Under Control

By SimpForNothing

449K 13.8K 2.2K

Sequel Out Now "In Control" ________________________________________ Moving to New York city is a big thing f... More

Ch 1: New Boss
Ch 2: Get To Know
Ch 3: The Docks
Ch 4: Naughty
Ch 5: So It Begins
Ch 6: Shopping But Not Dating
Ch 7: Getting To Know You
Ch 8: A Tease
Ch 9: The Ace
Ch 10: Date?
Ch 11: Date Me
Ch 12: Honesty Is Key
13: I Like You
Ch 14: Girlfriend
Ch 15: Relax
Ch 16: The Manor
Ch 17: I Love You
Ch 18: Off To The Parents
Ch 19: The Parent's
Ch 20: Freaky & Calming
Ch 21: Problems
Ch 22: What's To Come
Side Chapter: Halloween
Ch 23: Secret Santa
Ch 24: Merry Christmas
Ch 25: Happy New Year
Ch 26: Anger & Pain
Ch 27: All Alone
Ch 28: The Past
Ch 29: Moving On
Ch 30: Trapped?
Ch 31: Runaway
Ch 32: Two Weeks
Ch 33: It's Okay
Ch 34: Please Don't
Ch 35: Painful Thoughts
Ch 36: Fixer Up
Ch 37: Little Truths, Lots of Lies
Ch 38: Reconnected?
Ch 39: Our Secret
Ch 40: Danger
Ch 41: Regards
Ch 42: Donny Denatello
Ch 43: Arthur Whitlock
Ch 44: Broken Deals
Ch 45: Distractions
Ch 46: Lost Memory
Ch 47: Meeting Greenwood
Ch 48: Awake
Ch 49: Laying Low
Ch 50: Having Fun
Ch 51: The Talk
Ch 52: The Attack Pt.1
Ch 53: The Attack Pt. 2
Ch 54: Safety
Ch 55: Discovery
Ch 56: Eye For An Eye
Side Chapter: Childhood
Ch 57: Distant Memories
Ch 58: Behind The Mask
Ch 60: Losing
Ch 61: Fathers Daughter
Ch 62: Tomorrow
Ch 63: Face To Face
Ch 64: Face To Face Pt.2
Ch 65: Ending It All
Ch 66: Epilog
BC 1: Babies
BC 2: Ex's
BC 3: Threes A Party
BC 4: Birthday
The End

Ch 59: Enjoy Yourself

4.8K 138 18
By SimpForNothing

No on pov:

Gunshots sound out as a car races down a highway, being chased by multiple behind it. The wheels screech as it weaves through traffic, avoiding a collision by seconds.

Driving ahead, the car comes up beside a large semi truck. The smaller car honks before trying to pass it but fails when another car cuts it off.

"Drive straight!" A voice rings out as a window is opened. Damien's upper body pokes out with a MP5 in hand.

"I'm trying. Hard to do so when I have people shooting at me!" Jeremy holds his boyfriend by his belt, keeping him from flying out of the window.

"Then I'll shoot back." The wind blows wildly as Damien aims in and takes shots at the multitude of cars chasing them.

"Oh shit!" Jeremy shouts as the car serves harshly, nearly making them spin out.

"Are you trying to kill me?" Damien ducks shots and fires back, growling at Jeremy through the harsh wind.

"I wasn't before but I might now." Pressing on the gas he speeds ahead and tries to lose the cars behind him.

As he moves past a minivan, Damien lands shots on the tires, taking out 2 of the 3 cars. He laughs but stops when a bullet grazes his cheek. He hugs the side of the door as the other car pulls up closer.

"Bash them!"

"What!? You're still-"

"I said bash them!"

With a loud sigh Jeremy lets go of the man and grips the wheel, leaning to the left before slamming the car into the other. Damien ducks inside just in time as the car rears off and crashes into a random one.

"You take too many risks." Jeremy scolds him, pulling on his ear. Damien hisses and pulls away motioning for him to drive in front of the truck.

"Yea I know but I'm not as bad as Axe." He laughs and slaps the side of the car.

They drive in front of the semi truck with two green masked men in the front seats. The trunk pops open as a large man stands and smiles at the two. Without hesitation Axe jumps from the trunk of the smaller car and onto the front of the truck.

He digs two hatchets into the hood to keep some sort of hold, as to not fall off and roll under the wheels.

