Raising Wonders

By HMPDharma

499 112 48

This is the tale of a young girl and a masked man. A young girl unware of the world. A masked man who has see... More

Chapter 1: It's my job. (Part 1)
Chapter 1: It's my job. (Part 2)
Chapter 3: Open City (Part 1)
Chapter 3: Open City (Part 2)
Chapter 3: Open City (Part 3)
Chapter 3: Open City (Part 4)
Chapter 3: Open City (Part 5)
Chapter 4: Adventure (Part 1)
Chapter 4: Adventure (Part 2)
Chapter 4: Adventure (Part 3)
Chapter 4: Adventure (Part 4)
Chapter 5: Interference (Part 1)
Chapter 5: Interference (Part 2)
Chapter 5: Interference (Part 3)
Chapter 5: Interference (Part 4)
Chapter 6: Shifting. (Part 1)
Chapter 6: Shifting. (Part 2)
Chapter 6: Shifting. (Part 3)
Chapter 6: Shifting. (Part 4)
Chapter 6: Shifting. (Part 5)
Chapter 7: How much do you know? (Part 1)
Chapter 7: How much do you know? (Part 2)
Chapter 8: Responsibility (Part 1)
Chapter 8: Responsibility (Part 2)
Chapter 9: A chance. (Part 1)
Chapter 9: A chance. (Part 2)
Chapter 9: A chance. (Part 3)
Chapter 10: Her story. (Part 1)
Chapter 10: Her story. (Part 2)
Chapter 11: My way (Part 1)
Chapter 11: My way (Part 2)
Chapter 11: My way (Part 3)
Chapter 12: Upside Down (Part 1)
Chapter 12: Upside Down (Part 2)
Chapter 12: Upside Down (Part 3)
Chapter 12: Upside Down (Part 4)
Chapter 12: Upside Down (Part 5)
Chapter 13: Predetermined Chaos. (Part 1)
Chapter 13: Predetermined Chaos. (Part 2)
Chapter 13: Predetermined Chaos. (Part 3)
Chapter 13: Predetermined Chaos. (Part 4)
Chapter 14: Pressure (Part 1)
Chapter 14: Pressure (Part 2)
Chapter 14: Pressure (Part 3)
Chapter 15: Dungeon (Part 1)
Chapter 15: Dungeon (Part 2)
Chapter 15: Dungeon (Part 3)
Chapter 16: Defeat (Part 1)
Chapter 16: Defeat (Part 2)
Chapter 16: Defeat (Part 3)
Chapter 17: The end for now. (Part 1)
Chapter 17: The end for now. (Part 2)
Chapter 17: The end for now. (Part Final)

Chapter 2: Chloe.

18 2 1
By HMPDharma

Chapter 2: Chloe.

Smooth black hair that went down to her waist and bright blue eyes that reflected the shallows of the sea. Her skin was a pleasant cream common to those of the Central region and most importantly, unblemished. The young girl was quite short and thin to the point where the cold air of Toren could be a real danger. Whoever she was, the care that went into her had convinced Mask that she wasn't real.

The girl stood up, her feet still in the box. For a moment the two regarded each other in silence. Mask in his work outfit, armed and dangerous. His ominous cracked white mask and black eyes staring down at her was enough to make a grown adult cry let alone a young child. The girl however stared back with an odd determination. Her eyes flickered towards him as if reading who he was. Then finally she breathed in deep.

"Fear not for I am here!" she yelled at the top of her lungs shocking Mask as he forced his body to not show it. Had he not cast a barrier around them earlier her voice would have alerted the guards easily.

Another calming and slow breath followed before the girl stepped out from the box and curtsied. Both hands on her dress, one foot behind the other. The traditional greeting of a lady from the Central Empire and one done with the precision and practice of a noble.

"I apologise for my outburst. It was to calm myself," the young child spoke clearly but Mask could pick the strain of nervousness within. She had been taught to remain calm, but being a child the situation was still a lot to deal with. "My name is Chloe, may I ask who I am speaking with?"

"You can call me Mask," he replied. "Little girl why were you in the box?"

"I..., it seems that-. I was kidnapped," she responded.

Mask pressed his hand against his mask and sighed. This was far worse than anything he could be bothered dealing with.

"Sir Mask," Chloe began again. "I would like to request your assistance to return me back home. Though I have nothing now, I promise to repay you with anything I can."

"First, why were you kidnapped?" Mask questioned her.

Her small hands gripped together tightly, "I'm from a very influential family so that's probably why...."

"Probably?" Mask knew better. If that was all, she would have been ransomed back before ever leaving her home town let alone ending up in one of the most remote cities in the world.

