57: Poguelandia

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[season 3]

LIVING OFF of fish, water, and wild fruits with her friends was the ideal life for Aurora. The Island was named Poguelandia, to mostly make JJ happy, and it was their own little slice of paradise. The Pogues all got assigned jobs like hunting for food, making the campfires, making tools, and building shelters out of natural materials. If she was being honest, Rory didn't want to leave the Island.

The first few weeks were hard for Aurora, knowing that she only had one packet of cigarettes in her pocket- which had got soaked when she jumped into the sea. Plus, there was no drugs on the island, which was the main cause of her problems. Aurora made the first few weeks a living hell for her friends, not on purpose, as they saw her in a desperate state. She had outbursts of rage and episodes of what looked like depression, as her body adjusted to not having the substances inside her. The Pogues had guessed that Aurora was lying about being clean in OBX, but they just wanted to focus on the girl getting clean again.

However, Aurora was surviving with the help from her friends, as they tried to distract her every single day from thinking of her past. 37 days she was clean. Her body and mind had adjusted to feeling normal, though not a second goes by when she hadn't thought about drugs. Rory's arm looked worse than ever, as she picked her skin to take her mind off of it.

Sarah sat down in the sand, weaving thick leaves in a pattern to make almost a shelter. Rory sat next to her, leaning her head on her shoulder, "What are you workin' on?"

"A little shelter to give us some shade." Sarah replied, as she held up her project to show her, "Do you like it?"

"I love it." Rory smiled, as Sarah kissed the top of her head. Her eyes drifted to the ocean, causing Rory to frown, "What?"

Sarah stood up quickly, pointing to the distance, "Do you see that? That boat, right there."

"Uh, no." Rory answered, as she stood up and squinted her eyes, "Where?"

"Eleven o'clock." Sarah pointed, "Just under the horizon. Look!"

"I think it's just the whitecaps on the reef." Rory reassured, as she hugged Sarah from behind, "It's not your dad, Sarah. Or your brother. I promise."

Ever since the group arrived at the Island, Sarah had this paranoia of her father and brother coming to the Island. Rory didn't blame her- they were both psychos. Sarah 'saw' a boat on the horizon daily, but Rory knew it was her mind playing tricks on her.

Later that day, the group met up at the campfire, to play games. Sarah started, "Okay, John B. Truth or dare."

John B nodded, "Truth."

"If you could do it all again," Sarah asked, "What would you do different?"

JJ interrupted, "Uh, get the gold before Ward did."

"Maybe hide the cross a little better." Pope added.

"Not yell murder at Ward, maybe." Kie shrugged, making the group chuckle.

John B answered, "Uh, steal a couple bottles of rum before we jumped off of the boat?"

"I would look both ways before I crossed the street." Cleo joined in, before turning to the girl, "Rory, what about you?"

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