52: It's My Fucking Birthday

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[FlashBack: 3 years ago]
-mentions of addiction-

AURORA MAYBANK spent her summer getting close to Sarah Cameron, which her friends found difficult to wrap their heads around. Sarah was commonly known as the Kook Princess and Rory was just a Pogue. The Island was divided into the rich and the poor, which didn't help the fact that Aurora had asked Sarah to be her girlfriend- The Kook also saying yes.

"I'm telling you, J, she's actually really nice." Aurora explained to her brother, as he sat on the couch in their dad's house. Their dad had been gone for a couple days, so the kids had to go to Heyward's store for free food, as he was like their second-father. Aurora added, "She's pretty, too."

JJ waxed his surfboard, "I'm just sayin', she's a Kook. Chances are, she'll come to our house, judge us, tell everyone that we live in this shithole, then leave. I'm not being mean, I'm just telling you how things are."

"I know." Rory huffed, "But why do we have to be divided just because they have money and we don't? It's not fair."

"Life's not fair." JJ deadpanned, "Anyway, the Cameron's are a bunch of assholes, like, have you seen what they wear?"

"That's not Sarah's fault." Aurora sighed, "You can't help the family you were born into, JJ. I mean, look at us."

JJ thought about the point Rory made, which was valid. Unexpectedly, he started to smirk, "You're so in-love, it's hilarious. I mean, they do say marry rich, right?"

Rory chucked a cushion as him, "I don't go out with her for the money!" 

He began to tease his younger sister, "Rory and Sarah sittin' in a tree, K-I-S-S-I-N-G!"

Rory raised her middle finger at the boy, who was laughing at his own jokes, before the doorbell rang. She panicked, shutting her brother up before rushing towards the door.

Rory quickly opened the door, "Hi."

Sarah Cameron stared back at her with a grin, her dirty blonde hair placed perfectly down her shoulders. She admired her clothes: the low-wasted jeans, the expensive belt, the tank top, the shoes, her jewellery.

She went to kiss the girl, but Sarah hesitated, Rory reassured, "It's okay, only JJ is here."

"Sorry." Sarah exhaled nervously, looking around just in case any of the neighbours had seen them.

Aurora came out to her brother after her crush on Natasha Romanoff in Civil War, which the Pogues had watched in the summer of 2016. She didn't dare to say a word to her father, knowing he wouldn't take the news very well. As expected, all of her friends were supportive of her, and had attempted to make her a lesbian cake- only the flag colours were different, however JJ said it was the 'limited edition' flag. 

Whereas, Sarah Cameron came from quite a homophobic family, which meant she developed a lot of hatred towards herself. She had kept Rory a secret, and didn't kiss in public, but Rory couldn't blame her as Rafe was extremely good at bullying. Last year, Rafe found out Aurora was lesbian, so decided to spread false rumours about what she liked to do, causing JJ's anger to explode- the fight caused JJ to get stitches and Rafe to break a knuckle.

Rory held Sarah's hand as she toured her around her bungalow. She brought her into the living room, "Don't mind the mess, we haven't had time to clean since our dad's gone AWOL."

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