By voidstilessbae

236K 5.4K 2.4K


1: Agatha, you bitch
2: Fuck The Police?
3: The Milwaukee Beverage
4: Diver Down
5: Simple Triggers
6: The Death Compass
7: Trippin' Out
8: Rory's Great Escape
9: To Going Full Kook
10: Kook Princess
11: They Hit Us, We Hit Them
12: Deny, Deny, Deny
13: I've Fucked Up
14: Midsummers
15: A Bad Analogy
16: Unnecessary Imagry
17: Then Leave!
18: Weed Is Weed
19: She Can't Aim For Shit
20: Cash For Gold
21: Kill Or Be Killed
22: Unconscious
23: I Never Stopped Loving You
24: Rock Bottom
25: The AirStrip
26: Lions Den
28: The Fucking FBI
29: Stay Of The Cut
30: Pogue Style
31: P4L
32: You're A Deadman
33: Ticking Time Bomb
34: Girls Are Confusing
35: I Can't Read Cursive
36: The Truck's Fucked
37: Package Deal
38: Ask The Bride
39: The Party
40: Sarah Or Rafe
41: The Way Of The Food Chain
42: The Things We Do For JB
43: I'm With Him
44: Did Hell Freeze Over?
45: The Cross Of Santo Domingo
46: Nothing-To-Lose Club
47: Wise Words From Rory
48: An Addict Sees An Addict
49: Bon Voyage
50: The Mathlete
51: A Second Chance
52: It's My Fucking Birthday
53: Marry Rich
54: The B Team
55: The Surprise
56: This Shit Ain't Over
57: Poguelandia
58: Fly The Fucking Plane
59: Big Mistake
60: Home Sweet Home
61: Really...Really Harsh
62: Whatever JB Says Goes
63: Why Me?
64: Mike, The Stupid Kook
65: Stupidest Son Of A Bitch
66: Cameron Development
67: Fuck Rafe
68: The Video
69: A Warrant
70: A Tinderbox
71: Stay In The Matrix
72: The Journey
73: Frickin P4L

27: It'll Smash... Eventually

3K 82 13
By voidstilessbae

OVERNIGHT, THE Pogues slept in Kiara's dad's car, unable to sleep at the Château as John B was now criminal. His reward to be found was 25K which, in Rory's opinion, was pretty impressive- but that didn't help the fact he could be going to jail.

"Let's game this out." JJ said, "Maybe you guys can help, being the smart ones and all, but... who are the cops going to believe, Ward Cameron or us?"
JJ paused, "So, the accuser is a big shot developer, kind of a lord of the island, got the governor in speed dial kind of person. Or the accused is John B, who is a pretty much homeless 16 year old boy at the moment."

"Thanks." John B mumbled.

Pope sighed in defeat, "Shit."

"Yucatan, alright? I'm saying that's the only option." JJ suggested, "What other option do you have?"

"Enough with the Mexico bullshit." John B interrupted, "Sarah will bail me out."

"She did witness the whole thing." Kiara agreed.

Pope frowned, "And she's gonna snitch on her brother?"

"It's not gonna happen." JJ agreed, "We gotta get you off of the island."

"The ferry." Pope suggested, "It's the only way."

"The ferry's closed." Aurora reminded, "And John B costs 25K. You're basically famous."

"Okay, so the whole island is looking for John B right now." Pope sighed.

"Guys, we need to get to the HMS." Kiara insisted, "We need small, no running lights-"

John B interrupted, "It's at the Château, Kie."

"And I wonder if the cops got the entire place staked out." JJ added, "They definitely have that place locked down."

"Hold on, let me think." Pope said, then paused for a moment. He turned around quickly, looking at Aurora and JJ, "Does your dad still have that boat? The cigarette boat, the Phantom? The one he used to race?"

"Maybe." JJ replied, "It's not gonna be easy, Pope."

"You aren't implying that we need to go to our dad's, right?" Aurora questioned sarcastically.

"It's for John B." Pope replied, and Kiara nodded.

"I don't know where the keys are." JJ complained, then glanced at his sister, "You used the boat last."

"No, i didn't." Aurora frowned, "You did."

"You totally did."

"Did not."

"You did."

"I think I'd know if I used the boat-"

"Would you guys shut up?" Kiara questioned sarcastically, "If that's even possible?"

Pope honked the car horn repeatedly, making silly hand gestures, "Why is nobody moving forward?"

"Can you relax?" Kiara complained, "JJ, how much weed did you give him?"

"Guys." John B whisper-yelled, "Your car's on the Wanted poster."

"Can we move it, please?" Pope raised his voice, beeping his horn continually.

"Mom, look!" A kid from outside of the vehicle shouted, "It's that guy, right there!"

"Shit." Rory stressed, "I hate kids."

"We got a snitch." JJ said, "Pope, turn the car on."

"I'm trying!" Pope struggled, as a crowd started to form around the car.

Letting Pope drive was a terrible decision, and the fact that he was high made it worse. He managed to drive away from the scene, thankfully not running over any people- but crashed into hundreds of road signs on the way.

