28: The Fucking FBI

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AURORA WATCHED the sunrise from the window of the Carrera Restaurant, exhaling smoke from her joint. She didn't well at all last night, due to the anxiety this whole situation gave her. She couldn't imagine what John B was feeling. 

JJ quietly opened the door, trying not to wake up Pope or Kie who were still sleeping inside. He smiled slightly, "Good sleep?"

"I couldn't sleep." Rory replied with a shrug, trying to act unbothered so JJ didn't worry, "Hence the weed."

JJ nodded, then guessed, "Anxiety?"

"It's not as bad as it used to be, but it's still here." Aurora exhaled, then offered the joint to her brother, "Want some?"

"Don't mind if I do." JJ smirked, as he took the offer. He exhaled, giving it back to Rory, "Can't have too much, Kie's dad will go nuts. Need to make a good impression, huh?"

Rory chuckled to herself, "You like her, don't you?"

"I like everyone, to be honest." JJ explained, taking a deep breath, "Even if it's something small, like, some people have beautiful hands. I don't know, I'm a bit in love with everyone I meet, you know?"

Rory smiled, appreciating what her brother had just said.
"You know I'm proud of you, J?" Aurora questioned happily.

"I know." JJ nodded sarcastically, "Don't go all soft on me now."

A moment later, Pope joined the duo on the back porch of the restaurant, "Have you heard from JB?"

"He's pinched for sure, man." JJ replied.

"No, they wouldn't still be patrolling if they caught him." Aurora explained, "Booker's good at hiding."

Kie walked out of the Restaurant, "You know, we were in that car. They're probably looking for us, too."

Pope paused, "If we're gonna be outlaws, we might as well help John B."

"So, find him before they do?" JJ suggested, but Pope was already walking away, "Pope?"

"I'm gonna get gas for the boat." He replied quickly, glaring at Kie on his way out. He turned to the twins, "Meet me at the dock at three, don't be late."

He slammed the door behind him, causing Rory to frown, "Did you reject him yesterday or something?"

"Exactly that." Kiara rolled her eyes, as she stormed after him.

"Pope asked her out?" JJ questioned confusedly, as they followed Kiara outside.

"It didn't go well... clearly." Rory shrugged, as she watched Pope get onto JJ's motorbike.

"Okay, what is your problem?" Kiara questioned frustratedly.

"No problem, officer, just doing my job." Pope replied sarcastically.

Kie sighed, "Look, I'm sorry I hurt your feelings-"

Pope revved the motorbike engine, interrupting Kie each time she tried to speak. Rory and JJ watched from a distance, not knowing who's side to be on as they were both reasonably angry. However, they didn't have time for this, they needed to help John B and Sarah.

Suddenly, as Pope rode off into the distance, a helicopter flew low above the trio. They looked up in confusion,

"What is that?" JJ questioned.

Aurora scoffed in disbelief, "The fucking FBI."

The three rushed inside, quickly rummaging the cupboards of the restaurant for food and bottles of water. They needed to get John B off of the island before the FBI get involved.

"Are you sure he wasn't just being weird Pope?" JJ questioned curiously.

"It wasn't really the kind of thing that needed interpretation." Kie replied.

Rory questioned worriedly, "Is this gonna be enough food for him?"

"It's only for a few weeks, Rora, that's all he'll need." JJ reassured.

"Look, I actually think I hurt his feelings." Kiara said regretfully.

"Don't beat yourself up too much." JJ replied, as they walked outside to load up Kiara's mom's car, "He's completely changed his feels-"

"I blame JJ's weed." Rory added, as she opened the car trunk, "It makes you do, and say, crazy shit."

Kie agreed, "I hate to say it, but I miss the old Pope-"

Unexpectedly, Kiara's parent's arrived and the trio got caught in the action of stealing their food.

Mrs Carrera questioned, "Where've you been?"

"I'm fine." Kie replied, "We all slept here."

Aurora gave a small wave with one hand, holding a box of food with the other, "Sorry, ma'am."

"Well, we were up half the night, scared to death, looking for you." Mrs Carrera continued, "Were you even gonna tell us?"

Kie shot back, "Well, I'm telling you right now."

Anna Carrera looked at the twins, then back at Kie, "What the hell are you three up to?"

"I'm sorry, Mrs Anna, we just gotta go." JJ replied politely.

Kiara took a breath, making her way towards the car door,  "Im sorry."

"Absolutely not." Anna tried to stop her, "Have you heard what's going on? There's a storm coming!" 

"Mom, I'll explain later." Kiara reasoned, continuing to get into the car whilst Rory and JJ put their boxes in the trunk.

"This is not safe!" Mrs Carrera continued protectively, despite Kie getting into the car, "These cops are armed, Kiara! You'll get shot. I'm not letting you do this!"

Whilst they argued, JJ lowered his head and Aurora rested her head in her hands. She looked up to see JJ reaching one of his arms backwards Rory to hold from the back seats.

Kiara argued with her mom through the car window, putting the keys into the vehicle and getting ready to drive. Tears ran down her cheeks as she repeated shakily, "I'm sorry! I'm sorry. I know. I'm sorry!"

Mrs Carrera banged her hands on the windows, trying to make her daughter stop the car. However, Kie was focused on saving John B.

"It's alright, Kie." JJ comforted, as they watched Kie wipe the tears from her cheeks.

JJ our pansexual king.


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