{Till the End} Daryl Dixon x...

By GreedyCheese

16.3K 210 63

Y/n fell into the wrong kind of group when the apocalypse began.She hardly trusted anyone after them,and rare... More

Before we get into the storyyyy
Season 1 Introduction
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Season 2 introduction
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Season 3 introduction
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Season 4/5 introduction
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Season 6 introduction
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Season 7 introduction
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43

Chapter 18

324 6 0
By GreedyCheese

TW!!The content in this chapter may be triggering for some people.Please skip over the part if you want.

{Your pov}

Rick had spent most his time in the boiler room away from the others.I don't think I've seen him since..Lori.

It reminds me of when I first gave up on Simone.
I didn't talk to anyone,not even Daryl.I detached myself from everyone.I was quiet for weeks.Then I told myself to focused on my main goal.I told myself get over it since there is still people who need protecting,and I couldn't do that if I was bitching around,crying over it.

It was a struggle.Carol,Maggie,Glenn..everyone, helped me through it,even when thought they don't know it.It was hard losin' a kid you've spent years protectin' and takin' care of.

I feel bad for Rick 'cause he doesn't deserve this shit.He got us to this prison.He got us a place to live 'nd stay for awhile.He didn't get a reward like he should've,instead he lost his wife,almost his son.

{3rd person pov}

Y/n sat on the table watching the others eat.
Daryl watched Carl.He hadn't even touched his food,just stared at it silently.

It was silent an uncomfortable silence.Y/n hated it and wanted to leave so badly,but stayed to let Carl know she was there.He was a kid so she didn't expect him to open up to her.

Just then Rick came up to the bars.

"Everybody okay?"He asked.They looked over to him.

"Yeah,we are."Maggie said.

Beth unlocked the gate opened it and Rick walked in."What about you?"Hershel asked.

"I cleared out the boiler block."Rick said."And how many were inside?"Y/n asked."I don't know..a dozen..maybe two."Rick said with a shrug."I have to get back.Just wanted to check in on Carl."He said patting Carl's back.

"Rick,we can handle the bodies.You dont have too."Glenn said standing up."No,I do."He retorted.All of them looked at Rick concerned.

"Everyone have a gun and a knife?"Rick asked walking up to Daryl."Yeah.We're runnin' low in ammo,though."Daryl said."Maggie and me were planning on making a run this afternoon."Glenn said."Ill come."Y/n chimed in.

She wanted to get out of the uncomfortable 'abode' for now.The only way was to go on a run and be a third wheel with Maggie and Glenn.

Glenn nodded.Y/n looked back at Daryl and he paced around looking at Y/n too.

"We cleared out the generator room.Axel's there tryin' to fix it."Daryl said looking away from Y/n scrunching his eyebrows."Good.Good."Rick said walking out shutting the gate.

"Rick!"Hershel called out,trying to get him back.
Hershel was getting frustrated at Rick.Him being like this..just won't help group.


Y/n went outside and sat against the wall.
Maggie came out moments later.She saw Y/n and sat next to her.

"You haven't asked for a cigarette in months."She said.Y/n nodded."Thought might as well quit.
Simone hated when I did it."Y/n grinned.

Maggie smiled."You must've really loved him."
She said.Y/n looked down at her hand with a bitter look.

"Yeah.."Y/n said.She chewed on the inside of her cheek waiting for Maggie to say something,or do something."You okay?"She looked up at Maggie.
Maggie nodded avoiding eye contact with Y/n.

"You saw a lot the other day.Somethin' no one should experience.Especially with a friend."Y/n said.

Maggies eyes filled with tears."I was there and I couldn't stop it."She said.Y/n looked around.

The green trees waved in motion with the wind.
The sun buzzing down,heating the cement up.Bugs and critters chirping everywhere around them.

"It ain't your fault Mag.What happened,
happened and it shouldn't have.It was inevitable. Carl,Lori,nor you deserved that."Y/n said not knowing the right words to say.

Y/n turned to her, hesitantly wrapped her arm around Maggie's shoulder and pulled her closer.Maggie laid her head on Y/n's shoulder as she cried.Y/n rubbed her thumb on her shoulder staring off into the distance some more.