Again she looked at him, her eyes seemed to sheen, inspecting something he couldn't see. Her mouth opened, hesitating.

"Never mind," Mask stopped her, instead pulled a blanket from his pocket and tossed it over her head. "Stay here and use this to warm up. I have a call to make."


Chloe wrapped the blanket around her and found it incredibly warm despite its thinness. It was a strange material, soft and smooth yet patterned with scales giving it a rough look. The warmth helped calm her aching heart. To put it simply she was afraid. She did not know where she was or why exactly she had been in a box. The only reason she hadn't began to cry was from her pride and upbringing. She could not bring shame to her name, no matter what.

The man who had saved her filled her with a strange anxiety. His appearance screamed danger but his presence made her feel at least a little safe. He stood a few metres away and pulled out a circular device that began to glow.

"Arten, how rare for you to call," a feminine voice came from the device. "These things are pretty expensive to run so-."

"Did you know?" he growled and cut her off.


"Did you know?" he repeated intensely.

The women on the other end picked up on what he was saying, "You found the box? What was inside?"

Mask sighed and turned to look at Chloe, "From that reaction at least you're not setting me up. It's a child. Girl, probably 6 years old."

"A-actually I'm 8," Chloe decided to call out.

"8 years old," Mask looked away waiting for a response. "Handler?"

"Hey... you're not going to put her back are you?" the women's question froze Chloe with fear. Though she had been asleep in the box and couldn't feel anything, the thought of being put back inside that cramped space caused the warmth of blanket to vanish.

"Of course not," Mask shot back. An ember of warmth returned and Chloe's beating heart started to settle.

"Sorry that was a rude question, of course you wouldn't. But shit," she swore, voice apologetic, "I didn't mean to get you involved in something like this."

"I know, regardless you owe me."

"I'll do what I can. Give me her details, I'll see what I can find."

Mask was about to speak but Chloe beat him, "N-no! I..., please don't. I'm not lying. I'll pay you back, just help me get home." Her heart clenched. She knew that if they searched it may help, but if they did and there was nothing, Chloe was afraid what that would mean.

"The girl doesn't want that," Mask nodded to her.

"Then what are you going to do? You're on a job right now, an important one," the women asked seriously.

"I'm-," Mask began but then paused as something outside the window caught his gaze. "I screwed up."

"What happened?" the women's concern echoed how Chloe felt.

"As it would turn out those three mercenaries weren't the tolerable kind. The Sumerians tossed them from the ship. They're back on the docks."

Chloe edged herself to the window but was too short to look beyond as she dragged the blanket behind her. With an awkward lift she propped herself on a nearby crate. In the distance on the edges of the dock was a carriage and three men beside it. It was too far to make out their faces or who they were but seeing them Chloe's instincts kicked in and she flung herself out of sight. Her grip on the blanket tightened.

"Once they find the box is gone they'll blame the Sumerians," the women spoke simply. "You're fine."

"No, I left my calling card," Mask replied easily.

"Why!?" the women was furious.

"If I hadn't and they discovered it mid voyage they'd have put the ship and crew in danger."

"Then sneak back in and get rid of your calling card! If they're there they can't-."

"Their blame would still fall to their Sumerians and it would be all too easy to track them down. I won't put them in danger for our decisions."

"The One be damned, you and your stupid moral values. This is how you die!" Despite her anger, Chloe felt relieved. The masked man, shrouded in suspicion was just what she had felt, what her eyes had seen, kind. If it was him, then truly she might be able to make it home.

The women continued, "Can you beat them?"

"One, yes. Two, doubtful. Three, no. I'll deal with it," Mask answered, all the while observing the men outside and Chloe inside.

"And the girl?"

"That depends on her," Mask answered as the device began to flash rapidly. "I'm almost out of charge. I'll finish the job regardless."

"I owe you Arten." The device went dark and the women's voice was silenced.

Chloe stood up from where she had been hiding on the ground. She faced Mask and decided to take her chance. In the end she was alone and what she needed was an ally. The man before her could be just that. No, he had to be just that.


Mask approached Chloe and stood above her only a metre away. He had purposefully allowed her to listen to the entire conversation. The subtle changes in her expression and her actions were all being analysed. The girl who said she was 8 was truly small for her age. Whoever had raised her had taught her to be composed but the nerves and fear of a child remained.

"The reason I was kidnapped," Chloe spoke suddenly. "I think it's because I can see Titles."

"What?" Mask stared down at her shocked more than confused.

"Not just that," her eyes glimmered staring just in front of him. "I can see your name, your age and your race. Arten Clow, age 31, race... it's just questions marks."

