. It was then that she spotted three standing particularly close to the city lord but remaining in the shadows of a pillar. She had to stop herself from flinching. One slim, one large, and one with a mohawk. Her kidnappers. This time Chloe focused her best to memorise what could help Mask. They were all experts with nefarious titles that showed just what kind of work they did and much more dangerous than anyone else in the room bar the armoured figure who stood behind the Lord.

"Are you impressed?" the city lord grinned.

"You have quite the formidable group," Mask nodded.

"And I'd like for you to join them," the handsome man leaned back in his throne like chair, as if the deal had already been sealed.

Mask however took a different route, "Before I give my answer, may I ask a few questions?"

"Of course," the lord continued to smile. "If you are wondering where you will be staying, a room, meals and all other necessities will be given in the Upper district. Your niece will also be looked after. If you do good work, a residence may also be an option. Just recently a few opened up."

Chloe had to stop herself from frowning as she knew what his words implied. Those in the Upper district that hadn't agreed with him were removed.

"That was not my query," Mask continued. "I would like to know what the lord's plans are. For instance why close off the food storages to the people in the other districts?" The question caused a murmur to spread.

"Silence," the lord raised his hand. "It is a justifiable question. Simply put Corvis, to grow this city what we need is money. Our greatest export is our unique crop. Come spring when the roads open there will be many improvements to come. I hope one day for every district to be like mine. If we eat the crop now, we would lose out on a lot." It was just as Mask had thought and more than likely the improvements the lord spoke of wouldn't be for those who were starving.

"And what should the people eat then?" Mask continued.

"All the farmers have been given their wages as I am sure others have coin to spend. Besides with the deal your adventurers guild struck there is extra food to go around is there not?"

"And what if we hadn't acted, if there was not enough food and your people starved?"

"Then they weren't capable to begin with. Survival of the fittest Corvis and I believe you to be someone who can survive."

Mask bowed casually this time, "That is all. I have made my decision and must reject your offer."

"Excuse me?" the lord could barely believe what he was hearing. "I am offering you a position within the upper district. A position of warmth and comfort where life would be easy!"

"Your offer was quite tempting however there are many more people than I who need the same. Alas, a life too easy isn't one quite worth living. If that is all, we shall depart. Come Chloe."

The city lord stood from his seat, "Last chance Corvis Kane. You leave and you will regret your decision."

"We shall see," Mask turned his back and picking up Chloe into his arms left.

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