36: The Truck's Fucked

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THE CARRERA family argument went on for a while, their shouts could be heard from around the block. Aurora, Pope and JJ waited in the car whilst Kie tried to convince her parents to let them go to Charleston. Obviously, it wasn't going to plan. Rory admired their house for a while, before the shouting got too much so she closed the car window so their shouts were muffled.

"They're taking it really well." JJ said sarcastically, as he watched the family argue. He turned to Pope, "How'd you get the truck? I know your old man didn't let you have it."

Pope replied, "I undid the intake valves on the carburetto. Made it start pinging..."

"And now you're just gonna take it to your cousin Jeff's house." JJ finished, "Just gonna get it fixed. Crash overnight.... I think I'm rubbing off on you, Pope."

"Lying to your old man, stealing his truck." Aurora listed sarcastically, "That sounds like a JJ thing to do." She paused, "I estimate about 18 hours before your dad finds out and loses his shit."

Pope turned around to look at her, "My dad's gonna lose his shit even more because you're smoking out the truck. Can you open the window?"

JJ glanced around at Rory, who's hand hesitated above the button to open the window. He cleared his throat, "Leave the window closed, Rory- Oh, look...here comes Kie."

Kiara stormed towards the truck, as JJ got out and opened the back door seats for her. He waved to her parents, who did not return the same smile, "It's good to see y'all, Mr and Mrs Carrera."

Pope stuck his head out of the window, "Hi, uh, I promise to have her back at a reasonable and safe hour."

"Kiara, listen to me." Mrs Carrera raised her voice, "If you wanna go, you can go. But if you don't come back at a proper time, then don't come back at all!"

Aurora flinched at the sound of Kiara slamming the car door shut, as she rested her head in her hands. Luke haunted the girl's mind, every second of every day. She wished she could forget him, but every argument was just a reminder of her deadbeat father.

"Y'all have a good day." JJ waved, as he got into the passenger seat of the truck. Pope reversed out of the drive-way, as Aurora watched Mr and Mrs Carrera who were stood on the doorstep. They were both angry and worried, Aurora could see the emotions in their eyes. She quickly looked away.

"This shit would be so much easier without parents." Kiara sighed, as she looked at Aurora, "You okay?"

"Yeah." Rory replied, as she avoided contact. She could feel JJ's eyes on her from the passenger seat.

The car drive to the ferry went by quickly, due to Aurora smoking weed in the backseats. Pope complained repeatedly about the stench of weed which lingered in his dad's truck, but after a while, Rory was too high to understand anything anyone was saying.

Kiara sat on the back of the truck with the group, as she complained about her family, "My parents are so worried of me becoming a Pogue like it's the worst thing that could ever happen."

"I heard they got good weed at boarding school." Aurora reassured, as she exhaled smoke into the air, "Maybe you could, uh, ship some over to us."

"I'm not going to boarding school." Kiara replied stubbornly, "They're gonna have to kidnap me, tie me up, and throw me in a van."

"Well, I just say we crumble some herb right now." JJ suggested, as he passed his joint to Kiara.

Pope put his phone in his pocket, "Rory, have you tried calling John B and Sarah on that number yet?"

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