"Stop!" Mask shouted causing Chloe to flinch. There was no way he could not believe her now. The last name he hadn't used in years and the race he didn't even know himself.

"I-I'm sorry," Chloe's dejection was crippled by fear.

Mask calmed himself, "I didn't mean to frighten you. You should be careful with an ability like that. You'll see things you shouldn't." The reason why she was kidnapped couldn't be clearer. Just by being able to see someone's real name it could prove beneficial but to also see their Titles given by the One, it was more than just dangerous. "If I were you I would have kept it all a secret."

Chloe paused, her eyes aimed to the ground, "I told you-." She paused and took a breath before looking up at him hopefully, "I told you because I wanted to trust you! Because I want an ally!"

Her honest bravery caused Mask to smile beneath his mask, "To trust me.... Why would you?"

"Because I saw it already. Your Titles."

Now he was curious, "And what Titles did you see?"

She looked at him to speak but hesitated.

"It's alright I won't shout."

With permission she answered, "Bearer of a kind heart. Keeper of secrets. Oathkeeper. Problem Solver. There are others, but those ones are why I decided to tell you and after hearing your conversation I was sure."

Mask laughed at himself ironically. To think he had the Title 'Bearer of a kind heart'. Somehow it was relieving and at the same time painful as he felt he didn't deserve it. Titles however were given by the One God. They were treated as the one truth of the world. They couldn't be falsified, at times hidden, but they represented the character and achievements of any living creature.

"So you trusted me because of that. A little naïve. Kindness is based on perspective. What I or the One considers kind may be very different from yours. Would sacrificing one life to save one thousand be considered kindness? If so, with an ability like yours, you could be that one."

Chloe gulped but didn't back down and faced him, "I-I trust you! We can make a contract! I, Chloe, promise to reward you with as many treasures I can. In return you get me home."

"Again you're being naïve. You need to outline the conditions clearly. I could always return you home in a body bag. Who will care for you till then? How long will the contract last? What state do you need to be in to return?"

Her eyes began to swim at the sudden barrage of questions, "I-I...."

"It's fine," Mask took a quill and paper from his cloak. He understood enough of the situation to know that he was Chloe's best hope. More than anything he needed to keep an eye on the girl. She now knew who he was, and although not what he was, regardless with her ability and no one to protect her, it would only be a matter of time before she got into trouble. Maybe the Handler was right and he just couldn't stay away from the charity cases. This time however, he had ulterior motives.

He dipped the quill into a jar of shining blue ink and began to write on the paper quickly and neatly. It was a contract and once complete he handed it to Chloe.

"Sign it if you agree. Be careful, the ink and paper are the real deal. A contract will bind us both."

Chloe took the piece of paper. She read it quickly and then after pausing read it again. "Isn't this too good for me?"

"Why would you think so?" Mask asked.

"It says you'll look after all my essential needs, keep me safe and guide me home. All I need to do is help you and give you a reward at the end. What if my reward isn't good enough? Don't you want to make it a clear amount?"

"The journey is worth more than the final goal. Though it's not always true I think you could help me greatly with your ability. As for how long it will take, assuming you're from the central region, it'll take at least one year to get you home, perhaps two."

"A year!" Chloe couldn't help be shocked. "Where am I?"

"The most North Eastern city of Toren. For one, we'll be stuck here for three months for the winter and my job. While we travel I'll have more work and as I've stated, you'll share in any rewards corresponding to your assistance. This isn't going to be a short trip."

Chloe gulped, "I-I don't have a choice do I?"

"You can try your luck with the Adventurer's Guild but I'll tell you now, I'm a safer bet."

"I know," she nodded. "I saw your Titles. You're strong."

Mask nodded as well, though she might not understand the true meaning of some of them, they would still represent his achievements.

"The other option is you could go back in the box and I take you home that way or if you really want I'll return you to the men outside."

"No!" Chloe shook her head fiercely and took the quill. The thought of returning to the box frightened her. Who knew when next she'd wake up. "I'll trust you." With that she signed and the contract began to glow before neatly rolling itself into a sealed tube.

Mask sighed, "You should try to be less impulsive. For now you are under my care. It'll be a pleasure working with you."

"L-likewise," she took hold of his outstretched hand and shook it. Finally her nerves gave way but as she fell Mask caught her.

"I've got you," he cradled her small frame in his arms. The girl weighed less than he expected. Her thin body felt fragile as if a small mistake could break it. "Go to sleep. The contract is signed. From here and until you return home, I will protect and care for you."

Chloe couldn't speak any longer as the energy left her. The one thing she did know however, was she felt safe, safer than she even felt at home.

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