"See, he's crazy." Damien points to the madman while Jeremy stares at him baffled.

"I don't like that he does it either!"

Axe scales the front of the truck before climbing on top, moving to the back slowly. A loud creaking metal sound rings out as the back doors to the cargo hold was opened. Three masked men climb to the roof and stare him down, holding guns up to him 

"Jump off or we shoot." One shouts over the loud wind, keeping his pistol aimed at the man.

"There's only three of you." Axe smiles and charges them. They open fire but it doesn't stop the man from charging.

Knocking one off the truck, he ducks low and lodges one of the hatchets into one of the men's legs. He screams as his friend falls off and rolls under the wheels of a car behind them. He aims his gun at the man but is swept off his feet before the shot goes off.

Axe grunts as he feels a bullet hit him from behind. Turning around quickly he throws his free hatchet into the guy's head, making him crumple and fall off the roof.

"How… the hell?" The man below him grunts and tries to get up. Axe smiles and rips the button up shirt open, revealing a bullet proof vest.

"You don't think ahead." Removing the hatchet he easily slides the man off and into the cars behind him.

"You alright up there big guy?" Damien comes in over the coms, worried for his friend.

"I'm going inside the cargo hold. Don't let this thing crash." Axe grunts and slides off the roof, catching the edge and swinging inside.

Catching his breath he sees what they came here for, a small bomb capable of taking out a city block. Walking on unstable flooring he gets closer and inspects it.

"Can you defuse it? Or is it a Claudio thing?" Damien asks, gunfire in the background of the com.

"Claudio thing. I don't know where to begin. This is too complex to try here." Axe carefully removes wires and dislodged the bomb, keeping it close to him.

"Then hurry. We got more coming from behind." Damien warned, the gunfire getting louder outside.

With a grunt Axe holds it close and turns around, seeing three more cars coming up to the opening. Steeling himself he rushes to the exit and jumps out, sliding across the roof of a car. Using the hatchet he keeps himself on top of it, barley.

"The fuck are you doing!?" Jeremy asks him this time, sounding pissed.

"They would open fire. This thing has no issue taking out a city block." He groans, moving himself to hunch on top of the roof.

The car speeds up to try and shake the man off to no avail. They get closer to Damien and Jeremy with the speed they drove out. Damiens upper body pops out as he takes out the two chasing them behind.

"Half a mile to the city. Do something!" Jeremy announces as they draw closer to their destination.

Looking at the dark haired man he motioned to the truck. Damien smiles and aims at the wheels, taking them out and causing a pile up. Axe grunts as he jumps from the roof of the enemy car onto the roof of Jeremy's. He digs his hatchet in as he held the bomb close to himself.

"MY ROOF! THAT COSTS A LOT!" Jeremy bangs on the roof from inside, irritated to see the blade come in the other side.

"Speed up, we need to get rid of this thing." Damien takes out the last car, shouting the driver in the head.

"The east river. Hurry." Axe holds on for dear life, feeling the dull ache from the bullets hitting his vest.

Swerving through traffic and onto sidewalks they quickly move to the river, needing to dispose of the bomb quickly. Sirens blare out as Jeremy drives, making the man smile behind his bangs.

"LET'S GO!" Music blares as he out drives the cops, making them look idiotic with his mastered driving.

Cop cars followed behind as they approached the river, all of them nervous at what to do and how to dispose of it.

"Claudio, you in position?" Axe shouts over the sirens and gunshots, trying to avoid getting hit.

"Aye, you can always trust me." The man chuckles as he hears the sirens in the background.

"Launch me off the roof!" Axe shouts into the coms, shocking the two inside the car.




With an uneasy feeling, Jeremy picks up speed and heads straight for the river, ready to launch the man into the bank of water. Gritting his teeth as Damien holds onto anything, Jeremy pulls the emergency brake as the car screeches to a stop quickly.

Axe launches off the roof, going far over the water. Using his momentum he throws the bomb up high before diving into the water.

"NOW!" His body dives into the water as a bullet from on top of a building fires off and makes the bomb go off.

A part of the edge to the river watch area exposes and crumbles in as Jeremy and Damien take off, trying to lose cops. Claudio smiles as he quickly packs the gun up and moves from his position on top of a building.

Axe surfaces from the water a minute later, gasping for air. Cops try to get close but the sound of a loud engine pulls their attention away. A hooded figure drives on a jet ski close to Axe, giving him a lift from the scene.