This was the first Y/n had hugged someone in a long time.To her it felt nice and comforting.


Y/n checked the batteries in the flashlight and then put it in her bag.She grabbed the gun and checked the ammo.It was low but still useful.
She put it in the holder and grabbed other things.

Then Daryl walked in.Y/n turned her head.

"You're back finally.Im 'bout to leave,need anythin'?"Y/n asked.Daryl shook his head."Ya sure?"She asked.Daryl's face had a tint of red on his cheeks.He nodded.Y/n looked at him confused.She exhaled quietly then grabbed her bow.

"Well,Ill see ya 'round."She said.Before she could leave Daryl grabbed her arm and pulled her back.

"Wha..What's wrong?"She asked looking down at the hand on her arm.Daryl stared at her as she looked at him confused.

"Um.."He let go of her arms."So..are we.."He started."We what?"She asked.

"God,don't make me say it,Y/n."He groaned out his hand over his face.His face grew more red of embarrassment.

Y/n just looked at him then a smiled crept up on her face."We..a thing...like couple shit.."Daryl asked awkwardly making a whole shit ton of unnecessary hand gestures.Y/n paused and then snorted.

"Thats cute,D.Don't gotta be embarrassed to ask."She smiled.Daryl looked away.Y/n looked down,knowing he's being serious.

"We'll talk after the run."Y/n stepped in front of him."I really really do like you.But I don't want you to be hurt if I don't come back after this run."Y/n said.Daryl's face saddened.

"So before I say anything,I gotta get past this run."She said."Yer not gonna die."Daryl grumbled.Y/n gave a sad smiled."I gotta go."She whispered and slowly left the room.She looked back before continuing on down the stairs.Daryl stood there for a minute,biting his lip.Then left as well.


Y/n threw her bag in through the window and climbed in.

"There are doors for a reason."Maggie said."Yeah,but the world has ended,people are infected.I think I can get into a car however I like.I think we can all agree to there's no difference between weird and normal anymore."
Y/n shrugged.Glenn laughed and got into the driver seat.

"Mk,where we headed?"Y/n looked at the two and patted the driver seat and passenger seat.


They approached the store and Glenn stopped the car.He turned off the engine and got out.

"Ah perfect.Hopefully we'll find somethings in there."Y/n said grabbing her things and getting out the car.Y/n put an the nock of the arrow on her bow string and pulled back,holding it down to her side.

"Clear outside."Maggie said."Alright,lets take a look."Glenn said."Hey.."

Maggie kissed Glenn.Y/n looked down.She scoffed.

"Ok,c'mon you two.Find ammo,kiss later."Y/n said.Glenn came over and cut the locks with the cutters.He opened the door and birds flew out.They gasped and ducked down."Jesus.."Y/n watched the birds fly away.

"Be ready for anything."Y/n said with an exhale.
Maggie nodded."Glenn,get that duck."Maggie said."What?"He asked looking at her confused.

"Get that duck."She said again with a more serious tone.Glenn laughed."Are you serious?"

Maggie nodded."A kid growing up in a prison could use some toys."Maggie said with a shrug.
"She's right.Grab it and hell grab the the others too."Y/n said with smile.


Y/n picked up and basket full of baby formula, putting her bow inside it.

"Probably make it in time for dinner."Glenn said.
"I like the quiet.Back there,back home,you can always hear 'em outside the fence no matter where you are."Maggie said.

"And where is it ya'll good people are callin' home?"A voice said.

They all turned their head,hearing a gun hammer click.Y/n dropped the basket and grabbed her gun.Maggie and Glenn quickly pulled out their guns to raised them.Y/n saw who it was.She lowered hers.

"Merle?"She looked at him."Holy shit.Well if it isn't Y/n.Damn,well haven't you hit a glow up since last I saw ya."Merle whistled.Y/n scoffed and rolled her eyes."You know him?"Glenn asked.

"Uh,yeah he use to come into the bar I worked at a lot."She said."Only way I knew him."She said.

"Y/n this man is a horrible man and can not be trusted."Glenn said."I know."She glared at Merle.


Y/n wiped down the bar counter with a cloth then turned around putting it in the sink.

