16: Unnecessary Imagry

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JOHN B had survived his fall, and rescued by Ward Cameron. He had adopted the boy, as an apology for firing him, and saved the Pogue from foster care. Aurora was thankful, of course, the last thing she needed was her best friend dying. However, she couldn't get Sarah kissing him off of her mind. The imagine was plaguing it, taking over.

"So, do you have a membership to the clubs now?" Pope asked curiously, as they sat around a table in the Carrera restaurant.

JJ nodded, "What about those golf carts they drive around? Do you get one of them?"

Pope added sarcastically, "Does it come with a sweater-vest, or do you have to buy one on your own?"

"Don't be silly, Pope." Aurora replied sarcastically, as she slouched in her chair, "Sarah buys everything for him."

John B sighed, "Do you see her here? No, that's what i thought."

"Well, that's settled." Aurora clasped her hands together, "She just kissed you because you had been shoved off a view tower. Very normal, indeed."

John B scoffed, "When will you let this Sarah-thing go? Seriously. It happened two years ago."

Aurora rolled her eyes, "You don't know what it's like."

"Enlighten me." John B replied sarcastically, resting his elbows on the table with a slight wince.

"She cheated on me with Topper, John B!" Aurora snapped, "I don't care if I was 14, I loved her. And it really, really sucked when all of the Kooks bullied me for months because I kissed a girl. Do you know what's that like? To be ashamed of who you are?"

John B's face softened, "Look, Rory, I'm sorry. I just- it's... nothing serious. We're not together."

Although Aurora appreciated John's sympathy for the situation, she realised there was nothing she could do. John B had feelings for her ex-girlfriend, and she had to watch them fall in love.

Aurora took a deep breath, "Look, I'm not trying to be a douche, but I'm just warning you. I don't want you to get hurt like I did, Booker."


The Map, provided by Sarah, lead the group of Pogues to Crain House. Rumours say, that the old lady, Mrs Crain, killed her family in her own home. JJ had always told Rory about how the husband's head is buried on the property. Aurora didn't want to believe it, however, the house was much scarier in person compared to JJ's horror stories.

"Are you kidding me?" Kiara sighed, as everybody got out of the Van to look at the house.

JJ added, "It can't get any worse than this."

"Why'd it have to be here?" Pope questioned in defeat, as the group stared at the outside of the house.

"JJ told me that Mrs Crain buried her husband's head on the property." Aurora exclaimed, as everyone gave her a concerned look.

The house looked old, which it was, and the blue paint was rusting off of the wooden panels. The house was big, considering it was on the Cut, and it was closed-off by massive green trees.

Kiara lead the group through the never-ending green, stepping cautiously over the thorns which were scratching their ankles,

"Look, you guys know who's house this is, right?" She asked eerily.

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