"You're on time." He coughs out some water, holding onto a slim waist as they take off.

"I'm always punctual." Rose gives a small smile as they take off from the scene of the crime.

"Everything's handled." Axe taps his coms, talking to the only person that matters at this point.

"Great. Get back quick. His men are still out." A familiar, slight British voice comes through.

"On our way."

Azrael pov:

Greenwood's men have become more active, they roam the streets, some in masks and others as civilians. It made me worry for Amilia and my unborn child, I didn't wish for anything bad to happen to them.

The search for Greenwood and Josie themselves has gone cold. She dropped off the face of the planet, I couldn't find her anywhere. It's like she knew that I knew what she had done.

This was all in the span of two weeks, New York was quickly turning into a warzone. The government tried getting involved, FBI and cops alike but they were all gundowned by Greenwood and his men.

This left me tense and frustrated, my need to keep everyone safe was keeping me awake at night, along with my nightmares. I hadn't slept in 4 days, I felt like I was going crazy with everything going on.

I dreamed of getting away from this, vacationing to France with Amilia and marrying her. I wanted to start a family, settle down and make things go back to how they were before. They can't though, we're in some kind of hell and the only way out was one of us dying.

And it won't be me…

A cold hand touches my back, alerting me that someone was there. Turning around I give a kind smile to Amilia, she looked to have just woken from her nap. I kiss her quickly as she hugs me for warmth.

"Is everyone okay?" She yawned, burying her face into my neck. I laugh and hug her back, much more gently because of her little baby bump.

"They're fine. We're all meeting up tomorrow." She hums and presses kisses to my neck. I chuckle as she holds me close, nearly grinding herself on me.

"Someone's getting worked up." She nods and whines, moving her hands underneath my shirt.

"Take care of me." She bites my neck a lot harder than normal. I winced and pulled back, rubbing it to soothe the mark.

"Amilia. I'm busy, my love." She groans and shakes her head, grabbing at my crotch.

"You haven't slept, you barely eat, and you definitely haven't touched me in awhile. When atr you going back to normal?" She sounded frustrated, even moving herself off me.

"I'm sorry, I've… just had a lot on my mind." I tried to apologize but she wasn't having it. Her eyes narrow as she stares at me, like I said something offensive.

"It's because I'm fat. That's why you won't touch me." She crossed her arms and looked pissed. I was beyond confused at what she was saying.

"What? No. I'm just busy, I don't even think I could get it up if I wanted to." I defend myself, this was the wrong choice of words.

"So I am fat! You can't even get hard for me?" She pushes past me, leaving me even more confused.

"I didn't say that." I stop her before she storms out the room. She keeps her eyes narrowed at me.

"So you like my body? Even if I'm bloated and disgusting?" She lifted a brow at me, questioning my opinion.

"Amilia, of course I do. I don't care if you gain 500 pounds, I'll still love you." I press a light kiss to her cheek, carefully calming her down. 

"Besides, I like the weight that you've gained." My mind is filled with swell in flesh on her ass, thighs, stomach, and tits. It was more than okay in my book.

"SO I AM FAT!" She slaps my chest but I couldn't help the chuckle that escaped me.

"No, but you're not as skinny as you were and that's okay. You got some meat to you now, wider hips, more tits, and a little belly. I love it all." I move my hand to her belly, feeling the hardness from carrying our child while also feeling some softness from weight.

"I don't want to get fat." She looked ready to pass out but I calmed her down.

"You're not fat… just a little more plump. You're two months pregnant and you look great." I comforted her, but she pushed me away and hugged herself.

"Ugh, I feel gross. You don't even want to sleep with me." Gotta hand it to her, her irrational thoughts are impressive.

"Are you that upset I won't fuck you, Amilia?" She glanced over her shoulder at me, nodding her head. I sigh and move behind her, wrapping my arms around her waist.

"Are you really that horny?" I kiss up her neck, my hands moving from her stomach up to her chest.

"Yes, hormones suck Azy." She sighs, letting her head rest on my shoulder as I touch her.

"Okay, then I'll fuck you like you want me too." I nibble on her earlobe, tracing the shell of it with my tongue.

"Oh god." I pinched her nipples through her shirt, groaning when I hear her moan and push into my touch more.

"God, they're getting bigger." I could feel my libido snap awake as I massaged her breasts. 

"T-they're sensa- ah fuck." I pinched them a little harder as she tried to explain. Her body nearly buckles but I kept her upright.

