69: A Warrant

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TWO DAYS later, Rory was forced to get clean at the Château with the support of JJ and John B- which was much harder than she remembered. She sat on the front porch with the boys, painting a picture of the trees in front of her. Rory was good at art, according to her friends, plus it was the one thing that took her mind off getting high.

According to Sarah and Kie, Topper had filed a report to the police for assault since Aurora kept punching him whilst he was laying unconscious. It was true, Rory couldn't deny that, however getting the Cops involved was a pussy move according to JJ.

"There was just something about his face... like, that Kook look." Rory explained, as she continued painting. The boys had obviously noticed that Aurora wasn't herself, so tried cheering her up- it didn't work. She sighed, "He's just so smug about it."

"I saw it too." John B agreed, as he skated around the front porch, "Like, the No hard feelings, bro."

"No hard feelings." JJ scoffed, "Its kinda hard to not have hard feelings about that?"

"I just... don't wanna talk about it anymore." Rory informed, as the boys nodded understandably.

John B walked into the kitchen, as the twins followed and headed straight towards the fridge for food.

JB changed the subject, "Anyway, we gotta figure out a plan to get to South America, like, yesterday. Singh's got my dad to get to El Dorado. So, I was thinking passports. We don't have those. Therefore, we can't fly commercial."

"Don't you have that money you took from Portis?" JJ asked him curiously.

"I gave that to my dad." John B replied.

JJ suggested, "What about a boat? If we got a boat, maybe we could get down there."

"Limbrey has a boat." Rory added, "Why can't we just take that?"

"Yeah, she took that back." John B replied, "And the HMS Pogue is not gonna make it to the Port of Spain, so screw the boat idea."

"So, what you're saying is we don't have any money, and we also don't have a boat that can make it to South America." JJ replied, "Actually, I might know a guy-"

"Oh shit." John B interrupted, as he stared out of the kitchen window to see a police car parking outside. He immediately grabbed JJ and Rory, pulling them down onto the floor. He whisper-yelled, "Get down! Shoupe's out front right now!"

"Alright, Aurora Maybank!" Shoupe called from outside, as the three looked at each other in panic. The Sheriff called again, "Anybody home? Aurora!"

The three crawled on the floor, before hiding under the kitchen table in the corner of the room. Rory's eyes widened, as Shoupe knocked on door repeatedly, trying to look in through the dirty glass windows.

"Fuck." Rory whispered in panic, "He's gonna-"

JJ covered her mouth with his hand, as he whispered, "If he sees you, it's game over."

John B whisper-yelled, "Shut up. Shut up!"

"I know you can hear me in there." Shoupe knocked again, "You need to come out and talk to me. It'll be a whole lot worse if you don't." JJ shook his head slowly at Rory, as Shoupe's footsteps became distant as he left the porch. Shoupe called, "Okay, have it your way. But you know where to find me."

When they heard Shoupe drive away, Rory noticed JJ's hand still covering her mouth. He pulled it away quickly, as he crawled out from under the table, "Did you just lick my hand?"

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