48: An Addict Sees An Addict

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[trigger warning: drug mentions]

THEIR PLAN to get to the Church as soon as possible had failed, when John B had to stop driving due to the tide coming in. Of course, this turned into Pope giving the group a lecture as he specifically mentioned the raising tide. The Twinkie's wheels was submerged in the dirty water, and came up to the Pogues' knees as they gathered around to discuss their limited options.

Pope suggested, "Okay, maybe we could walk from here."

"What? And leave the Twinkie?" John B questioned, "The tide's coming in."

"So, what are we supposed to do?" Sarah asked curiously.

"Not stay here." JJ deadpanned, and Rory made a 'duh' face.

"I can take my dad's truck." Kie stated hesitantly, "How much worse can it get, you know?"

"We need a winch to pull the Twinkie out with." JJ added, "There's a winch at the Chateau."

"Okay, if you're gonna do it. Let's go." John B worried, "The tides coming in and the Twinkie's going under."

JJ and Kie started to trek through the dirty water, before Rory quickly followed, "I'll come too... To supervise."

A confused murmur came from the rest of the Pogues, knowing that Aurora wasn't very good at supervising. She was normally the one being supervised. However, Rory couldn't stand one more minute being in the same perimeter of John B and Sarah. It made her feel so unwanted, until suddenly that wash of jealously drowned her again. Plus, Sarah made it pretty clear that she doesn't feel the same way anymore, so Aurora had to respect that- no matter how hard it was.

When they arrived to Kie's house, JJ peered into the truck window to make sure it was empty. Then, Rory and JJ hid behind the white fence whilst Kie went inside to steal the Truck's keys.

"Go, go, go!" JJ whispered, as Kiara left the two alone. He turned to Aurora, whispering, "Why didn't you stay at the forest?"

"A stupid reason." Aurora huffed, as she glanced at her brother who looked as though he was going to burst with questions. She blurted out, "Don't ask."

"I really want to ask." JJ whispered desperately. He paused, "Is it Sarah-"

"JJ!" Rory whisper-yelled, as she cut him off from speaking, "I told you not to ask."

"You didn't deny it." JJ smirked, as he shuffled closer to his sister eagerly, "So, what's going on with you two? Did you, you know, kiss?"

"What- No!" Rory grimaced, though she liked the idea of it. She shrugged, "Well, not recently."

JJ squinted, "How far do you consider recently?"

"When we were... together, before. Like, years ago. Anyway, she doesn't like me like that anymore." Rory explained, and JJ could tell she was clearly upset about the whole thing.

"So, you're not going to get together?" JJ asked sympathetically, his sarcastic voice had disappeared and suddenly he was comforting his sister, "I thought you had this raging crush on Sarah?"

"It's... It's confusing." Rory tried to explain, "One minute, she acts like she loves me. And the next minute, she's all over Topper. When I confront her about it, she says we're just friends, but friend's don't look at each other like we do. You know?"

"Yeah." JJ nodded, before pausing, "Do you know what I would do?"

Rory shrugged, "Probably just kiss her."

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