Moving us back to the bed I have her sit down so I can help her strip out of her clothes. Seeing her tan skin exposed to me set a fire in me, she's definitely getting thicker. My dick twitched at the sight of her body,  something about her getting plump made me feral.

"Don't stare." She covers her breasts but I stop her, wishing to see the newfound swell of them.

Moving her hands out of the way I waste no time attaching my lips to the sensitive peaks. She shudders and grabs my hair roughly as I pinch and roll the other roughly. I bit down on her lightly, loving the way she arched into my mouth more.

"A-azy!" She clutches onto me as I push my weight on her, grinding myself into her nearly naked body.

"You're making me ache." I groaned, feeling myself strain against my pants and wishing to be free. 

"Please, take it off." She moved my mouth from her tit, panting as she tried to breathe.

Nodding my head, I back off and quickly strip down to nothing, my dick throbbing when she stripped the last of her clothes off. I was back on her quickly, teasing and working her up more than she already was.

One of my hands grabbed and squeezed her thigh, loving the feel of soft flesh underneath. She whined and looked embarrassed but I was loving this, she packed on weight and carried it well.

"P-please…" She pushed me off her chest, trying to breathe properly from my constant attack.

"You want it?" I teased, kissing up to her neck as I grabbed a handful of her ass.

"Yes." She grunted, wrapping her legs around me. I rocked my hips into hers, both of us sighing when our centers met.

"What do you want?" I asked, smiling when her cheeks heated up. She's so vulnerable and needy, it made my dick throb painfully.

"Y-you're cock." She wrapped her arms around my shoulders, panting as she rocked herself against me.

"I won't be gentle…" I warned, feeling a deep need to be deep inside of her. I wanted to mark her like some kind of wild animal, her body showing to be only mine.

"Please…" She begged me. Pulling back I quickly turn her over, lifting her fat ass up for me to breed. I felt ravenous, like she was water and I was dehydrated.

She clutched the sheets as I gripped her cheeks, feeling the warm flesh more than fill my hands. I ground myself into her, teasing both of us in the process. She whimpered and pushed back, needing me to fill her.

I leaned forward and pressed my hands to her shoulders, keeping her face down as I slid myself inside of her. I struggled to breathe at the hot tight wetness encasing my cock. She squeaked as I thrusted myself in fully, needing to be as deep as possible.

"Fucking, take it." I grunted, our hips flushed together. She cried into the sheets when I started a brutal pace, pounding myself into her.

"Shit… you're so… soft." I grabbed at her hips and ass, thrusting myself rough and quick into her with a desprate moan. Her pitched moans filled my ears as I selfishly pounded into her.

"M-more." She begged, turning her head to glance a look at me. My stomach tightened to see her eyes full of such need.

Groaning loudly I pressed more of myself onto her, keeping her still as I used her thoroughly. My hand came down and left bruising marks on her ass, grabbing it to heighten the painful pleasures. I felt my cock ache the longer I fucked her, needing release soon.

"Just like that- just like that-" One of her hands reached back and pressed into my abdomen. My mind went numb when I felt her backing up into me, her hips meeting my every thrust.

"You take it so well, princess." I threw my head back, gasping for air as she tried to make me spill myself quickly.

"D-dont stop." She begged, pulling me back to fuck her. Nodding my head I hooked my arms around her waist and pounded into her.

I blanked out as I used her, using her pussy as nothing more than for me to spill inside of. She cried, begged, and whimpered with every brutal thrust. I kept one arm hooked on her while I used the free one to grab her hair roughly.

"Y-your pussy… feels amazing." I couldn't think properly, the only thing on my mind was breeding her.

"I'm gonna- I'm- Azy!" She clawed at the sheets as my hips never stopped.

Feeling her tense up and arch made my body twitch. She gasped and whined as she came, her cunt milking me for everything I had. Pressing her face into the bed I held her tightly as I fucked into her a couple more times before cumming.

My eyes shut as my body froze, only my hips weakly stuttering into her. She bounced herself on me, desperately milking every last drop out of me.

"S-shit…" I breathed, my cock painfully throbbing as the last of my orgasm tampered off.

I pulled out of her slowly, my body uncontrollably twitching when the tip slid out of her. She hummed and looked back at me with lust filled eyes, she wasn't done and neither was I.

