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By kelani_b

90.1K 2.4K 699

[ BOOK 1] What the hell are we? Tell me we weren't just friends This doesn't make much sense. More

43: The Finale.


2.1K 57 27
By kelani_b

Ayesha Disa Curry.
Los Angeles, CA.

"Have you been on social media at all?" My mom asked, looking concerned as she stared down at her phone.

I shook my head no. I just put Canon down for his afternoon nap. Filming this show is exhausting but cooking is my passion so I'll have to thug it out.

"You might wanna see this."

My mom handed me her phone and the article showed pictures of Stephen and Alani at her party last night.

'NBA star Stephen Curry and Alani Castillo friendship timeline' the article reads. It showed pictures of them in high school and throughout college. Where'd they even find those photos?

"Isn't this the same girl you always complained about in college?" My mom, Carol asked.

I sighed. "Yeah."

"And you're okay with her being around your husband?"

"Yes, mom. I trust Stephen." I said sternly. "I don't care if he hangs out with her, I just don't want it to be like college all over again. Like, Steph showing up for her more than his actual girlfriend. There are certain boundaries she won't cross. I'm his wife now and she needs to understand that."

"I don't know how to feel about this, sweetie. Just make sure to keep a close eye on her. Women like that are trouble." My mom advised.

I know Alani and I aren't that close but I'm sure she wouldn't try to come in between my marriage. Stephen and I have 3 beautiful children, both of our careers are doing good. I'd be damned if I let anyone get between that.

Speaking of Stephen, he didn't even call me back last night. He must've forgot. I know it's hard for him not to have me there with him but I had to be selfish just this one time.

I'm tired of living in his shadow.

I decided to pick up my phone and call Stephen. I missed the girls a little extra today.

The phone rang for a while until I saw him press decline. I called again and this time it went straight to voicemail.


He was being petty at this point. He can't be that mad at me. In fact, he should be happy I'm a career driven woman and not just leeching off his money.

"Is everything okay?" My mom noticed my mood change.

"Steph's not picking up his phone."

"Did y'all have a fight or what?"

I shook my head. "He's a little upset that I'm here and not with him in the Bay."

"Just give him some space, I'm sure he'll come around."

I just nodded and started doing my hair.

"Everything was okay between you two before this Alani person showed up." She noted.

"Mom, don't start." I warned.

I fully trust my husband. He'd be dumb to mess up what we've built.

Alani Marie Castillo
Oakland, CA.
2 days later.

"Gia, you'll be fine. Stop crying." Tiana rubbed Gia's back as she sobbed.

I just shook my head as I spoke to them on FaceTime. Gia confronted Herbert about the cheating allegations and surprisingly, he came clean about everything. Of course it was hard for her to believe but I'm just glad he was man enough to admit to everything, now she can decided if she wants to be with him or not.

"What am I supposed to do now, y'all?" She sniffled. "I was planning on spending my life with this nigga, and there he goes messing it all up."

"Gia, listen. I think you need to focus on yourself for now. Let Herb miss you a bit, maybe he'll appreciate you more if he doesn't have that access to you anymore." I advised.

"No! Don't even think about taking that man back, Gia! He's not ready to be loved by a woman like you." Tiana intercepted.

Of course she'd say something like that. She hates Herb for real.

"Tee, I love him and I can't even see myself with anyone besides him." Gia said.

I felt that right there. Your heart can't help who it wants.

"Okay, the two of you can be delusional together. I want no parts!" Tiana hysterically said. "Lemme go ahead and start packing for tomorrow. Can't believe the Warriors are down 0-1." She mumbled to herself.

I wonder how Wardell is feeling being down 0-1 in the Finals. I mean, it's only Game 1 and the series could go either way but I know that he hates to lose. We've texted briefly over the past few days because I didn't wanna bother him. He should be locked in right now. Zero distractions.

"Lani, you coming to Toronto?" Gia asked me.

I shrugged. "I don't know yet."

"Let me know if you do decide to come because I can't be stuck with Tiana for too long. She's mean." Gia joked.

"I'm not mean. I'm just honest. Someone needs to bring y'all delusional asses back down to earth." She said, matter-of-factly.

"We're not delusion, we're lovergirls. We love love." I defended.

"Period!" Gia co-signed.

"I'm so done with y'all, goodbye!" Tiana walked out of the frame and Gia and I said our goodbyes.

The night was still young so I decided to watch some TV. ESPN was on and of course they couldn't wait to shit talk the Warriors.

I really should check on Wardell.

Before I could do that, there was a loud knock on my door.

"Ally." Wardell smiled at me then entered my house with a suitcase trailing behind him.

