47: Wise Words From Rory

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THE NIGHT flew by due to the drugs that Barry had supplied her with. Of course, he didn't want to give her any but Rory was a very impulsive person. Her rage died down into a deep sadness that caused her to pass out on Barry's couch for half of the night- despite her promise to JJ to meet him at the Château. Aurora woke up to a sharp pain shooting through her hand, as her eyes shot open to see Barry sitting opposite her on the table. He was gently wrapping her knuckles in a bandage,

"This one hella bruise, man. Who'd you punch?"

"Topper." Rory replied, as she slowly sat up as the world stopped spinning around her.

He smirked proudly, then it slowly faded, "You know drugs ain't gonna solve your problems, right?"

"Aren't you a drug dealer?" Rory retorted, a hint of sarcasm laced through her voice.

Barry tutted, realising she had a good point, as he stood up, "You gon' be okay?"

"Yeah, thanks." She replied, as she slowly stood up, "I'll see you around."

Aurora walked back to the Château, practicing her speech so she didn't sound high. Luckily, in years of experience, the girl was pretty good at hiding it- if she did say so herself. When she arrived back at the Château, she was bombarded with questions in which her reply was 'i just needed to be alone', which the Pogues believed due to her outburst last night.

The Pogues, plus Sarah, informed her on the Island Room which was within the Cameron house this whole time. They explained everything to her as JB drove the Twinkie to the location of the Cross. Half of the journey was a blur to Aurora, as the world around her span in continuous circles.

"Look." Kie pointed out of the Twinkie window, "There's Angel Oak."

"Oh, shit!" JB muttered, "The tide's coming in."

"Wait a second, look." Pope said, as John B stopped driving for a moment. He pointed to the tracks on the ground, "Limbrey already came through here."

"What you thinkin', Chief?" JJ asked curiously.

"I think it's looks a little dicey." John B replied, "I don't know."

Kie shrugged, "It looks like they made it." 

"Why y'all acting like you're not gonna do it anyways?" Sarah questioned, as the Pogues shared the same expression as they nodded. She smiled, "When have y'all ever done the safe thing?"

Although the other Pogues hadn't caught onto Aurora being high, the girl felt watched by Sarah. Every moment, she would catch Sarah looking at her with a sympathetic expression, in which Rory just looked away.

JJ and John B nodded at each other, giving Sarah's valid point a thought. It was true, they had never ever done the safe option, so why chicken out now? JJ clicked in his seatbelt, "Now, put her down in second and hammer down, brother. Speed is your friend, okay?"

"Stick to the ground in the middle." Pope added, as he buckled in his seatbelt too. 

"Come on." JJ encouraged, as JB started driving through the mud, "Punch it. Speed is your friend. You're not going fast enough."

"I'm in second." John B defended himself from JJ's driving advice.

"It's gonna slide." Kie mentioned concernedly.

"Whoa, you're fishtailing already." Rory chuckled, as she looking out of the window to see the world moving fast around her- a sudden feeling of nausea flooded her stomach, so she swallowed deeply. 

Pope added, "Not to put too much pressure on you, but if you don't make it through, we'll be stuck here forever."

Kie cheered as JB successfully managed to keep on the path, "We're alive!"

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