"Azy…" She whined, wiggling her hips in front of me. I smiled and smacked her ass, planting a kiss where I left bruises. She hissed then hummed at the sensation.

"You want more?" I asked her. She nodded and sat back, reaching behind and stroking my still hard cock.

"You're gonna have to work for it." She shuddered as I moved to lay down, smiling when she realized what she had to do.

Throwing a leg over me she straddled my hips and ground into me, sliding her slick heat over my dick. I sighed and held her hips, groaning at the feeling of her thickness. Leaning down she kissed me, sliding her tongue against mine as I squeezed her ass roughly.

"Please don't lose this weight." I begged, feeling my dick slide with ease against her soaked heat.

"S-shut up." She sat up and placed a hand firmly on my stomach before reaching back and lining me up with her.

"Slowly." I told her, watching closely as I stretched her walls. She whimpered as she slowly sank onto me, huffing when I bottomed out.

"Good girl." I massaged her hips, wishing to fuck her already but I kept her still when she tried to move.

"Az, come on." She wiggled her hips but I didn't budge. Giving another rough smack, she moaned and waited.

"Ask nicely." I gritted my teeth, running out of patience myself." 

"Can I please move?" She bit her lip, bruising it when she let go. I wanted to see my cock between those pretty lips.

"Y-yeah." She relaxed and moved her hips, slowly grinding into me before bouncing on top of me.

I held her hips or ass, occasionally my hands would travel up her stomach, feeling the soft yet hardness of it. She was a moaning mess when she fucked herself on me, riding me like I was a horse. Her head was leaned back, her hips stuttered, and she was struggling to breathe.

"Breathe with me princess." I sat up and circled my arms around her waist. She panted and rested her head on my shoulder. 

Her arms wrapped around my shoulders as she kept moving, breathing as I did. I felt in tune, I felt in control and it was making me throb. She cried out as played with her clit, rubbing rough tight circles.

"Oh god, oh god, oh my fucking god!" She didn't have control of her hips, just letting herself ride me wildly.

"Keep going. I'm right here." I panted into her neck, trying to focus on not cumming. She clawed at my back, biting my shoulder roughly as she moved on top of me.

"Azy… Azy… Az-" Her voice cut off as she forced her hips making sharp and uncontrolled thrusts. She whimpered loudly as she came undone again, clutching Ironton me tightly. 

"There you go, good girl Amilia." I helped her ride it out, circling her clit slowly as she was breathlessly trying to calm down.

I cupped her ass and slid her along me, pumping myself into her a couple times before I filled her again. My mind went numb as I felt my balls clenched painfully. Weeks of build up slowly started to come undone.

I spent most of the night with her, me taking care of her needy body. She obeyed my every word and begged for more. By the end of the night I was struggling to stand on my feet as she sucked me off.

Her hazel eyes stared into mine as she greedily tried to milk me of anything left. I held her shoulders, keeping a firm hand in her hair while fucking her face lightly. She eagerly sucked me, massaging my balls to get me to cum.

I watched as she took me to the base, her plump lips wrapping around me perfectly. Gasping I quickly moved my hips back, having her stroke me as I released my load all over her pretty face.

"Look at me." I gripped her hair, watching thick ropes of cum land on her face and lips. It took me a minute to let go of her hair, my legs shaking from cumming so hard.

"I'm tired." She panted, leaning into my legs. I chuckled and felt my cock slowly soften, going back to its natural state.

"Let's get cleaned up and then we'll sleep." She smiled and pressed a kiss to my flaccid dick.

"I'm also hungry." She stood up and kissed me. I didn't care that her face was still messy, I loved kissing her.

"I know." I chuckled. Lifting her into my arms I took us into the bathroom.

I ran a hot bath, the way she likes it, while getting the shower started. Before she stepped in I took a warm wet cloth and cleaned her face, kissing her when she was done. I went through the steps of caring for her when I was rougher with her.

We got cleaned up in the shower and relaxed in the tub, she leaned into me as I ordered her favorite food. She almost fell asleep but I woke her and got us dried up. I helped her dry off, dress, and brushed her hair before the food got here.

I cleaned up the bed and sheets while she grabbed the food. We spent the rest of the night relaxing and eating food. She traced along my scars as I ran a hand through her hair, both of us tired.

For the first time in months I was able to get a good night's sleep, my mind not filled with deranged nightmares. I woke to the sight of her sleeping, the sun bathed her in a golden light.

I shouldn't worry so much…

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