10: Kook Princess

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"YOU GUYS see that?" JJ whistled, as he looked at the boat drifting towards the them, "That's a Malibu 24-MXZ, the world's finest wake-setter. Number one in luxury, quality, and performance."

Aurora nodded, "200K, easy."

"We picked the wrong parents." Pope added jealously, as the group stared at the boat in awe.

Kiara scoffed, "I hate to break it to you guys, but that's Topper and his girlfriend."

Sarah Cameron- The Kook Princess. Aurora and Sarah actually used to be friends in the 8th grade, girlfriends in the 9th, then enemies in the 10th grade. Sarah was secretly dating Aurora, however, covering up Rory with Topper- so nobody would suspect anything.

Sarah never told anybody about Aurora, she knew that. The Cameron was scared of coming out, and Rory didn't blame her. However, Rory considered it cheating when your girlfriend kisses somebody else at the school gates. Aurora punched Sarah before dumping her, and it didn't help that she was heavily on drugs.

"Don't act like you don't see us, bitch." Kiara called, as she returned the glare given from Sarah as they drove past.

The Pogues arrived on Figure Eight, as it was the only place that had access to the internet because of the Storm. Pogues on the Cut get forgotten about, whilst the Rich just get richer.

"Alright, keep a look out." JJ informed, as he pulled out his gun, "We're behind enemy lines."

"Yo, come on, man." John B frowned, "Just put it back. JJ."

Pope leaned on the car window,
"Hey, I predict bringing a weapon into a four-star hotel will likely cause more problems then solve."

"I swear to God, I'm gonna throw that thing in the ocean, JJ." Kie complained, as she leant over the two front seats of the van, "Put it back."

Rory leant over the car seat and grabbed JJ's gun, chucking it in a bag, "No gun. Let's go."

"You can't handle a gun like that, Rora." JJ sighed, as he slammed the car door behind him.

The Pogues walked through the hotel, which was filled with rich Kook families enjoying their holiday, whilst the working class were... well, working.

They entered the computer room, thanks to JJ's stolen badge, and Pope logged onto a computer,


"34° 57' 30 North." John B read from the map, "75° 55' 42 West."

The computer screen zoomed into the Earth, as the group gathered around it. A little red arrow popped up in the ocean,

"Shit, it's in the high side." John B exclaimed, "It's only 900 feet."

"That's not too deep." JJ added, "Totally doable."

"Will we be taking our personal submarine?" Pope retorted sarcastically.

"The Salvage Yard." JJ replied cockily, "They got a drone that can drop 1,000. It has a 360 camera and everything. It can go underwater and stuff, it's exactly what we need."

John B questioned, "And can your dad get his dirty little hands on that?"

"Our dad got his ass fired. Typical man." Aurora replied, rolling her eyes, "But it's still there, in the Salvage Yard, we don't need him."

The group shared looks before racing out of the room, ignoring Pope who was trying to convince them there was a less illegal way to steal something.

"What's the plan?" Pope questioned, as John B drove them to the Salvage Yard.

"Kie's distracting the guard, we run." Rory shrugged, as she tied her hair up into a ponytail.

JJ offered a joint to Pope, "Take one, you know you want to."

"Keep the signal clear." Pope tutted.

JJ scoffed, "You know what your problem is?"


"You're too stiff, you need to relax." JJ corrected, "Like, you're always-"

"Don't do anything stupid." Kiara interrupted, as she left the van to distract the guard.

Aurora, JJ, Pope, and John B all crouched behind an old wooden pillar, as they watched Kiara speak to the guard. They all waited for her signal to run, but JJ interrupted the silence,

"How's things with you and Kiara?"

"It's not awkward, weird or anything." John B explained sarcastically.

"Honestly, I didn't think you were going to listen to me." JJ chuckled, "I was 100% sure she was into you. Pope would agree, so would Rory."

Pope and Rory shared a look and both made an unconvincing sound, "Eh."

"So, Kie, she definitely gave you the Heisman?" JJ questioned.

"Oh, yeah, no question." John B nodded.

Pope added, "Maybe she's just into someone else-"

"Go, go, go, go." Rory whispered, as Kiara put her thumbs up behind her back secretly.

The four started sprinting, as quietly as possible, to the gate, trying not to be seen. Suddenly, a German Shepard dog started barking and darted after them,

"That's a cougar, never mind." John B said, as he sprinted away.

"Pope!" Rory whisper-yelled, as the boy grabbed a hammer from a bench and started frantically waving around, "What are you doing?!"

"Stay back!" Pope repeated to the barking dog, before Rory picked up a red cloth from the floor,

"I have a toy. Who's a good boy- Shit!"

To Aurora's surprise, the dog started chasing after her as she left the two boys. The dog continued to bark, as she climbed up a ladder into an old dumped boat. She curled up in a ball, pressing her back into the inside of the boat, praying the dog would shut up.

"What's that, Tebow? What you got?" She heard a man's voice say, "Whoever's up there you better come on out! Don't make me come up there and get your ass!"

Aurora took a deep breath, before taking off her sunglasses to reveal her black eye. She put her hands in the air so the man could see them,

"Wait, Bobby! Don't shoot." She paused, "It's me, Rory. Luke's kid."

Bobby's frowned, "What you doin'?"

"I swear. I swear, I didn't want to." Rory pleaded, as she stood up and climbed out of the boat, "My dad made me."

"Don't you lie." Bobby warned.

"He told me Captain Leo kept his cutting torch." Rory lied, as fake tears filled her eyes, "You know, after he got fired." She took a shaky breath, "He said if i didn't get it... he was gonna hit me again. He'd take it out on JJ, too."

"Jesus Christ." Bobby muttered, "Come on down. I could've shot you."

"I know. I guess I'll just say I couldn't find it." Aurora said, as Bobby nodded softly, "Thank you, Sir."

Rory wiped her fake tears away as she walked out of the exit gates, before running into the van with her friends who were waiting for her. John B had managed to get into Luke's old workshed, managing to steal the water drone.

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