"I'm living my best life." Pope explained, as the rest of the group recovered from the multiple crashes.

JJ stressed, "I should be the last one to tell you this, but you are not okay to drive. Stop!"

As instructed Pope stopped, almost jolting everybody forward, "John B, get out."

Rory nodded, "He's right, John, we'll draw the cops whilst you run."

"We'll get the right and we'll meet you in the dump tomorrow, okay?" JJ added, "Three o'clock, okay?"

"Okay, okay." John B replied, as he climbed out of the car, but Aurora knew he wasn't listening.

She stuck her head out of the window and called to him, "Three o'clock at the dump!"

"Okay!" John B called back, sticking his thumbs up to her as he sprinted off.


Aurora took the wheel from Pope, driving the Pogues (minus John) to the Cameron House. She needed Sarah to clear John B's name because she was the only Kook she knew, therefore she had power. The police would never listen to a Pogue, especially not a Maybank with behavioural issues.

"You sure this is a good idea?" JJ questioned doubtfully.

Aurora nodded, making her way towards the wall leading to her backyard, "Sarah's the only one who can clear John B. Plus, this is the last place the cops will look."

"Last place they'll look because of how stupid it is." JJ replied from the car, exhaling smoke out of the window.

"As if you could come up with a better plan." Rory scoffed sarcastically, as she climbed up the wall, "And don't say let's kill Rafe."

Kiara followed Rory over the wall, as they walked through their backyard secretly. She whispered, "Do you have a plan?"

"Yeah, I have plans. We can do plan. Let's do the plan thing. Let's get it. Let's plan it out." Pope replied awkwardly, unexpectedly following the duo.

"Can you handle a plan right now?" Kiara questioned, as she stopped walking and turned around to face him.

"Pope, you're meant to be in the car with JJ." Aurora huffed, as she turned around reluctantly.

"Of course I can handle a plan." Pope replied awkwardly, "I'm-Im Plan Guy. I'm-"

"Shhh." Kiara complained, "This is a quiet plan."

"I love you, Kie." Pope blurted out, causing Rory's jaw to drop open, "I love you. I'm in love with you."

"What?" Kiara questioned, "You're wasted."

"I know I'm wasted, and that's why I'm saying this now." Pope replied, reaching out to hold her hand, "I really like you. I've been meaning to tell you, I love-"

Aurora scoffed, "Are you really doing this right now?"

Aurora left the duo, leaving them to figure out their love-life. Being honest, couples reminded Aurora of her mother and father- Rory couldn't remember the last time they loved each other, since it had always been hatred.
Yet, she was head over heels for a Kook- some irony there.

Aurora arrived at Sarah's window, after secretly climbing onto the roof (a secret route she used to take when they dated). Hopefully, Kiara and Pope were doing their side of the plan, which was distracting Ward and Rose so Aurora had enough time to speak to Sarah.

She knocked on the window, a smile appearing on her face when she saw Sarah. Sarah and Rory both tried to open the window, but Ward had locked it from the inside and out.

Rory unfolded the poster of John B to show Sarah, who's facial expressions dropped when she saw the title. Sarah  really did love him, and it hurt.

"Are you in on it?" Rory asked, speaking louder than usual so she could be heard through the glass window.

"Did you think I was?" Sarah questioned, seeming upset to think that the Pogues doubted her loyalties. 

Rory shook her head confidently, "No, I was just checking."

Sarah smiled, putting her palm on the window. Aurora did the same, wishing the glass would vanish so she could actually touch the girl she was so deeply desperate to have. Sarah hesitated for a moment, doubt spreading across her face.

"What's wrong?" Aurora asked curiously, keeping her hand on the cold window.

Sarah sighed, "I need to get out of here." Aurora took off her cardigan, wrapping it around her hand quickly. Sarah watched in confusion, "What are you doing?"

"This glass is double-glazed. If I punch it hard enough, it'll smash... eventually." Rory explained quickly, "Just stand back. Glass shards take a while to come out of the skin... unless you pick it out, of course-"

"Rory. Rory, no." Sarah interrupted the girl's stupid plan, "No, no, no."

"What? Have you got a better idea?" Rory questioned sarcastically, "This is the only way you'll escape."

Sarah hesitated, a small smirk growing, "Not necessarily."

"What's the plan?" Aurora frowned, "It better not be-"

"Sarah! Sarah!"

The voice of Ward Cameron echoed through the house, followed by the distant bang of his footsteps. Aurora sighed, knowing that Pope and Kie's distraction didn't last long enough.

Sarah panicked, "Get my bike from the shed. Leave it at the back gate. Don't be seen, Rory. Go! Go."

Aurora nodded, watching as Sarah jumped back onto her bed and pretended to read. She hid behind the wall, catching a glimpse of Ward and feeling a burning rage fill her blood.

As instructed, Aurora retrieved Sarah's bike from the shed and left it at the back gate. She sighed, taking a deep breath to reflect on happier times. Normally, Rory was the one being rescued out of her locked bedroom.
She prayed Sarah would make it.

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