56: This Shit Ain't Over

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[tw: homophobic slur]

WHILST JJ and Kiara planned to lock the crew in the hull and Pope and Cleo attempted to retrieve the Cross, John B and Rory made their way towards the boat rooms. She followed John B towards the bottom of the boat, where all the machinery where kept, the crimson red light lighting up the hot room.

"Sarah?" Rory's voice cracked from worry, as they slowly dodged the metal machines around them, squinting their eyes from all the smoke the machines were admitting. Rory walked in front of JB, taking the lead, "Maybe she's-"

All of a sudden, a fish hook stuck out from amongst the smoke, and Rafe's shadow appeared. John B didn't hesitate to pull her backwards. He spoke psychotically, "Watch your head, man. What the hell are you doing here?"

"Just put that thing down, alright?" John B backed away from him, gripping onto Rory's hand and dragging her backwards.

Rory added, "This isn't about you."

"It's not about me?" Rafe questioned, sarcasm laced through his voice as he continued to slowly walk towards the two.

"No." Rory replied, trying to sound brave, "Its about Sarah."

"It's always about Sarah, isn't it?" Rafe slurred angrily, as he scraped the fishhook on the metal floor, "You know what she is, don't you, John B? Just like Aurora, she's a fag-"

"Fuck you!" Aurora shouted, as she spat in his face, before JB grabbed her arm and pulled her away from the manic boy, who had tightened his grip on the fishhook.

Rafe chuckled in disbelief, as he wiped the spit from his face. He lunged forward, swinging the fishhook at the Pogues as they sprinted away. Rory headed towards the door, whilst Rafe targeted John, as he punched him to the floor.

"John B!" Rory yelled, as she attempted to run towards the boy on the floor.

"Rory, go!" JB panted, as he wrestled Rafe, who seemed to be winning. Rory stood frozen for a moment, thinking of Sarah. She had to go, but not without her best friend. The boy shouted again, "Go! I'm right behind you!"

Suddenly, JB kicked Rafe as he stumbled backwards, giving him enough time to stand up and run towards the exit. Rory took her chance to run, as the adrenaline pumping through her body, before her lungs started to tighten. She opened the nearest door, before running inside.

John B followed her, before shutting the door behind them. He panted, "What are you doing? We had a clear exit- Are you okay?"

Rory coughed, "My lungs, man-" She paused, as her eyes-line lifted from the metal floor: shelves of pistols, shot guns, knives, and arrows stacked in front of her. Aurora smiled in disbelief, "No fucking way."

"JJ was right after-all." John B remarked, as he watched Aurora walk over to the shelves, "Wait. What are you doing?"

"What does it look like, Booker?" Aurora replied sarcastically, as she grabbed a pistol from the shelve and reloaded it, "Do you think we're just gonna get Sarah with our bare hands?"

"I think we can get her in a safe way." John B advised, as he tried to take the gun away from her, "Look, I understand you love Sarah but-"

"Let go." Rory warned, and John B did so, raising his hands in surrender. 

"Fine, just the gun." John B insisted, as he followed Rory towards the door. On their way out, Aurora slipped a pocket- knife into her denim short pocket. JB sighed, "I saw that."

Rory turned around to look at him, a sarcastic smirk on her face, "You were meant to."

Aurora gripped her gun tightly in her pocket, as John B peered around the corner to see Sarah and Ward talking. Sarah looked exhausted, as she stood next to the lifeboat she had attempted to escape on. Aurora's blood boiled, just seeing the man talk to her, but she knew that she couldn't just shoot him. What would Sarah think?

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