"What is going on?" I watched Wardell put his suitcase by the staircase.

"I'm spending the night." He nonchalantly replied and went to grab a bottle of water from the fridge.

"Wardell, what the fuck?"

"What?" His head snapped in my direction.

"You're spending the night? What about the kids?"

"They're with my mother." He answered.

"And does she know you're here?" I folded my arms cross my chest.

"I told her that I needed to be alone tonight and she didn't question it." He shrugged. "Which isn't a complete lie. I do want to be alone."

I just blankly stared at him.

"Alone with you that is." He smirked.

Flood gates were opened.

"Come here." He called me over with his index finger.

I just remained in my spot, not knowing what to do next. The energy in the room shifted as he stared at me with that mischievous grin on his face.

Sexy as fuck.

"You don't want me to repeat myself, mama." He warned.

He should lose games more often if it means he's pissed off like this.

"Are you okay?" I asked, trying to divert the situation to something else.

He chuckled deeply and slowly walked towards me, backing me up against the wall.


"Shhh." He placed his finger over my lips.

"I need you, Ally. Can I have you?"

The way he asked that made my heart flutter.

And something else too.

"Kiss me." I blurted out. What am I doing? This man is married. But I know I want this, I want him.

Wardell wasted no time and connected our lips. His hands found themselves on my waist as he pulled me closer to his body.

He pulled away from me after softly tugging on my bottom lip, making me moan. I felt his hand tap my thighs, edging me to jump into his arms.

He lifted me off the ground and I wrapped my legs around his torso as he laid me down on the couch. Wardell began sucking and licking from my earlobe to the side of my neck.

That's gonna leave a mark for sure.

I lightly gripped his bicep as pleasure took over my body. I dreamt of moment over and over but somehow it still felt wrong. I really don't want to destroy the relationship he has with Ayesha.

"Wardell, I want you." I moaned when I felt his hand rubbing my throbbing core. My head started spinning at the contact but I managed to come back to my senses. He only wants this because he can't have Ayesha right now.

Wardell Stephen Curry.
Oakland, CA.

When those words left Alani's mouth, I was ready to make love to her right then and there but I could tell she was conflicted.

"Are you sure about this?" I sat up on my elbows to look at her. She frowned at the loss of contact.

"I don't know." She said.

I sighed and sat down next to her. The last thing I wanna do is force her into something she doesn't wanna do because I'm needy.

"I know you're emotional right now and I don't want you to feel like I'm using you." She comfortably rubbed my arm. "I know you miss Ayesha. You just need some support and I can give that but that's it." She admitted and looked away. It's like she's having an internal battle with herself.

"Hey, it's okay. I understand you." I grabbed her chin to face me. "I know you'll always be here for me and I appreciate that."

She smiled and laid her head on my shoulder.

"Besides, I wouldn't mind getting used by you." I joked and she laughed.

That laugh was all I needed to make this shitty day slightly better. Being with her immediately changed my mood.

"Are you gonna tell me why you were bricking all those shots today?" Alani abruptly asked.

"I just got into my head I guess. The team is dealing with a couple of injuries so it's been hard to fill those roles with the other guys we have on the roster." I explained and Alani nodded.

"You know you don't have to be the hero out there, baby. You got Klay Thompson to help you out. Use your teammates." She advised. "You're Stephen freakin' Curry, you were made for big moments like this, so act like it!"

This was the type of support I was needing lately. Just her giving me that vote of confidence put my mind at ease. Ayesha has been so busy lately to even ask me how my day went.

"Thanks for this. I really needed it." I pulled her close to me and kissed her forehead.

"Anytime, Curry." She giggled. "Are you ready to go to bed? I'm kinda tired." She yawned.

I nodded and followed her upstairs to her bedroom. When we got up there, she showed me where the towels and other hygiene stuff was at. I wasn't even thinking about all that, I just wanted to go to sleep already. And cuddle her to be honest.

I took my shirt off and placed it on the nightstand and changed into some basketball shorts.

Alani walked out of her closet with no shirt on and my eyes almost popped out their sockets.

She's so beautiful man.

"Stop looking, creep." She pushed me on the bed and grabbed my shirt off the nightstand.

"You're not getting this back." She climbed into the bed next to me. "You stay on that side of the bed and we won't have any problems."

"Yeah, I'm not doing that." I ignored what she said pulled her back so she could be the little spoon. Just like old times.

"I love you, girl." I sang into her neck.

She giggled again. "I love you too."

I'd make you so happy if I wasn't married.

Authors note.
How we feel about #Wally so far? I can't think of a ship name lol 😅. Don't forget to vote and comment. 💕💕

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