"You asshole!"Yelled a voice.Y/n turned around.
"You cheated!"The voice said."No the hell I didn't."Y/n looked at the men playing poker in the corner.She rolled her eyes at their stupidity.

She walked behind the counter and too the table.

"We gotta problem here?"She asked, shoving the cloth in her back pocket."Nothin' a pretty girl like you can solve."Merle said.

"Shut it,Merle.I ain't talkin' to you."Y/n said.
Merle raised his hands in defense.Y/n looked at the other man."What's the problem?"She asked."He cheated!I wan' a re-match!"The man shouted."I won fair and square."Merle said."You sound like 5 year olds.Sir,if you can not quiet down,Im gonna have to ask you to leave."Y/n said,putting her hand on her hip.

The man scoffed then walked out the bar.
"Thanks sweetheart."Merle said."You better leave a good tip."Y/n grumbled walking back behind the island.


"Y/n he tried to kill us."Glenn said.Y/n glared at Merle."Damn Y/n,I feel hurt."Merle said putting down his gun and raising his hands in the air.

He started to walk forward a little."Hey,back the hell up!"Maggie yelled."Okay,okay,honey!Jesus!"

"You made it."Glenn said."Can you tell me,is my brother alive?"Merle asked.

"Who's your brother?"Y/n asked.Merle looked at her."Daryl."He said.Y/n's eyes widened in disbelief."What."She looked at Glenn."He's fine."Glenn said.

"Hey,you take me him and Ill call it even on everything that happened up there in Atlanta.No hard feelings,huh?"Merle asked.

Glenn looked at his metal arm.Merle noticed and lifted his arm up.

"You liked that?Yeah,well I found myself a medical supply warehouse.Fixed it up myself."He said shaking his metal hand."You're not coming back with us."Y/n snapped back.

"C'mon sweetheart,y'know me.Tell yer pals we're all good and I can see my brother again."
Merle said."I can't do that Merle.We'll tell Daryl you're here and he'll come out to meet you."Y/n asserted.

"Hold on.Just hold on.Hold on here,"Merle started to walk closer."Merle,back the hell up."Y/n demands,cocking her gun.

"Hey,the fact that we found each other here is a miracle dont ya think?Come on now.Ya can trust me."Merle said."You trust us,you stay here." Glenn stated

.Merle chuckled.It went quiet,then he pulled out a gun from his pocket and shot at Maggie.

"No!"He shrieked.

They went around the car and pointed their weapons at Merle who held a gun go Maggie's head.Y/n let out an angered sigh.she glared at him breathing heavily.

"Hey,hey,hold up,buddy hold up."Merle said.
"Let go of her.Let go of her!"Glenn yelled.
"Merle,you don't know what the hell you're gettin' yourself into,do not this.."Y/n stated angrily.

"Now now,Y/n dont loose yer temper now.Don't want anythin' to happen to yer pretty little friend here,or is she yer girlfriend,huh?"He said.

Glenn looked at Y/n then back at Merle.

"Now yer gonna listen to me and if ya don't..."He demanded.

"Put yer weapons in the the car,right now."He said.Y/n looked at Glenn then glared at Merle.
"Put it in the car,kids."He said.They slowly put them in the truck then backed up and put their hands in the air.

"There you go.Now we're gonna go for a little drive."Merle said."We're not goin' back to our camp."Glenn said.Y/n shook her head,agreeing with Glenn.

"Nah..we're goin' somewhere else."says Merle as he stood up,with his arm around Maggie's neck and the other free hand with the gun.

"Get in the car,Glenn!You're drivin'!"Merle yelled."Move!"He shouted."Don't."Glenn said to Y/n,knowing she's planning something

"Okay.."Y/n breathed.He went to the driver
seat."Get up." Merle said yanking Maggie up."Don't you hurt her."Y/n said."Shut up!"He yelled.Y/n glared at him.

"Get in the car!Now!"Y/n got in and Merle put Maggie next to her.


Y/n tried to pull her hands out of the take and take the gag out of her mouth.She tried to tip the chair over.She grunted in frustration.She looked at Maggie who was looking down with tears in her eyes.

"Hmph."Y/n muffled trying to get her attention.
"Hmph!"She muffled a little louder.

