62: Whatever JB Says Goes

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THE POGUES had no choice but to leave John B behind, drifting out to sea as time travelled by. They all gathered round anxiously, waiting for someone to speak first, which would of course be JJ, who was livid about the situation. Her brother paced the deck anxiously, causing everyone to stress out even more.

"So, this is what we're doing, huh?" He questioned angrily, "We're just sailing out. We're just gonna forget about John B? We shouldn't of left him. We're turning back around-"

"No! We're all gonna get caught." Cleo interrupted, "What type of plan is that?"

"It's a plan to stick together, Cleo." JJ argued.

"Then we are dead together!" Cleo shot back frustratedly.

"She's right. We had to leave, or we'd all be zip-tied in the back of a pickup." Kie reassured, "We did the right thing."

Unexpectedly, the phone started ringing in JJ's pocket, as he took it out and answered it. He spoke loudly, "John B? Is this you?"

"Yeah, it's me." John B's voice was glitchy from the distance between them, "Don't worry about me. It's... too hot out here. Go back to-"

"We do not copy." JJ interrupted, as he raised the phone to try and get signal, "John B, are you there?"

"I'm okay." John B's voice distorted again, "I found... it's gonna- okay."

"What?" Rory questioned, "John B, slow down."

"I'll meet you- Kildare." John B's voice crackled as the connection cut off, causing the call to end.

"Kildare?" Sarah questioned, "When?"

"You think he found his father?" Cleo questioned.

Pope informed, "He's been missing for almost a year."

"Sarah, what do you think?" JJ questioned, "We're sitting ducks, right now. We either go, or turn back. Sarah, come on! Sarah, we need to make a decision-"

"Go!" Sarah blurted out, "John B said to go."

"Kildare?" Rory shook her head, "No. What the hell? We're not going back there."

"John B said to meet him there." Sarah replied, "We have to."

"Oh, so whatever John B says goes?" Rory raised her voice in frustration, as she brushed the air from her face, "Some of us- You know what, fuck this!"

Sarah's voice softeners, as she attempted to stop the girl from walking down the stairs to the bottom floor of the boat, "Rory. Hey-"

"Leave her." JJ interrupted quietly, watching as his sister stormed downstairs, "She's... She needs space."

A few hours had passed and the Pogues had left the boat to stop for gas, as Rory still sat on the lower deck alone. She curled her knees to her chest, picking at the scabs on her arm uncontrollably. She didn't want to go back home. Her home was Poguelandia. Who knows the shit that Rory would do if she went back to OBX.

Pope interrupted her thoughts, as he walked down the stairs, "Oh- Sorry. I didn't think you were still down here. I just went to get gas."

Rory hesitated, "You can stay."
Pope nodded, before sitting down next to her on the chairs. His demeanour had changed since a few hours ago and Rory saw the sadness in his eyes. She frowned, "Are you okay?"

"Not really. Just saw... JJ, uh, and Kiara... about to.. kiss." Pope explained, "I just didn't expect... I don't know. It's stupid."

"No, it's not." Rory reassured, as she looked into the distance at the moonlight shining on the waves, "Who did you want to be?"

Pope frowned, "What?"

"When you saw them, did you want to be JJ or Kie?" Rory repeated, as she looked at Pope, "No judgement, I'm just listening."

Pope hesitated, as he breathed deeply, "Uh, I don't know... both, I guess. You mustn't tell anyone, though, please."

"You're asking the girl who spent years secretly in-love with her ex-best friend." Rory smirked, "I already knew, anyway."

Pope asked, "What?"

"I already knew about you liking my brother. In that way." Rory repeated calmly, "I just didn't say anything. I figured you wanted to keep it a secret, especially because of what happened between you and Kie."

Pope hesitated, before letting out a chuckle with Aurora. He cleared his throat, secretly looking at the girl's arm. He sighed, "Are you okay? You kind of went mad at Sarah earlier. She thinks it's her fault."

Rory rubbed her hands on her face, letting out a sigh, "It's not her fault. I just, uh... I just get so angry, you know? I can't control it. Just like Luke, right?"

"No!" Pope shook his head sternly, "If you say that again, I will chuck you off this boat."

Rory smiled, "I kind of want to say it-"

"Don't!" Pope chuckled. The boy went serious again, looking at Rory, "I know Luke has left and JJ has shit with restitution. So, if you ever feel... if you ever want to stay at mine you can. My dad is basically your dad, anyway. He'd much rather you stay with us than get into trouble."

"Thank you." Rory smiled warmly, hugging the boy tightly.

"Oh, uh, I got you these whilst we were getting gas." Pope pulled out of the hug to retrieve a box from his pocket. Rory's face lit up when she saw the cigarette box and lighter that Pope was holding.

"With what money?" Rory questioned in shock, as she lit herself a cigarette. She smirked at Pope's silence, as she gasped sarcastically, "Wait! Pope Heyward, did you steal this? Who are you and what have you done with my Po?"

"I stole it for you." Pope corrected smartly, "I heard you tell Sarah you'd kill to have one. And honestly, I'd rather watch you smoke then murder someone."

"Just wait until I tell your dad." Rory joked, "I think he'd have a heart attack."

"He'd kill me." Pope chuckled, "Then have a heart attack."

  sorry for the shit chapter but my apology is feeding you with A LONG ASS POPE AND RORY SCENE YASS!!

they are the definition of platonic soulmates and i love them

STAY MAD im a jjpope stan. there i said it. (but im going to add jiara so the stans don't come at me) ❤️

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