44: Did Hell Freeze Over?

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AFTER DROPPING Pope to the Kildare Care-home to see his Mee-maw, the rest of the Pogues killed time by going to the local stores to supply themselves with drinks. Pope insisted on being alone, which was weird as they always did stuff together, but Aurora assumed he was trying to get back at Kiara by implying he doesn't need her.

The girls left JB and JJ in the Twinkie, as they went to get drinks from the store. Kie asked Sarah, "So, what's going on with this Topper situation?"

"John B's mad but, I mean, he saved my life. If he wasn't there, Rafe could've killed me." Sarah explained, taking a sip from her slushy, "I've put him through so much already. By the way John B's acting, you'd think I've committed the crime of the century."

Kie nodded, "Tell me about it. All of this crazy shit's happening, and Pope's giving me the silent treatment for not being in-love with him."

"And we're the dramatic ones." Sarah smirked sarcastically, as she looked back at Rory who had been absent in conversation the entire time. She frowned, "You coming?"

Rory exhaled smoke from her cigarette before crushing it was her shoe on the floor, "Yeah."

If she was being honest, Aurora felt left out from the classic boy conversation. Growing up, she had never related to any of it which is why she excluded herself. She couldn't help but hate herself for being different, no matter how hard she tried.

The Pogues parked outside of the care-home, watching as Pope walked out of it and towards the Twinkie. Rory slid the door open for him to climb inside, "How'd it go, Po?"

Pope sighed, "Shit just got way more personal."

The Pogues gathered outside the Heyward's store, as Pope finished explaining his family connections to Denmark Tanny. Of course, he had to explain it a few extra times for JJ, who couldn't wrap his head around the whole idea- including the Cross of Santo Domingo. The beers that Aurora brought came in handy, as the group all had a can to celebrate.

"I still can't believe you're related to Denmark Tanny." John B exclaimed, "Are we in the presence of a royal?"

"A king?" JJ asked sarcastically, as he placed an invisible crown on Pope's head, "We shall crown him. All hail the lord of TannyHill!"

Everyone bowed to him, praising him before bursting out into laughter. Pope shooed them to stop, "Relax. Relax, guys."

Sarah took a sip of her drink, "Relocated to the Cat's Ass, question mark?"

"I second that." Rory nodded at the idea, "I could use a jacuzzi right now."

Pope shook his head, "Wait. I just keep thinking about the letter, the one that Limbrey sent. It had the wheat symbol on it. That must mean it had something to do with the Royal Merchant."

"Yeah, that's fishy." JJ agreed.

"But if we find that cross, we can split it like we were gonna split the gold." Pope continued, as their gazes traveled to a man and women walking towards them. Rory recognised them straight away, quickly standing to her feet.

"And live happily ever after?" Limbrey finished.

"You assaulted my father." Pope spat through gritted teeth, as he walked closer to Limbrey.

The man beside Limbrey grabbed his shirt and pushed him back. The women spoke calmly, "Oh, I didn't assault anybody. Why would me or my employee assault your father? That's absurd."

"Because you're both psychos." Rory snapped, glaring at the two.

Limbrey sighed, "Listen, we can keep on negotiating, but the fact is that I want the key. And I won't stop until I have it, I don't have a choice, which means you don't either."

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