"What?"Maggie looked at her quickly.Maggie didn't have a gag in her mouth.Merle said it was because she wasn't an angry talker like Y/n.

Y/n shook her head."Now,I wanna know where they're hiding!"They heard Merle yelled.He was trying to get Glenn to talk about their camp.

Y/n tried to say something through the gag but she couldn't.She groaned in frustration.She rolled her eyes and turned her head.Y/n tried to kick the table to tip the chair over but it didn't work.

"Y/n just stop.It ain't gonna work."Maggie said causing her voice to crack.They then heard thudding from the next room.Maggie flinched then started to sob quietly.

"Maphi!"Y/n muffled Maggie's name.She wanted her to look at her but she couldn't tear her eyes from the wall.

They continued to hear the punching before it finally stopped after a long period of time.Merle went back to talking.

Then they heard the door open and close.
"He left.Is Glenn okay?Do you think he's okay?"Maggie asked looking at Y/n,breathing heavily.Y/n nodded out of breath from trying to get free.

Then the door opened back up and they heard growling."Oh no..no,no,no."Maggie looked at the walk panicky.Shit.

"Maphi!"Y/n muffled.

Then the growling stopped and they heard Glenn shouting.Maggie started to cry again.Hearing him in pain just..broke them both.Y/n stopped hearing him.She wanted to cry,she also wanted to beat the living shit outta Merle for doing this to Glenn.

Y/n grew angrier.She shifted around in her chair.Finally,she got the gag out of her mouth.

"Maggie,Maggie,honey,look at me.He's gonna be fine.Okay?He's strong and he's gonna be fine."Whispered Y/n softly,with a nod.Maggie nodded as well."Ok.."She whispered."Yeah.."She looked at the door.


It was quiet for awhile until the door opened.
A guy with brown hair and a blue button up shirt came in.He stared at them as he slowly walked over to them.He took out a knife and walked over to Maggie.

"Don't you dare-" "Y/n don't."Maggie said.
Maggie prepared for the worst.Y/n squirmed in her chair.

She watched as he went behind Maggie and cut the duct tape from her hands.Y/n sighed in relief and stopped moving as much.Then he went over to Y/n and did the same.Y/n rubbed her wrist.

The man walked to the other end of the table.
"May I?"He asked to sit on the chair.Maggie crossed her arms.

"Thank you."He said sitting down anyway.

"We'll take you back to your people,explain this was all just a misunderstanding."He said.
"You tell us where they are and we'll drive you there."He said."We want to talk to Glenn."Maggie said."We ain't sayin' shit till we do."Y/n retorted.

"I can't allow that.Your people are dangerous.
Handcuffed my man to a roof,forced him to amputate his own hand."He said."We don't know anythin' 'bout that."Maggie said.

"You just tell us where they are and we'll bring 'em here."The man said looking at Y/n.He leaned back in his chair and crossed his arms.

"You'll be safe,I promise."He said."How can we trust that when you beat one of ours?"Y/n asked.
"You must think we're really stupid."Y/n said."So no?"

TW:SA(may be uncomfortable for some viewers.Please skip if needed)

They ignored him and just stared at him.

"Fine.Lets try something else."He spoke up.
"Stand up please.You,the..short haired one."He said meaning Y/n.She ignored him.He leaned closer."Stand up."Maggie stood up instead.

"Okay,even better."He said."Take off your shirt."He said.Y/n's eyes widened."No."Maggie said clenching her teeth."Take off your shirt or Ill bring Glenn's hand in here."He said.Maggie trembled.

"Maggie,no.Not her,Ill do anything for you if you leave Maggie alone!"Y/n hollered slamming her hands on the table.

"Y/n.."Maggie whispered looking at her."I got this."Y/n nodded with a sad smile.

"Sit,Maggie."The man said.Maggie looked at Y/n once more.Maggie hesitantly sat down.

"Take off your shirt.Go on."The man said to Y/n.
Y/n breathed sharply.Y/n took off her green jacket then her baggy band t-shirt she had tucked into her pants.She stopped at the black long sleeved shirt under it,getting uncomfortable.

