43: I'm With Him

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THE FOUR gathered outside the Chateau, heavily feeling the absence of JB. They had all accepted that they had lost, letting the Kooks win again. It was just the way of life: The Pogues become criminals and the Kooks become Kooks. Rory sat with Kie as she played her ukulele, whilst Pope examined stolen supplies and JJ wiped wax on his surf board.

"That's too much wax, JJ." Rory stated smartly, "You put too much wax and it will become slippery."

"Are you telling me how to wax my board, Rory?" JJ huffed in disbelief.

"Yeah." Rory shrugged, knowing she was pushing his buttons, "We all know I'm better than you when it comes to surfing."

"It is a colossal waste of wax." Pope added.

JJ stuck his middle finger up at them both, but got cut off by a vehicles honking when he tried to speak. He frowned, "Did you hear that?"

The four ran towards the vehicle, as they shared the same shocked look on their faces. The Twinkie stopped moving and John B jumped out excitedly,

"Guess who's out the can, boy!"

Without hesitation, Aurora ran up to the boy, and practically jumped into his arms, embracing him in a tight hug. She smiled in disbelief, "No way, the Piggies let you go!"

"Am I day dreaming?" JJ questioned, as a grin spread across his face.

"Are you serious?" Kie chuckled happily, as the Pogues joined the group hug.

"How'd you do it?" JJ asked curiously, "You bust out?"

"They dropped the charges." JB smiled, which made the group break out into discussion.

"So you're telling me, we did all that for nothing?" Rory asked sarcastically.

Kiara scoffed, "It was full-proof."

"Wait." JB interrupted, as his glance travelled to Aurora, "Where's Sarah?"

Rory hesitated, "She went to meet Wheezie yesterday, I tried texting her but..nothing. She still hasn't come back."

"So, Sarah just dips and doesn't call?" John asked curiously.

"She left her bag and everything." Pope nodded, as the group headed out to the HMS Pogue.

"I think Ward got to her." John explained, "I mean, the dude tried to have me killed in jail-"

"He fucking did what?" Rory raised her eyebrows in shock, as the Pogues turned around to JB wanting answers.

"He sent someone to the jail, he yoked me up and strangled me." John B explained, "I swear to God, I'm gonna kill that son of a bitch."

"Not if I do first." Rory rolled her eyes in frustration.

"Was it anyone we know?" JJ asked.

The boy sighed, "I didn't recognise him."

"It's okay." Kie stated, which made them all frown.

"No, it's not okay." John B huffed, "We need to find Sarah."

"No, I mean, it's okay." Kie repeated, as she pointed behind the Pogues, "Sarah's right there."

From the distance, Sarah stood on a metallic silver boat which drifted towards the deck. Aurora's eyes lit up when she saw Sarah's smile, only to realise the smile wasn't for her- it was was for John B. Rory's eyes caught a glimpse of Topper's checkered shirt as she frowned at the sight of him. Her eyes darted straight down to the floor, as she refused to watch JB and Sarah hug.

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