65: Stupidest Son Of A Bitch

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THE MEMORIES flooded Rory's head as she walked to Barry's house. Rory couldn't stop thinking of Luke and what he used to do to her and JJ. She shut her eyes tightly, trying to think of something else but the images became more vivid and real. She was almost reliving the moments in her head, over and over until she couldn't breathe. The cruel words of her father echoed in her head, repeating itself over and over and over...

"I'll be damned. Look who it is!" The familiar voice of Barry brought Rory back to reality. He was sat outside his bungalow, smoking weed and obviously high. Barry stood up, embracing Rory in a tight hug, "How you doin', Rory?"

"Uh, good. Yeah." Rory spluttered, as she caught her breath from the memories that haunted her.

"Shit, man. Come in. Sit down, sit down." Barry slurred his words, as he patted the couch, "I know you ain't gonna tell me what's wrong, but I know for a fact you been crying."

"I'm fine, Barry." Rory reassured, as she slouched on his couch, finally being able to relax in a comfortable setting.

"You must think in the stupidest son of a bitch under the sun." Barry scoffed sarcastically, "What shits bothering you? You want some?" He offered her his joint, which she hesitantly turned down. Barry sighed, "Did you just turn down my joint? Shit, something is wrong. Tell me what's up."

Rory paused, "I saw my dad... in my head. I went to Kie's house and Mike was yelling and shit. Something he said must've triggered something inside of me because now I can't fucking get him out of my head. I-I feel batshit fucking crazy."

"Ima be honest with you, Rory, 'cuz you're like a sister to me." Barry replied, "Your dad put you through shit most people can't even imagine. He's bound to be in your fuckin' head. I'd be surprised if he wasn't. You get me?"

"Yeah. I get you." Rory sighed, as she looked over at Barry, "I'm having second thoughts on the weed though."

Barry passed her his joint, before remarking, "Just weed though. I ain't selling you nothin' else." He paused, "You comin' to Rafe's party tomorrow?"

"Sounds tempting. I will if you go." Rory exhaled smoke, "Have you heard from Rafe? Sarah saw him at Tannyhill."

"Saw him yesterday on the Cut." Barry explained, "Country Club's got daddy problems again. Talkin' shit to me 'bout it, like I give a fuck about his rich tea-times." He paused, "Speakin' of Sarah, how are things goin' with her?"

"Good. Great." Rory exclaimed, "Living on an Island with her was fun."

"Bet it was." Barry teased, a smirk appearing on his face, "You two do anything on that Island, Rory-"

"Fuck off!" Rory interrupted, throwing a cushion at him, as he chuckled to himself. She shook her head, "I forgot how annoying you were."

Unexpectedly, Rory's shared phone started to ring in her pocket as she pulled it out. She answered immediately, seeing Sarah's name. She cleared her throat, putting the phone on loud speaker,  "Hey, what's up?"

"Hey, we're going on the boat." Sarah asked, "Are you coming?"

"Yeah, I'll be there in a second." Rory replied, "I love you."

"I love you." Sarah added, "See you soon."

"Young love, huh?" Barry teased sarcastically, "You wanna ride to the boat?"

Rory smiled, "Yeah, thanks."

After Barry gave Rory a ride on his motorcycle to the shoreline, the girl met with her friends who were boarding a public boat that sails around the Island. It was very Kook-ish for Aurora, as she looked around at the obviously rich families who were being served drinks in posh glasses.

"Honestly, the hardest part is gonna be security." JJ explained, "So, most of the guys are gonna be at the rail yard."

Pope added, "We'll need to find some place and guard it, maybe a little further down the line, like the whistle-stop."

"You guys are gettin' ahead of yourselves per usual." Cleo reminded, "We don't have a way to transport the cross."

Rory suggested, "What about JJ's motorcycle?"

"A whole golden cross? On a small bike?" Pope replied smartly, "Absolutely not-"

"Oh my God." Sarah interrupted, as she leant forward on the table to hide from someone. The whole group turned around to look, seeing Topper at the bar ordering drinks.

Pope questioned curiously, "Is that Topper?"

"Why is he everywhere?" Kie complained, as Rory glared at him from afar.

"Perfect." Pope nodded.

"No, Pope. Nothing about this is perfect." Rory scoffed frustratedly, "I forgot that fucker existed. Surprise, he's still alive!"

Sarah placed her hand on Rory's thigh, which was quickly bobbing up and down. She whispered, "Calm down."

Pope continued, "I bet you Topper has a way to transport the cross."

JJ nodded, "He's right. Topper does have a rig."

"No." Sarah shook her head stubbornly, "Absolutely not. I'm not going over to him."

"Sarah, I hate to say this, but you've already got him whipped anyway." JJ explained, "So, why don't you just take one for the team and go over to him."

"No. I'm with your sister, JJ." Sarah refused, "I'm not just gonna go and flirt with my ex!"

JJ disagreed, "I think Rory would completely understand."

"I think I can speak for myself." Rory argued, "Topper is the worlds biggest douchebag. No!"

"Think about the circumstances." Pope added, "It's about the treasure. It's for your friends, Rory."

"You don't have to flirt." Kie added, "You just have to talk to him, Sarah."

"Talk." Rory scoffed jealously, as she glared at her girlfriend speaking to Topper. She gritted her teeth, "I mean, just look at how Topper looks at her. It's disgusting!"

"It's fine." JJ reassured, "This is for the team, Rory."

Cleo remarked sarcastically, "It looks like Sarah's having the time of her life."

"This is taking too long." Rory fidgeted, not being able to stand still any longer, "I'm gonna throw up if she touches his shoulder one more time."

"Awh, look at that." Pope cooed sarcastically, "They're hugging!"

Kie stuck her thumbs up at Sarah from a distance, "She did it!"


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