"That too."He observed her.Y/n shook her head as her eyes started to burn."Maggie."He said looking at Maggie.Then Y/n quickly took off her black sleeved shirt.

She was left standing with her arms covering her stomach and only in her sports bra.Maggie's eyes were wide as she gazed at Y/n's arms and side,
seeing healed scars everywhere.

"Damn..those are a lot of scars.Get into a lotta fights?Horrible parents?Or did you just hate yourself that much."He said.Y/n's eyes filled with tears and looked at Maggie and looked everywhere quickly.She was humiliated and embarrassed.

"Go on."He said pointing at the bra.Y/n closed her eyes and grabbed the bra strap and pulled it over her head and dropped it on the floor,with her other clothes.

Y/n held her arms across her chest covering herself as much as she can.The man stood up,
taking off his belt and walked around the table,not taking his eyes off her.Y/n looked away.

"Y/n.."Maggie whispered.

The man pushed Maggie away,and moved the chairs."You said you wouldn't touch her."Y/n choked back a sob.

Y/n had a sick feeling in her stomach feeling his touch.She wondered why Merle was letting him to do this to her.He grabbed Y/n's hair and smelt it.

If Maggie wasn't here,she'd definitely do something about this,but she couldn't risk anything happening to her nor Glenn.

Then he grabbed a fist full of hair and pushed her head down on to the table.

"So you gonna talk?" He asked.Y/n gulped."You can do whatever you're gonna do.I ain't spillin'.Go to fuck yourself."Y/n growled.He pushed the hair away from Y/n's face then ran his hand down her back.He got off her and stepped away.Y/n sat there for a minute waiting for him to leave.He grabbed her clothes.

"You can have these back when you leave."He said and left the room.Y/n stood up and covered her chest again."Y/n,are you okay?"Maggie asked touching Y/n's shoulders.She shrugged her hands off and walked to the corner of the room.She curled up with her knees to her chest.

"They're gonna come."Y/n said.

"They're gonna come and I know it."She said and wiped her face from tears.Maggie nodded.

-Earlier that day-

"They aren't back yet."Daryl said to Carol.
"They will be."She reassured him.Then Rick came in."The girl saw them."He said. "What?"
Daryl stood up quickly.

"Glenn,Maggie and Y/n.They were taken by someone from a place called Woodbury.She also found Y/n's bow in with the formula."He said.
"Oh hell no.We're goin'."Daryl cursed.

"Daryl we need a plan."Rick said."We can make one along the way."Daryl snapped back,loading his crossbow and walking into the courtyard.


The door opened and Merle came in.He grabbed Y/n and Maggie and put them into the hands of the other guys.They took them to Glenns room.Glenn had a piece of wood in his hand.

"Hey!"They pointed the gun at Y/n and Maggie.
"Drop it."They said.Maggie and Y/ns eyes widened.Glenn looked at Maggie.Maggie softly nodded to him.

Glenn dropped the wood."We're through with games.Now one of you is gonna give up your camp."The governor said pulling out his gun.
Glenn shook his head slightly.The gun clicks and he pointed the gun at Maggie's head,knowing they were together.

Then he walked up to Glenn and pointed it at his head.

"God damn it.."Y/n muttered.Maggie breathed heavily."The prison."Maggie stammered.
"The one near Nunez?"Merle asked."The place is overrun."The governor said."We took it."Y/n murmured."How many of you are there?"One asked."10,we have 10 now."Maggie said.

"10 people cleared that whole prison of biters?"
Merle looked at Maggie.

They fell silent.

The governor lowered his gun."Leave her,put the other in the other room."The governor said.They pushed Maggie to Glenn."Y/n!"Maggie shouted.
Glenn held on to Maggie.

They dragged Y/n out of the room and to the other."You talk to damn much.Dont want ya to plan anything."The governor pushing Y/n in.
He closed the door after he left.

Y/n crawled to a corner and curled up in the corner.Tears fell down her cheek as she stared off on to the floor.

She was better off in the room alone.It was better if she wasn't in there to sit shirtless in front of the two.It was humiliating.

Y/n kept telling herself everyone back home would know somethings up.But deep down,she didn't really know.


I hated this episode so fucking much.The governor was a fucking creep and weirdo.

3821 wc

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